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How I Became a Cheerleader Ch. 19

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Guy changes schools, life and sex to fit in.
3.2k words

Part 19 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/10/2010
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I woke up in our bed, Trent gently nursing on my clit. I was still groggy and unfocused, but the feeling of his lips on my clit soothed me and let me come back into myself slowly. His tongue swabbed the head and he sucked the shaft gently.

"Hi," I moaned softly.

"Welcome back." He said, popping my clit out of his mouth. "I was getting worried."

"Ummmm, it was so nice where I was, I wanted to stay a while."

"I can understand that," he said moving back towards my clit.

"No," I said, pulling him up beside me. "I just want to snuggle for a moment."

"Anything you say." He replied, pulling me close. "I'm sorry if I have been a little too aggressive in our sex life lately."

"No, I love it, but I still want to be made love to, not just fucked."

"I know, but you just look so beautiful and I want you so much that I sometimes lose control."

"You don't see me complaining do you?" I questioned. "Besides, I am the one who teases and torments you into doing that to me. And I love it when you just take me sometimes."

"I know, but I will still try to control myself a little more often to give you what you need."

I pulled him close and kissed him gently.

"This is all I need." I told him, looking deep into his eyes, "and maybe an occasional spanking."

Trent laughed and patted my butt. I wiggled in delight and kissed his neck.

"Let's get some sleep." He told me, turning out the light and pulling the covers up over our naked bodies. I sighed in agreement and my eyes fluttered closed.

I woke up the next morning on my side, Trent spooned in behind me and his shaft buried deep inside me. He was slowly rocking in and out of my pussy, just gently stroking to see if I would wake up.

"OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH, what are you doing to me." I whimpered. "At least let me wake up."

"You are awake, and now we are even for what you did to me when I came home from Japan." Trent said in my ear, still slowly stroking in and out. It was clear to me that he had lubed up while I was asleep; there was no friction or pain, just a deep sense of completeness.

"This is a nice way to wake up." I said grinding slowly on him.

"I thought so," he replied, "just something soft and gentle to take the edge off."

"Well, you better speed it up, or you will be late for work and I will miss my train."

"Your train doesn't leave for another three hours, and I am the boss, I can be fifteen minutes late if I want." Trent rolled onto his back and pulled me with him. Somehow he got us out of bed and carried me into the shower without putting me down or speeding up at all. The gentleness of him doing that really made me feel wonderful.

I got the water on and he stepped into the shower with me and I braced my hands against the wall, hanging from his peg. Swivelling my hips on him I got him to speed up slightly and I felt the slow rising orgasm building up from my toes. The walk obviously did something to him as well, because he started to pound me a little harder. I reached up and grabbed the pipe holding the shower head and held on.

"Now fuck me." I demanded and Trent complied.

He started to pound me, taking me over the edge and making me cum. My pussy slammed shut on him and the additional pressure was enough to make him spurt deep inside me. It felt like he was pissing in me he came so much and so steady, but the way he wobbled told me it was all cum.

He slipped out and gently lowered me to the shower floor; I spread my legs and let him run out of me. I turned and kissed him passionately.

"Next time, let me clean out first before you do that." I told him firmly.

"That would take all the fun out of me waking you like that." He said laughing and kissing me.

I slapped his chest and turned back to the shower.

The train trip home was pleasant and uneventful. Trent had Ashley change my ticket for me to Thursday and she even got me an upgrade to first class. Nice layout, I got to board early, they even supplied the snacks and drinks and WIFI for my laptop. Candy and Kevin picked me up at the station and took me home.

Mom had dinner reservations and had me shower and change as soon as I got home and bundled me off in her car to a very nice restaurant. We were seated immediately and Mom ordered a bottle of wine, I got a soda. After about ten minutes of small talk a man joined us at the table.

He was about six foot three, two hundred pounds. His black hair was tinged with grey; he was well dressed in a suit and tie. He had brown eyes, a strong face and a black moustache. Mom lit up like a Christmas tree when he sat down.

"Gerry, this is my daughter Janie," Mom introduced us. "Janie, this is my friend Gerry Palmer."

"Palmer, as in the Palmer Institute?" I asked.

"Yes, do you know our work?" He asked.

"I have seen your complex in town, but I'm not really well versed in what you do."

"We are a corporate think tank." He said. "We check up on work done by government contractors, suppliers, things like that."

"Well it is very nice to meet you Mr. Palmer."

"And it is my pleasure to finally meet the lovely young lady that your mother keeps going on about." He said.

"Oh really, what does she say about me."

"I think we should order now." Mom said hastily.

"I'm not ready yet." I said not taking my eyes of Mr. Palmer. "Now Mr. Palmer, what has she been saying about me?"

"Janie..." Mom said.

"She has been going on and on about how proud of you she is." Gerry said smiling. "UCLA student, fashion model, cheerleader, completely fearless, I was expecting you to be ten feet tall."

"Well the way Mom described you to me I was expecting a cross between George Clooney and Mathew McConaughey. I am glad to see she got it right." I could play the game too.

Mom was seven shades of red as Gerry and I both laughed.

"Well, since we are both so perfectly aware of each other thanks to Karen, call me Gerry and if you don't mind, I will call you Janie."

"Please do," I said, extending my hand.

Mom waved the waitress over with rather more haste than grace in an effort to change the subject.

"So, how do you like modelling?" Gerry questioned.

"Harder than I thought." I responded.

"Most things usually are." He agreed.

"It is the diet that kills me the most." I sighed. "I can't even get a burger now and then anymore."

"You can tonight, we won't tell." He smiled at me.

"Nope, I have a shoot on Saturday so I really have to be good."

"What shoot?" Mom asked surprised. "J.D. said you had a month off."

"I know, but they got some special permission for a location shoot at the last minute and she needs me. What can I say?"

"Well, I will talk to Heather about this." Mom said.

"No, it is fine." I told her. "I don't mind, I really didn't have anything else to do this weekend anyway."

The dinner conversation flowed comfortably. Gerry was a charming host and Mom obviously adored him. I could tell by the way he hung on her every word that he felt the same. I was more than pleased. At least Mom wouldn't be alone while we were away at school.

As we said goodnight, outside the restaurant, the valet brought up the car and I climbed into the driver's seat as Mom tipped him.

"Have a good night you two." I said out of the open window and drove off leaving them there.

I got home to a ringing telephone; I had ignored my cell while I was driving.

"Janie, how could you leave me stranded like that?" Mom demanded.

"Mom, you were on a date and dragged your daughter along." I responded. "You two needed some alone time. I just took care of it for you. Now have Gerry turn the car around and go to his place and have fun. Don't worry about me; I have to go early tomorrow anyway."

"Janie," I could tell Mom was caught between laughter and anger.

"Go get some Mom, love ya, bye."

"Janie," she screamed as I could hear Gerry laughing in the background and realised that we were on the speaker. Oh well.

I was gone from the house before Mom came home in the morning. Candy picked me up and dropped me at Trent's house. Heather was waiting for me; Jason had already left for work. Candy just dropped me and bailed, she still had to pick up Kevin and load the car.

"Hi Janie dear, escaping before Karen gets a hold of you?" Heather said.

"Oh, she told you did she?"

"Yeah, she called this morning when Gerry dropped her at the club on his way to work." She laughed. "Not exactly the most subtle way to do things, but at least she knows you're fine with her dating again."

"I know she loved Dad, but it is time for her to move on." I told her. "I am just glad she won't be alone while we are away at school."

"We'll make sure she is kept too busy to be lonely." Heather assured me. "And next time, make sure you are not on the speaker when you tell your mom to 'get some'."

I laughed and we went inside for coffee. Jason and Heather had already packed the stuff that Trent had asked for, as well as just a few of the outfits that they had bought for me. Not that I really needed them, but it was a nice thought.

We chatted for an hour until Candy and Kevin pulled up. Her car again full to overflowing. I kissed Heather goodbye, promised to call and to take care of Trent and his car and we were on the road again.

I had the stereo cranked up, the cruise control on and the GPS directing me. We made good time and got to the house before dinner. Trent arrived about fifteen minutes before we did and was changed and by the pool when we pulled up.

"Hey guys, glad you finally made it, I was getting lonely." He said.

"Poor baby," Candy said scornfully. "You had a bad night in that big empty bed?"

"Yeah, I missed my girl." He said, trying to crush my ribcage.

"Wow, this is some house." Kevin said staring at the outside.

"This is nothing, what till you see our room." Candy said pulling him inside.

An hour later, the cars unpacked, the parents called and dinner ordered, we were all out by the pool relaxing.

"This is just too beautiful for words." Kevin said for the fourth time. "I feel like I am intruding on someone else's house."

"You'll get used to it." I told him. "After a week, you won't get lost as much."

We started making plans for the weekend. Kevin wanted to see LA and Trent was off and couldn't go with me anyway, so I told them to go wander. Trent had checked the schedule and found that there was a ballgame in town and he had made reservations for the company box. Candy was thrilled, a diehard baseball fan, she said that she was going with them. I hated baseball, and told them fine, I had the shoot to do anyway.

We all left the following morning at eleven. I drove myself as I had till two to make the shoot and lost the rest of them on the freeway. I made the shoot, well ahead of schedule and found Peter already setting up and Carol on site with a tent for me to change in. I relaxed in my tent and rested, while looking over the outfits that she had for me. They were a mix of late summer and early fall looks, tweeds, slightly darker colours, heavier jackets, nothing too risqué, but pretty none the less.

The shoot got underway right on time, they even had security wander through the crowd to make sure that there were no unauthorized cameras. All went fine, until the news crew showed up. They were out of their truck and filming before anyone could stop them. They charged past the security cordon and thrust a microphone in my face, the camera already rolling.

"We are here with..." The reporter asked shoving a microphone under my nose.

"Janie Holcombe." I responded slightly dazed at the speed the report had done things.

"And you are wearing..."

"The very latest late summer and fall wear from CMS Fashions." I said, giving the camera a little twirl. I could see Peter, Katheryn and Carol looking shocked at the intrusion, but there wasn't much they could do.

"And where can we get these beautiful creations?"

"Well, all of them come from the wonderful fashion sense of the creator Carol Marie over there," I pointed, "and can be found on her website. All of the photography is by Peter of Northside Photo Studios and the makeup is by Katheryn at Fab Face." I was plugging them for all I was worth.

"And you model for?"

I could see that I wasn't getting out of this lightly, so I just kept on working, posing for Peter and talking at the same time.

"J.D. Timerson."

"There you have it folks," the reporter said, turning back to the camera. "In LA anything can happen, even a fashion photo shoot, right on the street, back to you Dave."

The camera turned off and the report thanked me for my time and answers. They thrust a waiver in my face and I refused to sign it. I nodded over to Carol and asked her to get J.D. down here to deal with them and got back to real work.

We were just about to wrap up, I was on my last outfit, dark hunter green skirt, sparkling white blouse and loafers when Trent Kevin and Candy showed up. I waved hello and everyone turned to see who I was waving at. J.D. froze in mid motion. She rushed over to Candy and started talking to her. I saw Candy shake her head and then nod, then her eyes got really big and she started nodding quickly. J.D. dragged her unresisting to the tent and motioned to Peter to keep going. Ten minutes later, Candy came back out in a light cream wool dress and pumps and J.D. called me over as she pushed Candy in front of Peter and made a motion at him. Peter started firing his camera like there was no tomorrow.

"What's up?" I asked her.

"Janie honey," J.D. said softly, "I know I promised that you would be the exclusive face of CMS, but I need to do a photo shoot of her to see if I can use her with another client. I am not replacing you."

"I wasn't worried that you were, I just was wondering what Candy was doing."

"Being discovered, just like you," she said. "I have a client that does athletic type wear and they want someone tall and sleek, I think she will fit the bill nicely."

"Good, I will have Heather call you and set up a contract."

"Oh God, not again," J.D. moaned. "Can't we just mirror your deal and go from there?"

"I think that can be arranged." I smiled, turning to look at Candy.

Peter had her doing the whole works, and she was a natural. She had the poise from dance and cheerleading all those years and could work up a pout or sexy look in a heartbeat. Halfway through the shoot, Peter turned and nodded at J.D.

"Great," J.D. sighed. "Peter can work with her and she is just what I needed. I will fax the contract to your place and copy it to Heather for review. Does she know about you?"

"No, and I would prefer to keep it that way." I said firmly but kindly.

"No problem Janie, I just wanted to be sure before I put my foot in my mouth."

"Trent knows his parents, my mom, sister, doctor and you." I told her. "That is it."

"Not quite, Carol knows too." J.D. told me. "I had to inform her, but she is fine with it. Katheryn and Peter don't need to know."

Candy came walking over, still working her hips and put her arm around me and turned to the camera. J.D. slipped back out of frame and Peter kept on shooting.

"Smile baby," Candy whispered to me. "We are about to be famous."

Three hours later, we were back at home and relaxing in the hot tub.

"That was such a thrill." Candy said for the third time. "She just came up to me and asked if I was a model, when I said no she asked if I wanted to be."

"Look at it this way," I said, "now you don't have to find a part time job."

"I thought things like that only happened in movies." Kevin told her, kissing her shoulder.

"Me too," Trent agreed. "And now we have to get used to the idea that we have to share our girlfriends with the world."

"Yeah, that will be tough." Kevin said. "And that they're going to take even longer getting ready to go anywhere from now on." Candy slapped him on the arm and he laughed. "Also, we don't have to work anymore, we can just live off of our supermodel girlfriends."

"True true," Trent agreed.

"Think again buster." I said menacingly, then turned to Kevin and asked smiling sweetly. "By the way, how did you like Candy's little dance routine?"

Kevin spit his drink out of his mouth in shock.

"How did you know about that?"

"Who do you think got her the outfit?"

"You did no such thing." Candy said, splashing me. "It was all my idea."

"Well, I loved Janie's routine; in fact, I think that she needs to go get ready to do it again before we go to bed." Trent said.

"If that is what it takes to get you interested in me, you can just sleep in the family room."

"That is what you think." Trent said standing up and climbing out of the hot tub.

"Come with me woman." He said, picking me up and throwing over his shoulder.

"Me want sex." My caveman growled carrying me off.

"Oh help me, help me." I said and as Kevin made to stand up I pointed sharply at him. "Don't you dare," I laughed. "Good night all."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I find as story some time back and I download as story to my computer and there 20 ch so far and when there be more of that story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Fantastic! Great story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
can't wait

please I can't wait for next chapter.When i come to literotica page 1st I visit ur series for any update.

My5InchFMHeelsMy5InchFMHeelsover 7 years ago
A Graceful Return

As you can see, many of us are thrilled to see another chapter pop up. Welcome Back, hoping for some longer ones in the NEAR Future though :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Great work

I'm glad you're still writing and the plot is vary good keep it up

agamottoagamottoalmost 8 years ago
Very well done!

I also am glad to see you back, I hope you plan to continue the story!

DarksnakeDarksnakeabout 8 years ago

Nice to see you back. I hope it's for the long haul :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

love it more chapters please

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