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How Do You Like Me Now?


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"Hey, you're the one who hesitated, I did what I thought was right. Those girls weren't gonna wait around forever while you tried to compose yourself, jerk. We can always change it to something better later. It's just the first thing that popped into my mind and besides that, it fits doesn't it?" Kellie shouted back in self-defense.

That was the first of many school functions the band was invited to play at. Kellie was able to sing her original songs, directing the lyrics toward Noah every time, hoping he would read between the lines.

Unfortunately, Noah never gave her the time of day, much less a second glance when passing in the halls.

"I think she's got the "hots" for you big guy. Too bad you're all hooked up on that blonde over there."

"I noticed her, but you've got to be kidding me. I would be the laughing stock of the school if I were seen in public with her. What's her name anyway?"

"Kellie Price. Remember? She's the girl who played in that band we had for spring fling and the senior prom."

"Oh yeah, she's got a nice voice I guess, but look at her man. Do you think she's ever had a date with a guy before?"

Kellie stared and smiled as the kids pointed and talked about her behind her back. "I will show them, one of these days. I know what they think of me now, but just wait, wait until I'm a star. They will think twice about the way they treated me when they fork over the big bucks at concerts to hear me play for them."

Kellie said her final goodbyes at her senior prom when her band played their final set. She wished everyone well and the next day she was on a plane to California.


Summer 2007

The music was blaring and Noah could hear it from the parking lot as he approached the entrance. "I'm glad I remembered my ear plugs," he said smiling at his son.

"Oh dad! This is so cool! Come to think of it you sure are one cool single dad!" Jessie shouted as they stopped at the ticket booth and handed their tickets to the female employee behind the counter.

"Excuse me sir, this is for you," the girl taking tickets told Noah as he passed the metal poles.

"What's this?"

"Your ticket states that you have a backstage pass to see the headlining band tonight, sir."

Noah glared at Jessie, "What's this all about son?"

"Oh I don't know dad," Jessie replied, playing it off like he had no idea what was going on. "You know how hot this woman is dad? Now we get to see her close up," he added with a sly wink to the girls behind the counter.

Jessie's plan was in full swing now, all he had to do was sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

"Someone will come get you when their set is over and you will get to talk with the members of the band," the man said as Jessie and Noah were directed to their seats.

"Wow, this place sure has changed," Noah thought to himself as he tried to keep up with Jessie.

"Damn, son! What ties do you have to get fantastic seats like these? Of all the concerts I use to attend with your mom I was never fortunate enough to score front row. Nice going, son."

Noah had no idea this was all part of the plan; the plan to hook his dad up with the single female who answered his ad all those weeks ago.

The bands played sets of four songs each. Some were better than others, but when it came time for the headlining band the lights dimmed, the crowd was tense as they awaited the headlining band.

The crowd started pounding their feet and whistling as the spotlights colored the stage. "This is it dad! The moment we've all been waiting for," Jessie said, nudging his dad's shoulder and scooting to the edge of his seat. "I sure hope she looks as good in person as she did in the photo she sent with her first reply," Jessie thought to himself.

The music began. A thunderous roar of drums and the squeal of the electric guitar filled the air. "Ladies and gentleman, please welcome The Crew, featuring Kellie Price to the DTE Energy Music Theatre."

As Kellie walked out on stage the crowd roared. Jessie was in awe at the sight of her being so close he could almost touch her. Noah didn't recognize her at first as he applauded a bit then relaxed in his seat.

With the strum of her guitar and the first words out of her mouth, Noah bolted in his seat. "Oh my God! It can't be, can it? She looks familiar and I know I've heard that voice before tonight."

"Before we begin I'd like to say how good it feels to be back home again. I would like to send a special welcome to CoolSingleDad and his son."

Her opening song was a dedication, "This song is dedicated to people from my past; those who believed in me and those who never gave me a second look. The song is titled, People Change."

As Kellie began to sing, her words were heard clearly. It was then that Noah knew who she was, but still had no clue about Jessie's plan. Because of not having a current photo of Noah, Kellie concentrated on the front row, especially to the few adult males that had a child sitting beside them.

As she sang her dedication to the crowd, Noah had flashbacks of how he and others treated her. He knew his life wouldn't have changed any because he was in love with Jessie's mom, but he thought perhaps Kellie's life could have been better if her classmates, including himself, would have acted differently toward her some fifteen years back.

"It's time sir," a security guard said nudging Noah and Jessie. "Follow me please," he said as he led them backstage just as the band's last song ended.

"Shit! I hope she doesn't remember me. I hope to God she doesn't recall that we know each other," Noah prayed to himself as he and Jessie were seated backstage in Kellie's small dressing room. Noah fidgeted with his crinkled ticket stub even more when he heard her voice as she thanked the crowd and said good night.

"I can't believe how much she has changed. If I didn't recognize the voice I'd swear it wasn't her, but she has one of those sexy voices a guy doesn't soon forget."

Kellie had changed. Her figure filled out, well not filled out in the sense of being full figured, but rather that she had well defined hips and breasts. Her hair was still long, but now had body and an actual style. It no longer hung in her face when she bent over and as she moved around on the stage it bounced.

Her smile was sexy; her lips still full, but not from braces or big teeth. Her thin lanky frame had turned into this sexy, toned body, which caught many a man's eye; including Noah's and Jessie's even if he was too young for her.

Her appearance wasn't the only thing that changed since high school. Kellie was on her own now, well sort of. She had her own band now. Times with Slim and the gang didn't last long. After the recording session and a few more gigs she was contacted by a recording label and asked if she ever considered going solo.


Winter 1996

Kellie rushed to unlock her front door hearing the phone ring off the hook. "Hello," she answered breathless.

"Good afternoon Ms. Price. This is Mr. Stillwater. Capitol Records would like to sign you on." The studio asked if she had an agent yet and if she would think about leaving the geek group.

They were quite interested in her talents, but not the other members. When the guys caught wind of this information they were livid and within a few months the band fell apart.

"I can't believe we got her this far and now she's calling it quits. What a bitch!" Slim said as he tore up all the songs she had written and left in Nick's garage.


Summer 2007

"Well hello there, you must be CoolSingleDad? I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time now," Kellie said as she took a seat between Noah and Jessie on the long sofa.

Jessie was speechless. All he could do was stare at the woman beside him and point toward his dad. Jessie saw his dad's face and knew he had better make a run for it before things got heated. He stood, turned to Kellie and shook her hand then excused himself to use the bathroom. After his son's interruption Noah gained control of the situation and introduced himself.

"Ah, yes. I know exactly who you are. I'm just amazed that a guy like you could have a son this wonderful." Kellie said to Noah, a slight hint of anger in her voice.

"I—umm—Kel…" Noah stammered, his mouth not exerting what his brain told him to say. "Kellie," he began again, "You were great out there tonight. I never knew you could sing like that. You've sure made a name for yourself since those ugly years back in high school. Not saying that you were ugly. Oh that didn't come out right."

Kellie listened to Noah's words and when he finished she told him, "Well I have to tell you, I wouldn't change a thing now. The way people treated me back then made me what I am today. The bullies and name callers gave me a reason to better myself.

I stopped associating with everyone from that school the day after the prom, but I often wondered what happened to the popular kids. I did hear that you and your girl married right after graduation. I knew that would happen, just not so soon. So, how is she?"

Jessie watched from the door for a while to make sure the situation wouldn't go back toward him and his behavior. When he heard Kellie ask about his mom he figured it was safe to return to the room, but instead of sitting between them he sat in the chair at the dressing table.

"She's no longer with us," Noah said quietly as he bowed his head.

Jessie could see the pain in his dad's face and finished the conversation for him, "my mom was killed in a car accident a few months after I was born. My dad raised me all by himself after that."

Kellie voiced her condolences, offering a hug to Noah and then to Jessie.

"It was hard at times and I even thought of giving him up a couple times, but then I would hear Meg's voice and she would give me courage to continue."

"Well, you've done a marvelous job with Jessie. I can see you in his eyes."

"Um—Excuse me Kel—I mean Ms. Price, I need to talk to you outside," Jessie said insecurity in his voice. Kellie followed after him as he ran out of the room.

"What's going on here Jessie?" she asked with concern.

Jessie confessed the entire plan, "He's the best dad! That's why I did what I did and why we are here tonight. I put that ad in online because my dad needed to get out of the house and spend more time with adults, especially a lady.

When I read that you were coming to town I hoped you might see the ad and respond, and you did! It was me you were chatting with, but I didn't say anything different than what my dad would have said. He likes all the things I told you."

Jessie poured his heart out when he confessed to the set up, hoping Kellie would understand and then get Noah to understand Jessie had his Dad's best interest in mind at the time.

Kellie hugged Jessie and convinced him to go back and face his dad. After she was seated Kellie told Noah, "This is one very special young man you have here. It's not every kid that would go to such lengths to please his old man."

Noah, stunned, sat up and looked over at his son. Jessie slouched back in his seat knowing his dad would want an explanation of all this especially Kellie's last comment.

"Noah, the look on your face tells me you really have no idea what's going on here tonight. Jessie set all this up without telling you about anything."

Jessie was silent, frozen in his chair offering no explanation.

"Well Noah, it seems that Jessie has been advertising in the local papers and on the internet for a suitable single woman for you. I came across the ad and we chatted for a while.

"Actually I thought I was chatting with an adult male looking for some fun. I told Jessie that we could meet tonight. I take it that he had no idea that we have met before," Kellie snickered.

"No, how could I tell him that when I had no idea I was going to see you tonight myself?"

Noah glanced sternly toward Jessie, but soon his stern look appeared gentle and he walked over to hug his son. "You can be a real pain sometimes, but I have to agree with Kellie on this one; you sure are a special kid. I can't believe you did all this for me."

Jessie's fear turned to laughter when his dad released the embrace. "So is anyone besides me hungry? I say we blow this place and go grab something to eat!" Jessie said excitedly, trying to lighten to mood.

"Sounds good to me," Kellie agreed. The plans were set as they walked out of the building toward her limousine. "Would you like a ride to your car?" she offered.

"No, tha--," Noah began to speak, but Jessie interrupted him and jumped into the limo after Kellie took her seat.

"Well I guess that answers your question now doesn't it?" Noah said with a smile and followed his son's lead.

"Our vehicle shouldn't be difficult to find at this hour," Noah said jokingly as he looked at his watch seeing so much time had passed since the concert ended.

The driver spotted the vehicle and stopped beside it. "We'll follow you, so wherever you decide to go eat will be fine with me," Kellie said as she watched Noah and Jessie get into their vehicle.

"Oh dad, she is so cool, isn't she?"

"Yes she is, son."

Kellie had her driver follow Noah as he searched for an open restaurant, finally locating a Ram's Horn not too far from his house. Noah told Jessie about how he knew Kellie and had his son promise he would never treat anyone that terrible. Jessie agreed and hoped his dad learned a lesson there.

The meal started out quiet and Jessie worried that his plan wasn't going to work out this time either. "I have to do something to get them interested in each other again," Jessie thought to himself and excused himself from the scene once more.

He walked to the bathroom and then slipped back around the corner heading for the jukebox on the far side of the room. The jukebox resembled an old one he had seen in a magazine, but this one played compact discs instead of vinyl records. He pulled out a dollar bill from his pocket and panned through the song list. Finding a song he thought would be perfect; he inserted the money and pushed the appropriate buttons. A simulation of a record dropping could be viewed from the front as Kellie's number one hit "People Change" began to play.

Jessie stood back for a while when he noticed his dad singing to Kellie and she gazed in his eyes. "Oh Kellie, I have changed so much since those horrible days when we were kids. I hope you can forgive me. I have to admit, I did see something in you back then, but of course I had to stay away because of what my friends would think and say about me.

I wasn't as strong as you. I would have been so embarrassed to hear kids talk about me like that as I passed by them. I had to be cool, don't ask me why. I've wondered if Meg would have married me if I hadn't been with the 'cool' crowd. I don't want that to change because then I wouldn't have Jessie. I have also wondered what things would be like now if I would have just spoken to you."

"Well, Noah, it would have been nice to have more friends back then, but then again as I said at the concert, you guys shaped my life. Things might have turned out totally different if I were in your crowd.

I love my life now. I have a great future ahead of me, but I have to admit, it would be nice to someday settle down and have a family. I envy those girls who settled down early after school and now have kids and some even have grand kids!"

Noah sat patiently as Kellie spilled her guts to him. Admitting all her mistakes, fears and insecurities. When Jessie noticed the conversation coming to a close he returned to the table. His eyes were bloodshot and it was well past his usual bedtime.

"Oh my, what time is it Noah?" Kellie asked glancing at Jessie's tired face. "We've been here talking for almost three hours, can you believe it? You should probably get him home so he can get some sleep. I'm sure he's had a full day with all the planning he did for tonight," she said with a quiet giggle.

"Although I don't want the night to end you are probably right, Kellie," Noah said with a slight yawn himself. "I'll see you out to your limo and then come back in for Jessie," Noah added as he patted his son's head and reached for Kellie's hand.

"I would rea- -," they said in unison. "You first," Noah said.

"No it's okay, finish what you started Noah," she replied, smiling.

"As I was going to say, I would really like to see you again! Perhaps the next time you are in town?"

"Well isn't that just perfect? I would like to see you again too and I will be in town, I mean home for the next six months. I don't have another concert scheduled until after the release of my next album!" Kellie said excitedly. She leaned into the limo and returned with a slip of paper with her phone number on it. "Call me when you get a chance!"

She leaned in toward Noah and tucked the note in the pocket of his shirt then rose to her toes and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "I'm glad I waited for you," she whispered against his neck and he pulled her even closer.

"I'm glad I married Meg and had such a sneaky kid like Jessie or I might have never seen you again. I will definitely call the first chance I get," Noah said and then pulled her in for a tender, yet electrifying kiss on her lips.


Noah returned to the table to get his son and they drove home in silence. Jessie was too tired to talk and Noah had his mind on other things, or should I say he had his mind on someone else. Jessie went straight to bed when they arrived home, but Noah still unable to get Kellie out of his mind, decided to give her a call.


"Is this too soon? You said to call the next time I got a chance. Well, I couldn't wait 'til tomorrow. I hope I didn't wake you."

"No, you didn't wake me and I'm happy to see that you finally learned how to read between the lines."


Noah and Kellie talked through the night and were still on the phone when Jessie woke the next day.

"Shhh, keep it down, I'm on the phone," he said in a tone slightly above a whisper as his son grabbed breakfast.

Jessie grinned when he noticed his dad still in the clothes he wore to the concert; even his jacket was still on. Jessie gave the two thumbs up signal and took his breakfast back to his room.


Noah and Kellie were inseparable during her tour break. When she was on tour they spoke as often as possible, occasionally playing phone tag if missing a call. Noah's favorite calls were late at night when Kellie would call him, "Hello. What are you wearing right now?" She'd ask in a sensual whisper.

"Well hello love," Noah would respond and then continue the conversation. "I'm sitting here in my birthday suit. Jessie is out with his buddies. He won't be home 'til tomorrow." There was a moment of silence and then he continued again. "The fireplace has a roaring fire and I'm lying on the floor dreaming of your hands on my body. What are you wearing?"

"Oh love, I'm wearing your favorite teddy. My breasts fill out the top nicely when my nipples are hard, mmmm," Kellie exhaled slow and deep.

"Are you wet?"

"Yes! I was wet the moment I picked up the phone. This teddy was becoming uncomfortable and I had to release the snaps so my pussy could breathe. I hope you don't mind."

"No, no. I don't mind at all. I want you to touch yourself and tell me what it feels like, love."

"God Noah, I'm so wet," Kellie moaned, her fingers grazing along her labia. "I need to feel you inside me."

"Yeah, baby, I can feel your hot pussy wrapped around my throbbing cock," Noah grunted out, his hand wrapped around his hard shaft, stroking slowly.

"Mmmm," Kellie breathed. "You feel so good. Fuck me harder," she added, pushing two fingers inside herself and rubbing her thumb gently along the hard nub of her clit.

"So tight," Noah moaned, his eyes closed and his head thrown back, the phone balancing between his shoulder and his ear. "I want to hear you come, baby."

Kellie increased her movements, thrusting her fingers deep as her climax began to wash over her. "I'm ---- gonna ---- come," she moaned, her body tensing while her hips continued to move with her hand. Her eyes closed and she imagined Noah here, in the bed with her, bringing her over the edge of bliss.

"That's it," Noah breathed, "Let yourself go." His orgasm was only seconds away and when he heard Kellie scream out his name as she came, his body tensed and he watched as thick ropes of his pearly white seed shot into the air and landed on his stomach, chest and legs. "Ahhh --- Kellie," he sighed, his breathing ragged.

"I can't wait to get home, Noah," Kellie sighed, her body humming from the quick but powerful orgasm.

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