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How I Became My Mother's Sex Slave Ch. 02

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Chapter 2, my mother takes ownership of me.
4.5k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 10/12/2021
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Authors note: This is the second chapter of this work of pure fiction, sorry for the long pause between chapters. The first installment has proven to be my most popular story so far so I will continue this series.

All feedback is most welcome as I further explore the relationship between Eric, his teacher, and his dominate mother.

This story contains depictions of illegal acts of blackmail, incest, and human slavery and is intended strictly for the erotic enjoyment of the reader. All Fictional Charters are adults over 18.

How I became my Mother's sex slave 2.

"What didn't you expect?" Doctor Amber asked.

My mother pumped up the pillow under my head forcing my nose and mouth into her ass effectively cutting off my breathing. I again tried to squirm and gulp for air, but it was no use, I was too tightly restricted in my bounds to the queening box.

"It's a text from his Boss Linda, she's asking Eric to prove that he wants to serve as her sex slave!"

It was her answer to the text pictures Doctor Amber had sent her using my phone.

Linda is my straight shooter and "No Bullshit Boss" and it was certain to Doctor Amber and my mother that she would be appalled by such pictures.

Its intent was to get me fired from my job so no one would be suspicious when I simply dropped out of society. She also, 'Accidentally' sent a copy of the text to Rhonda, the workplace busy-body. Judging by all the texts received to my phone, she had obviously shared it to most of my co-workers. I will now be the workplace laughingstock.

The plan was to make it look like I was too ashamed to ever show myself again. The text was asking Linda, the HR director where I worked, to take me as her slave.

It had been about six hours since my mother Karen and Doctor Amber Phillips had captured me. Now I was bound to a queening box in the backroom dudgeon of Doctor Amber's college classroom. She was my fetish teacher in part of my class studies as a phycology major. She's the one who led me to discover my desire to be dominated by strong women, and was the leading cause of my untimely exit from my college studies. I have since been working a dead end job and my future indeed looked very bleak.

That all changed now as my mother Karen would now be in charge of my new Mistress/Slave lifestyle. I should have seen it growing up but I didn't. Looking back on it now, my mother seemed to love spanking and punishing me as a kid and at times I actually found the pain enjoyable. All these facts finally added up and led me to experience my present overpowering tendencies to be dominated.

I am told I'll be here for about a month until my mother's basement is remodeled into a home dudgeon where I will spend the rest of my life as a sex slave. I am to only be allowed to leave when my mother permitted, and that would mostly be to serve my mother's friends and other powerful women at her choosing. Even then I am to be naked and fully bound.

My entire existence now was to be dominated and controlled by my sadistic mother and whoever she chooses to partake in her sex games with me as the centerpiece.

The month in between is to be spent as a training subject for Amber's night class on extreme Femdom. It will also be my initial training to be a twenty four-seven sex slave to my new owner.

As I laid there smothered and struggling to breathe under my mother's ass, Amber spoke.

"I know what Linda is doing, she needs more evidence to build a sexual harassment case so she can legally fire Eric. What do you say we give it to her?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"Deflate the pillow and dismount him!"

The pillow was deflated and soon I was gasping air and filling my deprived lungs with the precious oxygen they were lacking.

Doctor Amber went to a drawer and retrieved a small device with a strap and remote control.

"I'll attach this to his balls, it's intended to make male slaves a lot more obedient, and then I'll tell you what I have in mind!"

Once the contraption was secured at the base of my scrotum, Amber pointed the remote at my groin and pushed the button.

A strong surge of electrical fire erupted in my balls. I sobbed in agony. What was worse, I couldn't reach down and massage them to somewhat sooth the pain.

Doctor Amber looked directly into my eyes and showed me the remote.

"If you don't want me to burn your balls off, you will do exactly what I ask, am I clear?"

I whimpered out in a high pitched and labored voice,

"Y-y-yes Mistress A-a-amber!"

"Ok, good!"

"Karen, get close to his face and use his phone to record a short video!"

"Ok, worm, when ordered, you will stick out your tongue and tell Linda you want to suck her pussy and lick her ass and treat her like the Goddess she is!"

She turned a knob on the remote and pushed the button again.

Another surge erupted in my balls, this time slightly more intense than the last.

I started to cry out in pain.

She held the remote in my full view as a threat to make sure I did exactly as she had ordered.

"Ok, go!"

My mother started the video and I started wiggling my tongue and recited what I was directed to do knowing that if I made a mistake that my balls would be zapped again.

"Linda, I want to suck your pussy and treat you like the goddess you are!"

When I was done I thought for sure I'd be zapped again, but instead my two Mistresses huddled around my phone and watched the video. They seemed pleased.

My mother hit send, then remounted my face.

I immediately stuck my tongue out and started licking her ass, and periodically darted my wet appendage deep into her anal orifice.

It wasn't long before my phone beeped, indicating a new message. My mother showed the text to Amber.

"Well, there it is," said Amber, "You are now officially fired and your ass is ours to do as we please!"

"Karen, let's put our new pet away for the night, we need to pace ourselves, we have two days to get him ready before class starts Monday night."

With that, my bounds to the box were detached and my wrist and ankle cuffs were removed. The electronic box was removed from my scrotum.

I was made to crawl across the room and enter a four foot shower stall. The water was turned on and I was soon drenched with forty degree cold water.

The temperature of the water was a shock to my system and I almost fainted, but I was able to catch myself before I crumpled into a heap on the floor.

Doctor Amber handed me a bar of soap and with shaky hands I used it to clean myself. I also took large gulps of water into and out of my mouth to cleanse the taste of female cum and urine that had accumulated in my time in the box.

I was then lead dripping wet and naked to a nasty cage looking metal device hanging in the corner of the room.

Doctor Amber ordered,

"Turn around and have a seat!"

I turned around and sat in the cage. I shivered when the cold steel made contact with my wet skin.

"Now put your hands together and present them to me!"

I did as ordered and Doctor Amber put a set of cuffs on my wrists and chained them to the steel of the cage over my head.

Next Doctor Amber put cuffs on my ankles and attached chains to the D-rings on them. My legs were stretched about three feet apart and the chains were locked to eye bolts screwed into the floor.

A leather strap was wrapped around my dangling balls and secured to another eyebolt on the floor. The straps were pulled tight, stretching my balls several inches, then the straps were tied off.

Doctor Amber sadistically pushed on the swinging cage and the snug straps pulled mercilessly on my balls, stretching them even more.

I let out a deep guttural moan.

"Oh, that hurts a bit does it?"

"Here, let me help you a little!"

With a wicked laugh my tormentor placed a rubber gag in my mouth and tightly secured it in place with straps behind my head.

She pushed the swing again, this time all I could utter were muffled gasps.

"There, now that's better!"

At Doctor Amber's direction my mother produced a leather sheaf and slid it over my ridged cock.

Doctor Amber closed the steel door of the cage, tightly securing me in place. I had very little room to move.

To make matters worse, Doctor Amber adjusted a series of strategically placed threaded spikes around my body further restricting my movement.

As Doctor Amber was securing me in for the night, my mother was tapping on my phone and reading all the texts from my co-workers that were coming in. Some thought it was just a joke, others were appalled by it.

Suddenly a puzzled look appeared on her face,

"Here's something interesting!"

"What's that," asked Doctor Amber.

"It's a text from an unknown number with the subject line, 'How did you know?'"

The two women looked at each other, puzzled at first, then they smiled at one another.

Doctor Amber was the first to speak,

"Now things are about to get interesting, let's put our new slave away and retire to my quarters across the street. We have some plans to make!"

With that they turned off the lights and I heard the loud clink of the heavy locks on the steel door.

I was left swinging in the steel cage, the spikes dug into my skin with the smallest of movements, and the straps pulled against my aching balls forcing me to try as hard as I could to remain perfectly still.

It was a very sleepless night, I'd finally get reasonably comfortable then I'd feel the ambient temperature in the room change. At times I was sweating, then other times I was shivering.

I realized that this was all part of my conditioning, I was to learn that my two captors were in complete control of me and I'd better resign myself to that fact or suffer at my own peril.

Doctor Amber had covered all this in my studies, her role right now was like that of a Drill Sargent with a very tough exterior at first, but I knew it was mostly an act and my life will be nowhere near as harsh, so I had to get into the mindset to just live through it the best I could.

I had lost all track of time, but I noticed that after several hours of varying temperatures, things stabilized to what seemed like a comfortable seventy degrees or so. I was finally able to get some sleep.

The next morning I was woken out of my partial slumber by the locks being operated on the door, then the lights suddenly came on.

I squinted, trying to get my eyes used to the sudden change of lighting. Then the pungent scent of my mother's sex filled the air. I didn't see her right away, but I knew it was her after spending an extended time last night with my nose in her crotch.

But Doctor Amber was the first to come into view, she was dressed in the usual attire she wore for her classes. Red silken dress adorned with a black laced red corset, her large bosoms were enhanced by tight leather straps pushing up against the lower portion of her breasts, but this time she wore no bottoms. Her shaved pussy was in full view and I found it strangely inviting. Her shoulder length black hair covered her black latex topcoat.

She had just a light streaking of gray in her hair which gave just a hint of her age.

Then, my eyes followed the ambiance of my mother and I was mesmerized by the sight of her. She was dressed exactly as one of the Dominatrix's of my dreams.

My cock strained against its rubber confinement, my heart started pounding with desire for the new vision of my male sexual urges.

Last night, she was my mother, now she was my mistress and has become the object of my sexual desire, and she seemed just as aroused as I was.

Her tossed mid-length red hair was accentuated by just the right amount of mascara around her sultry blue eyes.

My gaze soon focused to her average but succulent breasts, each pierced nipple was highlighted by silver jeweled flowers.

Her spandex corset was buckled around her hourglass shape with silver buttons.

As I worked my way down with my eyes, my focal point became her pussy. Although I had seen it up close last night while I was locked in the queening box, it looked far more inviting today.

She had obviously did a lot of grooming to that area overnight. She was cleanly shaved and two evenly spaced silver rings graced her labia. Her mid-length nylons led down to her four inch high heels.

I had long fanaticized about what my mistress would look like if I was to ever have one, but my mother exceeded those imaginations.

Then I heard the voice of Doctor Amber,

"Waky, waky, time for you new life to begin!"

"But first we are going to give you a little demonstration of what is in store for you later today!"

Just then a third person opened the heavy door and walked in. She was tall, about six foot two. Not really muscular, but not thin. She was wearing a lab coat. The woman walked up to me and smiled at my predicament.

"Hello Eric," she said with a little sarcasm, "It's nice to see you again!"

I squinted and tried to get a good look at her, I knew that face.

"You remember Doctor Stacy Manning don't you Eric!" My mother exclaimed.

"I think now you know why I insisted that you have that through physical."

Then it came to me, my mother had sent me to Doctor Manning two weeks ago, at the time I thought it was odd that she spent so much time inspecting my cock and balls. She had also probed me deeply in the ass using almost her entire hand.

"The nice Doctor here has helped us come up with a naughty drug cocktail to help with your enhancement," proclaimed Doctor Amber.

"I think it's time slave boy here gets his first enhancement dose."

"Before I do that, let me show you something I made just for Eric!"

Doctor Manning placed a box on a bench next to the wall, she opened it and took out two silver spheres.

Doctor Manning walked over and knelt before me. She removed the strap from my balls and playfully started kneading them. I shuttered at her touch.

"A little sore are we?"

"Just do what these ladies say and you'll be fine!"

"Besides, these balls won't be this way for much longer!"

She held the two silvery objects up against my testacies for comparison, the globes were almost twice as large as my balls.

"So, that's them," my mother asked with amazement in her voice.

"I know they look large now," replied the doctor, not wanting to take her eyes off my hanging jewels, "but I'll get the skin around them, ball skin has very elastic properties."

"But that's on tomorrows agenda right," interrupted Doctor Amber.

"Yes, I'll bring my equipment into the classroom later today and sterilize everything, we can do the implants first thing tomorrow morning."

Doctor Manning got up and walked back over to the box and took out a rather large syringe and a vile of a green colored liquid. She came back over to me and again knelt down.

She inserted the needle into the container and drew up the liquid into the reservoir.

She turned to Doctor Amber,

"Like all the other slaves, you'll need to do this every morning from now on. I'll just adjust the content and dosages as the things develop!"

"But I've designed this cocktail to be administered a little differently."

"Here, let me demonstrate."

With one swift movement Doctor Manning sucked my balls into her mouth and pinched my ball sack in place with her teeth. I grimaced at her touch and the pinching sensation. I braced myself for what was about to come.

Then she inserted the needle into my skin just before her lips. She drew back a suction on my balls and discharged the liquid into my skin, drawing the medicine evenly into my balls.

I felt a burning sensation that fortunately faded quickly.

"It'll take a little practice but you shouldn't have much difficulty mastering it."

Then she stood next to Doctor Amber and waited.

I instantly felt a tingle surge through my body as the injection started to take effect, I found the sensations strangely pleasurable.

"Now for our little demonstration," Doctor Amber continued,

"You see, Stacy here attended my class for new Dominatrix's but soon found out that her interests were more as a submissive, that's when she became my Pain Slut!"

"Now, she's Slave Stacy and she's here for her weekly whipping!"

Without another word, Doctor Amber walked over to one of the walls and started selecting various cuffs, straps, and chains. She then selected a large black leather studded collar. She stacked her selections on my mother's waiting arms.

She walked in front of our visitor who instantly started to strip off all her clothing. Once totally nude she paraded herself in front on me as to display her nude and obviously abused body.

She had pierced nipples, a silver ring hanging from her labia, and many, many healed over whipping scars. Once I had a good look at her, she moved over to Doctor Amber and knelt in front of her and in one swift movement, surrendered her wrists in the air.

My mother stood next to them and assisted the next step.

Doctor Amber placed the collar around the neck of her submissive and secured it behind her head with a brass paddle lock. Then she attached the cuffs to her slave's wrists. She commanded the slave to stand while her ankles were shackled.

Slave Stacy was at least a half foot taller than her two mistresses and could have easily overpowered them if she had wanted to, but instead she accepted her bounds freely.

The slave was led to the center of the room and in my full view.

"Up," Said Doctor Amber and the slave eagerly reached her arms into the air, just out of her reach, two chains conveniently hung from the ceiling.

Doctor Amber cranked down on a winch and the two chains were lowered.

Doctor Amber attached the chains to the slave's wrist cuffs and locked them into place. Then her ankle cuffs were attached to eyebolts about three feet apart on the floor.

My mother walked over to the wall and fetched a long heavy black rope. She walked over and handed it to her friend who started expertly wrapping and tightly binding her slave's clearly augmented chest.

Slave Stacy's breasts were pushed out into tightly bound globes that painfully started turning beet red in color.

The last item to be administered was a large red ball gag that was placed into the slave's eager mouth.

I could see a mixture of fear and pleasure on the slaves face as her Mistress selected a bull whip from the large assortment of toys displayed on the wall.

Doctor Amber motioned over to my mother and she knowingly went to the far wall and brought back a black cloth bag with a drawstring on the bottom.

My mother placed the bag over the slave's head and drew the string snugly around the neck.

Then I heard the sound of the winch again as Doctor Amber slowly cranked her slave's arms into the air.

Without much celebration I heard the sound of a whip flying through the air, then a muffled moan from the slave as the whip hit home on her naked ass.

Doctor Amber expertly administered stokes to the slave's tender body, alternating between the bound woman's ass and stomach. Each stroke left a welt that slowly changed from pink to near purple.

I tried to count the strokes but my heart was jumping at the thought that I'd be taking the slaves place later today.

When Doctor Amber had administered the designated amount of strokes she put the whip down on a bench and left her subject hanging heavily on her bounds.

Doctor Amber had covered whippings during the classes I had taken, but the actual thrashings were simulated, this was the first time I actually saw her in action.

Then she turned her attention to me.

"I'm going to release you from your bounds but I must warn you, if you try to escape, things will not go well for you, I'm sure my little demonstration has convinced you of that!"

"Y-y-yes Mistress," I stuttered.


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