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Hotspur Ch. 03-06

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Myfanwy is brought to intrigue.
5.5k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 03/17/2023
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Chapter 3 Conspiracies

After dressing and escorting Lady Ruth back to her chamber, Myfanwy helped her to her bed. In a frenzy of activity, she found bandage rolls, water, salt, and balms. Under Ruth's weary direction, Myfanwy undressed her and lay naked on her bed, she cleansed the welts that stood livid on her buttocks and lower back, using the salt and water, then dried the wounds with a cutting from the bandage, finally applying the balms.

"Do not worry so, child. The Lord Protector has never hurt me so much that I will not recover. By morning, I will able to attend to my duties." Lady Ruth soothed, Myfanwy said but a little.

"He will beat me too, will he not?" Myfanwy asked shyly, her voice uncertain and anxious.

"Chastising me brings on his prick. He has much on his troubled mind and when he thrashes our bodies, he is relieved." Ruth rolled onto her side to talk to Myfanwy.

"Do you like it?" Myfanwy asked, "You asked me to beat you and as your cunny..." Myfanwy's question died on her lips.

"It brings on his stiffness, and I enjoy the Lord Protector prick in my cunny. I like his hand on my arse." Ruth reached out and pulled Myfanwy close and bid her rest.

"You shall sleep in my bed tonight, Myfanwy, lest my wounds need of you." With that, Myfanwy shrugged off her gown and settled in beside Lady Ruth. Myfanwy had slept in Caris's bed and even her maid had slept with her, while in Wales when the cold nights drew in.

In the chilled morning light, Myfanwy felt Lady Ruth's hand upon her breast brushing it lightly. Immediately, her nipple stiffened and a warm, liquid fell through her cunny. Blinking in the ray of sunlight through the heavy curtains, she saw Lady Ruth prop herself on one elbow and put her mouth to Myfanwy's right breast. Myfanwy could feel Ruth's tongue swirl on her small pink areolae and her lips tense on her stiffening nipple. The effect was instant, her cunny watered, instinctively she inched her hand to her cunny lips but encountered Lady Ruth's hand moving too and pushed her thin tight cunny lips apart. Ruth detached from her nipple,

"You are quite beautiful; Myfanwy and I want to love you." Simple words that relaxed the startled Myfanwy to allow Ruth's curious fingers into her cunny.

Of course, Myfanwy was no stranger to a woman's love. Caris used her mouth on her body after she had finished with the groom in the barn. The young women, not more than 19 had played with the seed left by the groom. In the warm evening, Caris had shown her reddening cunny to Myfanwy and she had kissed it better, then the kiss became her licking tongue. Caris advised her tongue to love her more powerfully. She then took Myfanwy's pert, little breasts and suckled on them until they both used their fingers to make each other come to a climax. Myfanwy lay in Caris's arms, breathing hard but her body was never so satisfied. That was when Caris told her that she was to be married to a Border Captain.

As was his usual design, Hotspur called for Lady Ruth to him, for his ritual cleansing. Myfanwy attended him also, as her postulant. He stood naked, in a round tiled bath, as Ruth and Myfanwy also naked, soaped him and washed him thoroughly.

"Forgive my lust and perversions, Lady Ruth, I trust I did not injure you too severely?" Hotspur always begged the forgiveness of his Ladies.

"I am well Milord Hotspur. The Lady Myfanwy treated my buttocks and all is well."

Hotspur couldn't help but enquire, "Are you appalled by the match your father has made for you, Lady of the Western Marches? Do my perversions fill you with horror?" A wry smile played on his lips.

"She is young Milord and unknowing of the world. As for your chastisements, you may heap them upon me at any hour. Your hands are God's righteous hands upon my flesh."

Hotspur smiled, as she knelt to kiss his feet, then his hands.

Hotspur's cock twitched with interest.

"Your love sustains me, Ruth." Hotspur pulled her up and kissed her fully on the mouth.

Myfanwy was shocked to hear no 'lady' or title used and 'love' was never mentioned in her whole time in this New Jerusalem.

"Come to me at luncheon, Ruth." The implication was clear.

Once dried and dressed in his customary armour, he took a seat and called the two Ladies to him.

"What I have to say is for your ears only. Lady Ruth, your postulant could be of immense value and aid to me. As you are aware some wish to stand in my dread state- they wish to supplant me. I want you, my innocent flower to be the honey for my angry bee." Hotspur gestures to Myfanwy.

"Whatever the Lord Protector requires" Ruth's response was immediate. Myfanwy looked sheepish.

"Look not too concerned, my dear. I just want you to tell a certain man that you wish to go home. He will ask what you could offer in return. You will suggest that you would be willing to give him your maidenhead in return for your passage home and the treaty and alliance remaining. You will further promise him that you will give him entry to your chambers, to commit the act of love. He will no doubt accept your terms." Hotspur planned to allow Red Mountjoy to make the Lord Protector look foolish and weak in the eyes of the Captains of the Army of God and his paramilitary arm - the Paladins if he was to plough the Lord Protector's new Lady, before he. Hotspur spoke aloud to the ladies, who sat enraptured by his plan. "As the access to the apartments is highly restricted, he may even attempt entry to my chamber and kill me and blame you." Hotspur nodded at Myfanwy.

Myfanwy looked aghast.

"Will this subterfuge work?" Lady Ruth asked.

"If the Lady Myfanwy plays her part! I know you did not wish to come to Court, and your father will understand. I have spoken with him, he is most reasonable. Do not fear, Wales will not suffer from your return - the alliance will stand. Will you work this deception?"

Myfanwy was elated by the opportunity to return home. To be free to marry at her leisure and Wales not to suffer any privation would be wonderful.

She didn't understand the finer points of Jerusalem politics but being an intelligent and educated woman - she knew that those in power would always be toppled. History was littered with the bones of would-be dictators consigned to the grave.

She seized the chance and prayed that Hotspur would keep his promise.

"Milord, will you promise me my freedom? A solemn vow?" Myfanwy was learning fast.

"I swear on God and my life- you shall have your freedom if you work this me."

Myfanwy smiled; a wave of joy filled her heart.

"And I, Lady will lose a most beautiful Lady of the Court and not have thy love."

Lady Ruth interjected. "You have mine Lord," She smiled.

"Yes, my Lady of the Northern Borders. - I have your love." Hotspur smiled warmly, "I wish to bestow a child upon you, Lady Ruth if you would consent.

Joyously, Lady Ruth knelt and kissed his hands.

"Oh Milord, I will give you a son, a strong son to carry your name." Her voice was gleeful.

"Return at luncheon, alone. The Lady of the Western Marches has an appointment."

After midday, the Lady of the Western Matches passed the proud and handsome Red Leader, Harry Mountjoy, in the upper corridors and then later on in the audience room in the Palace of New Jerusalem. Being the gallant and over-confident man that he was, he started to talk causally to her, despite the red and green gown of a Lady at Court.

"How do you like the Capitol?" He smiled rakishly. He had purposefully worn his full Paladin uniform and a large six-man escort of his best, most loyal men stood a discrete distance away.

"It all seems a lot to take in" Myfanwy replied, not lying.

"Your provinces of Wales have nothing like this?" He seemed to be genuinely interested in her reply.

"Nothing and being a Lady..." Myfanwy eased the gown on her shoulder, intimating the service that she would be expected to furnish.

"It must be hard," Mountjoy confessed. a genuine sense of sympathy in his voice.

"I wish... I wish..." Myfanwy stammered.

"Yes, I can see that." Mountjoy ushered Myfanwy to one side, and whispered to her, "do you wish to leave?" Myfanwy nodded; small tears trailed down her cheeks.

" I could make this happen for you if you truly wanted to leave." Mountjoy took Myfanwy's arm and ed to a small passageway off the main corridor.

Myfanwy looked into Mountjoy's eyes and tried to work out if he was being truthful, " Could you arrange for me to return home? If I were sent home in disgrace, my people would suffer the vengeance of the Lord Protector." Mountjoy smiled.

"If I speak to the Lord Protector, I would have you on a carriage car by the week's end." Mountjoy smiled confidently.

"I would be so grateful Milord," Myfanwy mumbled.

"and you can show your gratitude," Mountjoy replied with a more predatory smile.

"How?" Myfanwy asked coyly.

"Welcome me to your bed, and I will take your maidenhead." By the week's end, you will be on your way home." The Red Leader turned to his men and nodded to them to take a few steps back. With his left hand, he slid his hand across the gown and settled it on her skirt.

"My. Oh no. I.." stammering with her cheeks flushing, she clasped his hand.

"It is my price for your freedom. I will return tomorrow. You will find me here at noon every day." With that Mountjoy walked away with his guards.

Myfanwy panted with fear but also arousal.

Chapter 4: Intrigues.

In Lady Ruth's chambers, Myfanwy sat on a stool, soaking a sponge in the hot water, relating the encounter with Mountjoy.

"I did as you asked. If I allow him my maidenhead, he will allow me home." Myfanwy sighed to Lady Ruth. Lady Ruth was bathing in a large ceramic tiled bath set into the wall. She stroked her belly, as she allowed Myfanwy to soap her with the acrid carbolic block.

"You must inform The Lord Protector that the traitorous dog has taken the bait you offered him," Ruth said with an absent- mind. She was still glowing from her coupling with Hotspur. Myfanwy noticed no new marks or welts on her.

"He didn't beat you?" She asked as Ruth caressed her breast, which she prayed would fill with milk for his new son.

"The Lord was most attentive and filled me his seed." Ruth's fervour for giving Hotspur a son was endearing and unnerving - she forgave him all his beatings and the wounds on her body. She adored the man and now prayed for life to spring forth in her womb. Myfanwy hoped Lady Ruth would be granted her wish, but also that she would be back home before Lady Ruth knew if the Lord Protector's seed had taken root in her womb.

Once dressed, both Lady Ruth and her postulant hurried to inform Hotspur of the progress in his plan. The Lord Protector was in a fiery temper, having further heated words with Red Mountjoy, on the role of the Paladins. Waiting outside, Myfanwy and Ruth heard raised voices and shouting from behind the heavy wooden doors. Prudently they waited until calmer voices were restored and the Paladins had left through another door.

Once inside, Hotspur was dismayed that his loyal Master of Paladins would be so easily duped into betrayal. The Master of Spies, Ferris Woodbridge, entered the room with more sad news.

"The Militia is stirring. The Red Banners are flying; you face a new mutiny." Ferris, a grey-haired, grey-skinned man was slight, but his malice was legendary and his loyalty to Hotspur unfaltering.

"What? How can the Paladin rise against me?" Hotspur stood and took Woodbridge by the shoulders. "What has he promised the red flags? Where are they encamped? I will smite them with God's righteous might and anger."

Ferris looked doubtful, "Milord, to strike out in force would give Mountjoy all the cause he could desire, we must play a long game here. Embrace this rising, sculpt and mould it to your needs. Take from him, the fiery brand and illuminate thy own goals and steal from him the heat and fervour."

Myfanwy looked aghast at the exchange. She knew Woodbridge was a powerful man, who knew much but to listen to this felt awkward and as if she had been dragged into this intrigue.

Hotspur thought for a moment, Woodbridge was right. Mountjoy, despite being with him in the early days had wrestled and resisted any measure that would temper his power or authority. Mountjoy had kept his common touch and spent time with his men in the streets. This would have to change, it was clear that he would have to bring the common soldier under his influence.

"You have been of much use, Master Woodbridge. I see a new device, a new ploy to cage this particular lion." Hotspur turned to Myfanwy, "It seems your alliance with Red Mountjoy will have to be reconsidered, My Lady of the Marches." He looked at her and nodded.

Myfanwy smiled with some relief, but then immediately realised that her return home would now be 'reconsidered', "Milord, I did as I was asked and you promised me.." Hotspur held up his hand to quieten her.

"But your assistance was not furnished, but do not be down-hearted My Lady, there may be another way for you to return home." Hotspur looked at Woodbridge.

Later that week, Hotspur was seen much about the Capitol, seen with members of the street level Militia, mobile army patrols and visiting the commoners in the streets. Myfanwy fretted over the suggestion that she might still be allowed to return home but heard nothing. Even the Lord Protector's evening summons was absent, Lady Ruth was disappointed but Myfanwy was happy to remain with her in her chambers. Then after the Sunday worship, The Lord Protector summoned Myfanwy, to join him in the main audience chamber but alone. Walking through the corridors, she was aware of more guards than usual and upon arrival at his apartments, she saw two guards dressed in black and green, a uniform she didn't recognise. As the door was opened, she was surprised to see Ferris Woodbridge in the chamber.

"Milord Woodbridge," Myfanwy bowed as she spoke,

"Please my dear, I am not a lord. I am Master Ferris Woodbridge and I know your father. He sends his warmest greetings and a letter for you." Woodbridge handed a large foolscap envelope and then stood back.

"Oh Master Woodbridge, thank you," She held it close to her chest, and then Woodbridge's word sunk in, " You know my father?" Her tone became guarded. Her neck shuffled against the stiff collar of the modest dress she was wearing, a gesture she had acquired since her arrival in the Capitol.

" I concluded the treaties and alliances with your people and spent a lot of time with him, I like him, a noble soul. Also, as I am informed you have an interest in the work of our technocrats, I am pleased to tell you that power is being restored to some areas of Powys, the technocrats have been successful in their efforts." The Master of Spies smiled warmly and he turned as the noise came from the Lord Protector's ante-chamber, but whispered his last piece of news to her," also you will have a visitor soon, Madam Caris Llewellyn."

"Oh, that is wonderful!" Myfanwy smiled, her heart lifted.

The Lord Protector strode in, his gait purposeful and full of energy, a servant was attempting to catch up with him to tie on a loose pauldron. The strong smell of carbolic hung in the air, mixed with metal polish and leather.

"Ah Master Woodbridge, and the Lady of the Marches," He offered her a curt bow, "and a smile I have not seen in over two months! You have informed her of her visitor and how the west rises again. It pleases me that you are happy My Lady."

Myfanwy smiled, and curtsied but said nothing. She didn't want to spoil the happiness she felt.

"There is another reason, I have asked you here, My Lady." Hotspur put his arm around Master Woodbridge and steered him towards Myfanwy and stopped in front of her.

"Master Woodridge has wrought a cunning scheme and you will be part of it and then you'll return home to the west."

Myfanwy had heard such a promise before but still, her heart skipped a beat." Am I to be a honey-baited trap for your rival Milord?" Her confidence could have been insulting if the Lord Protector had not been in such high spirits.

"What spirit!" The Lord Protector laughed. Woodbridge simply smiled. "My good lady, nothing so crude. Master Woodbridge has been working tirelessly to divine a method of resolving our dilemma without a shedding drop of blood."

"Red Mountjoy will be our envoy to the North Borders. He will bring the lawlessness to heel and forge the final piece of the Union and restore the torn flag to order once again. How I hear you ask?" Master Woodbridge announced, his voice heavy with pride at his master plan and continued," It is my Lord Protector's wish that you accompany Red Mountjoy to the north as an envoy of the Lord Protector and his wife."

Myfanwy's mouth dropped open, this is a far cry from the intrigues of two months ago, now it was to be married to the man that Hotspur wanted dead.

"I. I don't want to marry." She stammered. Her fears bubbled up, feeling much like a pawn on a chess board.

Ferris Woodbridge stepped forward, "Not a real marriage my dear-a subterfuge. The Lord Protector has decreed you will be accompanying the party north and play out a betrothal ploy to settle the raw nerves and the tense clamour of power-hungry men, like Mountjoy. He, of course, will see this as a great honour, with prestige and public adulation. If all goes well, you will return unburdened by your betrothed." Woodbridge smiled to help calm Myfanwy down, but still, further soothing balm was needed.

"Tell the rest, Master Ferris." Hotspur smiled with glee.

"Your life-long friend, Caris will accompany you on the journey, she will be at your side through the whole adventure," Ferris concluded.

Chapter Five: Revelations

It was three days before Caris arrived, but Myfanwy greeted her joyfully. Surprisingly, Master Woodbridge and the Lord Protector accompanied her to meet the car carriage. Caris travelled with her Border Captain but was whisked away quickly by The Lord Protector, after the formal introductions. Once behind closed doors, the two friends embraced warmly and kissed each other's cheeks.

"Oh, Caris it's so lovely to see you. It has been so long!" Tears in her eyes.

"Myfanwy, or should I curtsey and called you Lady of the Western Marches!" Caris was also tearful.

"I'm always Muff to you, Caris you know that!" Myfanwy countered.

After a couple of hours, the conversation became serious, as Caris explained her appearance in the Capitol." Muff, you must know, I am not here by accident but by design. My husband is to lead the Dragon banner in the campaign in the north, and I am here to aid you in your betrothal to Red Banner.

"Red Banner?" Myfanwy frowned. The title was derogatory and potentially treasonous.

"Ferris Woodbridge arranged this and you must go along with it, we are all in this together- myself, my husband and you." Caris's tone was deadly serious, and her face paled.

"What is this intrigue, what do you know?" Myfanwy asked in equal solemnity.

"Master Woodbridge hears much; his ears are long and reach even longer. All must go well on this expedition."

"In what way?" Myfanwy knew the answer but wanted to probe Caris's involvement.

"Once we are on the way, I will tell you."

The expedition left the next morning, three marching militia legions, with car carriages, horse cavalry and infantry. The Capitol turned out to bid the Red Banner, Mountjoy farewell. The journey would be long, over six weeks, but the weather was expected to be dry and thankfully the companies made excellent progress. Caris and Myfanwy spent the entire journey together, in the long chassis car carriage. Mountjoy had little interest in her for the first few days, being preoccupied with military matters but on the fourth, he came to her pavilion.


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