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Humiliated Wife Turns to Her Son Ch. 12


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'She would never replace Sandy as my first love or my first wife in my heart but I knew she truly loved me and I loved her perhaps more than I had realized plus I could legally marry anywhere in the world. Did I really want to take things that far? Did I even want to get legally married? I decided to discuss it with Sandy and Tracy at the same time. Any reluctance by either of them would end any further thoughts about this sudden turn of events,' I thought to myself as we pulled into the driveway at home.

When I switched off the engine, I told Tracy to go inside. I needed a couple of minutes alone. She leaned over and kissed me passionately before she got out of the car. It may have appeared a little odd to any of the neighbors who might have seen us but our public display of affection would not cause any problems. It might raise a few eyebrows due to her recent divorce and our age difference but neither of those was newsworthy.

I did laugh to myself, however, thinking of the reaction we might get if we planned a big wedding at the First Self-Righteous Church with the bride and her bridesmaids all wearing the finest in matching designer slut dresses, silk stockings and six-inch stiletto heels. That might raise a lot more than just eyebrows. Most likely the cock of every man at the wedding. I could just imagine the minister standing there with a tent in his pants. That would be newsworthy!

Inside the house, I found all three of them appropriately attired meaning they were wearing nothing more than skimpy bras and thongs. Rachel seemed to be in a rather gloomy mood. With a little prying, I discovered Sandy had told her about our upcoming trip to Europe. What she had not told her was my alternate plan to take her with me had they turned down my invitation.

Her mood did brighten when I promised I would take both she and Karen on a trip very soon for which I was rewarded with arched eyebrow from Sandy. I decided to have a beer and shut up before I had to explain the full extent of my plans which was having Karen and Rachel join us once we were moved and settled. I would tell Sandy and Tracy but I was not ready to let Rachel or Karen know about it yet.

Sandy was correct about my knowledge of wine and more specifically about owning and operating a vineyard and winery. By the same token, I had known nothing about running a construction company either but I had managed to keep it profitable. Thanks in a great part to Zack for handling the day to day field operations, to Sandy for giving me free rein to deal with the clients and suppliers, and certainly to Tracy for keeping the office running as smooth as silk. In spite of my personal feelings about my late father, I had to admit he had done a splendid job over the years of amassing a considerable amount of liquid assets and left very little in terms of liabilities. I was sure we could do the same thing with a winery

So far, I had not gone crazy with my newfound prosperity. I did have to admit I was taking a risk with my thoughts of moving to Europe and buying a winery. Naturally, I had a certain amount of trepidation about it. I was clueless about the eventual cost of my plans which, at this point, might be looked upon much like Seward's Folly when the United States purchased Alaska from Russia for $7,000,000 about one hundred-fifty years earlier.

Fortunately, I did not have to rely upon the US Senate and a winning margin of only one vote. In this case, the winning margin would also be decided by one vote but it was my vote. I would swim or drown. It was too bad I would not be able to make my purchase for two cents per acre.

'Damn cell phones," I thought when I heard mine ring. I looked at the caller ID and upon seeing it was Savanna I accepted the call.

"Steven, Zack just told me about your idea of having me work in your office for a few months and I would be delighted to talk to you about it. May I come by in the morning to discuss it?" she asked. Her voice that sounded as excited as that of a teenage girl who had just been handed the keys to a brand new car.

"Slow down, Savanna, and take a breath before you hyperventilate. Yes, you can come by in the morning at 10:00 a.m. and I expect you to be on time and dressed for a job interview. Is that clear?" I told her.

"That is perfectly clear, Steven. It is appropriate for me to address you by your first name?" she asked.

"Savanna, I run a construction company, not a bank. To me, you are like family so Steven is certainly appropriate and by dressing for an interview I mean business casual. You told me you worked in a construction company office for two years. Dress like you did when you went in for that interview." I explained to her. I was glad I was not my father. He would have to her dress like a slut.

"Thank you, Steven, I'll see you in the morning. Goodbye," She said as she ended the call.

"Sandy, Savanna will be in the office at 10:00 a.m. for and an interview. Have her fill out an application for employment. Both you and Tracy will conduct the actual interview. Unless she does something incredibly stupid, she has the job but I want it to look like an interview when, in fact, it will give you girls a chance to get to know her a little better and make sure I have made the correct decision. Please make sure that she fully understands that she and I are strictly off-limits to each other. Hell, take Rachel with you and tell Savanna she is my fiancée if you have to," I told Sandy.

"Thank you, baby," Sandy replied as Tracy nodded her head in agreement. "I know they must have switched babies on me after you were born. There is no way you are your father's son," she added with one of her classic Goldie Hawn giggles.

"Why didn't you ask me to do that job, Steven? I would be thrilled to work there," Rachel wanted to know. She was still in a somewhat sullen mood.

"Rachel, I have much bigger plans for you but you must be patient. Do you understand me?" I asked her softly.

"Yes, Steven, I understand you. I guess I'm just disappointed by not getting to go to Europe with you," She pouted.

"You will be happy when you have our baby growing in your womb," I replied with a smile.

"Oh my god! Yes, I will. Please forgive for acting this way," she said. As she flashed me a beaming smile, her somber mood seemed to melt like freshly fallen snow on a warm ground.

"Você não fez nada errado," I replied.

/ those of you who speak Portuguese, if that reply is incorrect please forgive me but don't beat me up for trying. :-)/>

"What does that mean?" Rachel wanted to know.

"I hope it means you have done nothing wrong in Portuguese," I told her.

"Sandy, go online tomorrow and order a language course for travelers in Portugal. Just a course to help us survive while we are there. You should be able to find one online. The bookstore at the mall may even have one. I doubt there is an overwhelming need to learn to speak Portuguese is here. We'll hire a translator when we are there but I want us to have a basic knowledge of the language. Where can a get a beer? Where is the nearest whore house? You know what I mean," I said as I laughed.

"OK, are there any other languages you think we might need?" She asked.

"I certainly hope not. One language at a time is enough to learn. I am already fluent in both English and Typo. In fact, Typo is my first language. What are we having for dinner?" I asked with a grin.

"Let's have something delivered," Sandy said with both Tracy and Rachel nodding in agreement.

"Fine, order what you want. In the mean, I want an appetizer and my selection is Tracy," I said as I winked at her.

Without saying a word, Tracy got up and headed for the bedroom but not before thrusting her hips back toward us and wiggling them from side to side. I supposed that was her way of letting Sandy and Rachel know she was going to get fucked in her ass. We had already agreed that was what she would be getting. I kissed both Sandy and Rachel before following Tracy to the bedroom.

"Thank you so much for this, darling, I have been desperately horny for you. I am sure you know I am falling hopelessly in love with you," Tracy admitted shyly.

"Yes, sweetheart, I am well aware of that," I replied.

"You told Rachel she would be happy when your baby was growing in her womb. Does that mean you no longer want me as your number two wife?" She queried me.

"Don't be silly, you are my number two wife and after Sandy, there is no other woman I want to conceive my firstborn child than you. Tracy, you are a part of our convoluted family group. Do not ever think you are being pushed aside. You put everything you own on the table and both Sandy and I accepted it. I accepted it as your personal dowry and by doing so I accepted you as my bride, however, should you ever wish to leave you are free to go and I will return your dowry to you intact and without question," I told her truthfully.

Tracy smiled at me even as tears streamed down her cheeks and said, "I think Sandy is right. There is no way you are your father's son."

"Hush, subby slut, and get me hard. If you want some lube get it, otherwise I am going to take your tight, hot, horny ass as it is," I told her.

"You own me. Do whatever you wish to me. I am going to give you a beautiful baby when the time comes," Tracy replied as she wiped the tears from her beautiful face before kneeling on the bed to present her beautiful heart shaped ass to me to use for my pleasure.

All she would be getting for lubrication was the pre-cum seeping from my swollen glans. I was sure this would be a somewhat painful entry for both of us but I fully intended to use my little pixie as my personal fuck toy.

As I placed the head of my cock against her tight sphincter she relaxed completely and her tight anal opening seemed to open almost like a flower blossoming. I slid into her tight hot canal almost as easily as if it had been entering her dripping pussy.

"Damn, Tracy, I expected it to be much more difficult than this to get inside you," I said in surprise.

She giggled and said, "I cheated a little. I put a little lube inside before you got here. I haven't even told Sandy this but I have also been using a much larger butt plug to train myself to relax my sphincter so I can accept you more easily. I love having you take me wherever you want but I especially love it when you take my ass.

I want to be the very best at something for you, Steven. I don't know if any of the others will go that far. I'm not really a part of your real family so I have to try harder to make sure you will always want me. I hope one day soon you will just bend me over the table and fuck my ass right in front of them without any warning to anyone, including me."

With that in mind, I reached for her shoulders and began power fucking her tight, hungry anal canal. There was no need to even think about being gentle or tender. Tracy was an anal slut and I took her with violent brutality. Her moans and grunts made it sound as if she was dying but her writhing body told me she was thrilled to have me take her with such force.

When I released one hand from her shoulder and moved it down to massage her clit, her writhing body and bucking hips increased their tempo.

"Please! Please! Please, darling, don't make me come yet! Make me wait for you! Tell me when to come! I'll try to hold off as long as I can but please tell me when you are going to come! Train me to come on command for you!" Tracy moaned breathlessly beneath me.

This was more than I could stand. "Come now you fucking slut! Come with me, you nasty anal whore!" I roared and I felt the surge of my hot cum flowing through my steel hard cock and spewing into her bowels.

"yes! Yes! Yes! I'm your fucking anal whore! You own my nasty asshole and everything else about me! Fill my shit chute with your hot fucking cum!" Tracy screamed as spasm after spasm of orgasm shot through her petite little body like jolts of electricity.

I pushed her flat onto the bed and collapsed down upon her like a sack of cement leaving my cock buried inside her hot tight anal canal until it softened completely. I rolled off of her and lay beside her with us both still gasping for breath.

Finally, she caught her breath and whispered, "I dare you to tell me you have ever fucked a better ass than mine."

"Shut up, subby slut, you know damned well I haven't and you are going to get your wish to show your anal prowess to the others but not until Karen is here. I will train you to come on command. You are my little slut and you are awesome," I told her.

"Darling, please don't take this wrong. I do not wish to try to usurp Sandy's position as number one in your heart or in your life but if you will accept me I want to marry you and be your legal wife," Tracy confided in me.

"No promises, subby slut, but that is a very distinct possibility. I may indeed put a ring on your finger," I replied.

"Oh my god, you have just made me the happiest girl in the world, Steven, thank you. I promise I will always be true and faithful to you," she said with a radiant smile in spite of her being nearly exhausted.

"I don't know who was the greater fool my father or your ex-husband but I am glad they both were fools," I told her.

"I feel like I am living in a fairy tale and I love it. I never imagined I would be so willing to share the man I love with another woman but with you, it seems only fair to do it. We all know Sandy is your first and only true love but when each of us is alone with you it feels like we are your first and only love. At least, that is I feel. You make me feel so very special," Tracy whispered tenderly.

"You are all very special. Each of you, in your own way, has a special place in my heart," I told Tracy as I turned to kiss her.

"I guess we should go see what Sandy and Rachel are doing," she said.

"I suppose you are right," I replied.

We found Sandy and Rachel in the living room and amazingly enough they were just sitting there talking. I expected them to be engaged in some sort of sexual activity.

"Are you alright, Tracy? It sounded like Steven was killing you." Sandy said with a chuckle.

"If he was, that is how I want to die. My ass may never be the same again but I don't care. I may never want my pussy to be fucked again unless it to for Steven to make me pregnant. I want to have his baby so bad my ovulation cycle can't get here soon enough for me," Tracy answered with a smile.

"I know exactly how you feel and I hope all three of us get pregnant at about the same time. I never thought I would be so anxious to have a baby as I am now. As strange as it may seem, I wish Mom could still get pregnant," Rachel said with a smile.

"I understand how you feel, Rachel, but at least she'll be around to take care of our husband during those last few weeks when won't be able to," Sandy told her.

"I've never been pregnant so I don't really know what to expect but the way I feel right now I'd let Steven fuck my ass while I was delivering our baby," Tracy giggled as she spoke.

"Believe me, Tracy, you won't feel that way when you are delivering. In fact, you may wish you had stayed on the pill," Sandy giggled.

"I need a beer. Do any of you want anything?" I asked as I turned to go to the kitchen.

"Sit down, Steven, let me get it for you," Rachel said.

"OK, honey," I said as I went to the recliner to sit down.

"Can I be next, Steven? My pussy, not to mention my mouth and ass, is aching for your hot, hard cock," Rachel wanted to know when she brought me a beer."

I laughed and said, "I think I may have to have all of you draw a card each day to decide on the fucking order."

They all giggled at my remark.

"Well, it's either something like that or I may need to bring in another guy to give me some relief from your insatiable sexual appetites," I told them.

"I can't speak for Tracy or Rachel but you are the only man I will ever let have sex with me. If it comes down to that, I'll turn lesbian and settle for another woman and a strap-on dildo. I will not have sex with any other man even if you order me to do it," Sandy said adamantly.

"I could not have said it any better, Sandy. Steven owns all of me but I will not allow any other man to have me either," Tracy replied to her.

"I've turned down every very hot young stud who came along since I was with you and I, too, belong to you, Steven, but you can't make me fuck anyone else either and I'll speak for my mother even though she is not here. She belongs to you as well. You have a four-woman harem and we are all loyal and faithful to you," Rachel stated flatly, following them in agreement.

"Then I guess you'll have to draw cards, my wonderful ladies," I said with a smile before taking a swallow of my beer.

"Now, back to my question...can I be next, Steven?" Rachel asked again.

"Since you spoke for two, yes, you can be next," I answered her.

"Just tell me when you are ready. I'm ready now," she giggled.

"I need some real food if I'm going to get through the rest of the night with the three of you. Did either of you order anything for dinner?" I asked.

"No, baby, we started talking and then listening to Tracy's whore like moaning and groaning we completely forgot to order anything. I'll go get something if you are in a hurry," Sandy replied.

"No, sweetheart, I'm OK for now but I need to talk with you for a few minutes. Tracy, would you and Rachel call in an order for dinner?" I said as I got up to go to the bedroom.

"Sure, Steven," Tracy replied.

When we were in the bedroom, I told Sandy that when Zack got the general contractors license I was promoting him to Assistant Vice President of Operations and giving him a twenty-five thousand dollar per year raise in salary. I also told her to arrange for a one week cruise in the Caribbean from him and Savanna as a bonus. I wanted both of them to be happy.

"Are you sure about this, darling?" she asked me.

"Yes, sweetheart, I am very sure. Without a general contractor, our company will go downhill very rapidly. I have the utmost confidence in Zack and even though we have a non-compete contract with him he could move out of our market area and start his own company leaving us stuck with having to find a suitable general contractor in order to continue to grow the company. Zack's promotion, a raise, and a fully paid vacation cruise will help keep Savanna happy and if she is happy Zack will be happy. A happy wife means a happier husband," I explained to her.

"Dammit, I hate it because you are always right but I fully understand what you are saying," she replied with a dazzling smile.

"I have not told you this yet but I am planning to place a bid on the construction of a ten-story office building which will be the largest building in town and I cannot place that bid without a general contractor. If we get the bid and complete the project, Zack will have earned far more than the cost of the new perks. We must have a general contractor or we will become just another small time construction company. As of right now, Zack is our only option. Nothing comes without risks," I told her.

"You have not let me down yet, so I will do as you wish but please do one thing for me. I am certain Savanna has a crush on you. Please don't do anything sexual with her. I am not jealous or insecure I just don't want you to be like your father. I love you the way you are," she said with a smile.

"Why do you think I'm having you and Tracy conduct the interview with her and do the actual hiring? It keeps me insulated from the whole situation but I will go one step further and make you a pinky promise to not doing anything with her," I said as I extended my pinky finger to her.

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