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Hyperactive Testes Disorder Pt. 11

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Aahna tries to edit steamy footage in school computer lab.
2.8k words

Part 11 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/06/2019
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(Typical disclaimer: This is a continuation of this series, if you don't read at least part 1, you probably won't understand the setting very well.)

The next morning Aahna left early to get a jump-start on editing all the footage from yesterday. Her laptop wasn't powerful enough to process typical footage, let alone that many fps. So she decided to use one of the computer labs at her school.

It wasn't until she uploaded and started playing it back, that she realized that a public computer lab might not be the best place to edit this project. But, she had no other choice, and the network porn controls apparently only blocked inappropriate content from the internet. So, she decided to plug-in her headphones and hope no one came to the back of the room where she was editing.

She picked up her drink and took a sip. It tasted amazing. It was an idea of Chen's. The drink was basically a chocolate strawberry milk shake using chocolate protein powder, minced strawberries, and Mike's cum served as the milk base. It tasted just like a chocolate milk shake, but with Mike's special flavor to it.

Aahna wasn't sure if it was the drink, the footage, or both but she was starting to get turned on. She ignored her warming nether regions and continued editing. She squeezed her thighs together to scratch the erotic itch between her thigh's but that only made it worse. So she closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. Aahna did a quick search for the most unsexy images she could find online.

That did the trick, her pulse lowered and her breathing calmed. As soon as she got back to editing, a guy walked in, said hi, and sat at one of the computer's three rows ahead of her. She really couldn't afford to lose control with someone else in the room. She took another sip of her drink and resumed the editing process.

About an hour later, her friend Cecelia came in. Cecelia noticed her immediately and waved. Aahna felt a tiny wave of panic as her friend came back to talk to her. Thankfully, Cecelia came down the row in front of her and talked to her over the monitor.

"Hey, so have you figured out what you are going to film in slow motion?"

"Um, yea." Aahna felt immensely uncomfortable. On the screen big breasted Sophie was getting covered in cum. In a different circumstance, she would be laughing. Cecelia had unintentionally lined herself up so that it looked like it was her breasts being cum on.


"So, what?" Aahna was so distracted she didn't understand what her friend was asking.

"What are you going to film?"

"Well, I've actually already filmed it." Aahna didn't want to tell her friend about the footage. Cecelia was really nice, but she was also very conservative. She was always dressed very demurely, and Aahna had a suspicion that the girl was a virgin.

Today she was wearing a slightly baggy t-shirt and a dress that came to her ankles. The outfit was designed to hide all of her feminine bumps and curves. The only skin she was showing was her arms from the elbow down, her neck, and face. But even her face was covered in thick hipster glasses. Cecelia's hair was black and reached halfway down her back. Aahna wondered if this was part of her modesty as well. Extra covering for her back.

Cecelia was starting to get suspicious. "Well, what did you film?"

Aahna tried to think up a lie, but nothing came to mind. Not to mention, her friend might get upset that she had been lied to as soon as she saw the footage in class. Aahna glanced down at the screen and back up at Cecelia. That was a mistake.

"Oh, you're editing it now aren't you? Let me see?" And Cecelia started walking to the end of the row to come around and see her project.

Aahna quickly minimized the editing program and noticed the gross images she had used as a cold shower. She quickly closed the browser as well, which left nothing but the desktop on her screen. This combined with Aahna's guilty expression made her look especially guilty.

Cecelia sat down beside her friend and eyed her suspiciously. "What were you looking at?"

"Nothing. I was just about to search the web for inspiration for the project."

Cecelia picked up Aahna's drink and took a sip. Aahna wanted to stop her, but the two shared food and drink all the time, so it would have been strange for her to stop her. The look on her friends face showed that she really liked the taste. "But you said that you already had it filmed? This is really good by the way, what is it?"

"Um, it's, it's a chocolate milk shake, made by my roommates."

"You have to get me the recipe. This taste's amazing." Cecelia took another sip.

"I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to make it. It has an ingredient that you wouldn't be able to get your hands on."

Cecelia rolled her eyes. "Oh, please, what ingredient can you not get online now?"

Aahna distracted her friend by asking about her project and they went down several more rabbit holes of conversation. The whole time Aahna started noticing telltale signs that her friend was getting aroused. Her leg's were clinching tight together, she was squirming in her seat, her eyes were dilating, and she developed pokes despite her baggy shirt. They really needed to bottle this stuff as female Viagra, she thought.

"I'm sorry, I suddenly have to pee." Cecelia said as she rushed out of the room.

Aahna couldn't help but snicker to herself. That pressure isn't pee she thought. Aahna new she should have gotten out of there before her friend came back, but she couldn't leave this footage on the hard drive, and she really needed to finish editing.

Sure enough, her Cecelia came back a few minutes later and sat down next to her again. "Yea, that was the weirdest thing. I felt all this pressure, but nothing came out and then it disappeared. Do you think I should go to the doctor?" She asked right before taking another sip of her friends drink.

"No, I'm sure it's nothing." Now Aahna was starting to wonder if her friend had ever even masturbated before. Could she really not figure out what being turned on felt like?

"Anyways, your project."

"Uhh, I'd really rather it be a surprise."

"Oh, come on, we share everything. You're like the sister I never had."

Aahna started to object again when Cecelia must have noticed the editor was open. Her hand lunged for the mouse and expanded the window before Aahna knew what she was doing.

Cecelia gasped. "You're looking at porn!" She said a little too loudly.

The guy from a couple of rows up immediately turned around. "No! No, I'm not!" She half stood and pointed at the guy. "I'm not. I'm looking at famous nude paintings for inspiration for my art class." The guy looked only partially convinced, but he turned back around.

Aahna planted her hand over her friends mouth and whispered, "This is my slow motion project."

Cecelia removed the hand from her mouth and whispered, "You filmed a porn." Then she saw her friend on-screen, "You were IN a porn."

"Just watch all the footage before you make that statement."

"I'm not watching porn, especially of my friend, in a computer lab, but most of all not with anyone around."

"What's the difference between this and nude paintings."

"I don't look at those either."

Aahna had another idea. She handed Cecelia the drink and said, "Keep drinking while I explain." She started drinking absent-mindedly. "How did you get into art school being afraid of nudity?"

"I'm not afraid of nudity, it just makes me feel funny."

Aahna shoved the straw back in her friends mouth. She could see that her plan was working. All the physical cues were there again. Even more, Cecelia didn't realize she was rubbing her crotch like she had to pee. "That funny feeling, is being turned on."

"It can't be, because I feel it when I see nude women as well."

Aahna couldn't help but smile at her friends inadvertent confession. "No. I know what your thinking and I am not a..." Cecelia's voice trailed off when she finally saw Mike's erection enter the frame for the first time.

Aahna knew she had her and she let the video play as Cecelia's eyes were locked on the screen. She wanted to make sure her friend wouldn't try to explain her feelings away later though. Cecelia continued to suck her drink through the straw and watch the screen wide eyed.

Aahna leaned in and blew gently on her friend's ear. Cecelia gasped through her nose. Aahna then kissed her friend gently right behind the ear before continuing the kisses down the side of her neck. Then she reached up and cupped her friends breasts. They were bigger than she had expected.

Aahna guessed that was why she wore the big baggy t-shirts all the time. They were the only thing that could hide her tits effectively. Her hand then slid underneath the shirt and glided up her friends stomach until it was resting atop her bra.

Cecelia had set the drink down and started rubbing herself through her dress more obviously now. Aahna slid her hand below the top of the bra and felt her friends stone hard nipple on her palm. Her other hand slid up Cecelia's back under her shirt and unclasped the bra in one fluid motion.

Now was the risky part. She needed to get her friends shirt off. If she was turned on enough, the momentary obstruction from the screen won't break her out of the sexual trance. Aahna lifted and the shirt and bra came off without a hitch.

Aahna got to her knees on the floor in front of Cecelia, and kissed her stomach. She kissed her way all the way up to her friends tits and sucked one into her mouth. When she started tonguing it, Cecelia groaned softly. After a minute of this, Aahna kissed her way back down her friends stomach.

Aahna unbuttoned her friends dress and spread it wide open. She had to forcibly remove Cecelia's hand from her button, so that she could pull her panties aside and insert her tongue into her friends pussy.

Cecelia gasped and moaned as her eyes rolled back into her skull. She had never felt this sensation before. It was like a pleasure bomb had gone off in her body. Aahna got her friend off two more times before she heard a cough to the left.

It was the guy from a couple of rows up. He looked both aroused and uncomfortable. "Um, yo... you can't do that in... in here."

Aahna stood and looked at the awkward 18-year-old. "Can't do what?" Aahna asked in a sultry voice.

"Um... That." He pointed.

"Tell me, what exactly were we doing?" Aahna asked as she began unbuttoning her short shorts while walking towards him slinkily.

The guy turned three shades of red as he tried to say it. "You... you can't stick your tongue into her... her..." He licked his dry lips. "Vagina." The word came out hoarsely.

Aahna remove her shirt and now she was completely naked in front of him. She had completely forsaken underwear at this point. Her body was an inch from his, but his boner closed that gap. Aahna placed a brief feather of a kiss on his lips.

"I'm sorry." She said in a breathy husk. "Are you wanting to stick something else in her pussy?" Aahna put emphasis on the word pussy as she gingerly rubbed her pelvis against his trapped erection.

The guy shifted his pelvis back and said in a cracky voice. "Um, no, I, uhh, I don't believe in casual sex."

"Really? Because it exists. And I can prove it to you."

The guy was gasping for breath at this point. If Aahna didn't get him out of his pants soon, he would probably cum in them. And the last thing she wanted to do was embarrass him like that.

"Is that the real reason you don't want me sticking my tongue in her pussy? Or do you actually just think my lips should be input only?" Aahna exaggerated every word of the second question to accentuate her mouth.

The guy could only croak out an illegible reply as Aahna crouched in front of him and opened up his pants. He wasn't as big as Mike, but he wasn't bad. Aahna took him into her mouth easily. As soon as her nose reached his public hair, he came. Aahna easily swallowed every drop. His load wasn't pathetic, it just wasn't anything compared to Mike's.

But then she got an idea. As the guy leaned against the wall recovering his composure, Aahna looked back at Cecelia. This guy had seemed just as innocent as her friend. True, she knew nothing else about him, but she had a good feeling they might make a beautiful couple.

So, she took his hand and lead him to Cecelia, whom she helped to her feet. She looked into her friends eyes and said, "Trust me."

Cecelia still had a stunned look on her face as she stood there in nothing but her panties. Aahna quickly stripped those off and led the guy to his knees in front of her. She gave him a few tips before he started eating Cecelia out.

Cecelia came quickly and her legs gave out from the intensity of her orgasm. The guy, being ever so chivalrous, caught her before she could hit the ground. They kissed, and their kissing turned into making out, and that lead to full on sex.

Aahna wanted to join in, but she really needed to get the footage edited. So, sitting butt naked, with a couple having sex behind her, she continued editing. She couldn't help but finger herself as she worked though. She brought herself to several more orgasms over the next two hours as she worked.

Miraculously, no one came in during that time. She started rendering the footage and turned back to the couple still going at it on the floor. They had cum so many times that they were laying in a pool of squirt and cum. Cecelia's lower half was nearly covered in his cum as well.

All of the guys cum over the last two hours equaled about one of Mike's load's. Aahna realized yet again how lucky she was to have him. This guy might not of had Mike's condition, but with his youth he had made quite a good showing for himself.

Cecelia noticed Aahna was watching them. She was filled with so much gratitude to her friend for breaking her free of her fear, and introducing her to this amazing experience. She stopped the guy for a second and got up. The guy was puzzled at first, but then Cecelia turned around and got on her hands and knees.

She guided him to enter her from behind while she began tonguing Aahna's clit. They all started moaning loudly after only a few minutes. Aahna was the first to go, and she shot off like Old Faithful. Her squirt shot out of her like a water hose with a finger over the opening. She drenched Cecelia's face before her orgasmic convulsions made her completely cover the couple in her juices.

They looked like they had just finished swimming. Aahna's squirting caused a chain reaction that made Cecelia cum, followed by the guy. When they finally got through their last orgasms, they collapsed to the ground together. The couple laid their and cuddled as Aahna saved her work to her jump drive and got dressed.

She bent down and kissed Cecelia tenderly on the lips before smiling. "Thanks for understanding." Then she touched the guys cheek with her hand. "Take good care of her." The guy smiled and held Cecelia closer before kissing her temple.

Aahna left, and as she walked down the hall, the weight of what happened finally hit her. Yes, she had done all kinds of crazy sex antics lately, but that was always in the safety of the apartment complex. It had felt like her own little fantasy world. This was outside of that dreamscape. This was the real world.

But even more than that, she was so much more confident sexually. She led those two virgins into that threesome. She had been this very steamy seductress character. With Mike, they were just having fun at the apartment. The same as if they were playing video games together. Here, she took control to get what she wanted. It felt great, she thought, and she was tempted to take that role again sometime.

(To be continued.)

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sthsthsthsthover 5 years agoAuthor

Thanks. And thanks for understanding me wanting to try something a little different. But don't worry, I will get back to what this story is based on. I'm actually working on the next part right now.

trixforeveryonetrixforeveryoneover 5 years ago
Good, but...

I was really hoping for another incredibly unrealistic cum chapter. You do you, though. Great series! :)

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