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Humiliated by My New Girl Boss Ch. 02

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Jack has to earn his bonus from his younger boss.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/27/2023
Created 07/06/2023
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Each morning I arrived at work and made Evie a cup of coffee. I never spat in it for fear of her somehow finding out. I'd already seen how vindictive she could be and I had no desire to incur her wrath any more than I already had.

My new work situation wasn't so bad. Evie gave me loads of bitch work to do, like getting her photocopies, taking her mail to the mail room, and generally running errands, but she didn't humiliate me again like she had that first day.

I was sitting at my desk in the bullpen replying to my emails when I saw her office door open. Evie stepped out, looking prim and proper in a pencil skirt and tight-fitting blouse. Her hair was up in a bun, giving her a stern yet still attractive image. It was her eyes that caught my attention and not because of the smoky eyeliner she had on. She looked furious. And she was looking right at me.

"Jack," she said loudly enough to be heard right the way across the office. Everybody looked up from what they were doing.

"Yes?" I said, standing up to go to her office. She raised her hand and stopped me before I could step away from my desk. I had hoped to move whatever was about to happen to a more private setting. At least if she was doing whatever this was out here it couldn't be too bad. She could hardly force my face between her ass cheeks in front of the whole office.

"How long have you worked here?" she asked. She was grasping several sheets of paper in her angry little fist.

"13 years," I said.

She strode forward a step and raised the papers up to eye level. "Then why can you not fill out a simple B496 form correctly?" She threw the papers down and they dropped to the floor silently, a small metal clip the only thing stopping them from scattering across the office.

I stared at the incorrectly filled-out forms, unsure of what she wanted me to do now.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize I'd made a mistake," I said. I'd been filling out those forms for years. There was no way I'd messed up something so simple.

"Your performance is not good enough," she told me, pointing aggressively across the office. I heard a couple of my colleagues snickering at the dressing down I was receiving from a girl who was almost half my age. One day it would be their turn and then I'd laugh at them and see how they liked it.

I felt my anger rising up my neck, bringing a burning redness to my cheeks. I gritted my teeth and replied. "I'm sorry that you find my performance unsatisfactory. I will try to do better in future."

Evie snorted. "Yeah, I bet you say that to women a lot." The entire office erupted into laughter at her words and I felt my soul shrivel up in embarrassment.

I could feel my blood boiling as I stood there, humiliated in front of everyone. Evie had already made it clear that she didn't like me, but this was a new low. This was pretty much bullying.

But instead of lashing out at her, I took a deep breath and held it together. I couldn't afford to lose my job, no matter how badly I wanted to tell her what I really thought of her.

"Do the forms again," she said, nudging the fallen forms with her foot.

I sighed, understanding what she wanted of me. Keeping my eyes low, I walked toward her and bent down to pick the forms up off the floor.

"Kneel," she whispered so only I could hear her.

I almost refused, but that would only make her escalate things. I sunk down to my knees and picked the forms up off the floor.

"Bring them to my office when you've done them right," she said. She turned and strutted back into her office, leaving me on my knees whilst my colleagues grinned and laughed at my humiliation. My how I had fallen.

I could feel the weight of my anger and frustration rise within me as I rose back up on my feet and walked towards my desk. My mind was spinning with a million thoughts, and all of them were focused on Evie and how I could bring her down. I knew there was nothing I could do. I just had to put up with her taunts until I landed a new job and I would be spending every minute of my personal time applying for positions elsewhere.

Annoyingly, she was right and I had filled in the forms incorrectly. I cursed as I realized my own sloppiness had caused that humiliation. I filled the forms out again and checked them 3 times before I carried them over to Evie's office.

I felt several eyes on me as I made my way across the bullpen. Before I'd been seen as a senior member of staff, now I was a laughing stock. I was the man who'd been passed over for a girl half his age and even less experience.

I knocked on Evie's door and waited for her to invite me in. As I walked into her office, my eyes were drawn to her stunning figure. She was leaning against her desk, her arms crossed over her chest, and a sultry smirk on her lips. My heart rate increased as I tried to focus on the task at hand- delivering the forms.

"Finally got it right, Jack?" she asked, almost purring.

I nodded silently, handing over the forms without making eye contact.

Evie took the forms from me and began examining them carefully. I could feel my palms start to sweat and my heart race as I waited for her verdict. Finally, she looked up at me with a small smile on her face.

"Well done, Jack," she said. "You've accomplished what everybody else managed on their first day."

She dropped the forms on her desk and then lowered herself into the chair that stood in front of her desk. "I've been reviewing the figures for the month and your numbers are a lot lower than usual."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Yes, well I've been running around doing silly errands for you instead of concentrating on my actual job."

"Don't blame me for your poor performance," she snapped. "Your decreased productivity is going to affect your bonus this month, I'm afraid. In fact, I don't see you getting a bonus at all."

I needed that bonus. I relied on it every month. I could afford to take a lower bonus, but not no bonus at all. I wouldn't be able to pay all my bills. My pulse hammered as I tried to calm myself down. "Evie, please, I understand that you don't like me but please don't mess with my money," I said in a pathetic whisper.

"Oh, Jack, don't beg, it's not manly." She smiled devilishly. "Actually, do beg."

My jaw dropped open in disbelief. Was she serious? Was she really asking me to beg for my bonus? The humiliation was almost too much to bear, but I knew better than to argue with her. She had all the power in this situation and I was completely at her mercy.

Slowly, I dropped to my knees before her. "Please, Evie," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "I need that bonus. I have bills to pay and I can't afford to lose it."

She raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed with my effort. "Is that the best you can do?"

"Please give me my bonus. I'll do anything," I said. I'd never felt so pathetic in all my life.

Her eyes narrowed as she studied me for a moment before a wicked smile spread across her face. "If only I wasn't so stressed I might be more inclined to take pity on you. I just feel so much tension. Maybe you could help me remove some of that tension...by giving me a foot rub?"

She extended her leg and held her foot just below my face. I hesitated for a moment, my pride biting at me. But then I realized that pride wouldn't pay my bills. I took hold of her slim ankle and slipped her shoe off her dainty foot. She wore no stockings and with her shoe removed, her bare foot was in my hands. Her skin was soft and smooth not like my own rough-skinned feet.

Slowly, I began massaging her foot, working my fingers into the soft flesh at the bottom. She let out a small moan of pleasure, and I could feel my own arousal beginning to stir. I didn't even have a foot fetish so I didn't understand why this was turning me on.

Evie leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes as I continued my ministrations. "You're actually quite good at this," she said softly. "Maybe you should consider a career change since office work doesn't seem to be your forte."

I gritted my teeth, feeling the heat of anger and humiliation rising within me. But then she let out another soft moan, and all thoughts of anger fled. I continued my massage, a part of me wanting to draw another of those little moans from her mouth.

Without a word, Evie slipped off her other heel and held out her other foot to me. I took it from her without hesitation. I began kneading the arch of her foot softly, eliciting another moan from Evie. I worked my fingers more firmly into the flesh of her foot, releasing the tension in the muscles as she sunk into her chair.

"This is so nice, Jack," she said softly. "But not bonus nice, if you know what I mean. Kiss them."

"What?" I said in disbelief.

"You heard me. Kiss them." Her voice was stern. She would accept no refusal.

I leaned forward and planted a small peck on the bottom of her foot, just below her toes. It was pathetic but she was actually enjoying it. Evie glared at me, her eyes hard as stone.

"That's not what I meant. I know you can kiss better than that."

It was odd, but I would have preferred to kiss her asshole again rather than her feet. Somehow, feet seemed worse.

I leaned in closer, planting another quick peck on the bottom of her foot. "Okay, you're being a big pussy right now," she growled, giving me a look that dared me to disobey her again.

I swallowed hard and dropped a kiss onto the top of her foot. The warmth of her skin against my lips was shocking and it sent a shiver through my body. I kissed her foot again and again. Before long, I was kissing her foot all over, pressing my lips against every inch of it. My hands continued their massage as I moved from the arch of her foot to the toes. She raised her foot quickly, catching me off guard, and slid her big toe between my lips. I froze with her toe in my mouth.

"Good boy," she purred. "You're doing much better now. Keep it up."

I began sucking on her soft, pretty toe, enjoying the taste and the slightly ticklish feeling of it rubbing against the inside of my mouth.

"Fuck yes..." she moaned loudly. "You are such a good little bitch."

My face burned with embarrassment and anger, but I knew better than to argue with her or even react to what she was saying. I worked my lips against her dainty toes. Her foot was soft and warm, her toes sliding across my tongue as I worshipped at the feet of this powerful woman.

Evie wet her lips with her tongue, looking down at me. "What is that?" she asked abruptly.

I looked up to see that she was pointing directly at my crotch. A tent had sprung up in my pants, the outline of my hard cock pressing against my pants, visible to Evie.

"Looks like you're turned on by my feet," she said with a wicked gleam in her eye. "Let me see what you've got."

I stood up, burning with embarrassment. "Isn't that a bit too far?" I asked meekly.

"Show me. Now."

My mind buzzed with possibilities. She wanted my cock. Was I about to get a reward for the attention I'd given her feet? Was I about to see how spectacular her boobs looked without a blouse hiding them?

I gulped, then unzipped my pants, letting my cock spring out. My face burned as I revealed to Evie just how much she turned me on.

There was a moment of silence before she burst into laughter. "Oh, my God. Jack! Wow! That is without a doubt the smallest little cock I've ever seen. It's barely even a cock at all!" she said, laughing through her words.

"I'm not that small!" I insisted. My cock stood at a somewhat proud 5 inches. It was average--not small. I was a bit on the thin side but lengthwise was nothing too bad.

She rolled her eyes. "Let me put it this way - I'm not even sure if I'd be able to notice it if it were in front of my face. Seriously, there are guys in school packing more meat than you are. You're really not much of a man at all, are you, Jack?" Her laughter increased as she mocked me.

"Fuck you," I muttered, sliding my dick back into my pants and zipping it back up.

"That's one thing you will never do. You can have the bonus if only out of pity. Now go on, get back to work, you filthy little foot pervert," she said, dismissing me with a wave of her hand.

I returned to my desk feeling degraded and pathetic. At least this time I'd gotten something out of my humiliation. I'd kept my bonus even if I had debased myself to earn it.


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Claudia69Claudia6913 days ago

I love toe sucking!!

Toro1886Toro18868 months ago

the story is smouldering nicely...

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

The story is far from finished for once I would like to see the guy get back at the ones that humiliated him

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I know it's fantasy, but he would just need to record their meetings and she would be history. Good story!

Will527Will52712 months ago

I love it when a woman suddenly realizes how easily she can empower a man to do things for her.

WiganerWiganer12 months ago

I really loved your story, i would have liked to have read a lot more about how she will take complete control over him, and everything in his private life too, i think she will make him into her domestic servant and pet, while continuing to humiliate him at work, especially in front of her colleagues, both male and female. I hope that you will be continuing this story and making it even more exciting and humiliating for him.

Thank you x x

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Love it. How low can he go?

Subboi23Subboi2312 months ago

Love this story so far! Would love to see in go further.

CornixCornix12 months ago

Hope this series is continued

Sissysherrie69Sissysherrie69about 1 year ago

Great story so far! Please keep it going and I’ll second the chastity and panties request! Also a bit longer parts would be great! Thanks for contributing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Love it. Maybe it’s time to make things up to other staff members he bullied.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great can't beat a good story that involves, rimming 🍑

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Would have liked it to be longer, I hope you more, this is a good start

CornixCornixabout 1 year ago

Very enjoyable series so far, thank you.

I love the serting and the public humiliation was subtle but powerful. The descriptions are colourful without being bawdy. A true power dynamic is being set, and I would love to see where it goes.

One piece of constructive criticism, with her level of vindictiveness seems odd she tolerates his outbursts like the "fuck you" with such good humour. Obviously your character, so do what you wish, just seems inconsistent.

Lots of directions this could take.

Perhaps he and a female colleague work on a project, with the lady told they are the project lead and have to report back on his behaviour.

A financial element, he suffers further humiliation to get the raise. But she gives him expenditures greater than the raise. His morning coffees aren't satisfactory so he has to buy her one every morning and lunch time (taking up all of his lunch break), She makes him drive her to work every day (and the occasional night out so she can drink) as he is using her car to get to work he has to take over her car payments...etc

Office party or night out, where she demonstrates her power more brazenly.

Thank you again, thoroughly enjoyable.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Superb! Keep going. Crafted storytelling. Subtle humiliation . . . a little, not too much, not overdoing it with bells and whistles or over the top physical, everything at realistic setting and pace. Thank you. A writer exhibiting power by being true to themself.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Do you think you can get her to strip Jack naked and put him in a position where he could get caught by another female coworker? That would be so humiliating and exciting!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

loving it so far, i'm sure she will keep on degrading him.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

He should have to go out and buy her some stockings, out of his pay.

OlsterOlsterabout 1 year ago

very incomplete

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

keep it going

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is a great story. Keep going

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Still say he needs to take he out Permanently, end of problem....

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