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Humiliated Wife Turns to Her Son Ch. 11

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A visit with my Aunt Karen and my Cousin Rachel.
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Part 11 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/06/2017
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Thanks to Rick for proofreading and editing this chapter.

A visit with Aunt Karen and Cousin Rachel

The next morning I decided I would take Friday through Monday off and go visit Karen and Rachel. After getting things more or less organized enough to feel alright about being away for a few days, I drove out to one of our job sites to talk with Zack. He was running the show as afar as the daily field operations were concerned. He did keep me "in the loop" as to what was going on but I left him alone to do things his way. I spent most of my time dealing with clients and working on getting new business.

I told Zack I would be out of town for an extended weekend and if anything came up that he and Sandy could not handle he could call me on my cell phone. He assured me everything would be OK. He also said he would be taking the exam for his General Contractors license the following week. Zack said his wife, Savanna, was after him like hound chasing a fox to get the license. I laughed and told him he was very fortunate to have such an intelligent and dedicated wife. He just smiled knowing I was right in my assessment of their relationship. I would never cross that line but I did get a slight tingle in my groin as I thought about Savanna.

I went back to the office to tell Sandy and Tracy I was going to drive up to see Karen and Rachel for the weekend. They both said they wanted some hot, steamy sex before I left but I told them to take care of each other for the next few days. That laughed and told me I could be certain they would. Sandy told me she had finally decided for sure that she wanted me to have her branded at the same time Tracey got her brand and perhaps the following weekend we could go have that done. There was no place in our small town which did branding. I told her we could do that knowing the clever little slut was giving me something to think about while I was away.

I thought I should call Karen and let her know I was coming in case she and Rachel had plans and would not be at home. When I told, her I was coming for a visit she became very excited and told me both she and Rachel would be anxiously awaiting my arrival. When I asked her if I could bring them anything, Karen said to just bring myself. I told her I would see them that afternoon.

The drive was quite boring but I knew there would be two beautiful sexy women waiting for me and I was sure they would make the drive well worth it for me. I was definitely looking forward to having a threesome with them as well as one on one time with each of them. Now that everything had settled down at home and Tracy was free of Blake it was nearing the time to consider what we would do to move forward and decide it we would leave the country or remain where we were.

As far as the business was concerned, I was confident Zack could take care of the actual construction operations but I had to give serious consideration to hiring a business manager to deal with the financial aspects, however, this was not the time to allow such thoughts to occupy my mind. I was about to spend the next few days with my hot aunt Karen and my equally hot cousin Rachel so little else mattered.

About an hour before I arrived in town, I called Karen and asked her if I could stop by her office to pickup a key to her house. She told me she would take the afternoon off work and meet me at home. She said Rachel had a couple of afternoon classes so it would be just the two of us for a few hours and she wanted some time alone with me before Rachel got home. I was certainly not opposed to spending time alone with Karen.

When I got to her house, I saw her car was in the driveway. I went to the door to ring the door bell and found a note which read, "Come on in, Steven. I'm waiting for you."

I found Karen in her bedroom. She was lying on her bed totally naked and her eyes were filled with lust. It was obvious to me she was ready to be fucked and she had no interest in a lot of extensive foreplay.

"Thank God, you're here. Rachel and I have been taking care of each other every night since we got home but we both need more. I know I need a real cock and my pussy is hungry for a load of your hot creamy cum. I've been aching for you since you called and told me you were coming to visit us and I'm sure Rachel has too. Take off your clothes and come fuck your horny slut," Karen told me.

"You surely sound like you are more than just a little horny, Karen," I replied as I stripped off my clothes.

"A little horny doesn't even begin to describe how I feel. I need you to pound my slutty cunt and use me like your whore. I've been so desperate for a hard cock I was almost ready to strip and fuck any man who even looked at me. It's so strange. I really wanted to wait for you but I'm not sure how much longer I could have made it. I don't know how Rachel has managed it. She told me guys are practically begging her to go out with them but so far she's refused them all," she said in a whiny voice.

When I got on the bed beside her and pulled her into my arms to kiss her, Karen clung to me and molded her luscious body into mine as if she was trying to crawl inside me. I wanted to eat her sweet wet pussy and have her suck my already rock hard cock but I knew what she wanted more than anything was to be fucked fast, hard and furiously so I flipped her onto her back, spread her legs wide and lifted them over my arms. I slammed my rigid cock into the depths of her steaming pussy.

She moaned and rocked her head from side to side as I pounded her tightly clutching cunt. There was no need for foreplay. Karen wanted to come and she wanted to come quickly. There would be plenty of time for slower, gentler sex later. I wanted her just as badly as she wanted me and this was the time for a power fuck.

Each time I thrust inside Karen she grunted and moaned, "Fuck me, Steven. Fuck me harder. Make me come for you. I need it so badly!"

We were both gasping for breath as we exploded nearly unison from our orgasms with Karen's tight pussy massaging my hard cock as she milked every drop of my cum from it. I released her legs from over my arms and held her close to kiss her passionately. I could feel her firm breasts pressing against my chest as her heart pounded like a bass drum.

"Well, I see neither you could even wait until I got home. I knew you would both be horny but I didn't expect to come home and find you fucking like rabbits," Rachel said from the doorway with a laugh.

"You would have done the same thing, Rachel," Karen giggled, "but I'm sure Steven is perfectly capable and more than willing to take care of both of us for the next few days," Karen replied to her with a smirk.

"Come over here, Rachel, I have missed you both very much and I intend to show you just how much I have missed you," I said as I smiled at her. 'OMG! She's beautiful,' I thought.

Rachel bolted from the doorway to the bed with cat like quickness and leaped up next to me to shower me wish kisses.

"I don't know what has brought it on but since Mom and I got back here it seems that almost every guy at school wants me to date me. It is as if they know how horny I have been but I just not ready to go out with anyone just yet. I am so happy you are here," Rachel told me.

"Just remember, Rachel, it was you who made the choice not to date anyone once you came back here," I replied.

"I know, Steven, and I do not regret making that decision," she said with a shy smile.

"Keep in mind that Sandy and Tracy are first and second in my life so don't pass up an opportunity to be first in the life of some other guy," I answered her.

"I understand that. I just want you to know my feelings about you have not changed," Rachel said before she kissed me again.

"Alright, you two, quite acting like love birds, I'm still here and I want some attention, too," Karen giggled.

"Why don't I take you girls out for an early dinner and then come back and settle in for the evening?" I asked as a suggestion.

Karen said, "Steven, you had a long drive today. Let me just order pizza or something. You can take a shower and spend some time with Rachel and me while we wait for them to deliver it. I think we would both rather just be here with you. You can take us out tomorrow night and we'll both dress very slutty for you."

"I like that idea," I said to her.

Rachel jumped up and saying, "Great! Come on, Steven, I'll take a shower with you. I want to wash you all over and if Mom left anything in you I want you to fuck me in the shower."

"You are such a slut, Rachel," Karen said with a laugh.

"And I suppose you are a nun," Rachel giggled as she stepped into hall and headed for the bathroom.

As I leaned over to kiss her before getting up to go take a shower with Rachel, Karen said, "Don't let my slut daughter drain you completely. It is going to be a long night, sweetie."

I grinned at her and went to join Rachel.

Steam from the hot shower was billowy inside the bathroom. I pulled back the curtain and stepped into

the shower to join Rachel. She was in almost as much of a rush as her mother had been earlier. Rachel was already covered in lather from the body wash she used and quickly rinsed herself under the flowing water. She used a shower scrubby to lather both the front and back of my body stroking my stiff member the entire time to keep me hard and ready for her.

As soon as I had rinsed away all the soapy lather, Rachel dropped to her knees in front of me and took my rigid cock into her hot moist mouth. She bobbed her head back and forth along the full length of my swollen rod taking it deep into mouth and throat. She sucked me for what seemed like ten minutes before releasing my cock and turning around to lean forward against the wall of the shower.

She pushed her lovely ass back and looked over her shoulder while moaning,"Fuck me hard and deep, Steven. Don't worry about making me come this time. I just want you to fill my womb with your hot lava. Later, you can make both Mom and me come for you. I especially want you to make her squirt her juice all over me. Sometimes I can make her squirt but not like you do."

I grabbed her hips and guided my swollen glans between the buttery softness of her labia and into her tight vaginal canal. Rachel groaned as I probed deep inside her sheath and probed the mouth of her cervix. She arched her back downward which caused her hips to rise as she thrust herself back to accept my steel hard cock into the depths of her tightly clenching pussy.

After a few minutes, I told Rachel I wanted to move to bed so she could ride me. She eagerly agreed so we dried each other and went to her bedroom. As we stood by her bed, she hugged me close and kissed me passionately before pushing me down onto the bed and climbing on top of me.

Rachel straddled me and raised herself up high enough to guide the head of my hard cock to mouth of her hot wet pussy. As she lowered her body slowly down, she leaned forward to press her firm young breasts against my chest. She whispered softly in my ear, "Steven, I don't know what I am going to have to do but I am going to find a way to make you love me. I want to be your woman no matter how many others I have to share you with. The physical mark you made on my neck is almost completely gone but the emotional mark you made in my heart is clearer than ever. Even if you do not wish to admit even to yourself, I belong to you. Please claim me again."

I placed my hands on her breasts and pushed her up to a sitting position and replied, "Then ride me, my horny little slut and prove to me how much you mean that. I will mark you again while I am here but you must do something more for me."

"Tell me what I must do and I will do it," she said breathlessly.

"When I return home, I will be having Sandy and Tracy branded. Come back with me and accept my brand along with them," I told her solemnly as I stared intently into her beautiful green eyes.

"I will do it gladly and wear it proudly even if they back out at the last moment," she answered with a smile as she began to grind her clit against my pubic mound while rocking her hips forward and backward at an increasingly feverish pace, "I will do anything you ask of me without question or hesitation. I want to be owned by you, Steven."

As I felt my orgasm building to its crescendo, I realized Sandy was right and I should make Rachel love me. I would need her with me forty or fifty years in the future. I loved Sandy and Tracy will all my heart but I had room left to love my beautiful cousin Rachel who would still be with me when I reached the Autumn of my life. I would take her as my number three wife and Karen would be my concubine and help raise all the children my wives would bear for me.

"Come for me, Rachel, release all of your hot honey to me. Let it pour over my cock as if was water flowing over a waterfall. Be one of my women," I commanded as I grabbed her waist and thrust my hips upward to drive as deeply as I could into her flaming hot womb.

She threw her head back and howled like a wounded animal and exploded as she was caught in a massive earthquake followed by a seemingly endless series of aftershocks before collapsing onto my chest and trembling as if she had been electrocuted. We lay there for several minutes gasping for breath and clinging to each other almost desperately.

Finally, Rachel whispered to me in a tearful voice yet happy voice, "I will go back with you for a few days to be branded. I want to take my place as one of your wives along with Sandy and Tracy. Next semester, I want to transfer to your university so I can live with the three of you. Will you let me do that?"

I felt the bed move as Karen slipped in beside us. I will find a job there and come too if you want me, Steven," she said as she snuggled closer to us.

"I want you very much, Karen, but I insist that all of us, including Sandy and Tracy, sit down together and discuss everything before we make such a decision. I am sure they will want this as much as we do but I will not make such as decision without getting their input. I do not need permission to make such a decision but with all that has happened so quickly we all need time to think this through and not be guided by our passion," I told her.

"I understand. I'll come down next weekend so we can all talk and I'll bring Rachel back with me so she can take her exams," she said simply before adding, "I ordered Chinese food and it should be here soon. Why don't you two take another shower while I change the sheets on the bed? My little slut daughter has turned it into a swamp and later, Steven, I want you to make me come so hard that I squirt like a geyser."

"I like your thoughts and I will need some time to recover before we continue," I told her.

"Come to the kitchen when you are ready. I bought some Guinness when you told me you were coming. It's in the fridge," Karen said as she got up to get fresh sheets to put on Rachel's bed.

That night and the rest of the weekend was a full blown fuck fest for the three of us. I did take them out for dinner on Saturday night and they both dressed so like a pair of sluts showing as much skin as they could get away with in public. I gave them both passion marks which they proudly displayed. Rachel, true to form, had once again passed out from the intensity of her orgasm when she received hers.

At the restaurant, Rachel saw a girl named Cassie who was one of her friends from school and brought her over to meet me. Cassie was a very hot petite girl who reminded me of Tracy. Rachel could see I was obviously attracted to her friend and insisted she join us for dessert during which she insisted that Cassie come home with us for a drink which ended up with her spending the night with us. Cassie was very good in bed but, to me, she was not a "keeper."

When Rachel and I left on Monday afternoon to go back home, I called Sandy to tell her Rachel was coming with me to be branded with Tracy and her. She told me she was happy I had decided to include Rachel in our plans.

Rachel was in a very playful mood all the way home and kept flashing her tits and bare pussy at me until I finally had enough and pulled into a rest area. I found a secluded place in the back to park. I wanted to fuck her but I knew it would be too cramped in the car and if I stopped at a motel we would probably spend the night so I settled for one of her awesome blow jobs. I told her she would have to wait until we got home for me to take care of her but she could masturbate while we drove. She told me she would be OK until later. She had her belly full of hot cum and that was good enough for now.

When we arrived at home, Sandy and Tracy were sitting in the living room naked. As I expected, Sandy was extremely horny and after the initial greetings she dragged me to the bedroom leaving Tracy and Rachel to "entertain" each other.

Sandy told me she had some disturbing news. She had done an EPT and she was not pregnant. We were both disappointed but she said we would keep trying and even if we failed I still had Tracy and Rachel. I knew Tracy was eager to have my baby and I was sure Rachel was ready, too but I really wanted to have a baby with Sandy.

I was getting anxious for us to start looking for another country where we could all live together without the social stigmas we would face here. When I told her Rachel and Karen wanted to live with us, she was very excited. I told her Karen would come down the following weekend to pick up Rachel and we could all discuss everything together. She agreed with my thoughts and giggled about the fresh bite mark on Rachel's neck.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Sadly, to me it seems that Steven isn't quite as alpha and master of the harem as I would have hoped. It's only a harem if he makes each female know that he is the only man in their life allowed (sexually) and if they break that rule they are banished forever. Female interaction is allowed under supervision or with explicit permission. This isn't really a harem as far as I'm concerned since he's basically saying Rachel can fuck other people, which is rather disappointing. Fucking claim your women damn it and don't be such a beta!

I don't believe that Sandy didn't get pregnant with all the fucking they've been doing. There's just no fucking way unless there's something medically wrong with them, which doesn't appear to be the case. I hate how arbitrary pregnancies are in these kinds of stories. It's only introduced as taking hold when it's convenient to the plot, no matter how unlikely it is. I'm calling bullshit on it and it's just a lazy copout as far as I'm concerned.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Awesome as always 5 stars!!!!!!!!!

Foxterot7aFoxterot7aabout 3 years ago

Good series. New characters need to be developed in breadth and depth. Sub plots need to be logically developed. I am waiting for Stephen to develop his style of domination over Tracy. Tracy needs to find her bounds in submission and her pain limits.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

It is fiction, but BRANDING ?? Even farmers and dog owners have been using chip technology for many years now. This part is medieval.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Keep going

Hope you keep the story going ,hope you write in that Sandy gets Pregnant. Good read,

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