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Click hereQuite correctly this story was send back to me after being published for a few weeks. I have made the changes to ensure that there is no suggestion of underage sex. For those of you who read the original I can confirm that the story remains extremely similar to the original.
This is a story that involves a fetish (humping) and an infatuation with a dominant man (my step uncle). Not for everyone but hopefully for those who choose to read on enjoyable and even arousing.
Chapter 1
I first met him when his brother married my mother. I was eighteen a virgin and was totally besotted my Jed. He was nearly thirty, six foot three inches tall and simply beautiful. Looking back I threw myself at him very naively. Not surprisingly he treated me like a child. I might have been younger than Jed but he clearly didn't miss that my body at least was mature. He teased me about being a pocket-sized version of my gorgeous mum but told me that however much I flirted with him he was off limits. He suggested that I looked him up when I was twenty-one and he would consider putting me over his knee so that he could spank me like a little girl. I felt rejected and frustrated by his reaction to me.
Although he was almost family we saw very little of each other until my twenty first birthday. Jed was there with the rest of my stepfather's family. I was the center of attention and had dressed and made myself up to look as sophisticated as possible. Although I was still with my second serious boyfriend he was not at the party and I had no intention of taking no for an answer from the hunk that was Jed. During the evening I managed to corner Jed in the kitchen. He had not been trying to avoid me and seemed very happy when we were by ourselves. I put my arms around his neck and draped myself around him.
"So my bottom is feeling very vulnerable as you promised to spank it when I became 21."
I wasn't sure whether he would remember his comment of nearly three years ago. His smile suggested that he did. He pushed his knee forward so that my legs were wrapped around it. I had had a drink but nowhere near enough to excuse my next move. I looked up into his eyes and rubbed myself up and down against his knee.
This is probably the right time to mention something that might help explain some of the things that followed. I cannot believe it now but my very first orgasm in my life was achieved by humping the corner of my bed. I was eighteen years old and thought orgasms were a fantasy made up by my friends. My bed was very high and I had straddled the corner while standing up. I felt as randy as hell and the corner of the bed nestled perfectly between my legs finding my clit instantly. I had heard about orgasms but was just following my body's instincts without any thought of orgasms. It felt wonderful and very quickly my hips were thrusting violently. I don't know whether everybody remembers their first orgasm so vividly but I remember mine as possibly my best ever. It shattered me, frightening me slightly, as wave after wave exploded through me. The corner of the bed was soaking but I was happy that it stopped me from collapsing as my legs turned to jelly. After the violence of my orgasm I carried on gently humping the wet bed. It felt comforting and it was not until I enjoyed a second gentle orgasm that I fell forward and briefly fell asleep. After that day I humped many things but the corner of my bed was a favorite.
"You said you would put me across your knee but this was not what I thought you meant. It does feel very sexy though. Do you mind if I just rub my pussy a little bit more?"
I didn't give him the chance to answer as I exaggerated the movement of bending and straightening my legs as I found the perfect connection between my pussy and his leg as far down as his knee. I had intended it as a tease more than anything but it felt wonderful. I only wished that we didn't have three layers of clothing between us. He bent down so that he could whisper straight into my ear without anyone else hearing.
"Are you really such a dirty girl or are you just a tease?"
I was feeling in a very cheeky mood and answered,
"Can I only be one or the other? I would much rather be both and maybe few others such as super hot and a real babe."
This got him laughing and he even bent his leg more to make it easier for me to improve the contact I had with his knee. I had started rubbing myself more as a joke than anything but now I was getting seriously aroused. I heard someone come into the room and I was gutted when he straightened his leg making it difficult for me to retain the contact. I complained bitterly to him calling him a spoilsport.
"I see you still like to hump things. When you were eighteen I stood at the doorway of your bedroom and saw you simply fuck your bed it was one of the most erotic things I have ever seen. If you really want to rub your pussy on my leg I promise you can do so to your hearts content tomorrow when we have a little more privacy. Right now give me a kiss on the cheek and return to entertaining your guests."
I felt rejected by him for the second time but even more determined that I was going to get the hunk to fuck me. I was aroused for the rest of the party and couldn't stop thinking about how good it felt with his knee rubbing on my clit. When I went to bed I put a pillow between my legs and humped it. It was kind of comforting but was never going to excite me like his leg had. I slept with the pillow between my legs.
The next morning it was only my parents, Jed and I in the house. When I heard movement in the kitchen I went to investigate hoping it would be Jed. I was delighted to find him sitting drinking coffee wearing PJs with short shorts. His smile when he saw me was kind but also questioning.
"There is a hot cup of coffee over there for you. How is the all grown up 21 year old this morning? Are you regretting your teasing mood of last night or are you feeling 'super hot' like last night?"
He wasn't exactly throwing himself at me but he was leaving open the option he had offered me the night before. As I walked towards him he stretched out one of his legs as if to remind me of the offer. I sensed that if I was ever going to get him to respond to me throwing myself at him this was the time. With my coffee in one hand I knelt on the hard floor in front of him and looked up into his eyes. His eyes challenged me and I knew exactly what the challenge was. I accepted it and shuffled forward until my legs were straddling his outstretched one. I barely had to lift my short nightie that was my only garment, to ensure that my bald pussy made contact with his leg above his knee.
Suddenly I was overwhelmed with embarrassment. What the hell was I doing mounting his leg, like a bitch in heat? In a vain attempt to cover this embarrassment I buried my face in his chest. He didn't humiliate me further as he could have but simply held my head in one of his hands and said,
"It's alright if you need to rub yourself, go right ahead."
As he said this he tensed his leg muscle and it felt even better than before. My hips took on a life of their own and without any conscious decision on my part they pushed up and down his leg. By the time I made a conscious decision my pussy was lubricating his leg and I was slipping up and down it in such a way that my clit loved it. I went to pull away from his chest in an attempt to get to his cock but he seemed to sense my intention and held me to his chest and told me it was all right. I accepted this and settled into trying to maximize the arousal building between my legs. He shifted his position and this made it easier for me to use his knee against my pussy. This felt even better. As good as it felt I wanted to also please Jed. This time I slid down his leg until I trapped his ankle and foot between my legs. I was shocked to see how wet his leg was above the knee but it was the bulge in his PJs that was of much more interest.
When I looked up into his eyes this time he did not fight against what he knew was my renewed intention to find his erection. I had a bit of a battle to get his shorts down, as his cock was as big as any of the few I had seen. I wrapped my hands round the base and managed to direct the large purple head to my lips. His response was,
"Fuck that feels good but I am not sure you should be doing that after all you are family."
This didn't stop him not only accepting what my hungry pussy was doing around his ankle but also using his foot to increase the stimulation. It had all felt great until this point but now it was full blown wonderful sex. I was no virgin and giving oral sex had always been a skill that I loved trying to perfect. I was worried when he took hold of my head, as I hate having a cock rammed down my throat. In fact I loved the way that he controlled the pace and the depth that his cock fucked my mouth. I did not know exactly who was doing what between my legs but I knew it was going to bring me to orgasm very quickly. When I knew my climax was inevitable I tried to tell Jed but with a mouthful of cock I was unable to form any meaningful words. Somehow he got the message and this alone seemed to accelerate him towards filling my mouth with rope after rope of warm salty cum. I squeezed his ankle so hard when my orgasm exploded I was concerned I might have caused an injury. My orgasm was as strong as any I could remember and left me deeply satisfied. I didn't release his shrinking, but still very firm, cock until he told me it was much too sensitive to take any more licking and sucking.
After we both recovered our senses I sat in his lap facing him until we heard noises from upstairs. I rather unnecessarily thanked him for my lovely orgasm. This made him laugh and give me a lovely cuddle before ushering me off his lap. When my mum and his brother arrived I felt surprisingly vulnerable and underdressed even though they would not have been able to see that I was knickerless. I did wonder whether they noticed the strong scent of sexual arousal, which seemed to fill my nostrils. If they did they gave no indication of it.
I had discovered humping and spent many a session trying to perfect it but nothing was quite as exciting as humping a leg. In the months that followed Jed was delighted to help me try and perfect leg humping. It was an unconventional relationship we enjoyed but I always knew when he told me to mount his leg I was totally unable to resist as some of the following recollections might show.
Jed never married but turned up with many different girlfriends over the years. I never considered our relationship as girlfriend and boyfriend but maybe I was not that different to him as those girlfriends. In modern day terminology I suppose we were friends with benefits. Often we were together as part of family gatherings but at other times we just called each other up with only one thing on the agenda.
Chapter 2
The first time we met up after my birthday we met at his apartment. He had rung me and simply said if I wanted a leg to hump to be at his apartment at the specific time and day. What an invite. I was shocked, slightly taken aback but intrigued, sexually intrigued. It never occurred to me to question the nature of the invite, let alone to turn it down. Jed was a hunk and I wanted more of him. Since my birthday I had humped anything I could find to hump. The fantasies that accompanied the humping always involved humping Jed's leg. The orgasms were always stronger if I was standing when I finally exploded.
When he opened the door I immediately felt timid and small. He was immediately dominant and forceful. It felt so right. Without a word he led me into his lounge. He sat down on a sofa but didn't offer me a seat leaving me standing in the middle of the room.
"You will hump my leg until you orgasm. I will then fuck you until I orgasm. If you do not want to do this then you are free to leave."
I was stunned by his bluntness. I was aroused by his bluntness. I wanted what he was offering me. He was still fully dressed as he ordered me to strip. I loved the feeling of helplessness the total submission. My clothes came off very easily. I knew I had a good body and I was keen to show it off to Jed the hunk. It was easy until I stood with just a pair of panties that were soaked with my natural lubrication. He held is hand up to stop me as I went to pull my panties off.
"You can leave them on, they look rather sexy."
He stood up as he said this and beckoned me to walk towards him. I wrapped myself around the leg that he offered me. I also wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into his chest. There was no rush as he held me as I humped his leg. It was more like making love then many of my encounters with more conventional lovers. It frightened me how quickly I was fully aroused and I tried to slow my progress to an inevitable orgasm. He sensed this and quietly said,
"Don't hold back my lovely. It is beautiful to feel your extreme arousal and your need."
I was not sure whether it was his words that took me over the top or just the need that he had talked about. Either way my hips were totally uncontrollable as I simply fucked his leg while screaming out my excitement. When the violent orgasm finally drifted away I found myself thanking him and apologizing strongly. As soon as my hips were still he moved me to a kneeling position on the floor. There was no foreplay as his cock entered me and he fucked me hard and deep. I was delighted that even though it was an almost violent fucking he didn't cum quickly as was my experience of frenzied fucking.
When he told me to reach through my legs and find his balls I knew it would not last much longer. In this position I was able to rub my clit against my arm. It was all I needed to bring about my second orgasm in ten minutes. He did finally explode deep in me as my orgasm ebbed away. Everything that had happened since I had arrived was wonderful. I felt totally dominated but also cared for. He asked me whether I had enjoyed myself, which did seem very odd considering the strength of my orgasms. When I told him it was wonderful he asked whether I would come back again.
I went back again and again. The visits did vary significantly but me humping was at the heart of every occasion. One of the most enjoyable variations was when he would take me into the shower. This did mean that he was as naked as me when I humped his leg. As always I humped his left leg. The first time this happened I was happily humping, the shower was full on and I was building towards an orgasm. I was surprised when he turned the water off and said,
"Don't stop but when you get very close to climax I want you to pee on my leg."
This stunned me and if I hadn't been so close to orgasm I think I might have been turned off by it. I thought about ignoring his request, well more an order, but instead tried very hard to comply. I relaxed my bladder but it was clear this was not going to achieve the desired effect. He told me that instead of relaxing I should try pushing hard. The first attempt failed but the second pushed a short considerable squirt of pee against his leg. The force was so great that it sprayed in every direction. It didn't feel like peeing had ever felt before. It felt wonderful more akin to a climax than pissing. I repeated the hard pushing and was rewarded by a second longer explosive squirt.
Jed was praising my efforts and saying it felt wonderful and to not stop until I had fully emptied my bladder. I carried on humping his leg while six or so more violent squirts exploded. I carried on humping when my bladder relaxed enough to allow the pee to flow continuously down his leg. When the flow finally stopped I felt a little like I do after a strong orgasm. However nothing informed my clit of this. Within two minutes my aggressive humping of his leg resulted in an orgasm that was far more clit based than my usual humping climaxes. It felt sharp and after about half a dozen strong spasms it was gone.
Jed's erection was as hard as I had ever seen it. He turned me away from him so that I was standing with my hands on the shower wall. His cock slid into my pussy with ease even though I worried that the earlier water might have washed my natural lubrication away. I expected him to fuck me aggressively but, while firm, he fucked me with unusual gentleness. It felt lovely but I did not expect to become significantly aroused again. When he pulled out of me and offered his cock up to my anus I was surprised. Twice he tried to penetrate my virgin bottom without success.
He ordered me to relax so that he could fuck my bottom but took things into his own hands by coating his erection with liquid soap. Now his substantial cock stretched my tight sphincter as it pushed firmly through and into my bowels. I would describe it as significant discomfort but I was determined not to complain as we had talked about it previously. I had admitted that I was keen to try it although I had not expected it to happen this way. The soap did sting but this only seemed to add to feeling of doing something exciting and daring. He did not fuck me for long before he announced that he was going to "paint your bowels." He did not pull out after cumming deep inside me. He stayed unusually hard and held himself hard against my anus.
"I have always wanted to pee inside a bottom I have just fucked. May I try right now? I took Viagra earlier and it would be lovely to try and pee through the erection that I still have."
We had had sex many times by then but this was the first time he had asked permission to do anything. I had always loved how he was dominant during our sessions. What he was now asking me to do was extreme, scary but sounded exciting. I gave him the go ahead but asked him what I was to do. He said if he managed to pee he wanted me to try and retain it as long as possible. He added that if I squeezed his cock too hard it would stop him pissing so it was a fine balance. It was very obvious when he attempted to pee the first few times without success. I relaxed my sphincter and suddenly my bowels expanded quickly. It was only then that the obvious registered in my mind, it felt a lot like the enemas I had received, except now it was much sexier. After receiving and holding numerous squirts of pee I knew I could not hold the floodgates much longer. It was the strangest feeling as pee exploded out around his cock that was still buried inside me. It was not the last time we had anal sex in the shower but he did not ask to pee in me again.
Chapter 3
Recalling that first shower sex with Jed reminds me of the only time we had sex actively involving anyone else. One evening I turned up, as arranged, at Jed's place to find a couple a little older than me already there. Jed introduced Dave and Di and said they had just popped in. It didn't sound convincing but I was intrigued. Both Dave and Di were very fit looking and clearly spent huge amounts of time in the gym. Di was a few inches taller than me with what I would describe as a broad chest with wide firm but not big boobs. Her legs were strong and her ass was very big compared to the rest of her. It was peach shaped very muscular and there was a significant gap between her legs as the very round cheeks disappeared between them. They were both dressed as if on the way to the gym and his legs were the strong shape of an Olympic cyclist. The image of being able to straddle his legs was incredibly strong. Well not so much straddle as hump. Introductions over Jed was very direct and a lot more honest when he said,
"Dave was fascinated when I told him how much you enjoy humping my leg. He was very keen to see whether Di would enjoy it as much. I said I was sure you would be keen to show them."