by Starrunner1001
You would know that it would damage her insides without proper preparation. And if the baby is going to be a Soave, why wait until she is 18? Why not impose slavery on it from birth?
After all, the law doesn't seem to apply to them.
I enjoyed your story...more the way it sounds...your writing style. 4 * because I enjoyed reading it.
So it's hard to know if it's any good. As is - it isn't erotic or entertaining.
Your writing style is good, but I don't get it. What happens to the boys? What's the point in making more and more breeding slaves. The big picture is missing here for me as well as a few details (i.e. Boys).
Grrlslave: The boys are raised by the staff of the mansion and grow up to help in any way that they can, with breeding, medical needs, cooking, etc.
Whackdoodle: I cannot write about underaged sex on Literotica, it won't let you publish it. And, yes, I do know a lot about female physiology, (being a woman myself) but this is a fiction story, so I can write about any god damn thing I want to.
It's her goddamn thing she wants its her story so all you fuckers just fuck off.
PLEASE DO! A new chapter please. The beginnings are fantastic!
Don't write any more of this complete crap. The other reviewers have clearly never read a better story. (This is not one of them!!!) Not to be blunt or anything, but this story and the other ones you have written, makes me wonder if a four-year-old really wrote this.