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How I Met My Neighbor


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"Once all the construction on your place starts I think I'm gonna like living next-door. But thank you, you seem like a really nice girl and you're pretty fun too." With that she kissed me and snuggled up next to me drinking her beer. We watched TV for a few hours and decided to order Chinese takeout. We ate and she went back over to her place and I sat back down and pulled my cock out to think about her, as I did I heard a knock on the door and put it back away really fast and jumped up and answered it.

"Hey Tom sorry to ask this but the workers started on my bedroom and I don't want to sleep in there with all the sawdust and everything so would you mind if I stayed in your spare room tonight."

"Of course not, you are welcome to stay here anytime." She had changed into some pink pajamas and they looked very soft and from the looks of it she didn't have a bra on and as she walked by I could tell she didn't have any panties on either. She went and turned the TV in the guest room on and left the door open a little bit, I sat back down on the couch for a while before going to my room. As I walked by I could see her and it looked like she was masturbating. I stood and watched for a few minutes and then went into my room. As I lay there I could hear Jenny moaning and it was getting louder, so I got back up and walked back over to the slightly open door of her room. I pulled my cock out and started to stroke it while I watched her. Her moans were so sensual and she sounded close to orgasm. I was so horny from spending so much time with her that I wasn't going to take long at all.

She started bucking her hips up and down bouncing off the bed, she had to be close and so was I. I heard her moan one more time and then she started to spasm on the bed, it was so hot I wanted to finish but I heard rain outside and a big bolt of lightning light up the hall and I didn't want to get caught so I tucked my cock into my boxers and went back into my room and looked outside as another bolt of lightning struck next to our building. The thunder clapped so loud my window shook, I stood there watching out my window for a minute when Jenny grabbed my ass and scared the crap out of me but she looked scared too so I asked her if she was ok while trying to hide my still hard cock.

"Hey what's up? Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine it's just... I don't like to admit this but I am actually terrified of thunder storms so can I sleep with you tonight?"

She looked so innocent and adorable, and her face was all flushed probably from the orgasm she just had so I couldn't resist. "Yeah of course you can, and don't be ashamed of that it's actually kind of adorable. Hop in the bed and make yourself comfortable."

"Hey Tom"

"Yes Jenny"

"You know I saw it when you turned around," I was wondering what she was referring to until I felt her hand on my cock "I can take care of this for you if you want me to." She winked at me as she started stroking me over my boxers.

"Are you sure that you want to? I mean you don't think it will get weird living next to each other and everything." She didn't even answer, she just went under the blanket and pulled my boxers off and started playing with me. I pulled the blanket to the side and she was staring up at me with my cock in both of her hands right next to her open mouth.

She said "How's this for an answer" and then winked and wrapped her lips around my cock head. I let out a soft moan and my hand instinctively went to the back of her head while my other hand grabbed the sheet. Since I had already been jerking off watching her masturbate I didn't think it would take long. And then when she stopped focusing on my cock head and sucked all 8 inches into her throat I knew I wouldn't last long at all. She looked up at me and slowly let each inch out of my cock out of her mouth and then smiled a devilish smile.

"You know Tom, I saw you at my door while I was masturbating. I wouldn't have cum so much if you hadn't pulled out this big cock of yours and starting playing while you watched. That was so hot, oh and by the way I'm not really afraid of storms... I just wanted to get my hands on this." She squeezed my cock as she said this and then went right back down on it all the way to the base. All I could do was moan, I was stunned by how attracted I was to this hot little redhead. She was stealing my heart and I was willing to let it go.

When I finally had enough of my thought back to respond I said "You're a clever little girl aren't you Jenny, you get everything you want don't you." At that she started massaging my balls which took over me, no one had ever done that to me before and it felt amazing. I was at a loss for words again.

She pulled my cock out of her mouth and smiled that devilish smile at me again, "You're right Tom, I do always get what I want." She pushed me up a little and smacked my ass and went back to sucking my head. I was so close to cumming I had to tell her, but part of me wanted to just let it go in her mouth as payback for smacking my ass and that's exactly what I did.

It was probably 30 more seconds of her blowing me and I blew my load in her mouth and surprised her. She gagged and pulled my cock out of her mouth before I was finished and the last three shots went on her face from her lip to her eyebrow, the second went in her hair and the third went an her exposed cleavage.

She swallowed what had gone in her mouth and laughed, "I will get you back for that you know that right. But right now you have the privilege of cleaning me up. Lick your cum of my tits Tom."

"Ok I'll admit that was not the nicest thing to do and I'm fine with you trying to get me back, but you can't be serious?"

She laughed again, this time a big deep laugh "Oh I'm very serious, you are going to lick your cum off my tits right now." She took her finger and wiped the cum from her lip up to her eyebrow and put it up to her mouth and cleaned it off. "See it doesn't even taste bad! Now get over here and clean up your spunky mess." She winked and pulled her top down so her areolas were showing.

"Well I've never done this, but for you... I think I'd try anything." As I leaned in she whispered in my ear "You remember those words when I get back on Friday alright." Then she pulled my head into her cleavage as I opened my mouth and tasted my own cum for the first time. She was actually right though it didn't taste too bad.

"Hey you know, I guess you were right. It doesn't taste as bad as I thought it would." We both smiled and laughed and she leaned in and kissed me. It wasn't just a peck though, she kissed me for a long time and it was very sensual and I really enjoyed it.

When she finally broke away from the kiss she said, "I really like you Tom, I think we should hang out this Friday when I get back from my trip. I'm going to meet a client a few hours away and I'm going to stay there until then but I would really like to go on another date with you."

"A date? Yeah I'd like that a lot! But why are you staying with a client for three days?" I didn't even know what she did but she said she didn't usually work very much.

"Well it is what he wanted me to do, it fits best for the schedule of things he wants me to do. If everything goes according to the plan I won't have to work again for a long time."

"Well that sounds like a good deal, what exactly is it that you are going to be doing for your client? If you don't mind my asking."

She giggled "I don't mind you asking, but all of my business is confidential so I can't tell you exactly what it is that I will be doing but I can show you sometime how about that big boy!" she winked at me which confused me but I didn't know how to respond so just shook my head.

"Well why don't we try to get some sleep so we can wake up refreshed tomorrow." She rolled over and I put my arm around her and we both fell asleep together in my bed. I knew that she would be in my dreams as I drifted off.

When I woke up Jenny was gone, I had assumed she was in the bathroom or maybe cooking me breakfast again so I got up and went to the bathroom first. She wasn't in there so I whipped out my cock and took a piss and proceeded to the kitchen to find that Jenny wasn't in there either. I walked back into my room to grab some pants and go see if she was packing at her place so I could say bye before she left. I walked through my door and saw a note on the bedside table that I hadn't noticed when I got up.

"Tom, I really enjoyed getting to meet you. I didn't expect to like you so quickly but you and I seem to just kinda click. I am not use to this kind of thing so there is two things you need to know about me. Both things that may make you not want to see me again so I didn't want to be there if you got mad. First thing is that I am an escort and that is what I am going to do for the next three days, I will explain more about that when I get back, if you want to see me that is. The reason I don't have to work very often is that, well I'm a much desired escort and I work on referrals only so as you might imagine I'm not a cheap date, also I always play safe. The second thing is that I am not exactly the person you think I am... I put a dvd in your player for you to watch, I made it specifically for you last night before I came over to your place to stay the night. Play it and I hope you will still want to see me when I get back."

I was again stunned by all this information, I thought back to the two men who had knocked at her door the other day and it dawned on me that they must have been clients. I wasn't really grossed out, I had called an escort once in college to have a three way with her and a girl I was hooking up with and she was very clean and made me use a condom even though I hate them. I found myself not really being bothered by her first bit of information.

My attention came back to the dvd she had put into my player, I walked over to it and open the tray and sure enough there it was "For Tom, please watch" I popped it back in and turned on the tv. I was so nervous, what else could she possibly tell me that would make me not want to see her again. I had never felt so strongly about a girl, definitely not that fast for sure. But I thought she was perfect so I couldn't think of anything that she could reveal that would change my mind.

The dvd started to play and it was just an empty bathroom at first but then Jenny walked into the frame of the camera. She was wearing the same pink pajamas she had on last night. She began to speak and I was all ears.

"Tom, you have probably read the not so you now know I am an escort but I am not and ordinary type of escort..." She paused for what seemed like a lifetime, "I am a transsexual Tom. I know that this is more of a shock than me being an escort so pause the video right now and think about it" she stopped talking for another minute probably and as she opened her mouth to speak again I paused it. The girl next door, my girl next door was a transsexual? She was so feminine, how could she be? When she masturbated the other night in the spare room...

Suddenly I remembered that she had done that so I ran in there and looked at the sheets. There was two large cum stains on the sheets, it was all dry obviously but when she came last night it had to have been like a fountain. I stripped them off and threw them onto the floor to wash later. Practically running back into the room I grabbed the remote and un-paused the video.

"I really do like you Tom so when I come back Friday I would like to see you again but so you know what you are dealing with I am going to show you my cock," Cock, that word stuck and seemed to pause time, I felt my boxers becoming tight, my hand reached for my own cock which was rock hard, I'm not sure I have ever gotten hard that fast before. "This is why I am such a desired escort" She said as she grabbed a bulge in her pajama bottoms.


I stared at the package in her hand, soft and through her bottoms it looked pretty big. I could already see the head and it looked fat. I was confused, my cock was so hard but my brain was rattling off so many thoughts.


She looked down at what she had grasped in her hand and let go, looking back up she took both hands and put them on her bottoms and pushed them down revealing her cock. She was staring straight at the camera as if she wanted to look into my eyes. She took her right hand and grabbed her soft member, which had to be 5 inches already. And started to stroke it gently.

"Tom, I know this is going to change things between us but I hope it doesn't change the feelings we both clearly have for each other. I have never liked someone else like this and never this fast. Just thinking about spending time with you makes me hard." My eyes had drifted back up to hers and I looked back down at her package which now looked fully hard, she must have been 9 inches I guessed knowing what my 8 looked like.

"I hope you will see me again when I get back from my appointment this weekend. I'll be waiting for you when I get back." With that she walked straight up to the camera which was the same height as her cock and turned it off. I looked down and realized I was stroking my own cock and I was actually close to finishing. I rewound the tape to just before she turned it off and paused it so that the only thing on screen was her cock. It was massive and kind of tan looking with a big fat mushroom tip, it was veiny and looked very powerful but somehow extremely feminine at the same time. I closed my eyes and pictured the two of us making out naked, our cocks rubbing against one another. Then I pictured her standing in front of me on my knees and telling me to suck it. I wanted to, as I pictured her cock entering my mouth mine exploded and I opened my eyes to look at the picture of her massive member while I ejaculated.

When I finally finished cumming, I looked down and I had never cum that much before. I stripped my sheets off and threw them into the hallway and went to the bathroom to shower off. The only thing on my mind was the picture of Jenny's throbbing cock and I kept thinking about how fun it would be to try this new experience, and with a smoking hot redhead who was super cool. I had decided, I didn't care that she was a transsexual. She was beautiful and fun and I really liked her before I knew so why should that change. She is still a girl, she just has something extra.

I couldn't wait to see her again on Friday.


So this is my first story and I worked pretty hard on it. Please let me know what you think, I will write a second and probably third part to it and if it gets good reviews I will post them when I am done. Thanks!!

P.S. Please be gentle!!

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

We NEED a part 2 for sure. Awesome story!

Redd872020Redd87202012 months ago

Not a girl still a boy

Bicurious_77Bicurious_77about 1 year ago

A good introduction to a potential series. Would love to read a part 2 or a part 3. Hope to see Tom go all the way and get his anal cherry taken this smoking hot neighbor. Jenny happens to be my dream girl, just like Tom!

smoothed273smoothed273about 1 year ago

Part 2, Please ! 💖💖💖💖💋💋✌

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I really enjoyed it thanks please finish the story. I wished I could have met a special person like Jenny Tom/Tammy

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Good apart from SAME spelling mistake over and over----Clothes.

bamaguy326bamaguy326almost 2 years ago


Please continue the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

It should continue

Skidoo800Skidoo800about 3 years ago

That's a dream would be an awesome dreams

JacktacularJacktacularalmost 4 years ago

Unless he was already looking for a TS you should’ve drawn it out more .... not rushed the relationship. Some of us really like a slow burn romance, makes it all hotter

Amack969Amack969almost 4 years ago
Great story

I hope you finish the next part, I'd love to read more

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

I concur with the other comments! Your storyline flowed well, enticing this reader to crave more! Also, your character build up made the characters more believable. I look forward to reading more of your enticing works!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Please continue with the story. It's been nearly a decade since I've been in erotica and I need to have more of this story. Please don't hold back. And be gentle and more sunsenseful!!!

PatricBluPatricBluabout 5 years ago
Well executed

Well where the continuation of the story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Great story

I think you did a great job, now keep going.. ;)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Hey, nice one. It looks like you had us hooked for more

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Loving the characters

Hoping for part 2

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Really hoping that your working on more chapters for this story. Can't wait to see the sub/domme dynamic when she gets back

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

great story keep it going i gave it 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Awesome 1st story

I was really impressed with your writing. Keep it up

trixforeveryonetrixforeveryoneover 6 years ago
Great story!

Great story! Not sure how I missed it when it came out, but please continue.

Jb423Jb423over 6 years ago

Please continue this series. Really good 1st chapter

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Positively absolutely add the 2nd and 3rd chapters! Very hot sexy story!! Jenny is a doll you brought to life! I want to hear more of her sexploits, including her time with the client, and afterwards with Tom.

Leotardstights69Leotardstights69over 7 years ago
Great Story

Please add Chapter 2 ASAP

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

great story so far. and yes you really need to add more chapters.

burkdmburkdmover 7 years ago
Please continue

Please do continue the story. It would be much appreciated. :) You've got a good set up, good writing skills, and a good cliff hanger.

will281will281almost 8 years ago
Very enjoyable and highly erotic

Other readers have offered some constructive suggestions that should be taken to heart and incorporated into future efforts. And I certainly look forward to other works from you. While I agree that Tom and Jenny seem mature for a couple of young adults, I do not find it at all unrealistic. Some people mature earlier than others. As a young man, I had the rare privilege of meeting and bedding two very beautiful transsexuals. While I was rather immature, they exuded a level of maturity beyond their tender age -- they were much younger than I was at the time. This happened in 1965 in Thailand. There was a language barrier and they may have been escorts. However, no money changed hands for the pleasure they gave to me. If that sounds unrealistic, then remember this: strange things do happen. So, I encourage you to borrow from personal experience and don't hesitate to use your fertile imagination in telling your story. Thanks again for the story of Tom and Jenny.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

I love that you did exactly what I'd have done! Jacked off with that cockhead close. I want to read about her cock cuming in your mouth as I dream about it!

aspiringdevilaspiringdevilalmost 8 years ago
Keep Going

This was good especially for a first effort. The story flowed very naturally to me. While somethings were unrealistic that is forgivable, the dialogue while it is a little highschoolish. On the other hand I know more than a few 20 somethings who talk like that, and It does sell me on Jenny's playfulness. My only real complaint is I don't feel like Tom was well characterized. I think I know what you were going for, Tom is a dork who grew into a confident ladys man in college and Jenny cuts through that part of himself and he reverts back to a bit of dorky awkward guy. I think because we are just told that about Tom it doesn't quite stick. A prologue or moment for Tom to demonstrate his confidence and charisma would have made it work better. Those are just my thoughts and I look forward to part 2.

GrrrreatImaginationGrrrreatImaginationalmost 8 years ago

The story is hot, if not completely realistic. Still, if we all only wanted realistic, why are we reading erotic fantasies, right?

Your story had elements that I enjoy in a story. It had reasonably good descriptions, good dialogue, and you let us into the thoughts and feelings of your main character. And, of course, you built up some really hot sex.

The things I noticed in the mechanics of the story might be remedied by using one of the Lit editors. The only other thing that will help will be for you to write more (please?).

Carnevil9Carnevil9almost 8 years ago
Really sweeps you up!

I like this story a lot; the way it sweeps you up into the characters and the situations is something that is difficult to learn how to do. It could use a bit of polish, but that's the type of thing you CAN learn, mostly by writing more and more and more. Gotta fave it so that I can come back and look for subsequent chapters!

Dark_StormDark_Stormalmost 8 years ago
Needs some work

I enjoyed the premise of the story, but the telling lacks sophistication and polish.

For a couple of 22-year-olds, they communicated more like immature teenagers. An adult woman who calls a guy she just met a "dork", really? That's a word best left behind in middle school. And Tom wasn't much better. For a self-described "lady killer" he had all the moves and sophistication of Silly Putty.

People generally don't remodel apartments they are renting. In almost every case, they wouldn't be allowed to change anything, except perhaps the paint color (and only with permission from the building's owner). It might be different if they were living in condos that they had purchased, but a guy fresh out of college would not have the money to be buying into a condominium complex. So, Jenny having three rooms remodeled in her apartment is unrealistic.

You might want to try to get the help of one of Lit's free, volunteer editors. There were more than "a couple" of error areas that you need help with. There were run-on sentences. Dialogue appearing in the middle of paragraphs. Lots of missing commas. Missing capitalization. Single paragraphs that should have been two or more. And use of the wrong spellings (hoped/hopped, cloths/clothes).

You have the basis of a decent story here. You just need some help smoothing out the rough edges.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

A couple of grammatical errors and some syntax i would alter but still a splendid introduction to a thoroughly enticing story which i hope you continue very soon.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Are you kidding?

Yes write more. Makes me want to change sides too.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Good stuff!!!

I like it! This story is developing very nicely. Can't wait for part 2.

dault3883dault3883almost 8 years ago
great story

please update again soon cant wait

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

I cant wait till you write the second one.

bootneck81bootneck81almost 8 years ago
Love it

A great first story looking forwards to the next instalment

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Dream Cum True

Your story would be a dream cum true for anyone, LOVED IT!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Great story! Please keep it going!

xxmochamaluxxxxmochamaluxxalmost 8 years ago

Love this! Need part 2 now!

Damned_But_Not_ForgottenDamned_But_Not_Forgottenalmost 8 years ago
More, more, MORE!!!

Great story. My every fantasy. It could use a little more editing but fucking fantastic

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
More please!

It's a great start but we need part 2 - STAT!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
More please...

So I'm gonna say that I would love more from this story it was a real good read and I'm hoping that you continue the series

tex4tgtex4tgabout 8 years ago
Falling in love :)

I love these types of story's. Keep writing and I'll keep reading :)

Floydman1Floydman1about 8 years ago
Good start

I'm going to echo someone else's comment that editing and proofreading would help. That's the only criticism I have. Otherwise this is a pretty hot story and I'm looking forward to reading more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Well done

You demonstrate a deep love and commitment with your efforts, keep going.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Got better as it went

The first paragraph or two were a bit rough (I have no idea how one could have an accomplished six-pack) but it got smoother as it went. Nice job for a first outing.

WhiskeyIsGoodWhiskeyIsGoodabout 8 years ago
Definitely want more

I loved it. Great story, great build up and plenty of chemistry. I cannot wait to see them go further. Also, my name is also Tom so that's kinda funny lol

KylessaKylessaabout 8 years ago

So ... Chapter 2 asap please

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Keep going

Good start but have someone read it and edit before posting. Improper tenses, misspellings and poor grammar really kill the story.

j0hn3rv1nr0g3rsj0hn3rv1nr0g3rsabout 8 years ago

to be the guy next door to a beautiful, voluptuous, hung girl like Jenny would be a dream come true! does she have any girlfriends like her?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Please I would love to read more of them.I love this kind of transexual stories! So please keep it going!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
great story

I really love you story it what a lot of men and TG like to happen to them so keep written Robin

hornybiman64hornybiman64about 8 years ago
very good

Hope there is more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
My Comments

As a x-dresser, I can relate pretty much to your story in a few respects. When I am dressed, which is almost all the time I am a woman!!!!!! I do things like a woman, have and give sex as a woman. I can relate to Jenny in many ways.

Loved the story!!!!! Hope you write the next part.


AustinSissySlutAustinSissySlutabout 8 years ago
Love It

Great story, please continue it. I gave it 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Great Introduction

I liked it, it was well thought out with a good introduction into the characters. Keep writing I am hoping to read more of this (Thumbs Up)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Fuck yes I like where this is going.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Hope there's more!

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