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In The Garden of Eden

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Man and his wife see things differently.
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Once again, a big thank you to blackrandl1958:for her encouragement and editing.


Garden of Eden... A long time ago

It was a beautiful sunny day. Birds were singing, butterflies were flitting about, a stream was gently bouncing off of the rocks at the periphery. Beautiful flowering and fruit trees stood straight; flowers of all colors were plentiful.

Eve was wandering alone this morning as Adam was exploring another part of the garden. She was broken from her reverie by a voice.

"Hi, pretty lady. Beautiful morning... as always, isn't it?" the snake hissed.

"Oh, yeah. This place is beautiful. I love it here. I hope we never have to leave," she answered him.

"Hey, have you ever tried one of these?" the snake asked, holding out a beautiful apple.

"No. We're not supposed to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. God told us we can eat from any other tree, but not that one," she said.

"Yeah, not only is this delicious, but once you eat this, you will know as much as God. In fact, you'll practically be a god. God's not here right now. He'll never know. What could it hurt..."

Somewhere east of Omaha... 2022

It was a beautiful sunny Saturday morning. Kenny Richardson had two more lengths of his front yard left to finish. He had sweated through his T-shirt but was smiling widely. He loved the look of his plush, dark green lawn, especially after being mowed. Although he could have easily afforded a riding mower, he much preferred the even look he got from his push mower.

He grimaced when saw the Apex Courier truck pull up at his curb. His wife, Callie, was out grocery shopping, which meant that he'd have to stop mowing long enough to sign for the package or envelope the courier was bringing. He really hated to stop mowing before he was finished.

"Man, that's some impressive grass you got there," the courier said as Kenny approached.

"Yeah, all premium blue. None of that mixed shit that everybody pushes. I don't mind the rye part, but I really hate the thin-bladed fescue. Fescue is a damned cousin to crabgrass," Kenny said.

"What you got for me there?"

"Well, it's really for your wife, but you can sign for it if you show me ID," the courier said.

Kenny pulled out his driver's license from the pocket of his cargo shorts. The courier took a photo of the driver's license, said thanks and handed the envelope to Kenny. Kenny looked it over and took it inside his house unopened. He came back out and finished his mowing just as his wife pulled into the driveway.

"I'll grab the bags. You've got an envelope on the table that was delivered by some fancy-ass courier just a few minutes ago," Kenny said.

Kenny made four trips from the car to the kitchen counter bringing the groceries into the house. After he put the last of the bags down, he found his wife of 35 years absorbed into the family room sofa, sobbing softly and looking at several pieces of paper.

"Who died, baby?" Kenny asked.

Callie looked up from the papers and tried to speak, but no sound came out of her mouth. Kenny hadn't seen that look on her face since she found out about her mother's death several years earlier. He sat down next to her on the sofa, put his arms around her body and hugged her tightly. The pair sat in this position for the next several minutes before Callie's tears finally abated.

"Ian Ross died yesterday," Callie barely whispered.

Kenny knew his wife had been close to her former boss, but he was surprised at her level of grief. They had worked closely together for about 10 years, but hadn't seen each other since Kenny and Callie moved to Charlotte, NC, from Phoenix, AZ, about 10 years before. Kenny knew that he probably wasn't the most sensitive individual in the world, but this level of grief over a former employer seemed... excessive.

Kenny quickly thought back to when Callie worked for Ian. She had always expressed the opinion that Ian was a perfect gentleman and a great mentor. He remembered that she worried for him after his longtime wife died a couple of years before they moved, but he had apparently gotten over his grief and malaise by the time Kenny and his wife had moved when Kenny got a large promotion.

"I need to go back to Phoenix for the funeral. It's three days from now," Callie said.

"You need to go back for the funeral?" Kenny questioned. "Need?"

Callie glared directly into her husband's eyes. They had been together long enough that he could see real anger there.

"Yes. I need to go," she muttered.

"Well, I guess that means we need to go," Kenny said. "If he's that important to you, then it's a we thing."

If Kenny was expecting his wife to feel good about his announcement of support, he was mistaken. She continued to glare at him.

"You don't need to go with me. I'm a big girl. I've travelled by myself before," she declared. "I've even gone back to Phoenix by myself to visit Joanie."

"I know you don't need me to go with you. I want to go with you," Kenny said.

"Whatever," she muttered.

"So you were given notification of your old boss's death by courier one day after it occurred? Isn't that a little unusual?" Kenny asked.

He didn't get an answer to that question.

Phoenix... 2012

"I'm really worried about Ian," Callie said to the women gathered around the table at Mastriani's, an upscale Italian restaurant. "It's been three months now and he's still wallowing in Anna's death. I know there's no timetable on grieving, but this is even starting to affect the company. He's made several bad decisions recently which I don't think would have happened in the past."

Callie was vice president of reinsurance at Phoenix General Insurance. Ian was the firm's chief executive officer. Callie had been employed at the firm for 22 years, gradually working her way up. She had been Ian's "go-to" in the reinsurance division for the last several years.

"Maybe it's time for you to apply a more personal touch with the boss," Joanie Caputo, Ian Ross' personal admin, giggled. "He's always kind of had a thing for you. And it's not like you've never caught him looking down your top before."

All four women at the table tittered like 15-year-olds. They had all admired their boss, and all had to admit that he was handsome and still fit for a 60-year-old.

"So we're nominating you to take one for the team," Chandra Ferguson declared. "Unbutton an extra button on your blouse, shorten your skirts and dresses another inch, lean over a little more than usual and maybe lean those big boobs into his arm from time to time."

"Yeah, and we'll watch your back with the other employees to make sure we keep suspicions to a minimum," added the fourth woman, Elvira Anderson. "After all, this is an act of compassion, and we don't want anyone to get the wrong impression."

The four touched glasses and got back to eating.

A week later Callie took Ian out to lunch for the first time. She made sure to wear her blouse unbuttoned one lower than usual, with a frilly white bra underneath. She flirted openly with the man, and by the time the lunch was done she thought she had seen a little bit of the old Ian coming out.

"He had his eyes down my blouse for most of the lunch. He reached out and held my hand at one point. Yeah, he'll be back to the old Ian in short order," Callie told the other women at lunch a few days later. "I'd guess inside of a month."

"Men really are easy," laughed Joanie. "A flash of boobs, maybe a look up your skirt, a lot of leg. Better than a doctor's visit for what ails them."

All four women smiled and nodded.

Ian did the inviting this time, taking Callie to lunch the next Tuesday. She wore a tight, silky, dark green dress, and when she left for lunch, there were two extra buttons undone on top and two more at the bottom. Her dark green frilly bra was clearly on display, as were the tops of her stockings when she turned at just the right angle.

"Ooh, you look hot, babe," Elvira said quietly when Callie passed her desk on the way to the elevator.

Callie winked at the other woman as she walked past, with Ian close behind. Elvira smiled as Ian reached out and gently patted Callie's ass as he followed her into the elevator. She smiled up at him.

Ian invited Callie to lunch once more the next week before asking the woman to dinner.

Callie carried an overnight bag and a garment bag to her car before leaving for work the next Thursday. Her husband always left for work before her, and she knew she could hide the clothes in the trunk of her car after until a more convenient time to bring them back inside. It was the first time she had really given a thought to her husband in her plan to help her boss overcome his grief and depression.

Callie knew beyond a doubt that she cherished her husband, Kenny. He was her soul mate and an amazing husband and father. They had met as juniors at Arizona State University and got married a year after they graduated.

Kenny was a certified public accountant and made a nice living. Together, Callie and her husband had raised two kids, taken nice vacations and were looking at growing old together... in due time.

Callie knew Kenny trusted her completely, which would be huge in helping her plan to aid Ian. Kenny wouldn't be sticking his nose in where it didn't belong, and Callie knew she was smart enough to keep her assignations with Ian separate from her life with her husband.

Ian knew Callie was married, so he knew he had to take her to an out of the way restaurant. In his corner of the world, there were more than a few places that catered to people of his income level that desired discretion. The two had a very nice meal with great conversation. Back on his game, Ian was handsome and charming, both chivalrous and slightly naughty, and Callie knew for a fact that her boss was leading her into his bedroom. She followed along willingly.

Ian looked as fit out of his clothes as he did in them, especially for a 60-year-old man, Callie thought. He seemed very appreciative of her choice of a black corset and matching panties as he slowly and sensually disrobed her.

Ian warned Callie that he probably wouldn't last long the first time because it had been a long time since his late wife and he had sex, but he had taken a little blue pill earlier so he should be good for two rounds. She had a mouth full of dick at the time he said this, so all she could do was moan in approval. He unloaded his first load of cum soon after, and Callie swallowed every last drop, as she usually did for her husband.

The two exchanged kisses and cuddles for about 30 minutes before Callie felt Ian's cock starting to come back to life. She removed a nipple from the man's mouth and slid down the king-size bed to encourage his resurgence. When that was accomplished, the two made passionate love, starting missionary and then switching to cowgirl, Callie's favorite position due to her being able to grind down on her partner's manhood. She came once in each position, her second orgasm taking Ian over the top with her.

Callie lay mostly over the top of Ian for a good 10 minutes, her face on his shoulder as she cooed her pleasure with his performance.

"Mmm... That was delicious, Ian," she purred. "I wouldn't be averse to spending more evenings here."

"Or maybe elsewhere?" he asked softly.

"Maybe elsewhere, if it can be worked out," she answered confidently.

Callie showered and re-dressed in the clothes she had worn to work. She had told her husband she had to work late and would be home by 9, and she at least told the truth on her time estimate.

Kenny had called in for a pizza for his dinner. The box with a few pieces left was sitting in the kitchen and Kenny was sitting in the family room drinking his fourth beer of the night when Callie walked in the house. She breezed over to Kenny and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Did you eat? I left you several slices," Kenny said.

"I called in an order to Orzo's. Had a Greek salad," Callie answered.

"Yeah, thanks for brushing your teeth. You know I hate the taste of second-hand feta," he said.

"You're welcome," she answered before she turned away and rolled her eyes. In addition to the shower at Ian's, Callie had also brushed her teeth, even though she was pretty sure her husband would never be able to taste the cum residue in her mouth.

Callie went upstairs to change into comfortable home clothes. She went downstairs and took her usual place on the sofa across from Kenny's La-Z-Boy. As she sat watching some nameless NBA game, she had to admit to herself that she enjoyed her evening with Ian and didn't feel the least bit guilty. She didn't love her husband any less, and didn't take anything from him, she concluded.

Ian and Callie alternated long lunches and dinners by the week, changing days of the week for each occurrence. Each meal concluded with sex, once on the lunch meetings and twice on the dinner meetings. As far as Callie and her three co-conspirators could figure, nobody else had a clue what was happening.

Callie didn't have to travel very often for her job, but when the need for a trip arose, Ian went with her, although she neglected to tell Kenny that small detail. Out of sight of prying eyes for five days, the couple for all intents and purposes could have been man and wife, and in fact that's how they were registered at the hotel Ian chose.

The trip actually was two days longer than necessary. The extra two days were for Ian and Callie to enjoy Miami while enjoying each other. Among the activities the pair did was spend an afternoon on a boat naked and fucking. Callie was reluctant at first when Ian started removing her suit, as there were other boats in the area, but Ian quickly changed her mind when he started kissing her while running his fingertips up and down her vaginal lips inside her bikini bottoms. She soon started kissing him back harder while her pussy started lubricating wildly. Her skimpy bikini soon was on the deck of the boat, and a few minutes later Callie was leaning back on seat cushions with her legs wrapped around Ian's torso while he plunged his hard dick in and out of her.

Two other boats passed by while the pair was making love, sounding their boat horns as they did so in acknowledgement of what the pair was doing. Callie blushed purple and giggled when she opened her eyes to see Ian waving back while he continued to make love to her.

"I hope we don't run into those people at the restaurant tonight. I might die from embarrassment," she said.

Callie found out in two subsequent trips that Ian enjoyed sex in somewhat risky locations. He took her in the dressing room of a high-end boutique in Boston, noting he had done that to his late wife as well several years back. The saleslady winked at Callie when she rang up the purchase, which Callie wore that night to dinner but wound up leaving with Ian when the trip was over.

She found Ian's raunchy playfulness endearing, as her feelings for him continued to grow. Although she didn't want to admit it to herself, her mission of compassion had ended a while back.

"You're not considering dumping Kenny, are you?" Joanie asked directly while the group of four women were eating lunch a couple of months later. "It's pretty obvious the boss is back, but you two seem to have developed... something."

Callie really hadn't given voice to the fact that her relationship with Ian was anything more than compassionate. She felt that if she didn't talk about it, she wasn't... cheating. Yet even if she did, she still didn't feel like what she was doing had any impact on her marriage.

"Of course I'm not considering leaving Kenny," she said earnestly as the other three women listened intently. "But Ian is... well..."

Callie never referred to her time with Ian as an affair, either to the other women nor to herself. She continually called it a relationship. She considered an affair to be nothing more than tawdry sex, while what she had with Ian was more, although short of the love she had for her husband.

After several months with Ian, Callie denied him nothing. She didn't hesitate when he asked for anal the first time, even though she had only given her ass to her husband twice before in their quarter-century of marriage. She loved Ian's highly-charged enthusiasm, and knew she would give it to him again when he asked.

"Damn, that's tight, woman!" he grunted as he fed her his dick inch by inch.

Callie was glad Ian was smart enough to liberally apply Astroglide to his dick. Her winces gradually changed to tight smiles, then broad smiles the longer the two fucked.

How long the relationship would have continued unabated is anybody's guess, but circumstances took control a little more than a year after things started when the director heading up the Charlotte, NC, office of Deloitte & Touche suffered a heart attack, and the powers that be decided that Kenny Richardson deserved the promotion to that role.

Kenny was pleased with the promotion, although the short notice created a small problem for Callie and him. Callie could work from her firm's Charlotte office, but would have to stay behind for another month until the Richardsons' lives could be wrapped up in Phoenix. Deloitte would buy the Richardsons' house immediately, but getting utilities switched over, storing furniture and all the usual stuff would take time.

Callie didn't really want to relocate, but she knew Kenny's promotion was a major career move with major salary and life consequences for the two of them. She had no choice but to acquiesce, especially since she could also work from Charlotte.

With Kenny in Charlotte, Callie was free to make sure her last month with Ian was something special, and she did as she practically moved in with him. By the time Callie left for Charlotte, there was very little sexually left undone between her and Ian. She walked a little gingerly as she boarded the jet. She hoped her husband would be so thrilled to see her he wouldn't notice if her pussy felt a little less snug than usual for a few days.

It didn't take Callie long to figure out she could visit Ian once a year by telling her trusting husband she was going out to Phoenix to stay with her best friend, Joanie, for a week. "Clueless Kenny," as Callie began to think of him, readily agreed.

Phoenix... 2022

Joanie and her husband, Stan, picked up Callie and Kenny at the airport. Kenny noticed that Joanie raised her eyebrows at his wife before the two hugged. He didn't see his wife's return expression.

Joanie turned to Kenny and gave him what felt like to the man to be an insincere hug. Kenny and Stan exchanged handshakes.

"Been a long time, bro. How you doing?" Stan asked.

Kenny gave a noncommittal answer. He had met Callie's close friends and their husbands several times before he and Callie moved, and had always felt like the odd man out any time the couples got together.

"What a great guy you are," Joanie said, "coming all this way just to support your wife. You met Ian... what, a few times... at the Christmas parties and maybe the barbecues?"

"That's what you do for your spouse, isn't it?" Kenny said, picking up on Joanie's negative vibes.

Joanie and Stan took the couple to a restaurant where the other two members of Callie's close-knit friends and their husbands joined them. Both Chandra and Elvira expressed surprise to see Callie's husband. Kenny actually looked down his body to make sure his fly was closed or that he hadn't spilled something on his clothes earlier in the day.

Conversation flowed fairly easily among the four couples as they ate and drank, although Kenny noted that every now and then he caught silent looks among the women. After they finished eating, Joanie and Stan took Callie and Kenny to their hotel, and Joanie and Stan told the pair they would pick them up the next day to take them to the viewing.

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