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House of Glass Pt. 03


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"We still have our kids that we have to co-parent; there's no need to be so dramatic."

"I guess so. Sam,"

"I'd like you to stop calling me that."

"This is the last time, so please bear with me. I have a final request of you."

"What is it?"

"Can I have one last hug?"

"No, any physical contact with you will just bring both of us more pain."

"Sam, please!"

Parham was silent for 30 seconds, after which he reluctantly agreed.

Without hesitating for a second, I grabbed him and hung on to him for dear life.

"Too tight."

"Sam, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

I couldn't stop myself from breaking down again. I cried in his arms for a long time. Sam, being the gentleman he was, never let me go. By the time I was done, his shirt was soaked. After which, we said our goodbyes. Our last moments as husband and wife

God, it felt like someone was stabbing my heart with glass shards. How is it even possible to feel such pain?

We left the kids with my parents, so I did not have to worry that night. I went to the roof of our apartment because being inside just reminded me of how lonely I was.

I started pondering my life and how this whole mess started. It was that damn party that Tiara and Sarah threw. God, why did I ever get mixed up with those whores? And attending that party—what an awful idea it was!

Could I have saved my marriage if I lied to Sam about enjoying that event? No, this is an incorrect line of thinking. And he would have known anyway. I'm not sure what came over me during that party. It was like my pussy was on fire. Alcohol is a potent aphrodisiac, but I hadn't had nearly enough to destroy my inhibitions to that extent. After blowing the first dude and swallowing his jizz, my switch was turned on even further, and all I could think of was getting more cock, and boy did I get it. The five strippers took their turns on me and Sarah. I was an active and enthusiastic participant. I rode their cocks and got them to cum all over my face and in my pussy. By the time the night was done, I reeked of sperm and sweat. In those moments, I didn't think of anything else. I just wanted to get off.

Was that the most exciting sex I've had in my life? Yes. I still get turned on every now and then thinking about it. But those feelings of arousal are always accompanied by guilt and shame. How could I have done those things? It's so contrary to who I am as a human being: As a woman, as a muslim. I guess you really are the average of the people you spend the most time with. Lesson learned too late.

I hadn't talked to Tiara or Sarah in around 20 years. Intellectually, I understood that what I did was my own responsibility. But some part of me also wanted them to suffer for their part in the annihilation of my marriage.

I decided to look them up to see what had become of their lives.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

What the f..k have I just read biggest load of shite ever must have been written by a ten year old.

moultonknobmoultonknob8 months ago

Not sure why some people are asking for more of this shit, I think that it's far too long and filled with mostly unnecessary bullshit as it is without wanting any more of the bullshit.

sjmbsrfsjmbsrfabout 1 year ago

I am really enjoying the story and very much looking forward to the next chapter. The plot is very engaging and the characters of both mother and daughter are well imagined and described. The young and single daughter isn't bound by the same expectations that apply to her Mum as both a wife and mother, but has still betrayed her Dad by participating with her Mum in her extramarital adventures and condoning them, up until now. The latest chapter (03) suggests she may be maturing better than her Mum has. I really hope Nameless08 can get back to finishing the story, I am intrigued to learn how the MC comes out of this; does he stand up to his cheating wife or become a cuck or participant in an open marriage - something he clearly hasn't wanted in the past.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

next chapter?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Would love to read a ending to this its definitely starting to drag out.

Merlin_the_MagicianMerlin_the_Magicianover 1 year ago

All that’s missing is the rest of the story. Any day now would be fine. . .

Merlin_the_MagicianMerlin_the_Magicianover 1 year ago

Like it but there is a lot still to be written. I would much prefer you write the whole thing and publish one chapter a day. It’s been 5 months since your last chapter and I’m still waiting for the ending. So far, we have a knowing cuckhold who doesn’t know whether to shit or get off the pot. Not very stimulating to your readers. MtM

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 1 year ago

So she justifies her behavior by blaming her cohorts, and trying to expose Sarah’s secrets. No doubt, Ivan was working for her. Jasmine is just another piece of work. She kept it buried for 20 years. Why the sudden honesty?

orion2bear2orion2bear2over 1 year ago

No matter how much he loves his wife they don't belong together

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Totally lost the story in chapter 3. Moronic, mess. How could you post this??

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It sucked as the part three had nothing to do with parts 1,ad 2

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

If you are going to switch names and stories in midstream save us the pain of reading the drivel. Copy and pasting still requires reviewing

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