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How to Get a Job at Fucking


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Obviously, for the position of working next to Paul, I would be interviewing with him personally. Even though he had only had a few assistants, that didn't mean he was inexperienced at the hiring process. In fact, the company had put Paul was in charge of hiring's, so he had plenty of experience with handling job interviews and he was no doubt quite good at it. The company was so proud of him that they published his personal guide to hiring on the website, proclaiming it like gospel.

It was titled, quite simply, 'How to Get a Job'. Or, as it was known colloquially around the office, 'How to Get a Fucking Job'. The advice was fine, but the higher-ups shoved this guide so far down our throats that it became a bit of a joke.

The tips were, as follows:

1)Know Yourself Before I Meet You.

2)Do Your Research!

3)Control Your Image, Change the Conversation to Emphasize Your Strengths

4)Set Yourself Apart.

5)Cliché's Make My Eyes Glaze Over.

6)Don't be Afraid to Blow Me Away.

7)Think Outside the Box.

8)Know When to Ignore This List.

Good advice, right? Nothing too world changing, but he went into all of them in detail, and it was all good stuff. But I took it to heart, in my own twisted way.

I had no allusions at being the first to interview with him to follow his list. But, I planned to do it in a way it had never been done before. Normally, I was more the type to let others do work for me, but for this, I did some serious work. Some crazy moving and shaking, things that could get me in serious trouble. But it was worth it. I was ready. This job was gonna be mine. And Paul was going to see the product of all that hard work. I was going all in. I was putting it all on the table. My frustration with the job, the glass ceiling I had hit, my annoyance and weird sexual obsession with Paul, it was all convalescing at this one moment it time. All of this work was for one clear goal.

Sex. Hot and dirty, sweaty sex between me, the office slut, and Paul, the office golden boy. My whole career had been building to this moment, where I would have to test all the skills I had picked up in the bedroom against his skills in the boardroom. It was almost a philosophical conflict, a battle to determine whose way of life is truly more built for success. The people who work hard and do things right, or the people like me, who are willing to play very dirty.

You might ask me why? Why would I want to work for Paul, after all the bad things I've said about him? I mean, yes, I was attracted to him, but despite his intoxicating presence, would it really be worth working alongside the guy who so clearly annoys me?

My feelings for him hadn't changed. It was just, I couldn't wait any longer. This whole thing had to stop. I still found him turbo annoying, but he still made my clit fucking throb. The more I thought about him, the more fascinated I became. That annoyance and fascination with him had grown into an obsession. My frustration and obsession had turned into lust. I just couldn't stop thinking about him. I couldn't stop wondering why it was that this guy just did it for me in the worst way. It reached the point where every time I was hooking up with a guy, it was Paul I imagined in his place. It was madness.

I never liked the good guys. They were always just so unbelievably dull. But Paul stood out. I hated him, and I hated that I lusted for him. My feelings were certainly passionate, one way another, but I had to figure out which way I truly felt. I had to get to the bottom of my feelings for him, for my own personal sanity. Either I had completely misjudged my own sexual desires, or... I had misjudged Paul. No... no. I was right about him. I was positive my assumptions about him true.

I became convinced that there was an animal inside Paul, bursting to get out, hidden behind his perfectly tailored suits, and I was the only one that could see it. That was the conclusion I had come to. That his whole act, this whole person he portrayed himself as... it was total BS. I don't think he even was aware of the bullshit he was spewing. I think that he thought he was really that good of a guy. And to get to the bottom of this fascination I had with him, I had to prove him wrong. I had to prove that, behind that nice guy charm and amiable personality, there was a swaggering, cursing sex-god, ready to be brought to the surface. All men had that side of them. Some acted like they didn't, some acted holier than thou, but in the end, they all came crawling, and he was no different. That was the only possible explanation as to why I couldn't stop thinking about him. There was something about him that I was latching onto, that I was responding to, and that just had to be it. If that wasn't the case, if Paul was as good as he seemed to be, then I had no fucking idea what was going on in me. I would have no explanation about why he pushed all my buttons.

It all had to come to a head at some point. It had to. And it would... during our interview.

This weird sexual tension between us had dragged on long enough. I couldn't take it anymore. He annoyed me so fucking much, but I WANTED him. I wanted him bad. I couldn't think straight around him anymore. No man had ever made me act this way. It wasn't love, or anything like that. No, it was just... when I was around him, seeing his smile, smelling his natural scent... he made my body shiver. I had never wanted to spread my legs for any guy more than I did for him.

He was so wrong for me. He was the good guy, Mr. Perfect, the apple of his mother's eye, who spent his free time helping others. I was the office skank, a girl others look down upon, who spends most of her free time taking excessive amounts of dick.

I was convinced that, deep down, he liked me. In my interactions with him, he never looked down on me for my slutty behavior. He always treated me fairly, when others didn't. He didn't judge me for my choices. He gave me that same charming smile he gave everyone else.

It seems as if perfect Paul Martin had a soft spot in his heart for the office slut.

I planned to exploit that bit of kindness. Tear him apart, draw out the beast in him, and bring it to the surface. I would make him fuck me. I would command it, and like the good guy he was, he would comply. I would convince him logically that he had no choice but to do me, to get balls deep in the office slut. And once he did, this company would be in the palm of my hand, as would his heavy, swollen balls.

I was gonna use his words against him. I would use his guide as a weapon, a step-by-step guide on how I would convince him to fuck me. I had it all planned out and ready to go.

I would make him mine. I would shatter the glass ceiling, and convince the office good-guy to hire the office slut. I had to prove to everyone how right I was about perfect Paul Martin. I wanted to ruin him. I wanted to destroy his perfect image. I wanted to deface the piece of art that was his charmed life. The thought of doing that, of exposing the truth behind his act... it was intoxicating. I would corrupt the office saint and bring him down to my level. The thought of all the bosses seeing this anointed symbol of all that is good and true fall victim to the office slut made me dripping wet.

Paul Martin would be mine.


The morning of the interview, I looked into the mirror.

My make-up... perfect.

My lips, plump and juicy.

Lipstick, subtle but sexy.

Eyebrows plucked.

Mani-pedi... fresh.

My tan... immaculate.

My skirt... slim and tight.

My high heels... sexy.

My bra, extra jiggly.

Cleavage, exposed.

My thong... tiny.

My cunt... waxed.

My asshole... bleached and ready.

My resume was packed in my bag, alongside the USB containing my presentation. That presentation, my guide to seducing Paul Martin, was the key to everything. All my hard work was in that presentation.

I was going all in. In twelve hours, I would either be promoted, or out of a job. There was no in-between. In twelve hours, I would either be emptying my desk, or be filled with Paul Martin's thick cum. But in my head, there wasn't any doubt. I was confident my plan would work. Paul would be mine. That promotion would be mine. And he didn't even see me coming.

I looked at my reflection and blew myself a little kiss.

"Let's get to work."



The last interviews of the day always ended up being the memorable ones, without fail. They were never quick and easy. Something always seemed to come up.

And knowing who I was interviewing, I expected that pattern to continue.

My name is Paul Martin. And I was in need of a new assistant.

My executive assistant Edwin had taken a job at a different company. I had worked with him for years, and he had grown under my tutelage, learning from me and my style of work. I prided myself for my integrity and honesty, while still being able to be firm and tough when necessary, on doing business the right way. So when Edwin took my lessons and went somewhere else, taking his talents to another company, I wasn't angry. I was proud. I was happy to know that someone else was out there, doing business the way I liked to see it done. His new job was very lucrative, which made the empty position he left behind very much in-demand. Most saw it as a ticket to higher things, the chance to learn some good skills and improve their professional standing.

Many of the applicants were from within the company, some rising young talent who had come highly recommended. We had some applicants from outside the company, but a thorough knowledge of the work we did was gonna be required for the job, so more than likely, I would be hiring someone from within.

The job was to basically work alongside me, to shadow me and help me out. I wasn't looking for a secretary. I was looking for something more than that. I needed someone in the boardroom with me, in the thick of it, learning, helping me out and contributing. I needed someone ready and willing to actively help out and go beyond the call of duty. I didn't need someone good. I needed someone outstanding.

I'm not saying this because I am tough or wanted someone that I could run ragged. Far from it. I needed help! I considered myself a good boss, open to criticism and negotiation. I didn't want to be one of those guys who goes on a power trip once I get the smallest bit of authority and success. I had seen other people do that, and I couldn't stand it. I couldn't stand seeing other people used in that way. When I worked that closely with someone, I didn't see any reason to make that relationship contentious.

Not only was I looking for someone who could do the work, cause honestly, there was a lot of work, but I was looking for someone I could imagine myself bonding with. Someone who I could see as a friend. Me and Edwin were friends. I was one of the groomsmen at his wedding. When he told me about his new job, he did so with tears in his eyes. It was I who smiled and told him it was alright. That I was proud of him. Part of me was a bit worried about the uncertainty of having to find someone to fill such a huge role in my professional life. But another part of me was excited for this new adventure.

My role in the company had only gotten larger the longer I had been here, and now in my eighth year, I had a lot of work on my plate. I traveled the world, and negotiated with some of the shrewdest businessmen and women in the world. It was tough, it was demanding, but I loved it. I loved the thrill of the negotiation. The feeling of a job well done. The validation of my bosses patting me on the back, knowing I got the job done. But, to be the best I could be, I needed someone there with me. I needed someone to cover my ass. I needed someone I could count on.

I had already interviewed quite a few candidates, all of them extremely well qualified. I tried to prevent things from feeling too formal, since a lot of this job would depend on personal interaction. The candidates were clearly nervous and I did my best to ease the tension and get them to just breathe. I wanted them to give me their best and not leave with any regrets. For the most part, the interviews went well, and it was going to be a tough choice. I was almost done interviewing, so that big choice would come soon.

But first, I had to interview Tori K.

The fact that she applied for this job was a bit of a surprise, for a number of reasons. Looking at her resume... quite frankly, her qualifications didn't really compare to some of the others. Her references weren't nearly as impressive. And honestly, I didn't really even think she liked me that much. Her attitude towards me was icy at best. And most importantly, and most pressingly... she had a bit of reputation that followed her.

To put it lightly, she had a reputation for sleeping around. It was alleged that that was how she had risen so high within the company, higher than her education and work performance would imply.

I made it a point to not give life to any rumors, to be my own judge of people. But, the evidence seemed pretty overwhelming. She certainly acted the part. Her attitude, her tone, the way she dressed, it all supported the story. I had once heard her described as being 'nasty hot', and while I certainly never looked at her that way, I could see the point. Tori was very attractive, but in a way that you could just tell she was not exactly the... purest... of women. She was attractive, with an impressive body, and she dressed in a manner to support these rumors. As much as I hated to give life to those nasty rumors, the story seemed to check out.

But in a sense, it didn't really matter what I thought. My bosses seemed to believe the story, and while it had never been explicitly said, it was heavily implied that a woman of Tori's reputation would never be allowed to rise any further in this company. They would be happy to have her just be gone, but they didn't have any grounds to get rid of her. So, while this hire was entirely up to me, I could feel the pressure on my shoulders to not hire Tori.

Not that she would be hired anyway. I try to be as open-minded as possible, but her resume just did not compare to the other applicants. And plus, I wanted someone on my side who shared my value system, who felt the same way on how to conduct business. I took pride in doing business the right way. I didn't feel the need to use any dirty business strategies or underhanded tactics to get things done. Sure, some of those bad things may give you a short term benefit, but in the long term, the house of cards constructed by bad business would collapse. I was positive of that. The people who did business that way never thought of the long term implications of their actions.

I was happy to give Tori a chance, but she would have to plead a pretty convincing case for her to have a shot. I had never interviewed her, so I didn't know exactly what to expect from her or what she was capable of, but if she wanted this job she would have to earn it.

I always liked to take a few minutes to clear my head before an interview. I stopped thinking about Tori, about the job, and decided to just take in things for a few moments. I was again amazed by my station in life, and how I had gotten here. I was raised by humble middle-class parents who instilled good values in me. I worked hard, put in years of hard work. And now I'm here. In a window office on the 32nd floor of the tallest building in the city. Working for a huge company that has put the utmost amount of trust, faith and support in me, and has given me all these blessings. I approached the window, letting my eyes take in the city, proud that I had risen so high.

I could see my reflection in the mirror, my gray, stylish suit still looking pretty neat after a long work day. My blue button-up shirt was a little cock-eyed, so I straightened it out. I looked at my own face in the mirror, and gave myself a smile. I tried my best to always look the part, to dress for the job I wanted, so I took pride in my nice clothes, especially since there were times in my younger life where I didn't have that luxury.

I turned around and took in my office, and even that filled me with pride. At times, it felt like I was still an unsure teenager in grown-up clothes, but whenever I sat in my office and took it in, I felt like I belonged.

Everything in my office was there for practicality. Some people liked to have fancy trinkets or impressive tech, but I simply wanted stuff that worked, that made my life easier. I had two computers, one that I did my work on and a spare one that was hooked up to a projector for whenever someone needed computer access or needed to give a presentation. The far wall was left blank, no decorations, where the image could be projected. I was always a bit scattered, so I had a few piles of papers on my desk, but I knew where everything was. My desk was made of a dark, heavy wood, and although at first I thought it was a bit much, I had to eventually admit that it was pretty cool. It really cemented my role in the company in my own mind, and it really cemented that I had made it. This was the type of desk a grown-up, professional businessman had, and it was my desk. It was great.

I didn't have too many creature comforts or personal items. I had a couch along the side wall for when I was hosting some people or when I just needed to relax for a few minutes. I did have a flat-screen TV, but I would try to keep its use to a minimum, mainly keeping the news or the weather on. The only other real prominent personal items were the pictures on my desk of my wife. My eyes fell to one of the pictures, looking at my wife's smiling face, as if she was looking at me, giving me strength after a long and busy week.

I rubbed my eyes and glanced at the clock. I loved my work, I would never complain, but, it had been a long week, and I was exhausted. I had done a lot of traveling lately, and because of that I was playing catch-up. That, on top of doing all these interviews, it had worn me out. And plus, it had kept me away from Andrea.

It still felt surreal to be married to the boss's daughter, but it was one of those love at first sight sort of things. The CEO had had introduced us one day, clearly in the hopes of setting us up, but to be honest, we had already met before at the Christmas Party the year earlier. That first sight, seeing her long gorgeous, shiny blonde hair, her perfect smile, her lovely slim dress... she looked like an angel. I know it sounded corny, but I fell in love with her right there. And to be honest... we had started dating then, way before my boss introduced us. He didn't know that me and his daughter already knew each other and were dating. I was always a pretty good guy, and exceedingly honest, so I was nervous about being deceptive and secretive about dating the boss's daughter. But I had to admit there was a certain thrill at taking part in something so forbidden. Luckily, the boss eventually introduced us formally, giving us an excuse to be seeing each other.

She was the opposite of what you'd expect from the daughter of a CEO. She was the farthest thing from corporate. She was sweet and loving and friendly. And warm. She just had a great, charitable spirit, and she stayed away from the family business, preferring to shape the future as a kindergarten teacher. She loved it, and seeing her with those kids, how she cared for them, and how crazy they were about her, I felt good about choosing her as my wife, the future mother of my children.

Work had kept us both busy, and I was looking forward to getting this weekend off. We were heading up to a place on a lake for a couple days. We had both been so exhausted that we hadn't had the chance to be... intimate... in a while. And we were both feeling it. We were both looking forward to blowing off some stress on a long, romantic weekend together.

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