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Indian Wife wants a Black Baby Ch. 01

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Indian wife tries a black sperm donor.
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Sanjay was surprised as he opened the door. Standing on the front step, in his affluent neighbourhood, was a thickly set black man several inches taller than him and as wide as the door.

A shock of white teeth broke the otherwise dark visage: "Hi, it's Leroy"

"Hello," said Sanjay weakly, still not at ease at the contrast between him and the black man. He quickly shuffled back inviting Leroy into his house, shutting the door behind them.

"My wife is upstairs getting ready so please take a seat," Sanjay said motioning towards the sofas. He then popped into the kitchen to get them some beers and then put on the TV which was showing a Friday night lower league football match.

"You ok?" said Leroy trying to break the quiet atmosphere.

"Haha, yes just a bit nervous I think. This is all very unusual for us," said Sanjay. "I was born here you see, you can probably tell from my accent. My wife, Kavita, she was born in India so she can be shy."

"Right," said Leroy nonchalantly.

"We don't really tend to socialise with nig..I mean black people so it's a bit odd having you in the house. I think that's my wife was really surprised when she came here at just how many black people there were in London. She has seen plenty of white people in india - tourists etc and on TV - but she had never seen any blacks," Sanjay explained.

"Yeah, well I've not been with an indian before either," Leroy said sipping his beer with his bright white smile splitting his dark face.

Sanjay smiled but didn't reply and just drank his beer. He felt extremely awkward having another guy in his house who wasn't a family relation, never mind a black man. He was in two minds whether to cancel the whole thing but then all the months of discussions with his wife would be in vein.

Sanjay had been married to his wife for several years now and they were both approaching their late 30's. Sanjay knew that after 35 the chances of his wife getting pregnant had reduced drastically. The problem, however, when they had gone to the doctor's had been with him rather than her. The chances of him getting his wife pregnant, even with treatment, were slim. His wife was on fertility drugs but every month when they had a pregnancy test, it was always a disappointing negative.

The problem was indian culture - after marriage, children were expected. A childless marriage was unacceptable to indian elders. Sanjay and his wife had gone through years of frustration and unhappiness, years of snide comments from friends and relatives.

Their white friends had suggestion adoption which may be alright for them but Sanjay and Kavita couldn't do it. There were two problems. The first was caste - the caste system in indian culture was strict, you can only be born into caste. The second problem was that adoption involved a legal process which left a trace. If anyone found out their child was adopted they would be ostracised from the community. Adoption was thus not thinkable. That only really left one course of action left to them - a sperm donor.

The UK is a predominantly white country but Sanjay had ruled out a white donor as the child would be too light skinned given that Kavita too was fair. An indian donor would be ideal but the indian community is too small and they were worried that news of the donation would be leaked and the couple would become a laughing stock.

The only race that therefore worked for sperm donation were negroes. Sanjay knew that negroes and Indians rarely socialised with each other, even though they might live in close proximity. Negroes and Indians would socialise with whites but rarely with each other. The couple were therefore afforded with some discreteness through racial boundaries and tensions. The skin colour difference wasn't often that pronounced either.

The fact that Kavita was fair for an indian would mean that the child would pass for Sanjay's who was medium brown.

Sanjay and Leroy continued to sup their beers. Sanjay couldn't think of much to say to someone who was so different from him - in terms of looks, culture and wealth. Sanjay could tell by Leroy's clothes and the small car he drove that he was much poorer than him. The fact Leroy spoke with a heavy London accent also drove into Sanjay's mind that he wasn't very well educated.

Half time on the football match started and Sanjay took this as an opportunity to go and check on his wife who was now upstairs. He came down a few minutes later and beckoned for Leroy to come up. He led the man to his bedroom.

"Kavita will be out in a moment, I'll just go and check on her," said Sanjay as he beckoned Leroy into the bedroom.

"Cool," said Leroy as he moved to sit at the side of the bed which was in the middle of the room. A few moments later, Sanjay came back in.

"She'll be out in a moment," he said as he moved to sit at the dressing table.

There was a slight sound then as the door of the bedroom opened and in walked Sanjay's wife Kavita. She was wearing a white bathrobe to her knees. Sanjay gave her a slight smile as she walked in and she smiled back. He noticed that she was wearing her make up and pink lipstick.

Kavita was 5'6'' and very slim as Indian girls tended to be pre childbirth. Her skin was a very light brown colour - she was fair for an indian girl. Like most Indians, she had big brown eyes and dark black hair. Her hair was straight and parted at the middle to her shoulders. She had a slim frame with a short torso but long arms and legs. When Sanjay's marriage had been arranged with her he couldn't believe his luck he could get someone so slim and pretty.

Kavita made her way to her side of the bed. Facing both men, she then proceeded to undo the tie at the front of her robe and took it off before placing it on her table at the side of the bed. Underneath she was wearing a pink camisole top and pink panties.

Kavita sat at the side of the bed next to Leroy but was a distance away from him. Sanjay noticed how her pink camisole matched her pink lipstick and pink painted finger and toe nails - he couldn't help but think how cute his wife looked as she was so slim and petite; she looked fantastic in pink.

As Sanjay looked across the room, was struck by the physical difference between his wife and Leroy. Though Kavita was long limbed, Leroy was much taller being over 6 foot. Kavita was very slim with pale brown skin whereas Leroy was very wide, muscular and darker. Kavita had small pretty lips and a long indian nose whereas Leroy had a big fat negro nose and lips.

"Ok, shall we start," said Sanjay now standing up. He reached for a bag next to the dressing table and pulled out a beaker and a syringe that he had brought online earlier.

"If you could fill that up please," Sanjay said handing the beaker to Leroy and then gesturing to his wife with the syringe, "and then when it's full I will put it in with this so lie back on the bed biwi [wife]."

Leroy eyed the beaker in his hand and stood up whilst Kavita shuffled on the bed to sit by the headrest. When Leroy took off his hooded top and vest, Sanjay saw that underneath the baggy clothes Leroy was very wide and muscular. With his hair cut very short, Sanjay thought Leroy looked like Joe Frazier the boxer.

Leroy then placed the beaker on the bed and undid his belt and jeans buttons before pulling his jeans and white briefs downs to his ankles. This revealed his dark cock which hung down his body. It was thick and long though it wasn't yet hard. He only had a small mound of fuzzy pubic hair above his cock. Leroy reached down with his right hand and began to stroke his cock with long deliberate strokes.

"Oh, I thought you might want to use the bathroom," Sanjay said uncertainly. "Never mind, you can carry on now."

Leroy didn't turn to look at him but instead continued facing the bed and Kavita whilst he jerked his cock. Sanjay saw that his wife was sitting against the headrest. Her long brown legs were flat against the bed. As his wife was only in her pink panties, her legs looked incredibly long and sensuous. He saw his wife was looking at Leroy stroking his cock in front of her.

The only sound in the room was the gentle thump of Leroy beating his meat. Sanjay could see that the length of Leroy's cock had increased but it did not yet look to be fully hard. Leroy had his right hand wrapped around his cock and was stroking it up and down the shaft. Occasionally, Leroy would rub the black helmet of his cock with his two forefingers and thumb only.

"Are you close?" asked Sanjay who was getting impatient.

"Nah man," Leroy guffawed. "I ain't even fully hard yet. Ain't you got any porn or anything?"

"No we don't watch any fo that," said Sanjay trying to think what could speed up the process. He and his wife had always thought porn was disgusting. He had gone from being awkward at Leroy being in his house to annoyed that he had been there too long.

"Is there anything else that might work?" Sanjay asked.

Leroy continued to stroke his cock with his right hand but then lifted up his big left hand. He showed the back of his left hand to Sanjay and clenched his fingers slightly. "Do you mind if I?"

"Yes, umm...what?" Sanjay replied not quite comprehending what Leroy was referring to.

Leroy then shuffled slightly forwards and reached over with his left hand towards Kavita's top. He lifting it quickly exposing her small flat stomach followed by her perky breasts. Her breasts were small - a b cup at most - though her nipples were large and dark.

Leroy reached out and engulfed Kavita's right breast with his left hand and began roughly groping her. He squeezed her breasts together, cupped them in his hands and played with the dark nipples. Sanjay noticed how his wife's nipples seemed to grow longer and harder as Leroy massaged them between his fingers. His wife's face was not showing any expression but he could see that she was looking at Leroy's cock which had begun to get even harder and longer.

Sanjay then saw Leroy stop rubbing himself and take Kavita's left hand in his right. He moved her hand to hold his penis. He then began directing her hand to make a rubbing motion on his penis and pleaded "jack me, baby."

Kavita looked at Sanjay, unsure of what to do.

"If this will speed things up, it's ok," Sanjay said trying to keep his voice calm. He was unsure of how things were progressing. All he could think about was Leroy finishing as quickly as possible and leaving.

Letting go of Kavita's hand, Leroy again resumed his touch on her breasts. This time he was more aggressive in squeezing the breasts and playing with Kavita's nipple. Sanjay was surprised that his wife began stroking Leroy's penis with her hand, once Leroy had removed his from hers. His wife has never been a fan of giving him a handjob.

Sanjay noticed Leroy's cock begin to grow longer and harder as Kavita began to stroke it. She had difficulty in wrapping her hand around the thick black shaft to begin with but soon found a steady rhythm. Sanjay saw Kavita rubbing the foreskin of Leroy's black cock and seemed to be trying hard to make sure that she touched every inch of the penis with each of her strokes.

The room was quiet except for the squeezing sounds that Leroy was making as he played with Kavita's small breasts and the muffling sound of Kavita's hand jerking Leroy's cock. After a few moments, Sanjay watched as Leroy moved his left hand from Kavita's breasts and began feeling down her slim body. He then eased his long black fingers underneath his wife's pink panties. A new rubbing sound then emanated in the room.

"Are you ready yet?" Sanjay asked. This was getting too much. He was unhappy at how far Leroy was going in touching his wife but he was unsure if he should stop things as this was a great opportunity for his wife to get pregnant.

The sound of Kavita's hand jerking Leroy's cock began to slow after a while and Sanjay realised that his wife's arm must be getting tired. Leroy's penis had grown substantially and now stuck out like a large black baseball bat.

"Nah not yet, man," said Leroy to Sanjay and then turning to Kavita: "Want a suck?"

Kavita had stopped rubbing Leroy's cock and just held it in her hands. Her right hand was holding her left at the wrist, indicating that her wrists were getting tired.

"No, she's never done that," Sanjay said quickly getting extremely agitated at the suggestion that his wife give this negro a blowjob. "Are you ready to cum yet or what?"

"Hmm," Leroy said. "I'm hard now but a while off cumming like this. I need more."

"What do you mean?" Sanjay said. His patience was wearing thin at how long this donation session was taking. "You need more stimulation? This is taking far too long!"

"Yeah. Just let me get in there," Leroy said gesturing towards Kavita's body "and I shouldn't be too long."

Sanjay didn't know how to respond this. Leroy was asking to penetrate his wife. The negro was supposed to have ejaculated in the beaker in the bathroom and this should have all been over in ten minutes. Instead, he had sat by whilst the negro had felt up his wife's breasts and pussy and she had jerked his cock hard.

"No," said Sanjay with a quiet voice, his throat felt very dry. "You're supposed to use the beaker and then I use the syringe."

"The syringe won't work man," Leroy cut him off loudly. "It's [referring to his sperm] got to be shot right up there if it's gonna get at them eggs."

The stress and tension that Sanjay had been feeling made his logic muddled. What Leroy was saying seemed to have some truth to it but Sanjay found himself getting angry that a negro could be thinking clearly when he couldn't. His wife was desperate for a baby - no they were both desperate for a baby. He knew Leroy was clean as he had sent through his clinic results when they had arranged the meet. Would penetration really matter if it was a one off?

"Hurry up while I'm still hard, blud [a slang term used in the UK instead of 'mate']," Leroy said loudly

"Ok, ok," said Sanjay relenting "just please be quick."

Leroy did not reply but just reached over and began tugging at Kavita's pink panties. Sanjay noticed that there was a large wet patch on the bottom of his wife's panties as Leroy began pulling them down. His wife's neatly trimmed black pubic hair triangle slowly began to reveal itself followed by her pussy. Sanjay was surprised at how open and engorged his wife's pussy looked - he had never seen it like this before.

Leroy tossed the panties to the side of the bed and then shuffled over on to the bed, kicking off his jeans and briefs in the process, so he was between Kavita's legs. Kavita instinctively lifted her legs and bent her knees to give space, spreading her pussy as a result.

Gripping his penis at the base, Leroy began to push his long black cock towards Kavita's pussy, spreading the brown pussy lips. Sanjay saw Kavita's pussy open wide to accommodate the thick shaft and noticed his wife's expression go tight as Leroy pushed into her.

Once the head of his penis was in, Leroy began slowly pulling back and then pushing forward beginning to find a rhythm. Slowly more and more of Leroy's penis began to enter into Kavita. Leroy was holding on to Kavita's ankles, helping spread her pussy as he bucked his hips pushing his rod into her mound.

Sanjay noticed that his wife was looking down the bed towards Leroy and was slightly annoyed that from her vantage point she would see his 6 pack abs and large penis. He didn't mind that Leroy's penis was bigger than his, that was just mother nature after all, but he was unhappy about the physique difference. Despite going to the gym and playing sport (cricket) Sanjay still had a slight stomach and had thought 6 packs only existed on TV.

"Damn that's nice and wet," Leroy said as he continued to push. This somewhat disturbed Sanjay as his wife was normally quite dry when they had made love.

Leroy let go of Kavita's ankles and put his hands to either side of her head on the pillow. He then proceeded to shift his weight up the bed so he was more horizontal on top of her.

From his position, Sanjay could see Leroy's large body lying face down and almost flat on the bed with the long thin light brown arms and legs of his wife visible poking out from underneath him - Kavita's arms were touching Leroy's side and her legs were wrapped slightly around Leroy's so that her feet were against the back of his kneecaps.

The noise from the bed springs increased as Leroy increased his tempo and began driving his penis into Kavita. Sanjay was concerned that Leroy may be hurting her with his weight but his wife was not making any unusual sounds to force him to stop it. Sanjay could see Leroy's penis was really deep inside his wife and remembered Leroy's comments about needing to ejaculate from deep inside to increase the chances of pregnancy.

Leroy began to grunt slightly with every thrust that he made now really starting to pound down on the bed. Sanjay noticed how his legs and body were really pressing into his wife.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum," Leroy said as he pounded down particularly aggressively and then stopped still. For a few moments the bed was still and the only sound was the heavy breathing of Leroy.

Finally, Leroy began to move and ease backwards. There was a plopping sound as he moved on to his knees and his cock exited Kavita's pussy. Leroy shuffled up from the bed and Sanjay noticed that his wife's pussy was glistening. There was a wet patch on the bed underneath her bottom and a small trail of white liquid could be seen between her bushy black folds.

"Damn," said Leroy as he began to stand by the bed. His cock was glistening.

Sanjay stood up also and quickly passed Leroy his clothes. He then moved to his wife and pulled her camisole top down to cover her breasts, he also placed a sheet over his wife's lower half, covering her genitals.

"Stay like that for a moment and I'll let Leroy out," said Sanjay as he had read somewhere that the chance of conception was increased if the sperm was kept in the body after ejaculation.

Leroy was by now fully dressed and Sanjay led him downstairs towards the entrance of the house.

"If you need me again, drop me a text or somethin'," Leroy said as he made his way to the entrance

"Thanks, but I don't think that will be necessary," Sanjay said through gritted teeth as he showed Leroy out as quickly as he could.

He was trying hard not to lose his temper with the black man with disregard to their physique difference. As far as he was concerned, Sanjay had had a plan of using a syringe and the negro had disregarded it and managed to put his penis into his wife. Sanjay couldn't help thinking racist thoughts of black people being stupid and good for nothing in not following orders. He would get this black guy back one day he thought as he slammed his door on Leroy.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Ha hs ha. I loved this story. I think readers missed the whole thing about Sanjay's dilemna

He is very racist and also very stuck up and nerdy but he is forced to hire a Black Guy to knock up his Wife. Its also funny that he is forced into thst situation by Indian culture, classism and caste system. His blatant racism is funny given his situation. Seidah is right about the sex though. Sure the Wife was wet and arozsed, but Leroy should have fucked so good, making her cum hard and scream the hozse down

SeidahSeidahabout 6 years ago
Must do better

Quite a cold story but a good theme. I think you should have focused more on the wife enjoying sex with a well endowed black bull rather than her weaker husband. This is an interracial story right so use the excitement and taboo of black cock sex to make it exciting and dangerous. She would have let herself go, lose her inhibitions and indulged herself with this stud. Once you go black you don’t go back.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Good one

Good story.

And if you would be described the wife's contentedness about the new feeling in sex it would be so nice.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

It was so funny how he was trying to predict the color of the baby by color of their parent. Sure, the color of parents influences that but he wrote it as if he was mixing colors for painting. Completely stupid.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
nah mate

better off sticking to your other story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Typical Indian culture

Indian women can't talk

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
from the old one

You lack both a story and the skill to narrate one. Quite sad!

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