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I Hate Ticks!

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Wife subjects to body inspection by handsome EMT after hike.
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This is a fairly tame, risqué story involving unexpected nudity. If you are looking for stories that involve sex, infidelity or swinging, this is probably not for you. It is more suitable for couples to enjoy together. My thanks to Laurielou for her editing assistance.


Finally! All packed, loaded and on our way to Big Sur for a short vacation. Bill had found a secluded cabin on the internet for three days and two nights that sounded great. It was described as very secluded and the property butted up against Andrew Molera State Park with all of its forests, trails and nature. Photos showed a small cabin surrounded by majestic pines, wildflowers and even an outdoor tub. I was looking forward to relaxing, reading a little and going out to some nice restaurants.

After a long but pleasant six-and-a-half hour ride up the beautiful Pacific Coast Highway, we arrived at the entrance to the dirt road that led to the cabin. Without the owner's detailed directions, we would never have found it. Bill had to get out to open an old combination lock that held a chain locking the gate. This gave me a better feeling of security since there did not seem to be other houses or businesses nearby and the gate would be locked behind us.

The road was a surprisingly long drive before we came upon the cabin, or I should say, cabins. Bill was not happy. He was expecting just one.

"The photos never showed a second cabin!"

A parked pickup truck was evidence that there were already other guests in the second cabin. We unloaded our things and began to look around. The location was actually even nicer than the photos showed. There was a fire ring, relatively new Adirondack chairs, a picnic table and, set off at the edge of the woods, a fire-heated old tub to relax in and soak up the beautiful view. Not much chance of that happening with our neighbors' present.

As we looked around a man walked out of the second cabin and welcomed us with three ice-cold bottles of beer. He introduced himself as Rick. After a brief chat about ourselves and where we were from, he gave us his background. He was an EMT in Santa Cruz by day and was going to school at night to become a Physician's Assistant. He had about 6 months to go before completing his studies and certification. He explained that he had been coming to the same cabin almost monthly for years to relieve the stress of his job and studies. He was very familiar with the area, trails and some secret sights and would gladly share them with us.

Rick had one of those personalities that made you immediately trust and feel comfortable with him. Valuable in his chosen career. I guess I should describe Rick. He mentioned that he was unmarried, forty-six years old, but looked about 10 years younger. He was almost as tall as Bill with a trim, athletic body. He had salt and pepper hair, was clean-shaven and, not least, quite handsome.

After getting settled, Bill and I went to a local restaurant a few miles away that Rick recommended and had a delightful dinner. It was dark when we returned. SO DARK! No streetlights or lights from other cabins or businesses were visible. The stars were amazing! So many more than we ordinarily can see at home.

Rick had a fire going in the fire ring, so Bill grabbed a bottle of wine and three wine glasses he found in the cupboard and we joined Rick. We spent a pleasant evening drinking and listening to Rick tell us stories about the local Big Sur history he had learned and discussed nearby sights and trails he was familiar with. It was awesomely quiet. Just the wind through the trees and some crickets under a star-filled sky. This was my idea of relaxing!

We slept in the next morning. It was so quiet that we both had one of the best, uninterrupted sleep we had had in a long time. After having breakfast and packing water, lunch and supplies for the hike, Bill and I started out to a hidden waterfall Rick had described. I was not quite as enthused as Bill was. I didn't want to take long hikes like we did last year in Sedona and the Grand Canyon. That is not my idea of relaxation. After hiking several miles, we came to a meadow with some type of tall green grass. As tall as Bill! A small animal trail, off the main trail, led off into the meadow. Bill wanted to investigate. Just about the time we thought it was all just a solid field of tall grass, the trail opened up. The grass had been flattened into a small clearing.

Bill exclaimed, "Looks like someone made this to have a little private fun. It would be a shame not to utilize it."

Nervous at first, I finally agreed with Bill that no one could possibly see us in here and if anyone came up the same trail, we would hear them a way off. We slowly undressed each other. After some tender caressing and slow lovemaking, we laid there naked, listening to the birds and luxuriating in the warmth of the sun on our bodies. I did feel more natural and romantic than I expected and was actually glad we shared this time together.

The sun rose into the sky and it was beginning to get much warmer. We dressed and returned to the trail. By this time, I had realized that I really didn't want to go on another tiring hike. I'd rather just sit at the cabin and read my book. That was my idea of relaxing. Bill really wanted to see the waterfall, so he went on and let me wander back to the cabin.

It was late in the afternoon when I got back to our cabin. Rick was sitting in one of the Adirondack chairs studying one of his medical texts. A pitcher of margaritas was on the picnic table. I noticed that the tub was filled and had a fire going underneath it. Rick saw me looking at the tub and explained that he had planned to use it while we were away on our hike. I apologized for ruining his afternoon and explained why Bill and I had decided to split up. He laughed and offered me a cold Margarita to start my relaxing. Just then I realized that Bill had the keys to the car and cabin. I was locked out. Luckily, my book was on the table where I was reading it at breakfast.

As Rick poured me a margarita, he noticed a tick on my neck. This kind of freaked me out. I hate ticks and was afraid since I knew they carried Lyme disease. Rick told me since he hiked here so often, he always carried a kit to remove and treat tick bites and offered to remove it. I readily agreed! While removing the tick with some tweezers, Rick explained that many people have misconceptions on how to remove ticks correctly. He said some people thought that you needed to remove them by turning them in a clockwise direction with a pair of tweezers.

"They don't screw themselves into you. That just breaks off their mouth inside of you and don't want that", he informed me. "Others use a cigarette or match to force the tick to back itself out. This causes them to increase salivation, increasing the odds of causing Lyme disease."

After removing the tick, he explained that he would apply some Permethrin. This is a purple ointment that is antiseptic and antibacterial. He stated that it needed to remain on the affected area until it dried. This takes about 20 minutes and I needed to be careful. It would permanently stain clothing.

He thought he saw a dark spot on my back that might be a tick. I told him it was probably just a mole. I had a lot of them on my back. He insisted that he should check. He asked me to raise up the back of my shirt up to my shoulder. To do this I had to unbutton the front completely. It was another tick, just under my bra strap. He asked permission to unsnap my bra to be able to have better access to it. I nervously agreed. I wanted it off, right away, but felt vulnerable too. He removed it, applied Permethrin then recommended checking my hair.

While I sat on the bench seat Rick climbed on top of the table then straddled my back so that he could go through my hair. I began to lower my shirt when Rick stopped me. He explained that I needed to keep my bra undone and shirt up over my shoulder to allow the Permethrin to dry completely. He reminded me it would stain my clothes and that I already was sweaty, so it needed to air dry.

Rick searched and combed through my hair finding several small ticks. Luckily, they had not attached themselves yet. He asked if I had gone into any tall grassy area. These where the areas that ticks were most often found, better to attach themselves to wandering deer and other mammals. I told him yes, we had, but left out any further explanation or details.

With my head down for Rick's inspection and my bra falling loose I spotted another tick on the edge of my areola. I wasn't sure I wanted to mention it to him. Rick noticed that I was acting a little sheepish and questioned me about what the matter was. I confessed that I had another tick, but I didn't want him to remove it because of where it was.

Rick explained to me that tick bites are not something to take lightly. The longer they are in the higher the chance of infection, possibly Lyme disease. This can cause rashes, transient muscle and joint pain, facial palsy and to name a few symptoms. With authority, he stated that though he understood how I felt that this was no time for modesty. He reminded me that he was a professional, an EMT and soon to be Physician's Assistant.

"Now please remove your shirt and bra so that I can give you a more complete inspection. Because of the amount of ticks, I am finding you may even have baby ticks in the fibers of your clothing. They will need to be boiled or washed in very hot water". With trepidation, I pulled my shirt off and removed my bra. Rick took these from me and put them into a plastic grocery bag he found nearby. He then returned to complete the inspection of my hair and even my ears.

I was now sitting there, topless, covering one boob with my hand, (I didn't want to touch the tick so my right boob was exposed to the world and Rick), while a man I barely knew was pressed up against my back. I was mortified!

Rick completed his inspection of my hair, declaring it clear of ticks. He then came around to examine the tick on my breast. He asked permission to touch my breast. I stated that would be OK. He was down on his knees, one hand touching my nipple, the other trying to get a good angle to remove the tick.

"I'm sorry, this is too awkward this way. Would you mind laying on the table so I can do this properly?"

To get up on the table I had to abandon covering my breasts. Oh well, he's already seen one of them, I thought. I laid on my back while Rick removed the tick and dosed the site with Permethrin. Uncontrollably, my nipples reacted to his touch, tightening and becoming more erect. I hoped he didn't notice! Rick further explained that ticks find their way to cracks and crevices to hide, like under bra straps, waist bands, arm pits and such. He had me raise my arms over my head to inspect under my arms, pits and even under my breasts. I explained that there was nowhere for them to hide there.

It was embarrassing but somehow exciting to be laying here, half naked, being touched and inspected by a handsome man other than my husband. Rick removed my boots and socks to inspect my feet. No ticks there.

"OK," Rick said. "It's important to do a complete and thorough inspection of your body to make sure we get them all. I'll need to remove your shorts now, all right?"

I was too shocked and embarrassed to say anything. As Rick unbuttoned and unzipped my shorts, without even thinking about it I found myself lifting my butt up so he could remove them more easily.

Rick grabbed the waistband on either side and quickly stripped my shorts off, and unexpectedly, my panties also. I now lay completely nude, on a table outdoors, in front of a man I didn't even know yesterday. I don't know why I thought he would leave me with my panties. He added the remainder of my clothes to the others in the bag, tying it shut.

"Don't put these in your suitcase. Keep them separate from any other of your clothes so that you don't infect them also."

He immediately found two more. One on my waist below where my waistband was and a second on one of the lips of my labia. He removed and treated the one on my waist and again requested permission to remove the one on my pussy.

"Yes, please get it off!" I whispered.

"As I told you, they like crevices," he said.

Rick fingers touched and manipulated my pussy resulting in my getting excessively wet and aroused. Surely under his careful attention, he would see my pussy juices running down my ass cheeks and the puddle under my butt they were creating.

Obviously, there was no sense stopping now. His touch was arousing me almost to the point of orgasm. I fought the urge to let go as hard as I could. Mercifully, he quickly removed the tick. I was extremely relieved that I didn't go over the edge in front of him. Although when he went back and rubbed some Permethrin onto my pussy lip, I got an electric shock that almost cast me over the abyss again.

Rick asked me to turn over so he could now inspect my legs and backside.

"I'm sorry that you are having to spend your downtime pulling ticks off a naked old lady's body," I said.

"Firstly, I'm glad to be of assistance to you and secondly, don't be coy. I'm trying to remain clinical and professional while inspecting a beautiful woman with an attractive body laying naked in front of me, but I am also a just a man and I'm sure you've noticed my hands trembling a bit."

I pushed up and looked back over my shoulder at him and said,

"Thank you for saying that!"

My eyes were drawn down to a very large bulge in his jeans. I guess he was really being sincere!

I didn't realize how long I had been staring until he said, "Again, as I mentioned before, I am also a man."

As I lay back down, I realized that I just apologized for being naked in front of a stranger and I was actually beginning to enjoy the unique experience! He found a final one about an inch down from the top of my butt crack. He removed and treated it. A further embarrassing manipulation of my butt cheeks to determine there were no more ticks hiding down into the recesses of my ass and inner thighs, and he was finally done with his inspection.

"Stay there!" he ordered.

He went into his cabin and returned with a fresh pitcher of margaritas.

"Just sit here for about 15 minutes, enjoy some margarita and try to just relax even though you must be very uncomfortable."

My husband would describe me as a painfully shy and modest person. He probably would say repressed and this is all accurate. So, I quite surprised myself when I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying out loud, "I'd probably be less uncomfortable if you were naked too!"

Wow, I had to stop myself several times from suggesting this even though I dearly wanted to. With the help of the margaritas, I gradually relaxed and chatted comfortably, completely nude, with a fully clothed man, like it was completely natural for me to do this.

When the time was up, Rick suggested that I use the tub he had prepared earlier. He explained that he had planned to relax in it while we were hiking before I suddenly returned. I should have walked slower, I thought! He lent me a hand climbing up into the tub and told me to rub the Permethrin off before it stained my skin.

The tub was just warm enough, and the view was spectacular with the sun settling lower into the horizon. Rick assisted by rubbing the purple blotches off my back. I was taken aback, only momentarily, when he reached down into the tub to wash off the blotch in the crack of my ass. I found myself hoping that maybe he would move to take care of the ones up front. Disappointedly, he left these for me to take care of.

While I cleaned up, Rick went back to his cabin returning with a camera.

"What are you doing with that? Please, I don't want any pictures taken!"

"The lighting right now is awesome! I have a stunning naked woman, in an incredibly romantic outdoor setting in front of me. I would never forgive myself if I didn't at least ask. I will never have an opportunity to photograph anything as beautiful as this again!"

I found myself considering it.

"Only a couple. No one but me will ever see them, I promise!" he pleaded.

He HAD been a complete gentleman during the ordeal and, most likely, we would never meet again. The thought that he may look at nude photos of me in the future and get aroused was ego-boosting.

"OK," I said. "But you cannot show them to anyone, post them on the internet or publish them anywhere."

He gave me a few poses to do and, before I realized that I was even doing it, I found that I was creating my own poses for him. Rick let me review the shots as he took them, and I had to agree they made me look and feel very desirable and sexy. By the end of our photo session he had probably taken 50-60 photos. I didn't mention it. We both got caught up in the moment.

Rick glanced back to the trail and said that Bill had turned onto the path to the cabins and should be here shortly. I implored Rick to say nothing to Bill about the ticks, his inspection or the photographs. I would tell him when I felt the time was more appropriate. Rick whole-heartedly agreed to keep my confidence.

"I'll tell you what," he said. "You and Bill relax and enjoy the tub. I'll run into town and get us some dinner. I know a little Italian place that makes an awesome vegetarian lasagna. I'll get some garlic bread and a bottle of Chianti and we can all just chill for your last night here!"

About 5 minutes after Rick left, Bill walked into camp. Seeing me naked in the tub, he asked, "Where is Rick?"

I explained about him going into town to get dinner and didn't expect him back for an hour or more. I told him that I had ticks on my neck and back that Rick had kindly removed. (I thought it better that I didn't create a scene or spend our final night there explaining about having to strip nude for the inspection and removal). I then recommended that he grab a margarita and join me in the tub to watch the sunset and I would check him for ticks. I didn't have to tell him twice. Bill's clothes flew off and he quickly joined me in the tub. It really was quite a romantic setting. It also didn't hurt that I was quite aroused and worked up over recent events.

We spent maybe only half an hour in the tub when Bill saw headlights coming down the cabin road.

"Shit, It's Rick's pickup!"

He jumped out of the tub and began dressing quickly. I hadn't left the tub yet, so Bill asked why I wasn't moving.

"One, because of the ticks in my clothes. They were tied up in a bag and I couldn't wear them again. Second, I couldn't make it to the cabin in time before Rick arrived and it was locked. You have the keys to the van and cabin. Third, I was quite relaxed and didn't care to leave the tub yet. Haven't you always fantasized about another man seeing me nude? After tonight, we'll never see Rick again, so I plan to continue to sit here, drinking my margarita and relaxing. Please make a fire in the fire ring for me to dry off in front of. If Rick has no objections, I will get out and remain naked the rest of the night and fulfill your greatest fantasy."

Bill look both excited and flustered at the same time. I could tell that the reality of the situation was dawning on him and he was unsure if he wanted the fantasy to become real.

Just then, Rick walked into the camp carrying dinner and the fantasy had begun before Bill had a chance to change his mind. Maybe I'd convince Rick and Bill to join me "au naturel"! I wouldn't mind the opportunity to get to see Rick naked.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Shouldn’t Rick be checked for ticks? Enjoyed the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Nice Story

That was a LOT of ticks !

Tess (UK)

JOHNKEY2222JOHNKEY2222over 4 years ago
So good...

Great story, I love it...

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