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Hot Library Babe - Tales of The Young Magician Ch. 01

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Bill demands proof. TYM offers HLB’s virgin ass.
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All characters in this story are 18 years of age or older.

Please check the story if there are erotic genres you find distasteful and prefer to avoid. I like to cover a lot of ground, sometimes.

WARNING: This story describes non-consensual intercourse. In real life, the events described would be immoral, and, in most places, illegal.

Hot Library Babe

Tales of The Young Magician - Ch. 1

The Young Magician was kicking it in the school library one afternoon with his friend, Bill, when TYM mentioned, just in passing, that he was the World's Greatest Magician.

Bill looked at TYM for a good long time before he said, "The World's Greatest Magician, is it?"

TYM nodded serenely.

"Well, then," said Bill, taking his feet off the library table and leaning forward, his elbows on his knees. "What say you prove it, old buddy?"

TYM spread his hands in a magnanimous gesture and said, "What would you like most in all the world? Anything at all."

Bill regarded his friend for another long moment, then leaned back in his chair again. "Anything at all, huh?" He looked around the library as if searching for inspiration, then his gaze settled, and he pointed discreetly.

TYM turned his head with equal discretion and breathed, "Ahhh ... you want to fuck Hot Library Babe."

Bill grinned, nodded and said, "Too hard for you?"

TYM grinned back and said, "No, my friend. I can definitely do this thing for you."

Bill's grin vanished, and he said, "Bullshit. You think you can get me in bed with Hot Library Babe?"

TYM shrugged and said, "Maybe not 'in bed,' but I can definitely arrange for you to get your dick inside of her."

"You're on, buddy," said Bill.

"And then you'll admit that I'm The World's Greatest Magician?"

"If you can make it so I get to fuck her," Bill said, "I'll admit that you're God Almighty."

"The World's Greatest Magician is good enough for me," said TYM, and they shook on the deal.

After a long moment, Bill said, "What now?"

"Well," said TYM, "We'll need some supplies. Meet me back here this time tomorrow."


The next afternoon, Bill and TYM met at the library once again. TYM carried a backpack. He whispered a few instructions to his friend, handed him the backpack, and the two of them headed to different parts of the library. Bill went into the stacks, and TYM returned to the table they had occupied the day before.

No more than ten minutes later, TYM was evidently completely engrossed in a book about theosophy when, in his very well-developed peripheral vision, he noted HLB heading into the stacks with a reshelving cart. He sent a text to Bill, and, after a few seconds, followed her.

He worked his way through the stacks on a parallel path to hers until they came to a relatively unfrequented part of the library stacks. TYM knew that HLB would have to reshelve some books from this section because he had taken those books to his table the previous day, before his conversation with Bill.


Hot Library Babe--whose real name was Tanya--pushed the reshelving cart between the aisles of books. This was the part of the job she loved: all the old books, full of forgotten knowledge, the musty smell, the privacy.

There had been precious little of that for her over the past three weeks since school had started, thanks to these "totally awesome" boobs she'd grown over the summer. No, Tanya now lived in the land of leers and sneers: leers from the guys, sneers from the girls.

She pulled the cart to a stop and, taking a book from it, reached up to replace it on the top shelf. Suddenly, a dozen or more books fell from the shelf in front of her and thumped to the floor. Startled, Tanya jumped back a pace. Had she somehow knocked them off?

"Ah, sorry," came a boy's deep voice. Tanya peered through the shelf to the other side where a guy stood, a sheepish expression on his face. It was that cute guy who had been looking at all the interesting books about magic and ancient religions she had come back here to reshelve. "I must have bumped into the shelf," he said. He looked at it, perplexed. "Sorry," he said again. "Hi."

Tanya took in his broad shoulders, his curly hair, his melting brown eyes, and said, "Hi."

The boy took a step closer to the shelf that separated them. She looked up at him.

"You want to see a magic trick?" he asked.

She regarded him. He had been reading books about magic.

"Sure," she said, stepping closer to the shelf that separated them.

The boy reached through the shelf, one hand on either side of the shelf divider. "Give me your hands," he said, his voice like chocolate.

Tanya put her hands in his. They were very warm, like he was wearing invisible heated gloves. Then she

... ... ...

"What?" she said.

"I said, 'can you get out?'" the boy repeated.

Tanya looked at her hands. Her index fingers were in a Chinese finger trap, like they pass out to kids at parties. "Oh," she said, smiling, "Good one. I was all ready for you to make an elephant disappear."

... ... ...

"What?" she said.

"I said, 'can you escape?'" the boy repeated.

Tanya looked at her hands. All her fingers, and her thumbs, were in Chinese finger traps. She tugged at them. They were all stuck fast. She laughed. "Very funny, but I need to pick up all these books. Can you let me go?"

"You have to escape," said the boy, his brown eyes turning a bit stern.

She pulled at her fingers again. With all her fingers bound, she couldn't see a way to get any of them free. She stepped back, pulling against the shelf divider

... ... ...

"What?" she said.

"I said, 'be careful, you could pull this heavy shelf of books down on yourself, if you pull too hard that way.'"

Tanya pulled again, a little. Did the shelf seem to move a bit?

"Let me go," she said, looking up at his ... beautiful ... eyes.

"First," he said, drawing closer, "I have to tell you something."


"In just a minute," he whispered, looking deep into her eyes, "my friend is going to unbutton your pants."

Tanya stared into the boy's eyes for a long moment, then she forced a laugh and said

... ... ...

"What?" she said.

"I said," said the boy, "when my friend starts taking down your pants, you're going to want to call out for help."

"My pants?"

"Yes," said the boy. "Your first instinct will be to scream."


"Yes," said the boy. "He's going to rape you."

"Rape me?" she exclaimed. "You need to let me out of these right n...."

... ... ...

"What?" she said.

"I said," said the boy, "You should think twice about calling out for help."

"... why?"

"Because," he said, "if you call out for help, people will come running to help you."

"But ...."

"It won't take two seconds for my friend to pull your pants down," said the boy. "By the time anyone gets here to help you, we'll be long gone. But what will they see? All the people who come to help you. They'll see you, standing here with your fingers stuck in these kiddie toys and your pants down. They'll see your butt, won't they? Then, for the rest of your time in school, everyone will call you Bare Butt Girl."

Tanya considered this. Then, she felt someone behind her, reaching toward the front of her jeans. She started to turn her head

... ... ...

"What?" she said.

"I said, 'no looking,'" said the boy, wagging a finger in front of her face.

Tanya felt the boy behind her unbutton her pants. She felt an almost irresistible urge to call out for help. He unzipped her jeans. She bit her tongue. Cute Boy was right. Bare Bottom Library Girl. That was what they would call her for the next four years.

"What do you want?" Tanya said, staring fiercely into the boy's eyes.

"I want you to tell me what you feel, what you experience," said the boy.

"While your friend is raping me?"


"I won't," Tanya said, setting her jaw.

... ... ...

"What?" she said.

"I said," the boy said, "if you don't tell me exactly what you are experiencing, I will call out for help myself. I'll yell, 'THERE'S A NAKED GIRL OVER HERE,' and then everyone will come running and see your ass hanging out. Then you'll be Bare Ass Girl to everyone."

Tanya considered this. Once more, she tried to pull her fingers out of the traps. It was no use. Maybe, if it had still just been her index fingers, but now that it was all of them ....

The boy behind her began to pull her pants down.

"Tell me what you feel," said Cute Boy ... Cute Mean Boy.

Tanya bit her lip. "He's pulling my pants down," she admitted reluctantly.

"Go on," he said.

"He's pulled them down to my ankles. He ... he's rubbing my ..."

"What?" he demanded.

"He's rubbing my ... crotch, okay?"

"Through your panties?"

"Through my panties," she confirmed.

"Now what?" said the boy.

"He's undoing my bra," she stated flatly. "He's pushing it up." TYM could see her top and her bra being pushed up to bunch beneath her arms, exposing her breasts to Bill.


Bill was in heaven. This was every fantasy he'd ever had, all rolled into one. His palms itched in anticipation of touching the gorgeous tits he'd been dreaming about for weeks now.

He reached around the girl's torso and took them in his hands. They were big, and soft ... so full, they actually felt like they might be full of milk. He weighed them, bounced them in his hands, squeezed them until he heard a squeak of protest from HLB. He stopped. This was no good. He had to see.

He grabbed HLB's hips and pulled them away from the shelf, forcing her to shuffle backward until her arms were stretched out full length in front of her, then maneuvered himself so he leaned against the shelf, his face inches from her tits. Ahhhh ... beautiful.

He took them reverently in his hands and squeezed gently, watching the nipples pop up at the pressure. He took her nipples between his fingers, pinched them and rolled them, tugged them. He took one between his lips, sucking ... marvelous.


Tanya endured the assault on her breasts with real annoyance. This is what all the rude, leering boys had been wanting to do to her tits ever since school started.

She couldn't understand the appeal. Sure, she liked how good they made clothes look on her, but, other than that, her big, new tits had been nothing but trouble. And this ... it didn't really feelgood ... well, maybe a little, when he didn't squeeze so hard ... and the sucking was ... well, not that bad ... and just licking was kind of ... "Oh!" she said in surprise.

"What?" asked Cute Boy.

"It's ... he's licking ... he's licking around and around my nipple, slow ... it feels ..."

"Feels how?"

"Kind of tingly ... I kind of feel it in my ..." she trailed off distractedly.


TYM stayed quiet for some time, watching the girl's face. Bill evidently had heard her comment, and was concentrating on doing the thing she had liked to her nipples. She was fully engaged, too, her eyes closed, beautiful face intent. Gradually, a light flush began to rise up her neck. Good.

In due course, Bill finished his attentions to HLB's titties, and TYM heard him change position. He continued watching until the girl's eyes popped open.


"He's ... pulling down my panties."


"He's ... he's...."


"He's ... touching my butt ..."


Bill looked at his hands, cupping the beautiful girl's perfect ass. Her skin was flawless. He squeezed her butt cheek and reveled in its soft firmness.

He could not believe this was happening. HLB was, in his estimation, the hottest babe in school. How was TYM doing this? Had he hypnotized her?

Like any teenaged boy with internet, Bill had investigated the feasibility of sex with hypnotized girls. Most of the more reliable-seeming sources maintained that it was all but impossible to make a person do anything under hypnosis that they really didn't want to do, deep down. It was hard for him believe that HLB wanted what they were doing to her right now, though. Maybe it really was magic.

Bill pulled the girl's butt cheeks apart for a look at her tiny, pink asshole. He couldn't help himself: he had to have a taste.


"Now what?" asked TYM.

"He's ... like ... petting my butt, and squeezing it ... he's spreading it apart ... EEW! He's ... he's licking ..." Her voice dropped to a whisper. "He's licking my butthole."

TYM watched the girl's face for a time, reading her sensations as much from her expression as from her words.

"What's happening now?" he asked.

"He's putting his finger in me," she said, her voice hopeless. "He's got his finger in my butt. He's ... sliding it in and out ... it's wet ..."

"How does that feel?"

"How does it feel? It feels like some asshole is putting his finger up my butt without my permission. That's how it feels."

TYM watched her carefully until he detected a subtle change in her expression.

"What now?" he asked.

"He's taking off my shoe."

"Which shoe?"

"My right shoe."

"Go on."

"He's taking my pants leg off over my right foot, okay?" Tanya snapped.

"Okay, spread your feet apart."


"Spread your feet apart," he snapped back. "Do it now."

Resentfully, she did as he asked.

"More," he said. She looked up at him defiantly. "More, now," he commanded, and she spread her feet further apart.


Tanya could feel cool air on her exposed ... crotch.

"What do you feel now?" Cute Boy asked.

"He's ... putting something wet ... slimy ... in my butt. He's sticking his finger in ... no, I think it's two fingers now. Uh. He's sliding them in and out ... it feels ... so weird ..."

"Go on," he said after a minute.

"He took his fingers out. Now he's putting ... is that his di...? No, it's something cool and hard, like glass ... it's like a dildo, a butt dildo ... what's that called? Oh! It's ... it's big ... he's putting it deep ... oh, shit! It gets really fat ... ohhhhhh, OW! There's a really thick part ... is it all the way in? ... Oh! It gets skinnier and slid all the way ... there's some kind of ... it's in me ... it's all the way inside me. It's so big ... my butt is so full ..."


Bill took a good, long look at the glass butt plug he had put in HLB's ass. What a thing to see! He took a few moments to stroke her hips and thighs and butt, enjoying the smooth, soft skin against his palms and the sight of the big sex toy filling her lovely butthole.

Then, he rummaged in TYM's backpack for a couple of items. He coated his right hand with lube. Close at hand to his left, he placed a clean towel and the battery powered vibrator TYM had brought. He shook his head in amazement. Magicians ... they thought of everything.


TYM watched the girl's face. Suddenly, she stiffened.

"Tell me what you feel," he said, compellingly.

"It's his fingers," she said grimly. "They're inside me ... he's going in and out ... he's fucking me with his fingers. It feels ... really full, and ... the dildo thing ... he ... he's pulling it out ... ohhhhh, that's ... so tight ... uh! ... not all the way to the thick part ... he's pushing it back in ... shit! He's pulling it back out ..." she fell silent, eyes closed, concentrating on her sensations.

TYM kept quiet, and, after a short time, she continued without prompting, "He's pulling the dildo out as he puts his fingers in ... not all the way to the really fat part ... then pushing it back in when his fingers come out. It feels ... really, really full."

TYM observed the girl. The pink flush had risen most of the way up her neck. She was almost ready. She started, her eyes opening wide. "Whaat? What's ... he's putting something ... OHHHH! It's vibrating!"

TYM suppressed a grin. Bill had deployed the hitachi.

Her eyes were closed. "It feels," she said, "He's put it against my ... OHHHH!"

"Tell me," TYM ordered.

"It's touching my cl ... it feels so ... ohhhhhhh, that feels ..."

"I think," she said, "... is this? He's like ... he's fucking me ... with his fingers. And the vibrating on my ... it feels ... there's ... I think I'm going to ... I think I'm ... I'm cumming!"

TYM watched the beautiful girl's face as she orgasmed, and he felt triumphant, but the deal was not yet done.


Bill held his hand firmly inside HLB's pussy as she came, feeling it clench down again and again on his fingers, watching her asshole squeezing the butt plug. Amazing. This was the first time he'd ever made a girl cum. He felt like a god.


"Now what?" asked Cute Boy.

Tanya gasped for breath in the wake of her very first orgasm. "He's taking it out ... the butt dildo ... ohhhh ... it's tight, it won't come ... owww ... ah, the big part is ... it's out," she said, sagging with relief. It was short-lived.

Behind her, she felt the boy rise to his feet. She heard the rattle of his belt buckle, the zipper of his pants. His cock was warm as it pressed against her anus, chilled from the glass dildo. He pressed it into her. It slid in easily.


"... he's spreading my ... he's putting ..."

"What? Tell me!" commanded The Young Magician.

The beautiful young woman looked up at him. "He's fucking me," she said. "He's fucking my asshole."

He could see the rise and fall of her shoulders as Bill fucked her ass, and felt the intense satisfaction of a successful performance.


Bill was fucking a girl in the ass, he thought wonderingly. Bill was fucking this girl in the ass. TYM had really done it. He started out fucking her slowly, but soon realized that he probably wouldn't last too long. He quickly accelerated his pace until he was giving her a good, hard ass fucking.

Soon, he was slamming his cock deep into her with every stroke. She moaned, and that was all it took for Bill. One last time he drove his dick all the way in and exploded inside her, filling her ass with what felt like a gallon of hot spunk.


HLB cried out, and TYM knew Bill had finished. He waited for his friend to recover himself and pick up his gear. The girl sagged against the shelf, resting her head against her arms, eyes closed. After a short time, Bill texted that he had made his escape.

He reached out and touched HLB's cheek. She opened her eyes and

... ... ...

"What?" Tanya said. She looked around. There was no one there. Who had she been talking to? Why were there books all over the floor? Why were her pants down? Her tits were out!

Alarmed, she looked up and down the aisle, but she didn't see anyone. Thank God! What had happened? She felt her crotch. It was wet and slimy, and her butthole felt ... really funny.

Hastily, she pulled up her panties, did up her bra, and sorted out the rest of her clothing. Something very strange had happened to her.

Had she been drugged? She couldn't think of another explanation, but she'd skipped lunch today to avoid all the lunchroom drama over her tits. She hadn't really had anything to eat or drink since breakfast at home this morning.

Still puzzling over the incident, she picked up the books and continued her work. Strangely, she didn't feel too worried about whatever had happened. She actually felt pretty good. For some reason, she didn't even hate her boobs as much as she had this morning.

Shrugging, Tanya hummed a song to herself as she pushed her cart along the aisle.

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OpenWordsOpenWordsabout 1 year ago

Too fast, too easy... Just makes it boring.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I agree with Master_Doctor. Good writing but the constant back and forward of the characters makes the story feel disjointed and less great than it could have been. It doesn’t feel lazy to me, more like you tried a new writing style that didn’t work out so well.

You write well tho so I hope you keep writing.

Master_DoctorMaster_Doctoralmost 2 years ago

I liked your story however it felt lazy. You have a good grasp of writing English, that much is clear. So why do you write like a txt message. It would have flowed a LOT better without the constant HLB and TYM. describe them once and given them a name... it works a whole lot better. I would also suggest the use of more descriptive adjectives. I loved your concept and your writing otherwise.

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