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House of Glass Pt. 02

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How does Ken confront his demons?
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/21/2023
Created 03/27/2023
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September 13, 2019

Kenneth Miller

"Seek salvation in glass that cannot be broken."

I woke up to the noise of a text message alert. The number seemed unfamiliar. I tried calling it, no answer. Bit of a strange start to my day.

As I was preparing to get up, I was reminded of the dreaded elephant in the room. My wife was, by no means, an elephant, but you get the idea. Even seeing her face was too painful for me. I got up at 6, earlier than usual, took a shower and got ready for work. I was mentally unprepared for a confrontation.

Work was too intense for me to deal with in my tenuous mental state. I realized that I needed a few days.. Or even months off if I could get it. Money was not an issue for me, so I could even consider resigning if push came to shove.

I ran on autopilot at work. As I was returning home, I realized that facing Sarah right then was a terrible idea. I was definitely not a great actor, and needed more time to mentally prepare myself to confront Sarah and Melissa. I booked a hotel for the night after texting Sarah that I was visiting a sick friend, Bryan. Even now, I felt guilty for lying to her. I wondered how she managed to lie to me all these years without feeling anything. It seemed like an enormous act of betrayal on its own, without the fucking around part.

There was another thing on my mind. The cryptic text that I received from a stranger. At first glance, it seemed pointless. I tried deciphering it and came up with a few interpretations. I thought that perhaps the person that sent me the text was somewhat aware of my personal circumstances, through whatever means. And the resolution that I needed was to be found in unbreakable glass, whatever that was.

I woke up next morning and decided to go for a jog. When your wife cheats on you, irrespective of the reason, you start questioning your own attractiveness. Hearing Sarah's words a couple of days ago, one would guess that even if I kept myself in better shape, it wouldn't help. But who knows.

Gazing upon the pellucid waters of Lake Mackenzie, I ruminated over my life. I thought about the future of my marriage and family. Could I ever forgive Melissa and Sarah's betrayals? Melissa was single, and an adult. While I didn't necessarily approve of what she's apparently doing, she's not the one that cheated on me. The internal turmoil of conflicting emotions was overwhelming. Before this incident, I would have bet my right hand on the integrity of their characters. Both my wife and daughter are very empathetic and helpful. Without Sarah, I would not even be alive.

When I was younger, I almost got into an accident. Sarah and I were walking near a construction site. It was a lazy afternoon, and I was casually strolling around with earphones plugged in (terrible thing to do in public). Sarah went over to the local ice cream vendor to get some cones for us. As I was passing by the construction, I felt someone violently push me to the side and ice cream splattered all over my face, with a loud bang. It took me a moment to process the event. But I realized that a metal beam had fallen to the ground. Sarah risked her life to shove me out of its way. The glistening tears and her broken voice. The terror in her visage as she pondered my potential death. Were they all lies? Did she transform to a different person at some point in our marriage?

I tried to analyze our marriage seeking a possible answer. Nothing. Sarah never changed in any way. We did have arguments in our marriage, as all married couples do. But they were extremely rare. And we never went to bed mad at each other. That's a rule a lot of couples try to adhere to, but very few succeed. We were one of them. Or so I thought.

Now, we arrive at another fork in the road. Sarah stated that she loved me more than anything in the world in her conversation with Melissa that I eavesdropped on. What does it mean to love someone? Can you love someone while fucking other people? I always thought that the answer was a resounding NO. But I have to admit that I've never quite thought it through. It seemed like an obvious truth, but I never thought about it too deeply.

Her actions, aside from having sex with other men, indicated the fact that she undoubtedly loved me. And even in spite of the pain she caused me with her betrayal, I had to admit, albeit reluctantly, that I still loved her. The idea of living a life without Sarah was much more painful than the damage she inflicted.

So, what to do going forward? I tried listing the answers in my head. None of them were attractive prospects.

1. Divorce Sarah and leave her. Have a strained relationship with Melissa for the rest of my life.

2. Let sleeping dogs lie. Pretend I don't know anything and go on as if nothing ever happened.

3. Confront Sarah with the truth. Give her an ultimatum to stop sleeping with other men.

4. Let Sarah know the truth and accept her ways.

I dozed off on the shore, exhausted from my run.

Sarah Miller

I woke up a little groggy. I discovered that Ken was not beside me. That was not out of the usual for him. His commute to work was longer than mine, so he leaves earlier. But we normally have breakfast together, so I was disappointed that he left.

Ken was acting a bit strange when we got back. He was a bit unresponsive to my affection and didn't say much. For a moment, I was fearful of the fact that he might have discovered my secret. But, events such as this occurred in the past as well, when he was distracted by work or some other family affair.

I thought about yesterday and our most recent vacation. It was a lot of fun. But I was not as confident in my answer to my daughter as I appeared to be. Sure, some of it was true. But the rest of it was post fact rationalization.

In an ideal world, I would love to remain faithful to my husband. I guess I am too much a slave to my biology to do that. I only cheated on him once during the first 4 years of our relationship, and that was in a friend's bachelorette party a year after our marriage. After that, the figurative dam broke.

That night, I was slightly inebriated, but nowhere near enough to lose my cognitive functions. I was fully aware of my surroundings. But I let the temptations get to me. Jasmine, my friend who was getting married, was as almost as straight laced as possible. She came from a conservative Muslim family in Iran. Somehow, she ended up becoming friends with two sluts: Me and Tiara. She was completely opposed to the idea of a bachelorette party. However, I was able to ultimately convince her, citing the fact that I, a faithful married woman was organizing the party. Well, I obviously lied. But I did not intend for any salacious acts to take place during the party. For a slut like me, staying faithful to her husband was very challenging. But I was proud of the fact that I had managed it for 4 years.

Well, as the proverb goes, women plan and God laughs. Jasmine had a bit of alcohol at our insistence, even though she's not a drinker whatsoever. Then, the strippers arrived. Jasmine wanted to leave immediately. But we managed to goad her into enjoying the show. She didn't put up as much resistance as we expected, as the atmosphere and the alcohol must have had loosened her up a bit. The music was pretty loud and the alcohol kept flowing. At one point, a stripper had his cock right in front of my face. It took incredible mental fortitude for me not to touch it. Afterwards, Tiara pulled down my panties, stating, "You don't need these." Before I could respond, the stripper right next to me dived in and starting savoring my pussy. At that point, I gave in. It just felt too good.

" *slurp slurp slurp* You like that baby? You gonna cum? Give me all your juice baby. Don't hold back. Oh yeah. FUCK YEAH!"

I was still conscious of my surroundings. But in my slightly drunken state, I thought Jasmine had left and it was Tiara's voice and... antics. But what I saw was shocking. It was Jasmine. She had her hijab on, but that was all. She was sucking off a stripper. After one of the dudes blew a glorious load all over her tongue and face, she eagerly welcomed the next cock into her pussy. This is not something I had ever expected to see. Observing this though, my resistance had evaporated.

I learned later that Tiara left the party because she had a splitting headache. But she got plenty of condoms for all the strippers. I guess she was being a responsible friend in that regard. The biggest slut in the group did not touch a single guy at the party. I found that a little funny.

I had one more encounter with Jasmine after that incident. She hated us for nearly ruining her marriage and that was the end of our friendship. Last I heard, she's still happily married. Guess Parham never found out. Jasmine did not accept any responsibility for her actions that night. While it is true that we coaxed her into attending the party, she was the one that ultimately pulled the final trigger. She could have left at any time. Tiara and I did feel partially responsible for what happened, though. We were not invited to the wedding. That was expected following the acrimonious fallout that we had. We sent expensive gifts to her wedding, that were promptly returned.

Following the incident, I realized that I loved sex too much to limit myself to one man for the rest of my life. I stopped trying to hold back. Of course, I felt extremely guilty lying to my husband. But I could not risk losing him. He was the only man that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. And I was not confident in my ability to persuade him into allowing me to have other sexual partners.

Kenneth Miller

I woke up at the lakeshore near a tree and realized that I was out for a couple of hours. I did feel more relaxed physically, but mentally, I was still a mess.

I arrived at the same crossroads yet again. How do I move forward? I realized I was still mentally unable to make a decision. Sarah betrayed me horribly, but aside from that one department, she was immaculate. Despite her actions, I still loved her dearly. I could not envision a life without her, but I couldn't imagine how to venture forward with her as a part of my life either. Could I forgive her betrayal? Could she give up fucking other guys? Would I be able to accept it if she continued it? Pin-drop silence, both at the shore and in my headspace. Too many questions and no answers.

"Mr Miller, may I have a moment of your time"?

A tall, dark shadow loomed over me. I turned my head around to check who it was.

A handsome gentleman, about 30 years old. Not bulky, but in good shape. Lean muscle, swimmer's body. Dark eyes and hair. I had never seen the guy in my life. But I felt.. Slightly apprehensive. The guy was about six foot tall, not much taller than me. But he was in much better shape. It's a bit tricky to articulate, but he had an ominous aura.. At least that is the impression I got initially.

"What can I do for you?", I asked with trepidation.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Looking forward to see who is the sender of the mysterious text....the daughter?

moultonknobmoultonknobover 1 year ago

Load of bollocks, it just gets worse the more you read, I can't be bothered to read the rest of it

nestorb30nestorb30over 1 year ago

How can a top notch Sr Lawyer be such a wishy washy man? Lawyers are trained to think and make decisions

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is terrible and all over the place. I can understand that you're trying to build up the characters back story and motivations so that the actions in the main story arc make sense, but instead it just comes across as messy and out of place.

It's ok to have back stories in flash backs, but they need to not telegraph and more importantly pre-emptively excuse future behaviours ... she was clearly a slut, that she hid this from her future husband makes her a worse human being, guilty of far more than just cheating on an unknowing spouse. Unlike many of these stories, I simply have no sympathy for the wife and have no empathy with the husband ... so I'm left wondering why I'm even reading it. Not that you've actually provided much content to read.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 2 years ago

Meh, again. How about telling us what was in the text?

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