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Ink My Heart, Pen My Soul Ch. 02

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A curvy intellectual finds love in 3 very different places.
2.7k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/22/2022
Created 07/25/2013
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Ello Ello!

This is chapter two! I hope the wait hasn't been long. I encountered some submitting troubles. Also, I hope you enjoy! Lastly, I hope the formatting stays the way it is >=(!!!


Marcus rubbed his eyes wearily. He had been pouring over the proposals for a new sneaker ad for the past two hours. Turning in his computer chair, he stretched his aching limbs and stifled a large yawn. With a loud grumble, Marcus's stomach told him it was time to eat. He grabbed his phone, and made his way into the kitchen. Upon opening his refrigerator, he immediately became overwhelmed with choices for a meal. For the past couple month or so, Marcus had been eating dinner from time to time with his neighbor Makena, who never let him leave without extras. Deciding on a Tupperware bowl of gumbo, Marcus shoved it into a microwave. Falling into the hum of the machine, he found himself lulled into thoughts of Makena.

In his mind's eye, Marcus saw her as she had looked two weeks ago. They had a small barbeque to go along with a football game between the Saints and the Falcons. Makena wore a loose, flowing yellow shirt and very, very short white shorts. The shorts had clung to every single curve and dip in her hips and ass. When she dropped the TV remote, Marcus had almost lost control at the sight of her bending over to get it. The shorts had ridden up her thick, chocolate thighs and the undersides of her juicy cheeks were peeking out from the bottom.

Marcus's joy was short lived, however. When she finally got the remote, she tugged on the tantalizing garment until it covered her sweet, wide ass again. Marcus remembered the subtle jiggling of her breasts when she danced to the music they played as they cooked. Marcus had turned on 90's R&B as a joke, but was pleasantly surprised at Makena when she sang along, shaking her hips to the sultry music. Remembering her in this way made Marcus feel a longing he couldn't shake. What in the hell am I waiting on? He thought. But before he could give it anymore thought, his cell phone beeped with a text.

[hey there! J]

It was from Makena. Eagerly, Marcus responded.

[hello. What have u been up 2]

[arguing! employees are so frustrating! L]

[y? What happened? Wanna come over 2 talk?]

Marcus had typed it before he could even think. He waited, worried she would think him too forward.

[that would be great! youre the best! be there in a sec!]

Marcus exhaled. Quickly, he gave himself a mental once over. I don't stink, got a hair cut yesterday...

The door bell rang.

Putting down the half eaten gumbo bowl, Marcus walked over to the door and opened it, not bothering to check who it was.

Makena strolled through the door in black leggings and an over-sized long sleeved sweater dress. Her full lips were pulled into a pretty pink pout. After giving him a tight hug that he didn't think he would survive, she sat at his breakfast bar, helping herself to one of his Powerades.

"I'm probably way too comfortable over here, but screw it. Toss me out when you're uncomfortable or upset," she asserted. Shaking with silent giggles, Marcus leaned on the bar next to her. "Aren't you always calling me a country boy? Haven't you heard of 'Southern Hospitality'? My mama raised me right! Besides....You make me feel more comfortable when you are here. I could never be upset with you, Kenzi." Marcus winced. I sound like an asshat, he thought. He turned his head slowly, afraid of what he would see.

Makena smiled sheepishly, a spoon in her hand and an empty bowl in front of her. She had demolished the gumbo he'd left on the opposite side of the countertop. "Makena! God dammit! Don't give me food if you're gonna come over here and eat it all!" Giggling, Makena ran holding the spoon over her head, yelling out a rebellious "Screw you! Gumbo Revolution!"

She sprinted to the living room, running to one side of the couch. Marcus launched himself across the couch. Thinking quickly, Makena jumped to the side, tripping and diving into the carpet. Marcus died laughing, reaching across the back of the couch at her ankles. Scrambling to feet, Makena took off again. Following her down the hall, Marcus finally tackled Makena on the stairs, pinning her arms down on either side of her head. Smiling through his heavy breathing, Marcus admired the woman beneath him.

Her afro fanned out around her head. Her breathing was a little fast, and her cocoa cheeks were flushed. Marcus stared into those deep brown eyes. His eyes traced the shape of them, the contours of her cute button nose and her slightly parted pink mouth. Feeling overwhelmed with longing, Marcus kissed her. His juicy, full lips pressed against the warmth of her mouth. His strong hands left her wrists to entangled themselves in her hair and caress her neck. Parting his lips, Marcus sucked her pouty bottom lip in between his own. Makena moaned against his mouth, swiping her tongue across his lips.

"Tease," Marcus murmured into her lips. He slid his arms underneath each of her legs, hooking her knees over his forearms; his mouth never left hers. His hands trailed down her body to hold her bottom. Marcus groaned at the plumpness of her ass cheeks. Lifting her body flush against his, Marcus walked them upstairs, grinding her legging-clad center against his shorts covered erection the whole trip. Makena whimpered, taking her lips from his and placing them against his neck. Her mouth covered his neck in long, luxurious kisses.

Once they reached his bedroom, Marcus sat on the bed, holding Makena in his lap. He leaned back against his headboard and pressed Makena close to his body. Be a gentleman. Be a gentleman. Don't screw up like a dumbass, be a gentleman, he thought. "Kenzie?" Marcus asked tentatively. In response, his little vixen trailed her sweet tongue from his earlobe to the base of his neck. Marcus shuddered.

Clearing his throat, he called her again. "Kenzie?" He felt Makena smile into his neck as she trailed her small hand down between their bodies to rub his dick. Marcus' hips jackknifed off of the bed, his soft groan causing her to giggle. Almost immediately, Makena returned to her ministrations on his neck. This time, Marcus put his foot down. "Makena." He gently pulled her away from his neck and sat her up straight. Makena pouted. "I wasn't done"

The innocence in her voice was almost his undoing. Someone give me strength. Jesus, Allah, Virgin Mary, anybody! He thought. "Makena, honey, are you sure you want to do this? How far do you want to go? I don't want you to feel un—" Makena cut him off with a short, sweet kiss. "Marc, I like you. I do. But I'm glad you stopped us. We might be moving a little fast. Don't get me wrong, I like you. This past month has been so much fun. I just didn't think you liked me in that way. Intimately."

Marcus wrapped his arms around Makena's waist. "Of course I do. I mean, I would've been fine as your friend and all but....I want more," At the sound of this, Makena smiled.

So he likes them with a little curve. Perfect. Marcus broke into her thoughts "I hope this isn't too forward, but would you like to sleep here tonight? You could have the bed and everything, it just looks like you're comfortable and I wouldn't want you to have to go outside and it's muggy out there in those mean streets."

Makena snorted with laughter. "So I should stay because of high humidity? By the way, we live in a gated community in the middle of the suburbs, what mean streets!?" She slipped off of his lap and sat on the bed next to him. "Yes Marcus, I'll sleep here with you tonight. In this bed, next to you. None of that chivalrous nonsense you have in your head. I hope you like to cuddle, I'm a sleep hugger." Makena slid underneath the covers. Once underneath, she shimmied out of her leggings, pulling at her sweater dress. Marcus' mouth popped open as he slid underneath the cotton duvet. Makena rolled her eyes. "I have on bike shorts underneath you perv! Those leggings are too thin for me to wear without them!" Playfully hitting Marcus in the chest, she snuggled up to him. He kissed the top of her head. "Goodnight, Beautiful." He whispered. "Goodnight hun." She replied


Makena did not want to get up. Halfway between being awake and dozing, she began to take inventory of her surroundings. She felt Marcus' body underneath her, one of his heavy arms draped across her waist and hips. Their legs were a tangled, jumbled mess, halfway inside of the covers, and halfway out. Her face was pressed into his strong pectoral muscles, which rose and fell with the rather loud snores that had lulled Makena to sleep last night. Comfy....OH HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! I am smushing this man! I'm gonna kill him! Now fully awake, she slowly eased out of his hold onto the other side of the bed. The moment she'd detangled herself and gotten comfortable, she felt big hands on her hips.

"Why'd you move? Come back" Marcus groaned. He yanked her soft body back on top of him and locked his arms around her waist. "Stay, dammit." He then promptly closed his eyes for sleep again.

Makena wriggled. "Marcus! Let me up! I'm gonna smother you!" He peaked through one of his eyelids. "You're joking right?" Makena shamefully looked down. "Right?" Marcus repeated. Groaning, Marcus opened his eyes and lifted his head to look at the woman draped across his body.

"Makena, you do realize that while you were too busy torturing my poor neck last night, I carried you up the stairs? Or how about the fact that I moved your bedroom furniture last week when you got that new dresser?" Makena said nothing. "Honey, you are not heavy to me. Actually, you are not heavy, period. So can we please stop all this nonsense so early in the morning and go back to sleep? Because I was really comfortable." Marcus hooked his finger underneath Makena chin and titled her head up to look into her eyes. "Please?" he asked again. Makena put one of her arms around his neck, nuzzling into the crook of it. "Fine. But if you ever compare my weight to furniture again, I will make you disappear and no one will ever suspect it was me." With that, they both fell into a deep, restful sleep.

When Marcus woke up, he was painfully aware of his morning wood. Hearing Makena's soft little snores, he sighed in relief. She's gonna think I'm some kinda pervert....I'll worry about it when she wakes up. Unable to fight off the impulse, Marcus ran his hands gently down Makena's sleeping form. He rubbed down her back, across the soft globes of her supple ass until his hands rested on her hips. His thumbs caressed the curves of them,

Suddenly, she adjusted her position. Marcus froze as Makena wrapped her legs around his hips and nuzzled her face deeper into his neck, sighing softly. When she finally stopped moving, Marcus relaxed again...until he realized what she had done. Makena's new position brought her yoni flush against Marcus' still hard dick. Oh god that feels good.... No No No Fuck Fuck Fuck now what do I do!? Marcus tried to gently shift Makena's body to one side, but every motion rubbed her covered center against his now painfully erect penis. Giving up, Marcus moved his hands from her body and lay perfectly still. Think of something else. Anything else. A,B,C,D....yes, that's working...

Just as Marcus began to calm down, he felt Makena rub herself along the length of his dick. His breath caught as she did it again, and again. Marcus looked down to see a very awake Makena with a mischievous smile. She sat up and began rolling her hips against his erection.

Marcus moaned deep in his chest "Fuck, Kenzi...." Lost in her movements, Marcus forgot all about being a gentleman. Soon, he began thrust his hips up to match her motions. His dick throbbed and jumped in anticipation. Closing his eyes, Marcus wrapped his hands around Makena's hips, grinding her against his dick. She whimpered in delight. The sound drove him crazy; he needed her, bad. He held her against him as her hips began to ride him faster and harder, falling into the ecstasy of her motions. Suddenly, he felt two small hands at the waist of his shorts, jerking him back to reality. "Makena, no." he said gently. Gripping her hips, Marcus held her perfectly still. He then gently placed her on the other side of the bed. Marcus sat up, swinging his legs off the side of the bed. Minutes and minutes past before either of them spoke. Marcus finally broke the tension.

"Makena....I am sorry for my behavior. It's been less than proper. We agreed to figure things out slowly last night and here I am acting like a horny teenaged boy and—"

"You do like me, right?" Makena blurted. Marcus turned to see he sitting cross legged, absently playing with her hair. Her eyes were filled with hurt. I fucking screwed up again! Marcus thought. He slid onto the bed, lying across it in front of her. He carefully pried her hand from her hair and kissed it.

"Makena, I've liked you since the first time you fed me. No, I'm serious," he said when she giggled. "I just want to do this right. We kinda rushed through this whole process. I've never taken you on a real date or anything. We haven't even really acknowledged what 'this' is. We have been hanging out as friends this whole time, but in truth I've always wanted something more. I told you so last night. Let's just....relax for now. I just don't think adding sex into the equation is such a good idea right now." Marcus twined his fingers with Makena's. "Ok?" Makena quickly belly flopped on top of Marcus's chest, yelling "Ok!" as he groaned.


"And that's how my brothers made me go to prom by myself." Marcus laughed, absently rubbing and kneading her ass cheeks softly. Makena was still draped across Marcus' chest and stomach. They had spent the last few hours just like that, talking and playing and wrestling. Makena let out the soft moan she was holding in. Marcus' caressing stopped.

"Sorry, Honey. It just felt good in my hands." Makena swatted him with a pillow. "Shut up!" Marcus pushed Makena on her back, holding her down and softly kissing her neck. "I will not." He then got up, heading towards the bathroom. "I'll be back." Makena sat up in bed as the bathroom door closed. I think this will work out just fine. She thought, curling up in the bed.

Suddenly, the door bell rang. "Makena! Can you get that?" Makena got up and started towards the door. "And put some damn pants on!"

Makena giggled and ran down the stairs, ignoring his request. She opened the door. There was a very short, fair skinned Black woman in a red skirt suit and high heels. With her was a small child with wild, curly pigtails and a Dora the Explorer doll. The woman wrinkled her nose, as if she smelled something bad. "Does Marcus Chatham live here?" she inquired, her voice full of attitude. "Yes, he does. What can I—?" Makena was interrupted by the sound of Marcus coming down the hall. "Makena, I thought I said to...." He stopped, dumbfounded as he got to the door.

"Jada. What are you doing here?" Marcus asked. The woman, Jada, thrust the little girl into the house. "This is Annalynne Marie Chatham. She's your daughter. All of her information, and the papers giving you full parental custody are in her bag. I'm done with her. Bye." With that, she quickly stalked off to the Lexus parked in the driveway and pulled off, leaving Makena, Marcus and Annalynne at the door.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Ok… now, THAT was unexpected.

Talk about an abrupt turn, left. Or was it to the right? I'm so confused now, it might have been up. But, in a good way, confused.

I kind of thought you overplayed Marcus' aversion to sex. You may be putting too much 'female' in his head. Given their ages, and the past month's history and the circumstance, most guys would have started right on the stairs, screw taking her to the bedroom. But, that's just my perspective.

So, you've thrown a huge wrench in the works, and it's only the second chapter.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Wicked Fantasy!

But why did you change the perspective from her to him?

DecadentdessertDecadentdessertover 10 years ago

Whoosh! Welllll ( in my Tom Joyner's voice) Makena need to activate her SBC ( super bitch card ) and let Ms. Jada. know she no joke. How in the hell do you drop off a kid like yesterday trash. This is getting interesting not to mention the Jamaican illustrator is he strictly business now??. I am eager to see what happens next. Possibly two pages next time, just a thought.

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