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Innocent Devil’s Harem Taboo Ch. 44

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Hot blonde and busty redhead get close.
7k words

Part 44 of the 47 part series

Updated 06/16/2024
Created 05/08/2022
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Innocent Devil's Harem Ch. 44 -- Hot blonde and busty redhead Succubus get close.

Submitted: May 16, 2024 to Literotica (Copyright Kaizer Wolf) harem, supernatural, shifter, big tits, redhead, blonde, MILF, succubus, mystery, taboo


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Thanks for checking out this story! This series is written like a novel, so be sure to start at Chapter 1 if you want to avoid any confusion.

Otherwise, I hope you enjoy!


- CHAPTER 44 -

Avery stared at her trembling hand as the hot water cascaded down her tense shoulders, her skin a light tan, her normally blonde hair a vibrant white, all while her heart pounded forcibly in her chest, each beat feeling as if it was shaking her entire body.

She knew her eyes were icy blue right now, set against the midnight background of her black sclera, along with her lips and eyelids being pale like she was wearing white cosmetics.

But now that she was no longer looking at herself in the bathroom mirror, having decided a shower might help, she found herself focused more on her internal emotions, rather than her physical appearance.

She was...anxious.

It had only been about an hour ago when her heart began racing for no apparent reason, shortly after Serenity got off the phone with Kai the first time. Thankfully, the twenty-three year old had left with Gabriella shortly after that, so that Serenity could drink from the deer that the busty redhead had caught, because it wasn't long after when it felt like Avery's entire world flipped upside down.

Suddenly, all at once, without warning, all her muscles tensed and she abruptly shifted.

Except this time was different than the others.

It wasn't like when Gabriella slapped her ass to tease her.

No, it felt like her world had suddenly ended, and the devastation and anger that came with it forced her body to transform.

She normally didn't consider herself an angry person, rarely getting overly upset about anything, yet in that very moment she had the overwhelming urge to kill.

It was as if someone had hurt the person she loved most, and she desperately wanted revenge. But at the same time, she also felt like she was going to drop to her knees and fall apart, the accompanying devastation nearly overwhelming.

To the point that she ran upstairs to the bathroom, before her mom had a chance to notice something was going on.

Thankfully, her mom didn't come check on her, likely giving her space after their earlier awkward conversation about the guy they both liked, which technically turned out well, in her opinion, but left her still feeling embarrassed at just the idea of what they'd agreed to.

But the anxiety didn't seem to be going away.

Or rather, it was only shifting into other emotions, going from rage and devastation, back to pure rage and aggression, followed by finally transitioning to a bizarre urge to get off, that felt more like a need than something she'd do for pleasure.

Honestly, she felt like she was going crazy at this point, especially with the urge to have an orgasm resurfacing as she stared at her tan hand, trying to keep her thoughts blank.

At first, she had wondered if something was wrong with Kai, but Serenity and Gabriella had come back inside not long ago, only for the former to speak with him on the phone, Avery's still improving sense of hearing being able to at least pick up on Serenity's half of the conversation.

And it sounded like he was fine.

But Avery didn't feel fine.

Not at all.

So instead, she tried to let her mind wander, focusing on the surrealness of even being in Kai's house, showering in his bathroom, even if it was technically shared with Serenity too. Because Avery had been infatuated with him for nearly four years now, ever since her Freshman year of high school, when she transferred from her private middle school to the local public high school.

From the very moment that she sat behind him on her very first day, in her very first class.

Her last name being Copeland, and his being Ashworth, meant she was going to at least end up sitting in the same row as him, whenever the teachers sat everyone alphabetically. And that's exactly what happened in roughly half the classes they shared, with her sometimes ending up right behind him, and other times having a person or two between them.

Technically, she'd already been in her own seat on that first day when he walked into the room, but the moment she laid eyes on him, it felt like all the air left her lungs, the entire room ceasing to exist, blurring away as she unexpectedly found herself only being able to see him.

Him, and no one else.

Avery of course had boys she liked at her old school, a few she even worked up the courage to get to know, but this had been entirely different. While occasionally fancying herself as being in love a couple of times, she'd never been truly lovesick.

It made her feel like she no longer knew how to be herself.

It made her desperate to focus on his every mannerism, and observe his every interaction, in hopes of figuring out how she could be what he wanted instead of who she was. But ultimately, he didn't give many clues, leaving her to just being herself when he wasn't around, and being completely absorbed in every movement he made when he was around.

It took her over a week to finally start smiling at him when he walked in, initially feeling overwhelmed just to be near him.

And it took her nearly a month to finally try to speak to him.

But he never smiled back.

And he never said more than a word or two, sometimes only grunting in acknowledgement, unless it was the teacher calling on him.

But he was polite.

It was obvious he never went out of his way to get to know anyone, but he was never really rude. Just never went out of his way to socialize, appearing to be highly guarded emotionally.

At first, she wondered if he was a new student too, only really shy, but as she slowly made friends with some of her female classmates, she ended up finding out that he wasn't new at all. They had all known him for a long time. And they all knew exactly when he stopped being friendly.

Avery's heart ached for him when she found out he lost his parents only a little under two years ago, when he was in seventh grade, but she had no idea how to comfort him or even how to engage with him, especially since he didn't make it easy.

So she simply observed from a close distance, always looking forward to the few classes they had together, but always feeling somber whenever she was in the same class as him, wishing she could get to know him, wishing she had the courage to do so.

Instead, she was left feeling highly sensitive to all the small things, noticing on the rare days when he would seem to sigh heavily over and over again, shifting in his seat like he was both stressed and simultaneously couldn't wait to get up and leave.

It took her almost her entire Freshman year to notice a pattern, partially thanks to the fact she'd been currently reading a werewolf romance novel, noticing that the fidgeting and heavy sighs came at the exact same time each month.

On the day of the full moon.

She felt alarmed when she made that connection, a bizarre thrill running through her when she unexpectedly found herself wondering if he actually was a werewolf, and if maybe there was an entire secret supernatural world all around her that he was a gateway to.

Pure fantasy, of course, but still...

She couldn't help but wonder, and paid much more attention for the rest of her Freshman year, and even closer attention during her Sophomore year, the sudden mystery she'd created giving her something to focus on.

But it only did so much to fill the void created by the longing to know him.

Over a full year, and she was still desperately lovesick.

She didn't even mind the idea of not being able to be physical with him, in the event that maybe it was dangerous, her imagination having grown with her reading habits, instead just wishing she could know him. To be someone who was at least his friend.

But he didn't have any friends, and showed zero interest in befriending anyone, even as Avery began expanding her own circle of friends, even improving her confidence by befriending some of her male classmates too, in hopes that she might work up the courage to be more persistent with Kai.

However, her Sophomore year came and neared the end, with her still being no closer to becoming anything other than a nobody in his life.

But then the unthinkable happened.

At the end of her Sophomore year, one of their teachers assigned the class a simple group project, pairing people off simply by going down the alphabetical line and counting one, two, one, two, repeatedly.

She was two.

Kai was her one!

She'd never felt so overwhelmed with both joy and nervousness in her entire life!

And she was even more shocked when the teacher told everyone to get started, only for him to turn around and smile at her!

He smiled warmly and spoke to her as if they'd been close friends all this time.

She was stunned, her heart fluttering in her chest, initially finding it difficult to speak, stuttering when she officially introduced herself, only to unexpectedly feel like she was truly speaking to an old friend.

He was just so...easy to talk to.

And she'd been confident this was it. The turning point for this infatuation she had for him, and without even realizing it, her infatuation had somehow grown a hundredfold, and she was confident she'd fully fallen in love with him, because everything about how he spoke to her confirmed what she'd already observed.

He was kind.

He was respectful, considerate, and he listened.

He listened to her, valued her ideas, seemed to appreciate her input, and they just worked together so well. And she even managed to get his number, with them having exchanged a few messages regarding the project.

Which meant she was devastated all over again when things went back to normal a few days later, once their project was submitted and over. She'd sat with him at lunch, using the project as an excuse to talk, but afterward he just stopped talking to her. Stopped being social.

And the whole thing sent her spiraling down a really bizarre series of thoughts.

On the outside she was calm, collected, and determined to remain in his life, even if that only meant sitting next to him at lunch.

But on the inside she felt like a drug addict, desperately trying to figure out any way to get back into his life. Any way to crack his exterior shell a second time, to break down his walls, and be on the receiving end of that charming, knee-weakening smile again.

Was she not pretty enough?

That had been her first thought, but it took her barely a day to notice all the looks she got from her male friends. Barely took her a day to realize how they tried to monopolize her attention and how they shot aggressive glances toward Kai at lunchtime, since it was obvious that was where her attention was, even when she wasn't focused on him in the corner of her eye.

Besides, Avery knew she was pretty and fit.

She had joined the track team since she enjoyed running anyway, something she used to do with her dad when she was younger and he was more physically active, and she objectively looked a lot like her mom, who Avery felt was the prettiest woman she knew, so surely that couldn't be the issue.

So then, maybe he didn't perceive her as mature enough?

Did he like older women instead?

At first, that had been a thought she'd shrugged off pretty quickly, but it must have been stuck in the back of her mind, because she ended up having an intense dream that changed everything.

At that time, Avery hadn't known much about actual sex, or how things worked for guys, but she'd heard that sometimes they woke up from wet dreams. Of course, she knew theoretically it could happen to women too, but she'd certainly never had one herself.

Not until one night.

In the dream, she recalled that she'd been helping to get dinner started, only for her mom to walk through the front door, calling out to her and saying they were having company over. In her mind, she hadn't thought much of it, just focused on turning on the oven to get it heated up, only to turn around and find herself shocked when her mom came walking into the kitchen with her arm wrapped around Kai!

And even more shocking, was what she immediately said afterward.

"Avery, honey, I'd like to introduce you to my new boyfriend."

It was one of those bizarre dreams where nothing made sense. She hadn't even thought to question the logic of her mom having a boyfriend when she was married to her dad. Hadn't even questioned where he was in the dream, to begin with.

All Avery could focus on was Kai being in her kitchen, feeling an intense thrill to have him in her house.

It felt right to her, and in her dream, it felt realistic that Kai would want an older mature woman.

The dream only heated up from there.

Everything felt sexually charged, and Avery wasn't even surprised when Kai bent down and kissed her mom fully on the lips, because by that point, it was like she expected it to happen. After all, that's what boyfriends did to their girlfriends.

But then, the situation began feeling like a game, as Avery found herself feeling like she needed to finish cooking the meal, while her mom and Kai made it impossible to focus, even going as far as to sitting on the counter next to the stove so that it was even more difficult for her to ignore them kissing while she pulled the lasagna out of the oven.

Eventually, they were sitting at the dining room table, Avery finding her hands tucked tightly between her thighs as she watched the source of her infatuation passionately make-out and touch the prettiest woman she knew, until her dream finally ended when the more mature woman took Kai upstairs to finish what they'd started, causing Avery to wake up with the most intense orgasm she'd ever had...

Followed immediately by confusion and dread, as her conscious mind began thinking more clearly.

She tried to forget the dream, and it was true she'd lost most of the details, but the thoughts that remained wouldn't go away.

After that, Avery sincerely began wondering if Kai was more interested in older women, finding no evidence to oppose the idea, and slowly started to reason that having Kai in her life at all, even due to him dating her mom, instead of herself, was better than not being a part of his world even a little.

Later that summer, she got off for the first time actively thinking about that idea, as opposed to it only happening due to a dream.

Simultaneously, she also became more consumed with romance novels, especially those of the supernatural variety, and when school started again for her Junior year, as she watched how his behavior changed on the first full moon of the semester, she quickly became convinced there might really be something different about him, even as she told herself how ridiculous the idea was.

That's when things got really crazy.

Or rather, that's when she started being really crazy.

It began with a fight at school. A fight that Kai physically broke up, one in which Avery saw from a distance, horrified when one of the guys hit him in the face as he pulled them apart, only to be stunned when it didn't even seem to phase him.

Just more proof that he was different.

And even more stunning, hearing him demand they 'stop' was chilling.

It was like everyone stopped moving, not just the guys trying to hurt each other.

There was this sense of intimidation and authority that was palpable in the air, like everyone was an ant, and he was a kid with a magnifying glass, telling everyone to cease their disobedience or else he'd fry them all with the sun.

However, Avery snapped out of it right away when he began walking toward her direction in the hall, seeing more emotion on his face than she'd ever witnessed before. And then noticing that he had blood on his bottom lip.

Her body reacted before her mind had a chance to think, largely due to all the supernatural book reading she'd done.

She instantly saw a way into his world, and immediately went after it, without regards for how ridiculous the idea was.

Being that she was still in track, she was really big on staying hydrated and always kept a water bottle with her. Thus, she whipped it out as fast as possible, handing it out for him, speaking up quietly so that he'd stop instead of just ignoring her and passing her up.

"Your lip looks busted," she whispered.

He didn't even question her, his frustration appearing to cause him to make decisions he might not have otherwise, shaking his head as he accepted the water bottle.

"Bit my tongue," he mumbled as he took a swig, washing the blood out of his mouth...and leaving some behind on the edge of the bottle.

Avery didn't even respond as he quickly began walking again, now facing away from her, not even trying to be casual about it as she drank right after him, tasting just a hint of metallic flavor on her tongue as she ran it along the edge while taking a big gulp.

She felt uncertain, nervous, and wired for the rest of the day, her heart nonstop racing, wondering if she was crazy, or if a little bit of his blood would actually do something to her. All of her thoughts felt like a pendulum swinging as she went from one extreme to another, chastising herself for being stupid one second, and sincerely wondering if something was going to happen the next.

But nothing seemed to happen.

At least, superficially.

A couple of weeks later, she woke up from another intense sexual dream, having tossed and turned all night, only to find herself still highly wired the next day at school despite the lack of sleep.

It wasn't until she noticed Kai's heavy sighs and fidgeting behavior that she realized it was the full moon. At first, she wondered if she was truly just imagining it, thinking it might be her subconscious mind playing tricks on her, but the rest of her Junior and Senior years continued like that, even during the summer when Kai wasn't on her mind nonstop.

She always knew when it was the full moon, without even checking a calendar, and she knew without a doubt she was going to wake up from an intense sexual dream every single time, one in which her mom and Kai always seemed to be the main stars.

It sincerely happened every time, without fail, even if she went to sleep fantasizing about it being her with Kai.

The dream always took on a mind of its own.

Since she had his number, she'd thought repeatedly about sending him a message about the situation, but had no idea what she'd say, not feeling confident enough to plainly state that she knew he was different and was okay with it.

Or to tell him that he might have made her a little different too...

If anything, she was afraid he'd just disappear if she said that.

Or think she was truly crazy, and a bit of a stalker.

But, by the end of her Senior year, she had grown accustomed to his standoffish behavior, feeling close to him every day when they sat at lunch, as if they shared a secret, even though they were no closer to actually being friends. But still, she felt like maybe things would be different when they graduated.

Liberated from the daily grind of attending classes, and the peer-related issues of attending high school, Avery hoped that maybe she could try to connect with him outside of school, planning on being a bit more assertive about it, since the alternative of never seeing him again wasn't acceptable.

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