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I Never Asked Why

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What in the hell is a DNC?
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After reading so many "loving wives" stories, I decided to spill my guts about my ex-wife. My name is Hue if you haven't figured it out yet. My ex-wife Jen and I dated for about a year and were married before I turned 20. I had been in the military for two years at the time. Jen was not the greatest loving woman in the world but I guess she was all right to me. We had just moved to Jacksonville, Florida to my new base. We lived in town because I hated military housing. Housing is full of bored fat military wives that have nothing to do but gossip. We were just settling in when she told me something that would change my life for ever.

"I'm pregnant Hue", she said to me in just about a whisper.

Now this is a woman that when she is mad curses like a sailor, and is as loud as the biggest asshole shipmate out there.

All I could do was say, "HUH"?

"I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant, do ya hear me now." She said it louder this time.

I dropped what ever I was holding and got up and went to the fridge, I got a beer and came back and sat next to her. She looked like I had just slapped her and was going to kick her out. I looked into her eyes and said,

"This calls for a cigar." I said smiling.

She blinked and asked if I was ok,

"I know you don't smoke so you must be mad." She said in a slightly worried voice.

I started smiling and told her all proud fathers give away cigars to celebrate being a new dad.

She slowly started to realise things would be okay. I was so happy that I went out and bought a book of "Garcia Vega's". That set me back fifty bucks, I can't do that again. We needed the money for diapers and baby stuff. Baby stuff? What the hell did I know about things a baby might need. I can't take care of myself and now I am married with a baby on the way, talk about growing up fast. Well, life is what you make it. I started doing what I thought married men should do.

I stopped hanging out with the guys, staying out late, drinking too much and playing video games. I studied more so that I could make rank and that way I could give my family everything I could. Then life threw me another curve ball. At six and a half months, while Jen was sitting on the couch her stomach started hurting, I asked her if she needed to lie down. As I helped her up, I noticed that she was covered in blood. To say I was scared is an understatement, I got to the phone and call 911, and went back to her to make she was okay. She was calm and acting like nothing was wrong.

After she got to the hospital, they came to the waiting room to get me. I thought she had died or the baby had died. They took me into the back and gave me this smock thing and some footie's and a mask. I asked what are these's for. The nurse started laughing and said your wife was right you don't have a clue. I went in to the delivery room, and almost ran out. You see I had asked my mom what my dad did when I was born. He sat in the waiting room. So I thought all men sit in the waiting room, "BOY" was I wrong. Hue, Jr. was born 3 hours later. He weighed 3pound and 9 ounces, 18 inches.

He was developed fully but had no browning fat (baby fat). He was a child off the old block because he could scream with the best of them. The only downside was he had to stay in the hospital till he weighed 5 pounds. He was there for 6 weeks. When he came home he started gaining weight like there was no tomorrow. By six months he weighed 26 pounds and was still growing. By the time he was four I was ready for him to sign up for the LA Ram's football team. Life was good and things were just as things should be. I should have known life would throw me another curve ball. I was told our unit was being deployed for 7 months. We would be leaving in 60 days.

As most military men know the news wasn't taken very well, this would be our 1st deployment. Time was moving along pretty fast by now. I would be gone in three days. And I spent every moment with them that I could. On the day I left Jen cried and so did my little sailor. As I boarded the plane, one of my shipmate's wives was talking to Jen and I was glad because she would be too lonely or so I thought. About a month in to the deployment Jen asked in an email would I mind if she went out with JD's wife.

JD was a good friend he had been okay by me so I said sure. In passing I told JD about it and he gave me this look,

"Don't do it." he said to me

I asked him what was up.

"JD, if it wasn't okay tell me and I'll say no." I said to him.

The story JD told me about his wife and her friends made my skin crawl, his wife was a slut and they had been going through a divorce but the court told him that if they divorced he wouldn't see his kids. During the divorce she asked to move back home, she was from Trinidad. He was from Texas, you figure out the miles on that trip. He told me to keep my wife as far away for Cindy as possible. Later on that evening I emailed Jen and told her I would be calling to talk to her.

I called at 7:45 her time and got no answer, so I called about every hour or so till she finally answered. It was 3:25 am. I asked her where she had been, she got mad and asked me why did I need to know. I was taken back by this attitude and told her because you my damn wife. That led into a big argument. By 4:00 am I was tired and pissed, so I said good night and hung up. I didn't hear from Jen till 6 days later, she said she was sorry and was just lonely.

I acted like I didn't trust her and she took it the wrong way. But something didn't seem right. I have been around her for about 6 years and she has never said the words "I'm Sorry". Even when she knew she was wrong, it would take her weeks to come close to even looking sorry. That was the best you could hope for.

It just didn't sit right with me for some reason. So I played it off, I was in another country and couldn't do anything about till I got home. Things seemed to be going better from the emails, and the calls I got. Then another curve ball or I should say a fast ball appeared. I received a letter from Champus. Champus is the insurance carrier for the military, well it was at the time. It said I was being billed for a procedure done on Jen, something called a DNC. I had no idea what a DNC was, so I went to medical to ask one of the medics. After they told me, I went to legal to find out what my rights were.

You see a DNC is what they do to you after an abortion. I had been gone for 6 months, why would she need an abortion 3 weeks ago. It was divorce time, and why put off tomorrow what you can do to day. So I called my sister Sarah and asked her to find me a lawyer. She asked what as going on but I didn't tell her everything. But I did tell her enough. I asked her to go to my house and get my checkbook; they were hidden at the bottom of my closet. Jen was at work so she could get in and out with out being seen. When I called Sarah later, to ask if she had gotten the items the she was crying.

I asked her what was wrong. She told me she had seen Jen and some guy in the bed sleeping while Hue, Jr. was asleep on the floor in the living room. I asked her did she get any pictures, she did. I always knew my sister was smart. I told her to hold on to the pics and I would take care of it when I got home. It was about three days left before we were going to pull back in. Jen told me that we would have to wait for sex because she had some type of yeast infection. I didn't care because I wasn't going to be touching her cheating ass anyway.

When the plane landed we were great with balloons and welcome home signs. I saw my sister but Jen wasn't there. My sister gave me a hug and the pictures she had taken. I didn't want to look at them till I had a beer in my hand. Once I got home Hue Jr. came running into the house and saw me there. He came up and gave me a bear hug. It was nice to be loved by my little man. His mom came in and looked around to see where Hue had gone. Behind her was some stupid looking guy with some big fucking ears.

She looked like someone had shot her, when she saw me hugging him. The guy looked like he wanted to run but my sister walked up behind him and blocked his way. Then Jen tried to play it of as if she was surprised and ran to give me a hug. I gave her a little hug and she said,

"This is Rod," and she told me he was a friend from her job. My sister looked like she was about to choke Jen but I waved her off. I had a plan and was going to carry it off by hook or crook. Jen must have felt the tension in the air so she told Rod that she was ok and for him to go home.

I didn't say anything else to Jen and played with my son for the rest of the evening. I fell asleep with my son. It was very hard for me to sleep in a twin bed but I was happy to be home. I got up around 5:30 am and left to start my day. It was going to be a long day. My first stop was to my squadron to make a few copies. My plan was to make as many copies of the Champus bill as possible. I had just over 300 copies. I found a lawyer and left him a copy of the hospital bill and the pictures.

Then I made my way to the bank. I had a little over 16,000 dollars in there. So I got a cashier's check and had it made out to my sister. In our joint account, I left $450.00, one month's rent and utilities. Then I went to my insurance company and cancelled my insurance and then sold my car. By the end of the day I had $23,000 dollars. When I got home I placed a copy of the hospital bill on the fridge. About a half an hour later it was gone.

So I put another one in its place. Same results gone with in an hour, this time there would be no chance to get them all. I put them all over the house, the ceiling fan, the toilet, the windows, in her car, inside the fridge, all over the bed, in the pantry, when she lifted up the hood of her car she would find 3 copies. I put them anywhere and every where I could think of.

After all of this now she wanted to talk. She wanted to try and explain,

"What is there to explain, you cheated, you fuck, you got pregnant, you had an abortion and you lied through your slutty assed teeth. What is there to talk about?" I said to her.

Then she did the unforgivable, she said it was my fault for being in the service, she didn't sign up for this and that after I left she had to move on with her life while she was still young.

I started laughing and walked out. I moved in the back bedroom. She had the master bedroom which was cool to me. On our first court date, I felt like a criminal. I'm off serving my country while she's being a slut and some how it was my fault. The Judge told me that I would have to pay her 680.00 a month child support. I would have to pay the mortgage and the utilities. I started to giggle and the Judge asked me what was so funny.

I said, "Your Honor, we don't own the house anymore. I sold it right after this started. Also she doesn't own her car as we speak it is being towed to the new owner."

The Judge was furious, and charged me with contempt of court. It was 3 nights in jail. When I was returned to court the Judge asked me where my car was. I had already sold it. He asked me how I got to court. I told him if my bike was still there, its outside chained to the post in front of the court house. I also said if he wanted to give that to her, I would give them the combo. That caused some laughter from a few other dads in the court room.

The Judge then asked about our bank accounts, I said what accounts, I have mine and she has hers. He asked about my saving account and I said what savings account. He said my wife's lawyer said you had an account with 16,000 dollars in it.

I said, "No I don't your honor, I was holding that money for my sister."

The Judge didn't have anything else to take from me it was all gone. Then I asked one question, it pissed the Judge off even more.

I said, "Sir, if I'm not in the military anymore is the court going to decrease my child support?"

The Judge looked like he wanted to hang me right there. He said how much longer do you have left in the service, I said three months.

Jen and everybody else looked at me as though I had said, I killed the president. Need less to say that didn't go over to well. That was the last time I saw Jen happy. Since then I get the feeling she hates me with a passion. She had to move in with her sister for a while. I got out the military and went to work for a local pizza place. That caused my child support to be reduced to about 200 dollars a month. I have moved on since then, I got remarried to a lovely woman named Sammie. We have three wonderful kids and life is good. I am back in the military and in 4 months time I will retire. Hue Jr, is at the University of Texas, and I talk to him once a week. He'll be 24 this year. Boy how time flies when you have fun.

And Jen is still the same, she has a cute little house, my son feels bad for her because she doesn't date and is rather bitter. You see Cindy came to her senses when JD divorced her and got custody of their kids and moved to Japan. He has been stationed there for the last 13 years. Cindy moved to Japan to be close to the kids. When she got there he was dating a nice little Japanese lady. She takes care of him like there's not tomorrow. Even though Cindy dates a lot, she is hoping that JD's woman will mess up so she can try to get him back. Many of my friends call me an asshole because I didn't try and find out the reason Jen did this but why doesn't matter. The only thing that matters to me is she did. I don't care why, but in the end the only thing that matters to me, I have a "loving wife".

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XluckyleeXluckylee4 months ago

3 stars from Xluckylee for a very weak story with very little emotion.

SteelPaperTSteelPaperT7 months ago

Sry, reads like an extract from an assembly manual

fishgetterfishgetterabout 1 year ago

""""""timbel13almost 7 years ago

Like your story

but I am compelled. The procedure is not a DNC, it is a D&C, Dilation and Curettage."""""""" DNC is pronounced HOW? In the medical field, it is pronounced D N C. When I was in the AF and was doing Physicals with Histories we would write DNC, for the females who had had a Dilation and Curettage (we also called it amongst ourselves DUST N CLEAN). Makes a lot of sense for brevity and just makes it with no chance of being misinterpreted.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyover 1 year ago

I remember missing my father when he was deployed!


KaeyoKaeyoabout 2 years ago

It’s a sad reality that the day after a unit deploys the O-Club and EM-Club are overflowing with spouses of the deployed servicemen.

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