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Humiliated at an Outlet Mall

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A man's wife transforms him into a sissy one store at a time.
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A month before my birthday my wife Mel (short for Melanie) hinted she had a special surprise planned. I dislike having a fuss made about my birthday, and even though it was my 30th I expected nothing more than a dinner at a nice restaurant.

Instead, on my birthday my wife and I headed to an outlet mall, a regular activity for us. But this time we drove to a new one, much further away from home. As we parked, my wife said "I know it's your birthday, but today you're also going to give me a present. I want you to promise to do whatever I say, no matter what. If you do, I promise it will be a wonderful birthday."

She had a wonderful, mischievous smile and a pleading twinkle in her eyes. There was no way I could say no to her, so I promised to do whatever she wanted.

Our first store was a Hanes outlet. My wife picked up a pair of lilac-colored panties, and held them up to me. To my horror she said, loudly enough for others to hear, "These will fit you nicely." I blushed a deep red, and looked around us. Sure enough there were some customers who gave me a very strange look. In addition to getting embarrassed, I also started to get excited, and could feel my cock start to stiffen.

As we paid for the panties, the clerk asked Mel if there was anything else she wanted or perhaps something for her husband. Mel replied "Oh, these are for my husband." The clerk looked at me and snickered. "They look like a good color for him." I felt so small, but my excitement continued to grow.

"Do you have somewhere my husband can change into his new panties?" Again, this was loud enough to alert nearby customers who gave me looks of disgust or surprise. The clerk laughed, and said we could use the changing room in the rear. We went to the dressing room, and both went in.

"Take off your underpants and give them to me," Mel ordered. Still a bit in shock, I did what she wanted. She put my old briefs in the bag the panties had been in. She handed me the new panties. They were a smooth microfiber, and very soft. I pulled them up over my hard cock. They pushed it down a little bit. I pulled my pants back on, and we left. On the way out of the room she threw the bag with my briefs in the trash.

On the way out the clerk asked "Did the panties fit your husband?" Mel replied. "Yes, and they are quite pretty on him!" Again, the looks from other customers that showed they knew a sissy when they saw one.

Outside the store Mel turned to me. "I am going to make your deepest fantasy come true today, my sweet. One store at a time, one piece of clothing at a time, I am going to turn you into a sissy, and make sure everybody around us knows your secret. And remember your promise -- you will do whatever I tell you to do. Happy birthday, my sweet. "

Our next stop was a hosiery outlet. As we walked in a young woman introduced herself as Gina, said she was the store owner, and asked if she could help us. My wife said she was looking for pantyhose in a dark purple. Gina asked what size she wore. "Oh, they're not for me, they're for my husband. They need to be purple to match her panties. The clerk showed no surprise, and led us back to a rack of pantyhose. Mel picked out a deep purple pair and asked the clerk if there was somewhere we could use so I could put them on.

"We don't have a changing room, but you can use our back room, as long as I can watch." Now it was Mel's turn to be surprised. "Oh, I keep my boyfriend in at least panties all the time. I love watching boys become sissies."

We all went into the back room and my wife handed me the hose. Gina then took over. "Shoes, socks and pants off, now, sissy!" I obeyed without even looking at my wife. I stood there in my panties. Gina commented on how nice my panties looked on me, and how it was clear I was a true sissy. "Put the hose on now, sissy!" As I rolled the hose up to the toes before putting them on, Gina said, "Oh, somebody has worn pantyhose before!" Mel said yes, but this would be the first time in public. Gina said it was a shame to hide them under my pants, and Mel told her that by the end of the day there would be no more pants.

"Oh, please come back at the end of the day. I have to see him in his full sissy outfit!" Mel agreed, and we were off to the next store. This time it was a Maidenform outlet.

We went up to a store clerk named Valerie, and my wife asked her "My husband is wearing purple panties and pantyhose. Do you have a purple bra with a lot of padding?" Valerie was quite taken aback, but regained her composure after looking down at my feet. Seeing the pantyhose, she knew she wasn't being pranked. "What size, Ma'am?" she asked, addressing me. "40" I replied. We walked over to a rack marked "full coverage." Valerie picked out a light purple bra, very heavily padded, and handed it to me. Mel told me to hold it to my chest up so she could see the size. Valerie looked away, clearly not comfortable. An older woman a few feet away started laughing. I felt so embarrassed, which only increased my excitement.

After Mel paid for the bra, she asked Valerie if there was somewhere I could use to put the bra on. Valerie mumbled something about "employees only" and turned away from us, clearly hoping we'd leave, so we did.

Outside the Maindenform store, Mel dragged me by the hand to a near-by men's room. She handed me the bag, which clearly said Maindenform on it, and told me "Go into the restroom, and put it on now. If there's a stall available you can use it, if not do it in the open. If you're not out in 90 seconds I will come in there and ask you if you've put your bra on yet. "

For a moment my fear started to overwhelm me, but Mel yelled "Now!" I went in and was happy to find an open stall. I took off my shirt and quickly slipped the bra on. When I put my shirt back on the padding of the bra stood out, and it looked like I had breasts under my shirt. Even worse, it clearly showed through my white button-down shirt. I made it outside just as Mel was about to come in.

Our next stop was a Payless shoe store. Mel went up to a young, tall black man working there. Checking out his name tag, she said "Hello, Adam. My husband is looking for a black heel, size 12. Do you have that size?"

Adam looked me up and down, lingering on my chest and pant bottoms. "Why, yes, we do. I'd love to help you" he said looking directly at me. "Please have a seat here." I sat where he indicated, and a few minutes later he came back with several pairs of shoes. He sat down on a small stool and removed my shoes. I started to get uncomfortable, and it soon got worse. "I love the purple! Stockings or pantyhose?" While he was asking he was massaging my feet and moving his hands up the bottom of my legs. "Pantyhose" I whispered.

"Pity," he said. "Stockings are so much nicer" He pulled out a pair of stilettos with a very high heel. "Try to walk in these." I started to object, but Mel said "Walk around, dear!" I stood up and was quite wobbly. As I walked a few strides back and forth Adam said to Mel "See how they accentuate his ass?" Mel smiled, and agreed. "But I want him to be able to walk around today, and I don't think he's quite ready for the streetwalker look. Not yet, at least. "

I took my seat in front of Adam, and as he slipped the stilettos off me he again rubbed up my leg, further than he had before. I have to admit I was as hard as a rock now. The feel of hands rubbing my hose-encased legs was getting me really hot.

Adam slipped a pair of more conservative pumps with a reasonable heel onto my feet. Without being told to do so I got up and walked around with them on. I was able to handle these easily. As I turned to Mel and Adam, my wife pointed to my crotch. My erection was clearly straining my slacks. Adam smiled broadly, and asked "Is it the shoes or the salesman?" "A bit of both I bet," Mel laughed. "We'll take this pair." I started to take the pumps off, but Mel stopped me. "Oh, no, sweetie. Those are your shoes for the rest of the day."

I started to protest. "Wearing lingerie is one thing, dear, but with these shoes..."

"Yes. Everyone will know what a sissy you truly are, my dear. "

Adam reached into his pocket and brought out a business card. The handed it to me, and as I accepted it he took my hand with both of his, kissed me on the cheek, and said "If there's anything" I can do for you, please call me, sweetie."

Only as we walked out of Payless did I realize how much attention I'd drawn. People were pointing and laughing as I walked out in male slacks, a shirt with an obvious bra underneath, high heels and my purple hose now even more visible. But by this time I was reveling in my public outing. Far from trying to rush out unnoticed I swished my ass as I walked in new heels. Mel took my hand and kissed my cheek. "Now, there's a good sissy!"

Our next stop was a dress store. We had barely walked in when an older gentleman with a 'manager' tag came up to us. "I'm afraid we'll have to ask you to leave. We do not cater to your type."

"And what type is that?" I asked?


I stepped up closer to him and whispered, "So if you and I went in the back room now you wouldn't let me suck your cock?" I thought he was going to have a heart attack as he sputtered something about calling security. Mel and I joined arms, laughing as we walked out. I gave an extra vigorous shake to my ass as we exited.

Our next stop was Lane Bryant. In contrast to the last store, we were practically pounced on by an older sales lady named Amelia. When my wife asked if it were okay if we shopped for a dress for me, including trying them on, Amelia whispered to us. "Our sales would be cut in half if we it weren't for crossdressers. But few of them come in with male clothes and high heels."

In a louder voice, Amelia asked me my name. When I hesitated, Mel introduced me as Willow. "Such a lovely name" said Amelia. "What are we shopping for today?

Since Mel was the one with the plan, she spoke up. "Today is Willow's birthday, and we're looking for a special dress. Her lingerie and pantyhose are purple, her heels are black. So what would you recommend?"

"Well, are you looking for a more formal party look? Or a fun, daytime frock?"

"Oh, a fun one she can wear now" Mel replied. Amelia smiled.

She walked us over to a rack of shorter dresses with flared bottoms. She pulled down a white dress covered with a purple floral print. It had a black sash that tied into a bow. "Here, try this one on."

"Can I?" I asked.

Amelia smiled again, and led us over to a dressing room that was in a different space than the others. "This is technically a staff dressing room, but we also use it for the men bold enough to try on dresses here. "

Mel came in the dressing room with me. "Strip now, Willow!" I took off my slacks and shirt, and Mel helped me put the dress on over my head. It fit perfectly, tight at the waist and swirling out at the bottom. It was a bit short, coming to mid-thigh, but in the heels and hose my legs looked great The padding in the bra made it look like I had tits, albeit small ones. I spun around, making it twirl.

"How does it feel, sissy? How does it feel being dressed like a girl and being publicly seen as a sissy crossdresser?" asked Mel.

"I love it. The only thing missing is long hair." My own hair was longish for a man, but it was still a man's hair style.

"Ah, but that's part of the plan. I don't want you to pass as a girl. I want everybody we see today to know you're a man in a dress. "She reached under my dress and started rubbing my cock. "Adam certainly didn't mind, did he? I bet he would love to see you now, and maybe have his hand where my hand is now. Would you like that?"

"Mmmm" was all I could say as she kept rubbing me through my panties. I felt like I was about to cum when she stopped rubbing, and straightened out my dress. It took me a few moments to regain my composure and be able to walk.

We left the dressing room and Amelia smiled at me. "Lovely!" she said. "Will there be anything else today?"

Mel picked up a pink clutch purse. "She'll need something to keep her wallet and lipstick in." I looked at Mel "I don't have any lipstick." She pulled one from her own purse, and promptly did my lips in a bright red. "There, dearie, you do now!"

Mel also picked a short necklace with large pearl-colored beads and put it around my neck.

Amelia rang up our purchases, and took my email so I could get their special deals. She put her business card in the purse before handing it to me. "Happy Birthday, Willow" she said as she handed the purse to me.

I walked out of the store with Mel, the first time I'd been in public in a dress. In my fantasies I'd been able to pass, but here I was clearly a man in a dress, hose and heels. We walked back to the car to put my male clothes in the trunk, and then headed back to the stores. Along the way I received a lot of sarcastic wolf calls, and a lot of name calling. Teenagers were the worst. They called me "fag" and sissy." And each time they did I smiled at them, blew a kiss to the boys, or twirled so my dress flared out.

I thought we'd go to more women's clothing stores. Instead we headed to a hardware store. The staff and customers laughed at me. Mel made me ask if they had any "industrial size vibrators." One man replied "Yeah, I guess you've had so many cocks in there that it would take a dildo the size of an aerosol can to fill you up, huh?" Mel whispered in my ear, and I curtsied to him, and said "Yes, sir." The salesman said "Mine's big enough, but I keep mine for women, not fags. Maybe your wife would like a go at it? How about it honey -- fancy a real man's cock?" Mel licked her lips while looking at him and said "I'll give it a thought, stud! But we're not done shopping for my sissy here."

As we started out of the store an older man followed us. "Excuse me, miss." Mel and I both turned to him, but he was only looking at me. "Perhaps you'd like to join me in the men's room? I could really use a nice blow job right now." This made Mel howl in laughter, and me turn the brightest red I'd achieved that day. "I'm sorry, sir, but I'm not gay." He laughed, "Yeah, right." And Mel added "Yes, he's straight. Well so far, at least."

He walked away laughing, and I asked Mel "So far?" "Well," she replied, "I saw the bulge in his pants, Believe me, it wasn't worth your effort. But who knows where the day will end, eh? But now it's time to head back to Gina. We promised her she could see you in all your sissy glory."

We went back to the hosiery store, but didn't see Mel. A tall, wide-shouldered girl asked if she could help us. Interestingly she made no special notice of me. There was something about her voice that was deeper than I expected. She was wearing a tight green knit dress and it was clear she was wearing Spanx or some other foundational garment. Her hose were white, as were her heels. Her breasts were very large, straining at the knit of the dress. Her hair was short, black and done in a page boy style.

We asked for Gina, and this girl said "She'll be back in a minute. I cover for her when she needs a break. My name is Randi." "Randi with an i?" Mel asked.

"Well, actually, it's Randall. I'm Gina's boyfriend."

My mouth dropped open. Randall, er ,Randi, was very passable, though she had some manly characteristics. And her makeup was flawless.

"Gina told me another sissy might come by. I'm assuming it was you. She didn't give me your name, but she told me to give you a proper greeting. "With that Randi came up and kissed me on the cheek. It was a lingering kiss, with just a hint of tongue. My cock started reaching maximum hardness again.

"I'm Willow," I said in a low soft voice, almost out of breath from excitement. Mel said "Greet her properly, Willow." I kissed her on the cheek in a similar manner, and she put her arms around me, pulling me closer. The next thing I knew she was kissing me on the lips, and hugging me tight as I kissed her back.

"Randi!" Gina came in through the front door, and did not look happy. "I leave you here to mind the store and 5 minutes later you're sucking face with another sissy? That will require some action on my part!" She closed and locked the store door, and hung a sign that said the store was closed for the day.

"In the back room now, both of you!" Gina yelled. I looked at Mel, who said "You're just as guilty as Randi, Willow. I think that from now on you need to obey Miss Gina." Mel had a huge smile as she pointed to the back room.

I followed Randi back. She sat on a couch, back straight and knees together. Gina pointed to a spot at the end other end of the couch, and I sat down in a similar posture.

"Now, Willow, I must say you make a very nice sissy. And clearly you're not concerned about letting people knowing you are one. Randi at least tries to pass, but you - well clearly you've been trolling for gay men today, am I right?"

Before I could answer Mel told her about Adam at the shoe store, my "offer" to the homophobic dress store manager, and the old man who propositioned me. "As I thought. Well, Randi has been fairly straight till now, at least in practice. But I have noticed her looking at men's asses and crotches. And to say she's been flirting with Adam would be an understatement. Isn't that true, Randi?" Randi dropped her face, nodded, and let out a very feminine giggle.

"So I guess if I hadn't walked in on you and Willow you'd have started sucking her off right in the store?" Randi again nodded and giggled.

"And you, Willow. Would you have been fucking Randi over one of the display tables?"

I started to deny it, but Gina cut me off. "I don't believe you for a second. I can tell by the way you're dressed you're nothing but a slut for cock. Lift your dress now!"

I did as she ordered, and my cock was very hard, straining through my purple panties and the pantyhose. "Just as I thought" Gina said. "Take that cock out now!" I did as she ordered. "Not a bad cock for a sissy. But I'm sure Mel could do better."

"Now, since Randi looks more like a girl, with those huge tits, I think she should get first crack as the one sucking." Without another word from Gina Randi was on her knees in front of me. She licked the head of my cock, and then ran her tongue up and down the shaft. While she was doing this her hands were all over my body. They reached up and grabbed my breasts, massaging them. Randi then took my cock slowly into her mouth, going all the way down and taking it completely in her mouth. Then up and down, up and down she went. This was one of the best blow jobs I'd ever had. I was trying hard as I could not to cum.

"Smile, Willow" said Mel. I looked over at her and had two surprises. One, she was filming this on her phone. And second, Gina was standing behind her, caressing her breasts and kissing her neck. "Keep looking at the camera, my dear!"

These two shocks pushed my orgasm back a bit. But Randi's expert ministrations brought me back to the edge, and then Randi grabbed my nipples hard. She squeezed them as tightly as she could through the dress and bra. That was all I could take, and I exploded into her mouth with a huge amount of cum.

"Don't swallow," Gina ordered. "Make sure you share it with Willow!" Randi stood up and leaned over me so her face was above mine. I knew what to do, and I opened my mouth. Randi opened hers, and let my cum drip from her mouth into mine. "Now swallow, both of you!"

Mel stopped filming and took off her top. Her magnificent tits were on full display in a black lace bra. Having cum so hard, I was surprised to find I was still hard and still horny, and seeing Mel's breasts certainly helped.

Gina walked over to Randi, and lifted her dress up and off. As I'd guessed, Randi was wearing a full girdle, in white. Her white stockings were clipped to the bottom of the girdle. Gina reached into the top of the girdle and removed two large breast forms. She motioned for me to stand up. When I did, she reached inside my bra and inserted the breasts.


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