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Hostile Takeover

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Disgruntled employees turn the tables on their boss.
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Mark sat in his cubicle, hard at work. The monthly report on the department's finances, the production of which he had involvement in, was to be completed by Monday. Becky and Stan had already told him they were almost done with their part.

No way am I going to mess us up.

"Attention everyone," came a stern voice from the front of the office.

Heads popped out from cubicles like prairie dogs to regard their boss. Katherine Haller was tall, stern, and always business-like; despite her aloofness, Mark found her quite attractive. If she were not his boss, he might think to ask her out, despite the age difference. He figured she was in her mid-forties, but of course would never ask. Josh and Garrett always joked that she had not been laid since the nineties, but Mark did not think she was so icy.

"I know you are all working hard," she continued. "You're all doing a great job, but there's more that we need to accomplish. So to that end, I'm going to make tomorrow a mandatory work day, from ten to three. That way we can get more work done, but it won't be a full day. Again, thank you for working hard, and I apologize if this ruins any plans."

She turned and strode back into her office. A second after she closed the door behind her, a chorus of groans sounded out from the cubicles.

"That fucking sucks," said Ryan, Mark's cubicle neighbor, from across their partition. "I had Dodgers tickets for tomorrow afternoon."

"We both know they'll lose," taunted Garrett from next to them, leaning on the partition.

"Eat shit," Ryan shot back, sitting back down.

Mark went back to his work. He could hear grumbling around him, but ignored it. It did annoy him somewhat; tomorrow he had plans to visit his grandmother, but he could push it to later in the day.

She at least said from ten to three, so we can come in later and leave earlier.

The rest of the morning flew by. Before long, Mark headed into the break room for lunch. Garrett, Ryan, and Josh were sitting together, murmuring about something. He headed over and pulled up a chair; Garrett shot him a queer look.

"What's up?" Mark asked.

Garrett glanced towards the door. The four of them were the only ones currently in the breakroom.

"We're talking about Katherine," Josh said.

"What about?"

"What do you think?" Garrett spat. "Tomorrow's the second Saturday this month she's made us come in to work."

Mark shrugged.

"She just needs us to work hard. It's not like we're not getting paid for it."

Garrett rolled his eyes.

"Anyway," Josh cut in, "we have a solution."

"To working tomorrow?" Mark asked, confused.

Josh nodded.

"Yes, and to her being a massive bitch."

Mark squirmed in his seat, uncomfortable with the insult.

But he was curious.

"What's the solution?"

"I've known plenty of bitches like her," Garrett said, keeping an eye on the door. "They're tight-assed, but once you give them a good fuck, they loosen right up."

Mark frowned.

"You think she'll have sex with you?"

Garrett rolled his eyes again.

"She won't want to, at first. But between the three of us, four if you want to join, we can show her what she's missing. And then she'll lighten up. Be less of a bitch."

Mark looked over to Ryan and Josh to see them nodding in agreement. Their support of such an idea surprised him; they frequently made fun of Katherine's perceived iciness, but he had never pegged them for something like this.

"That's rape," he said numbly.

Ryan chuckled, and Garrett shrugged.

"Maybe at first. But I'd put money on her quickly loving it. And I'd also put money on her wanting more."

"I don't know guys, it sounds so wrong."

"I could've told you good old Mark would say that," Garrett muttered to Josh. "He's a boy scout, this one."

"I'm not a boy scout."

"Oh really? What were your plans for tomorrow? Ryan was going to watch the Dodgers lose, Josh was going to work on his car, and I was planning to sleep in. What were your plans?"

Mark looked Garrett dead in the eyes.

"I was planning on visiting my grandma."

Josh and Ryan chuckled.

Garrett threw up his hands, as if he had won some debate.

"See? Boy Scout, through and through."

"I don't have to be a boy scout to know what you want to do to Katherine is wrong."

One of their fellow employees walked in and sat down at a nearby table.

"Fine, man, we won't do it," Josh said quickly and quietly. "We were just spitballing."

Mark nodded, satisfied.

They're not that bad. They just talk big, that's all.

The clock was well past five, but Katherine was still hard at work.

Just a bit left, and then I can go home.

A knock came at her door.

"Come in," she said absentmindedly, still engrossed in what was on her computer screen.

It took her a few seconds to look up from her work.

Three of her employees, Garrett Thompson, Josh Corley, and Ryan Ardinger, were standing in front of her. They had closed the door behind them; Ryan was busy closing the blinds.

"Can I help you?" she asked, standing.

"You can, actually," Garrett said, walking over, stopping in front of her.

Cheap cologne hit her nostrils, and she saw a smile creep across his face. He was always quiet and surly, so this unnerving grin was strange to see.

"And we can help you, too," he continued.

"What do you mean?"

His smile grew wider.

"We've figured out why you're such a bitch."

"Excuse me?" she said.

It was far from the first time she had been called that, and she was immediately ready with a tirade about double standards regarding success and the genders.

But what Garrett said next stopped her cold.

"You need to be fucked."

She stepped back, shocked at the casual way he said it, like a doctor diagnosing a patient.

"Not by you," she managed to sputter.

He chuckled softly.

Her eyes flickered to the other two.

"You can't think this is a good idea?" she asked them.

"We do," they replied in unison.

"You need to loosen up," Ryan said, shrugging. "And we can help you."

"I don't need to do anything," she said, moving closer to her desk. Her purse, with her pepper spray, was underneath.

"You don't know it yet," Garrett said. "But you'll thank us when we're done."

She glanced at Josh.

"You agree with them? You think raping me will help me?"

"It won't be rape unless you fight us," he pointed out.

"You expect me to spread my legs and let you three go to town?"

Josh shrugged.

"If you don't, we'll take what we want. And you'll love it."

"What makes you think that?" she asked, inching closer to her desk.

"I've known plenty of women like you," Garrett said, "and they all loosened up after a good fuck."

"I'm not those women," she protested.

It was plain to see that she would not be able to sway them so easily. They had anger in their eyes, lust undercutting it.

Katherine dove for her purse, kicking out at an oncoming Garrett. Her heel caught his knee, which pushed him back briefly. The pepper spray was quickly in her hand, but Josh was slightly quicker, his hand closing around her wrist, yanking it back. She squealed in pain, dropping her only hope of holding them off. Garrett picked it up and tossed it into the corner of the office. Josh's grip tightened, and he did not let go despite her hardest whacks against his shoulder. An ugly smile crossed his face, and he shoved her against the wall.

"The janitor will be coming by to clean up," she warned, pressing back against the wall as the three men closed in on her.

Garrett shook his head.

"We slipped him a fifty, told him we wanted to pull a prank. He knows us, we're cool with him."

She was breathing heavily, strands of hair loose from her practical bun. The situation was out of control; Katherine was used to being in the driver's seat, but here she was just a helpless passenger.

"You could get in big trouble for this."

Garrett shook his head again.

"By the time we'll be done with you, you won't want us to. Trust me, you'll want to keep us around."

"How can you be so confident?" she asked, hoping to buy time.

Luckily, Garrett was willing to chat.

"I've done this before."

"Raped somebody?"

"They didn't call it that when we were done."

"Who was it?"

"One was an ex-girlfriend of a buddy of mine. A stone-cold fox, but a frigid bitch. I convinced my buddy to let me help him. The two of us and a third friend fucked her brains out one night. She never said no to him after that. Another time, there was this cunt who lived in my old apartment building. Always rude and bitchy. I brought in a friend, and we fucked her all night long. By the morning, she was slobbering on my balls like a trained dog. There have been others too."

"So you think because that happened it'll be the same with me?"

He nodded.

"Like I said, I've done it before. You bitches talk big but it doesn't take long to bring you down to earth."

While he had been talking, she had been weighing her options. Ryan had slipped around her desk to block her in that direction. Garrett was directly in front of her, with Josh just behind him. There was an opening between them.

I have to be quick. Hopefully Josh is slow.

Katherine made her move, darting past Garrett, who was in the middle of another misogynistic monologue about women.

Her desperate action surprised them, so she managed to make it to the door. Frightened gasps flooded from her lips in droves; time seemed to stop as she frantically unlocked the door, and yanked it open.

Someone slammed into her from behind, closing the door again, forcing her against it.

"Stupid bitch," Garrett snarled. "Keep fighting and you'll face the consequences."

"You're already going to rape me," she gasped back, "how much worse can it get?"

"Much worse," he answered. His hand curled into her hair, and he pulled her back. She squealed as he forced her towards the couch, flinging her onto it. The second she hit the leather, Ryan and Josh descended to hold her arms down.

She looked up at Garrett, who was standing smugly over her.

His hand went to her crotch, where he quickly started working on her belt. She freaked out, shouting and writhing, trying to kick out at him. Josh lunged forward, pressing his hand over her mouth. Her muffled cries filled the office, her legs going wild as Garrett worked steadily. He opened her belt, but a hard kick caught his chest. His eyes blazed with rage, and he reached down to wind his hand into her hair again. A harsh yank made her squeal.

"Look at me, bitch," he hissed. "Do I look like you want to get on my bad side?"

She mewled, sweating profusely from fright. Her legs kicked out again, but he intercepted one and held it fast. The other one wriggled in the air, trying to hit him somewhere, but that one was quickly snagged by Ryan, who was now doing double duty restraining an arm and a leg.

Garrett unzipped her trousers, the soft purr of the zipper heralding her oncoming rape. He yanked them down, Josh helping him raise her hips to slide them down around her hips. They bunched at her knees, but Garrett and Ryan quickly let go of her legs to tear the trousers off. Just as quickly, they held her legs down again.

Her panties were the last line of defense before her sex. It lasted seconds, as Garrett reached down and rudely tugged them off. The black scrap of fabric was tossed to the floor, and then Garrett leaned forward to her blouse. She writhed, trying to move away, but the three of them held her fast. He tore the fabric open, exposing her bra. That was torn off as well, her breasts bouncing slightly as they were liberated.

Garrett smiled and stood, admiring her body. Katherine was not a work-out freak, but she did her best to keep in shape. Her body had a bit more fat than she wanted, but she thought it fit her well, made her seem curvier.

"Not bad, boss," Garrett commented.

"Please," she gasped, "don't do this."

Ryan chuckled from next to her.

"Accept it," he advised her.

She writhed against the leather of the couch, trying to summon the strength to escape. This was unthinkable, that her own employees would do this to her, but here they were, and here she was.

"Keep holding her arms down," Garrett ordered the other two. "I'll go first; once I'm done, the two of you can go."

They nodded.

Garrett began to undress. If Katherine had been in a different situation, she might have called him attractive. He obviously worked out, and when he finally shed his boxers, what hung between his legs was indeed impressive.

He took his shaft in his hand and stroked lazily.

"Like what you see?"

"Please don't do this," she begged.

He clambered onto the edge of the couch and pushed her legs back towards her chest. Keeping an eye on her face, he slid two fingers into his mouth, getting them wet with saliva, and then sent them to her sex.

As she watched, horrified, they slid in between her lips. She bit back a gasp as she felt the digits curl quickly once inside her, brushing along her walls. He grinned at her, curling the fingers again, this time eliciting an actual gasp.

Garrett was surprisingly deft, moving his fingers around, testing her channel. To her horror, her body was responding, the adrenaline leading to arousal. Her horror mounted when Garrett noticed.

"The bitch is wet," he commented.

Ryan and Josh chuckled.

Garrett slipped his fingers out. With a wide grin, he brought his cock to bear, aiming it at her slit.

"Please don't do this..."

He hesitated.

For a split second Katherine hoped he might be having second thoughts.

But then he lunged forward, pushing his cock through her slit. She groaned, a few inches barreling into her channel. He did not pause, instead pushing more into her. The fullness was uncomfortable; the only thing that had been in her pussy over the past ten or so years, besides her fingers, was a slim vibrator. Garrett's member was much fatter and longer.

He pushed again, coming closer, looming over her. Sweat was dotting his forehead, his teeth gritted.

"Fuck, she's tight."

"She won't be when we're done with her," Ryan said.

Garrett nodded, distracted by the feeling of her channel clutching at his shaft.

Katherine groaned as he pushed deeper. Her lips flowered open for him, forced to accommodate what he was giving her. She squirmed still, but her body was at their mercy.

Garrett's body was upon her now, inches away, the muscled flesh rippling as he thrust forward. She tossed her head back, pain radiating from deep in her belly. This was something she was not used to, so neither was her body.

"How do you like my dick?" he asked, sneering at her.

She turned her head, closing her eyes.

Seconds later, a hand snaked into her hair, and a sharp yank made her cry out, her eyes flying open.

Garrett's intense eyes stared at her.

"Answer me," he growled, "or I'll let Ryan and Josh stick theirs in right now. We'll ruin your pussy in seconds."

Katherine whimpered in fear.

"Please no..."

"So then answer me. How do you like my dick?"

She shook her head, tears starting to stream down her cheeks.

"I don't like it," she sobbed softly.

"That's a shame," he said conversationally.

Her weak sobs filled the office; through the haze of tears, she heard Garrett start to talk again.

"But what if I do this?"

His hand drifted to her clit, and he pressed a finger against it. She squealed at the sharp thrill that shot through her as the pad of his finger rubbed along the sensitive nub. Her body rippled with sparks of pleasure. Said pleasure was still far off, and overshadowed by the pain, but it was nevertheless there.

Her eyes widened at the thought that there could be pleasure for her in this situation.

The leather squeaked as she wriggled, halfheartedly pushing against Ryan and Josh. Escape was unlikely, but she knew she should still try.

Garrett thrust, sinking his entire length inside her. She squealed as her pussy was forced to take every last inch of his formidable shaft. It was unfamiliar territory, having something so deep inside her. He was tickling places she had never reached with her fingers or vibrator. It made her quiver, made her gasp when he pulled back and thrust again.

It quickly became a rhythm, Garrett pumping steadily into her depths. His finger lazily pressed at her clit from time to time, catching her off-guard each time. It put her on edge, horrified and embarrassed at each spike of pleasure being forced into her body by this disgusting rapist.

A strange sound hit her ears as Garrett sped up. She glanced down, and saw trickles of clear fluid leaking from her slit. Her eyes widened, a sad and fearful whimper escaping her lips as she realized the sound was her wetness, the squishing of her flooded folds as Garrett fucked her. He laughed in response, giving her a few harder thrusts, making her body bounce.

His finger trailed along her clit again, and then he changed tack, pinching it between two fingers. She squealed, arching her back, so many sensations being forced into her from his careless handling. Garrett rolled the sensitive button between two fingers, grinning at her as he did so. Katherine was helpless, unable to do anything as the pleasure mounted. The uncomfortable feeling of his thick shaft in her depths was slowly but surely transforming into something akin to pleasure. Her pussy clutched at the thick meat as it screwed through her, seizing when it hilted, hitting a particularly deep spot.

It scared her, all of that pleasure. She did not want it, instead doing her best to sink within herself, forcing her mind to drift to other matters. The various duties she had at work and elsewhere occupied her mind briefly, but the arcing ecstasy seeped through the barriers she had hastily erected. The ideas about work fell away as more sensations buffeted her body. She squealed when she felt a wet warmth settle on her flesh; a downward glance showed that Ryan had leaned over to suck at her breast. Her hard nipple was caught between his teeth, the harsh treatment making her body burn hotter. A moan came unbidden from her mouth; it made the men chuckle, which in turn made her cheeks blush with shame.

"Sounds like she likes it now," Garrett grunted, sweat rolling down his muscled chest.

"Yeah, she can't help it," Josh agreed.

"No..." she moaned, shaking her head quickly, wanting to defy them. But her reaction when Garrett gave her a series of quick, deep thrusts showed that her body was incapable of defiance. All she could do was moan again as her cunt clutched fiercely at his shaft. The added pressure at her clit picked up again, Garrett taking a depraved pleasure in watching the agony play over her face.

Her head fell back on the couch, her hair fanning out over the leather. She thought back to earlier in the day: it had seemed like any other Friday, but here she was, at the end of the work day, being raped in her own office by her own employees. Her mind was brought back to the present when Josh latched his mouth on her other breast. The three men used her body, wringing pleasure from it, giving her some at the same time. Garrett fucked harder, laughing at the sight of his peers suckling at her breasts. The wet sound of her pussy taking his cock rang in her ears; tears came again as she lay there, unable to command herself to ignore the sensations. She had neglected her body for so long, that it was too desperate to not accept this offering.

Another moan sprung from her mouth. Her face burned hotter, but so did her body. The shame and arousal were neck-and-neck, mind and flesh battling for supremacy. She had two options: refuse to give in to the lust, or succumb entirely to it. There would be no middle ground; they would not stop fucking her until they sated their twisted desires, until they broke her mind and shaped it to their carnal will.

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