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How I Became Emperor Ch. 11: Semester 01


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"No!" a sharp voice came from the other side of me where I hadn't been looking. I turned to see a young woman standing in the doorway to another conference room. It was immediately obvious to me that this was the victim. There was a distance in her young eyes that receded a little as she fixed me with a harsh stare.

"No." she repeated a little quieter. "I want people to know about this. I will speak out. Tell them my name: Palesia."

Anita stood quickly and went to hug Palesia, who didn't really register her friend's embrace. She continued to keep me fixed with a stare. I stammered in response. "I... I will."

The two women vanished together into the room. I put my head in my hands trying to block out the outside world for just a moment. The fragile calm I was trying to build in my racing mind was shattered by the Chancellor's voice right in front of me.

"That was... better than I thought you were capable of." She admitted.

My hands flew from my face, and I stood up angry. "What do you mean by that?" I snarled. "Do you think that just because I do not have an exclusive relationship that I am incapable of compassion? Do you believe that just because I am morally corrupt in your eyes that I must be evil in all things? Are you truly that small minded?"

The Chancellor shrank away slightly from my tirade, but I had more to say. "I have the deepest of respect for the boundaries of all individuals. No-one has the right to force themselves on anyone else in any way, and it is the height of evil to so utterly violate someone's personage. Yes, I hated every moment of being in this station, and of talking to the man in there, even though he - by his statement - did not even lay a hand on Palesia. To even aid such a thing is beyond understanding to me. But I came here for duty, and to ensure that I had all the facts before I judged a situation I had no first-hand knowledge of. Did you come for the same reason? Or are you here to bask in the vindication you feel that the filth you always felt lurked just beneath the surface of our society was now showing through? But worst of all, in the midst of the tragedy and emotional distress you just witnessed not only from Palesia, but from Anita as well, you did not find it within your capacity to think beyond the fact that I surprised you. Have you no compassion for their situation? No sense of shame that this happened on your campus? Are you truly so shallow as to not understand what happened last night, and the aftermath we are witnessing now?"

There were a lot of shocked eyes on me around the bullpen, many police officers openly staring and wondering whether they should intervene. But beyond having stood up, I did not approach the chancellor or make any aggressive moves. I put a hand to my temple, and closed my eyes, and took a deep sigh. "Ma'am, my apologies. This is weighing more heavily on me than I care to admit. I will see you back in the Dean's office."

And with that I quit the police station, not waiting to look back, and made my way straight back to the Dean's office. Abby and Matt were waiting patiently for me in his ante-chamber, and I took the time while we waited for the Chancellor to follow me in order to catch up my two staff members. I relayed the happenings in brief and terse terms. Abby's eyes flashed angry and determinedly, while Matt seemed to become more hesitant and insecure. Before either could say anything, I gave them both clipped commands. "Abby, I am going to want to do something about this. I don't know if there is some policy or additional awareness we can raise on rape, but I can't just sit on my hands. Get the usual suspects together and make me some suggestions. Matt, even though Palesia said we could use her name, I don't know if she will feel differently in a couple days. Let's keep her name close to the chest for now, but see if you can open a line of communication with her. But do it gently! She may want to have some assistance with the publicity of this. Make sure no press get to her, and organize our independent statement to the press condemning the action and supporting the suspension and expulsion of the two boys."

I got assurances from both while the Chancellor swept in. She gave me an icy stare, but said nothing, just imperiously crooked a finger at me to follow her into the Dean's office.

We expelled the two perpetrators with immediate effect. Before the hour was done we had issued a press release mentioning no names, but signed by myself, the Dean and the Chancellor. They went on to inform the university's other governing bodies, while I retreated with my staff to figure out our own plans.

By the end of the day we had the outlines of some public awareness campaigns we could do, as well as an excellent suggestion from Keisha to host an event to discuss how to protect against a rapist, and what to do when one suspected someone might undertake such a vile act. We agreed to hold off on organizing that event just for the moment, in part to see whether Palesia would be willing to take part, but mainly so that some distance to the recent events could be gotten so as to prevent the event causing emotional harm, or being too closely tied to this one moment.

When a week after the harrowing day Palesia appeared in my office with Anita for support to ask why I hadn't published her name yet, we ended up in a candid heart-to-heart that I will not repeat here. Palesia stuck through her undergraduate education, and bravely faced all the public attention. She continued to campaign and tell her story for as long as I could remember, and used the momentum to become a great politician. Though in later years we would often be on the opposite sides of the political divides we found ourselves in, we had mutual respect since that moment. Neither she, nor Anita, ever joined what my detractors would sometimes call my 'harem', nor did they approve of my liberal views on sex, but they recognised that I was not the kind of devils that they had faced that night. And that made all the difference to them.

When we did hold the event Keisha had suggested three months later, it was a somber thing. Both Palesia and Anita agreed to talk, and both did so with great emotion, honest tears flowing on both sides. We also had a professor from the clinical psychology department join, as well as a speaker from the police force, the local council (helpfully arranged by Portia), and another rape victim from overseas who had become a prolific campaigner on the subject.

The perpetrators were convicted, and jailed. The actual rapist got a lifetime sentence, his accomplice a twenty year sentence. I didn't follow them after that, and to my great relief I never came face to face with either one of them ever again.

And on a personal level I took a long moment away from my own sexual activity. It was a conscious choice. The hedonism I had indulged in was a pleasure and would have been a great comfort, but there was also an unspoken agreement between myself and my various trysts that this was not the time for that. I was incredibly grateful to Cindy for just holding me as I fretted my way into sleep for that week.

When I did eventually initiate a coupling with my girlfriend it was a slow and deeply love-laced affair. It finally did allow me to put the majority of that week to rest in my own mind. Not that I ever worried I would be anything like the two assholes, but I didn't want to have sex while that virulent evil was still at the forefront of my mind. It did, of course, linger afterwards still and still is an instructive moment to me today.

My final piece of import to relate concerning the happenings of my first semester as the undergraduate president is much more pleasurable. Another month had granted me full distance to the ugly events, and I was back in full swing. Not a day went by that I did not sheathe my prick in one furrow or another, and often it was twice or even thrice a day. But a new face was added to the slowly growing list of my trysts just three weeks before the end of the semester.

To tell the story properly, it is necessary to begin at the end of a long coital session with Abby. We had chosen to christen her new flat, now that she had moved out of her ex-girlfriend Rose's home. It was, as any average university student's flat will be, shared with two roommates, friends of Abby's. The two men, Ron and Mike, made an excellent impression on me when I first met them. They hardly batted an eyelid when Abby had introduced me to them then excused us to her room in the same breath.

Almost an hour later, and many loud grunts and moans downriver from where we had started, I reflected on the diplomacy the two had not to pound on the extremely thin walls or otherwise demand we stop.

Abby was dressing again, while I lay back on her dishevelled bedspread, and now reacquainted in the carnal sense, she turned back to business.

"We've got to do something about the local council." She declared as if I had not made her beg for me to cum on her magnificent tits just two minutes earlier.

"We do?" I asked, trying to catch up.

"Yeah." Abby looked around for her panties distractingly, and threw my pants at me. "It's nice that they gave us a liaison officer in Portia, but we've not actually done anything. Getting a representative to discuss an important thing like rape is a minor activity. We need to actually get you somewhere shaking hands with the people locally in power and being seen having an effect on them."

I clothed myself slightly regretfully. "Uh... why?"

"Because," Abby sighed deeply as she finished cinching her belt and began buttoning up my shirt. "If you appear to have influence over them, you will actually have influence over them."

"No, I get that." I checked myself in a mirror to ensure I was once again presentable. "But why do I want to have influence over them?"

"For stage two." Abby added cryptically, and before I could inquire further pulled open her door. I took one step into the common area of the flat, and any further questions I might have were robbed from me. Ron and Mike were still sitting exactly where they had been before, on the couch before the TV, but both had gotten naked, and they had stopped like deer in the headlights when they noticed me. Each had the other's cock in their hand.

"Uh...." I felt myself flush.

"Sorry!" Ron exclaimed, looking sheepish. "We just couldn't resist. It sounded so.... Good!"

Abby covered her mouth with a hand to stifle a laugh.

We exited the flat, leaving the two men to further their escapade.

I didn't think much more of Abby's intimation until about a week later. I was in my office at the end of a long and menial day of bureaucracy, and was rather forcefully using Keisha to relieve my stress of the day. She had given me the excuse when she accidentally/on-purpose had dropped a file of papers on the floor. A menial transgression for someone who ostensibly was one of my secretaries, but I had noticed in her exaggerated apology, and the way she had knelt to collect the papers such that I was afforded a completely unobstructed view of her cleavage, that she was hoping for me to pick up on the excuse to "punish" her.

So I did.

When she had collected the papers back into the folder, and placed them on my desk, I was waiting with my cock already out. "Toy, that was unseemly of you. What would someone have said had they walked in right then? Anyone could have slipped on a paper and fell, and then I would be liable for their injuries. Are you trying to sabotage me?" None of that was actually plausible in reality, but it sufficed as an excuse.

Keisha mewled and shook her head in the negative. "I'm sorry, Master. I didn't mean to."

"It's ok," I soothed, and opened my arms for her to step into a hug. She did so, and I stroked her hair. Keisha's hands found my naked cock, but I trapped her against me so that she couldn't really stroke it at all.

"It's ok. But... I am going to have to punish you. You understand that, right?" Keisha didn't answer immediately, so I grabbed the beautiful short red hair in both hands, and held Keisha so I could look in your eyes. She was wearing a headband to keep the hair swept backwards and more professional that day, and it tangled uncomfortably in my fingers, and must have pressed against Keisha's scalp causing pain based on her gasped reaction, but I ignored it. A little mild pain was going to be ok between the two of us.

"I asked you a question, toy."

"Yes. Master."

Not letting go of her hair, I pressed Keisha down to her knees, and rubbed my balls across her face. Her tongue flashed out at every opportunity, and soon I couldn't resist anymore and shoved my cock into her mouth.

Working hard to keep my voice calm and steady - a chore given the exertion I was undertaking - I said: "This is not your punishment. Your punishment will be to take my seed across your face. Cindy will lick what she can from it - but you will walk back to your dorm with my smell under your nose, and noticeable to anyone who comes close enough to catch a whiff as well. Anyone who cares to, will be able to identify you as a fuck-toy, a slut, a wanton bitch in utter heat."

Keisha, my cock still being lathed by her tongue, said "Yeth, Mathter," and looked up at me with submissive eyes.

Just then, there was a knock on my office door. I groaned in frustration. I really really did not want to deal with anything else other than using Keisha right then.

"Who is it?" I called over my shoulder.

I heard the door creak open, which sent a shock through me. My staff knew not to open that door when only Keisha and I were behind it. Thankfully, by pure happenstance, we were at an angle where a direct sightline was still covered by a pile of papers. Portia - the official representative from the city government - stuck her head into the room. "I'm sorry, there was no-one out here and I know we don't have an appointment, but I have an urgent matter to discuss with you." She declared business-like.

Urgently I tried to shoo Keisha under my desk, and she complied as much as she could, though my chair was in the way. For my part, I tried to look natural, as I hurriedly stuffed my penis back into my pants. I don't think I was successful, certainly Portia gave me a funny look when I did finally turn and go to the door to actually shake her hand.

"Uh, this isn't exactly the best time." I admitted. "Any chance we can reschedule?"

Portia shook her head slightly regretfully. "I'm sorry, but the Mayor did ask me to make sure I delivered the message and returned with an answer before the end of the day. It regards a rather sudden turn of events that... well, they are of some import to the mayor."

I sighed, expressively, not even caring that Portia could see my lack of eagerness, but after a surreptitious glance behind me to make sure Keisha would be well hidden under my desk, I loudly invited her in. My aim, of course, was to make Keisha aware that Portia was in the room, and that she should remain silent if at all possible, but Portia glanced at me twice as she entered, and I wondered how much I had managed to keep secret.

I rounded my desk, and sat in my chair quickly, hoping that Portia didn't notice that Keisha had moved it from where it had initially been in order to make it past and into her little cubby-hole under my desk.

"What can I do for you?" I asked. "And the mayor." I hastened to add when I realized that the request was really from him.

"In brief terms? Endorse him for the County Prosecutor's job."

I took a beat. Partially because Keisha's hands had roamed to the crotch of my pants, but mostly because I was reminded of Abby's words the previous week. This might be an opportunity to ingratiate myself with the local powers, though what 'stage two' was remained a mystery to me.

When Keisha gripped the zipper on my pants she forced me to speak or risk having the sound of her opening it be heard by Portia. "Ahem. County Prosecutor, eh? I didn't think there were any county elections happening for another three years?"

Portia tilted her head to the side as she answered. "You are correct. But a rather scandalous affair is going to force him out of office. His own wife is currently berating him on the news, in public. He has yet to resign officially, that will likely be tomorrow morning, but unofficially he doesn't really have a choice. After it is official tomorrow, the County will appoint a temporary Prosecutor until the position can be filled by a special election in a couple months."

My trousers had been worked past my knees by the time Portia finished, with a little help from me as I leaned across my desk in the pretense of picking up a pen to play with. Portia eyed the pen curiously, but didn't comment.

"So why the urgency? Can't the mayor wait until the end of the week if the election is in two-o months?" I tried to hide a gasp as Keisha pulled my hard cock into her mouth gently.

"The position of county prosecutor, while prolific, doesn't really get many people out to vote. Even fewer people when it is a special election. That means that the incumbent likely has a huge advantage even if they were appointed by the county. There are two major candidates for the position that have been waiting in the wings for a while, our mayor, and a deputy in the prosecutor's department. If you endorse publicly before the council decides whom to appoint, it might sway a vote to the mayor's side. Are you ok?" Portia looked concerned. "You seem a little less focused than normal."

To be fair, it's a little hard to focus properly when you have someone as capable as Keisha silently administering to your desires. I tried to wave away the concern. "I... I'm just having a bit of a deja-vu." And in truth I kind of was. The first time I had met Portia springing to mind, when a very similar situation had resulted. "Well, I can see the urgency. And I do like the mayor on the couple of times we have met these past months. I'm happy to give him a boost, but I want to discuss it with my staff first."

"Any chance you can do that quickly? We don't expect more than twelve hours at most between the resignation and the council appointing a successor."

"Sure, I'll get them together now, and can have an answer for you in the morning."

"Or, I could wait." Portia offered. "That way I can have your answer immediately after you finish your discussions."

I shrugged at that, then paused, as I didn't know what to do next. I needed to get to my phone, in my pants pocket in order to call Abby or Cindy to get everyone together. But bending that low would be beyond suspicious. I considered trying to make clear to Keisha that she should get my phone out of my pants pocket, but couldn't really figure out how to do that unobtrusively. And finally, I couldn't figure out any easy way to ask Portia to leave without me at least doing her the courtesy of showing her to the door.

Also, Keisha's skill, as well as the situation was showing it's worth as I got closer to ejaculation. In the silence that reigned, I let my gaze roamed over Portia. She had a slightly sexy librarian vibe to her with horn-rimmed glasses, a white blouse and a tight skirt over black pumps. Instead of books, she carried a briefcase, and instead of a tied back bun, she had curly hair which she had braided, and which hung down her always straight back. With more blood in my cock than in my brain, she looked very fuckable.

The silence between us stretched to breaking, and I was the one who broke.

"Portia, can I be brutally honest with you?" I asked, leaning forward, dropping the pen back on the desk, and letting my left hand drop underneath the desk in order to let Keisha know that she was about to receive my cum. To my surprise she backed off, releasing the tension. I knew Keisha's game then: she was going to keep me just on the edge of ejaculation, just on the cusp of sweet release. The torturer had become the tortured.

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