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Humiliated Wife Turns to Her Son Ch. 12

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Many changes are on the horizon for everyone.
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Part 12 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/06/2017
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Many changes are on the horizon for everyone

"Damn, I have missed you, baby but I'm sure it was great for you to get away for a few days. Tracy and I had a wonderful time here together but it was not the same without you," Sandy said as she snuggled close to me.

"I missed you, too and I'm glad to be back home. Karen was, as I am sure you can imagine, voracious in her hunger for sex and Rachel...well, she is Rachel. I don't think I'm going to have to get her to love me. I am sure she already does. She wants to be my number three wife after you and Tracy and I am seriously considering it," I replied.

"Enough talk, I need you to fuck me and I want it to be hard and fast. I am sorry I'm not pregnant but I want us to keep trying. I really wanted our baby so it would also be my grandchild. At least, you have Tracy and Rachel eager to have you breed them," She said with a smile.

"Get on your knees and suck me, you horny little slut," I commanded her teasingly.

"Do you want to fuck your mommy slut's face?" She asked in a sarcastic voice.

"Shut up and suck, cunt, you know I hate that mommy crap," I chided her.

Sandy giggled and said, "Yes, I know you hate it almost as much as I hate it when you call me cunt so be careful or I might change my mind and go join Tracy and Rachel."

Before I could say a word she dived on my semi-erect cock like a cormorant diving for a fish. Sandy was an awesome cocksucker. She had me throbbing hard in a matter of seconds.

"Keep close track of when you should be ovulating next because you are going to be the only one I fuck during that time and I'm only going to come in your blowjobs, facials or ass fucks. We're definitely going to keep trying to make you pregnant," I told her as I pumped my rigid cock into her mouth.

She mumbled something unintelligible and made a noise I am almost positive was a giggle but with her mouth filled with my cock, I could not be sure.

I leaned down so I could squeeze her firm tits and pinch her nipples while she sucked me. In spite of the efforts of all the others, Sandy was my one true love. I knew we would never live in a place where we could be married legally but she would always be my number one wife and the matriarch of our little family group. My thoughts vanished when I felt Sandy working her tongue along my frenulum as she began probing at my puckered anus trying to insert her finger inside.

"Damn, angel slut, I thought you wanted me to fuck you. If you keep this up all you're going to get a belly full of hot cum," I groaned with pleasure.

"Right now, I don't care where you dump your load. I just need my fix of your hot creamy cum. Use me as your little cum bucket. Spray your stuff anywhere you want as long it is somewhere in or on my sex crazed body. One more thing...thank you for calling me angel slut, I have missed hearing you say it," Sandy pulled her head from my cock long enough to say.

I lifted her to her feet and pushed her back on the bed not bothering to get on the bed with her. I pulled her toward me so her torso was lying flat while I raised her legs and pushed her knees over her shoulders. From my standing position, I was going to pound her soaking wet pussy as hard as I could. I wanted her to feel the power and fury of each thrust as I rammed my rock hard cock into the fiery depths of tightly clamping pussy.

As much as I had enjoyed my time with Karen and Rachel, it had been too long since I had enjoyed my favorite little fuck bunny, my own precious mother. Yes, I was indeed a mother fucker and if there was any way possible for me to do it I was going to make her both a mother and a grandmother of the same baby, our baby. Maybe not this time but soon.

I continued to jackhammer my turgid cock into as I looked straight into her beautiful big brown eyes, grinned and said, "Angel slut, one day soon I will give you a new nickname."

Sandy smiled back at me while gasping and moaning, "Wh...wh...what will that be?"

"Grandmommy slut," I answered with a sexy laugh.

That triggered something deep inside her because I felt her body shudder as her fluids gushed from her hot steaming gash in a torrent which soaked the edge of the bed, my cock and upper thighs. As her orgasm continued in wave after wave, I felt my balls clench as I drove my cock into the mouth of her cervix like a ramrod. I pushed harder and harder inside her wanting all of my sperm to coat her ovaries before I collapsed onto her heaving bosom.

When I finally rolled off of her, Sandy struggled for breath and said, "Oh my god, Steven, if you do that while I'm ovulating I know I'll get pregnant. I don't think I've ever come so quickly or so hard. Please, baby, make my your Grandmommy slut. Please!"

"That was our first quickie and damn it was good," I gasped in reply.

We lay in silence for a few minutes. Sandy finally broke that silence by saying we needed to go check on Tracy and Rachel. I told her not to worry about them because those two horny pain sluts were probably trying to see which of them could make the other surrender. Sandy laughed as she got off the bed. Weakly, I got up and followed her down the hall to the kitchen. When we passed by the living room, I saw Rachel and Tracy on the floor eating each other as if they were starving to death.

I was ready for a cold beer after the long drive, a blowjob from Rachel in the rest area, and a dynamite fuck with Sandy in the bedroom. I went to the fridge to get one and asked Sandy if she wanted anything but she did not answer. She just sat in her chair with a Cheshire cat grin on her face and a dazed look in her eyes. For the first time, I could remember, my little angel slut looked AFO (all fucked out) but I knew she would not remain in that state for very long.

After a few more minutes, I heard an unmistakable howl which I immediately recognized as that of Rachel reaching her orgasm. Shortly after that Tracy came into the kitchen giggling.

Why are you giggling, subby slut?" I asked her.

"You'll find out soon enough. I hope you've got something left for me. I love Sandy and I love Rachel but I love you more, Steven. I'm tired of having sex with girls, at least for a little while. Please fuck me soon, Master," she replied sheepishly as she sat down on my lap to kiss me.

This was not a welcome home kiss. It was a toe-curling, if you don't fuck me I'll surely die kiss. My hot, horny little pixie never broke the kiss as she turned herself around to straddle my lap and grind her dripping pussy and firm tits against me. Her tongue writhed inside my mouth and around my tongue as if it was a boa constrictor squeezing the life out of its prey. She left no doubt in my mind that she was next to be fucked.

When Rachel walked in a couple of minutes later we all looked up at her and laughed. On each side of her neck was a very large passion mark which nearly matched each other.

"Dammit, Tracy, I hate you. Steven is the only person who is supposed to mark me like that but at least you couldn't make me pass out," Rachel said as she joined us in laughter.

"It looks like Steven has given every one of us something very special," Sandy said as she seemed to emerge from her near catatonic state of post-orgasmic bliss.

"I hope he gives us a couple of more things which will be very special to each of us. First, his brand burned into our flesh and then a baby in each of our wombs. That includes you, Rachel," Tracy stated sincerely.

"Believe me, I am ready to be the mother of as many of your children as you want me to have, Steven, you can breed me as often as you want," Rachel replied as she looked directly into my eyes with an angelic but wanton smile.

"Then you shall all be sister-wives and sister-mothers. There will be no more birth control pills for any of you. Keep track of your cycles and during your ovulation, my sperm will belong exclusively to the one who is ovulating," I said to them as the kitchen exploded with the light of their dazzling smiles.

"Girls, I'm going to the office. There are a couple of things I need to check on. While I am there, I am also going to take a nap. Rachel can tell you all about the weekend. Please do not worry about me and do not call me. I am tired and I want to be alone for a few hours. I'll grab something to eat on the way home so do whatever you like about dinner," I told them.

I went to the bedroom and put on some clean clothes. Sandy came in and wanted to know if everything was alright. I told it was I just suddenly very tired and needed to be completely alone for a little while. On my way to the office my cell phone rang. I didn't bother to answer it or even look to see who was calling.

When I got to the office, I immediately opened up the sofa bed and lay down to sleep. My cell phone rang again. I saw it was Savanna, Zack's wife, and I thought something must have happened to him so I answered the call. She told me everything was fine but she needed to see me as soon as possible. I told her to come by the office tomorrow but she said it was strictly confidential. I suggested we meet at the university library again. I agreed to meet her at 10:00 a.m. in the morning. When I hung up, I turned my cell phone off and lay down to go to sleep thinking there really was such a thing as too much of a good thing, meaning sex.

I slept through the entire night not waking up until Sandy and Tracy came in the next morning. I told them I had a 10:00 a. m. appointment and I wanted to go home to clean up. I added that I would be back in the office around 11:00 a.m. I kissed them and left. They knew my rules and neither of them asked any questions or put up an argument. However, Sandy did bring me breakfast while Tracy made a pot of coffee. I was very fortunate to have both of them in my life.

I met Savanna at the library as we had planned. When I saw her, I knew why my father had wanted her so badly. She was a stunningly beautiful woman. The urgency of her wanting to meet with me privately was nothing more than she wanted reassurance that everything I had promised Zack concerning his getting a general contractors license was true. I explained to her that Zack and the company had a legally binding contract and we fully intended to honor our side of it.

Savanna took me totally by surprise by telling me that she would do anything I asked her to do for giving them such a wonderful opportunity. She turned crimson red when I reminded her that I was not my father but I certainly appreciated her offer and under other circumstances, I would most assuredly accept it.

I began to wonder if my father had actually been the womanizer I thought he was when she told me her offer was open at any time I wished to accept it. I took her to a quiet corner and had her sit down. I realized I needed her in a strictly controlled environment before thing got out of hand. I was going to offer her a job where Sandy and Tracy could keep an eye on her. I asked her if she had any experience working in an office. She told me she had an associates degree from a junior college and had worked in a construction office for a couple of years. That is how she met Zack but he had not wanted her to work after they were married.

When we were leaving, she kissed me. This time I did not resist quite as much but the kiss was far more than merely friendly and I know she felt my cock harden against her firm body. Damn, how I wished she wasn't married to my most trusted and valued employee. Still, I couldn't resist patting her on her very voluptuous ass as we parted. She flashed me a very sexy smile and told me no one would ever know but us if I ever changed my mind.

On the way back to the office, I called Zack and asked him to come by when he had a break in his schedule. There were a couple of things I needed to discuss with him. He said he would stop by during lunch. I told to meet me at the country club since it would quieter than most other places. I cared little about going to the country club but Sandy liked to go there from time to time and the company maintained a membership for the benefit of clients from out of town many of whom played golf.

During lunch, I asked Zack if he was ready for the general contractors' exam the next day and he assured me was. I also told I was planning to take both Sandy and Tracy on an extended trip soon and I would need someone to look after the office while we were away. I preferred someone with some experience in a construction office environment and I needed someone we could trust. I told him if he knew of anyone who might be interested I would appreciate his input.

He thought about it for a moment then he told me his wife, Savanna, might be interested if it was only a reasonably short-term assignment. I asked him if she had the type of experience I wanted and he said that was how he had met her. I told him we would be away for perhaps thirty to sixty days at most but I would like to have her there for thirty days prior to our departure. He said he would talk with her and if she was interested he had no problem it. I thanked him and we both went back to work.

I felt a little treacherous about the way I had handled it but it suited my purpose perfectly. I would have someone in the office I felt we could trust as well as keeping me insulated from Savanna. I was almost certain I could not trust her to stop trying and I was having serious concerns about being able to resist her advances. Sandy and Tracy would be able to solve both of those potential problems.

I did not like keeping secrets from either of them so when I got back to the office I told them everything that had happened while I was gone. I did, however, omit the more intimate details of my meeting with Savanna knowing that some things are better left unsaid.

They were both very curious about where we were going on our trip. I teased them by saying I had not decided yet but I would let them know soon. They were so relentless in their curiosity about my plans that I felt almost as if I was caught in the midst of the Spanish Inquisition.

Finally, as we were closing the office and about to go home, I sat them down and told them we were going to Europe for perhaps sixty days. Our first stop would be in Luxembourg. I knew their banking system was nearly identical to that of Switzerland and I wanted to open an account there. After that, we would tour several other of the surrounding countries before heading to Spain and Portugal. I was set on moving to an incest friendly country with a mild climate and I wasn't going to India or one of the African countries.

I was hoping to find a small working vineyard with a winery we could buy. I wanted to find something small enough to afford yet large enough to be profitable. I would try to retain as many of the current workers as possible and stay out of their way while I learned more about the entire process.

"Steven, a vineyard with a winery, are you crazy? You barely know the difference in a red wine and a white wine except for the color," Sandy exclaimed.

"Grandmommy slut, need I remind you I didn't know jack shit about the construction business either, but you can see for yourself that our balance sheet has never looked better. I am going to Europe for two months and if you girls don't want to go you can stay here and I'll take Rachel with me. Before you make up your minds, I suggest you remember I have only made three rules so far," I stated flatly.

/ If you haven't followed all the way through this story or if you have forgotten the rules you can find them in chapter 7./>

"You are right, Steven. Of course, we are going to Europe with you and please don't make any more rules. Your first three are quite enough," Sandy giggled.

"That's my girl, I knew you would see it my way," I replied with a smirk.

"I don't have a thing to wear," Tracy said as she laughed.

"Then go naked, subby slut," I replied with a wink.

"Steven, I'm not sure Savanna would be the wisest choice to handle the office for two months. Perhaps we should consider hiring a temporary accountant," Sandy said.

"No, I can think of no one I would trust more for this. At least, she has a vested interest in doing the best job she can. It should be quite obvious how much I trust Zack. There is no way that either of them is going to jeopardize the opportunity the company has given them. At least, not this early in the game. If Savanna wants the job she gets it and that is final," I stated firmly.

"Dammit, you are always right and I know you are not trying to fuck her like your father did but in your case, I couldn't really blame you if you did. Savanna is hot," Sandy said as she feigned a pout.

"She is also married to our most trusted and valued employee. Zack has been treated with more dignity and respect since we took control of the company than he ever got from my father. He knows damned well his star is on the rise and I have quite a few more surprises in store for him as long as he keeps doing what he has been doing. Zack is not a fool," I told her.

"I had almost forgotten that we were supposed to put on a picnic for all the workers and their families. With Zack about to get his general contractors' license, this will be the perfect time for a celebration. I'll call Mr. Savage in the morning to see if we can hold it at his country place. You girls figure out what we will need in terms of food, soft drinks and all the other things we'll need," I told them.

Tracy got up and walked over to me and kissed me very tenderly.

"What was that for," I asked her.

"A wife doesn't need to have a reason for kissing her wonderful husband," she replied.

"Let's go home, girls. Rachel will be wondering why we are late," I said to them.

"We were going to bring her to the office with us today but her neck looks like someone tried to cut her throat," Sandy said with a giggle.

Tracy came over to me as we went to our cars telling Sandy she was going to ride home with me. She said I had gotten away yesterday afternoon before she had gotten a little time to be alone with me and she was not going to let it happen today. I pulled her close to me and told her she would not be neglected again tonight.

She snuggled her firm pixie-like body tightly against me and whispered, "Steven, I always want you but tonight I want you to fuck my tight little ass and I want it hard and rough. I am aching for you to make me feel some pain."

"Good, my little pain slut, you will get your wish. I am very horny and you are just what I need to take off the edge so you had better give me a safe word in case I go too far for you to handle," I told her.

"OK, my safe word will be Savanna," Tracy said.

"Savanna! Why did you choose that?" I asked in amazement.

"I had to find a way to talk with you about her. I don't think there is anything going on between the two of you but this is the second time she has met with you privately. I will not say anything to anyone about my feelings but I think she has the hots for you. I will not ask you questions about it but I just want you to be cautious with her. I feel the same as Sandy about how hot she is and I would not blame you for having sex with her. In fact, I would have sex with her myself if the opportunity arose to do it," Tracy said solemnly.

I remained mute about Savanna's open invitation but I told her I appreciated her input and assured her I would keep my guard up for warning signs.

We were both quiet for the rest of the drive home but Tracy kept her left hand on the inside of my right thigh slowly and methodically stroking along it while occasionally scratching it lightly with her long painted fingernails.

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