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Innocent Girl Gets Gang Fucked


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"Fuck... Jack.... I'm gonna cum!!" I told him.


That last spank sent me over the edge.

"FFUUUCCKK!!!" I moaned loudly and I felt my pussy exploding around his cock in an amazing fucking orgasm.

"Fuuckk yess!!" Jack moaned and I felt him cumming inside of me.

I kept spasming around his cock as he filled my pussy yet again with his cum. It took a few minutes for us to both come down from our orgasms.

Like last night, he went to get me some tissue and I cleaned myself up.

"I erm... should probably get home." I said to him, suddenly panicking that my mum and dad wouldn't like that I stayed out.

"Oh yeah, do you want me to drive you home?" He asked me.

"No it's okay, I'll tell them I stayed at a friends." I said to him.

"Oh, right." He said with a bit of a disappointed look on his face and suddenly I felt a little guilty.

"Not like that!" I told him and grabbed his hand, "They know it was our first date, don't want them thinking their daughter just sleeps around."

"That makes sense." He replied with a smile.

Then as if all my nerves came to the surface, I looked to the ground and whispered to him.

"Do you... want to meet up again?" I asked, fearing that I was just another person for him to have sex with and now he wouldn't want to meet again.

"Definitely." He told me and my eyes lit up.

I gave him another kiss, put on my clothes and got a taxi back home.

In the taxi back I thought it was best to call my mum and dad so they weren't worrying about me.

"Hi mum." I said, knowing she would be the easier one to speak to.

"Hey, where have you been?" She asked me, she didn't sound too annoyed, but probably not happy that I didn't call last night.

"Sorry, I just stayed at Stacey's. I'm on my way back now." I told her.

"Oh, okay," He said, "How did the date go?"

"Yeah, great. Hopefully will meet up again soon." I told her.

"Great, I'll see you soon. Love you." She said.

"Love you too." I replied and put the phone down.

Phew, I got away with it. I thought.

When I got home I went to my room to update my social media account. When I started as a personal trainer I started this page to help build up my clientele. I also did online work outs that people paid for.

One of the things I very quickly realised when I started this page was that at least half of the people that followed me or liked my photo's / videos were men. Not men that were looking to work out, but men perving on me.

I didn't have a problem with it, in fact I actually liked it. Knowing that men found me attractive, I also loved my body so I was happy taking slightly revealing photo's like ones in bikini's and posting them. They definitely got the most views. In the last year I had got my profile to have nearly 50,000 followers so I was thought I was getting quite good.

What I realised when I logged back on was that Jack had found it and liked a lot of my photo's, mainly the more revealing ones!

After that I went to the gym for a work out, I wore light blue gym leggings and a sports bra and recorded a lot of it to put on my page later.

When I did I set the thumbnail as a close up of my arse which looked great in these leggings. Straight away it had a lot of views and likes. I don't know, knowing so many men were looking at me gave me a strange satisfaction.

That night I got into bed and actually called my friend Stacey, she had been texting me all day asking about my date so I thought I might as well tell her.

"No way!" She shouted down the phone when I told her I stayed at his.

"Yes way! I didn't get home until this morning!" I told her and burst out laughing.

"So? How was it?" She asked.

"Amazing!" I told her, "We did it again in the morning."

"Oh my god, you little slut!" She joked with me.

"Oh yeah, that's me." I said back to her.

"Are you going to see him again?" She asked.

"I hope so," I admitted, "Don't get me wrong, the sex was amazing! But we got on really well, he could be boyfriend material." I told her.

"You soppy bitch." Stacey joked, she was like me, a hot personal trainer with not much of a sex life, but she was my best friend.

"So go on, tell me about it, give me all the details." She egged me on.

I proceeded to tell her pretty much everything that happened, about him choking me, pulling my hair and spanking me.

"And you liked that?" She asked, not judging, more curious.

"You know what, I loved it! I couldn't believe it. He definitely knows what he's doing." I told her.

"Well maybe I need to try that next time." She joked.

"Oh yeah, you're more of a virgin than me!" I laughed.

"Shut up you," She shouted down the phone, "Right I'm getting going, I'll see you tomorrow."

With that we hung up and I lay back in my bed.

I couldn't get the thoughts of my time with Jack out of my head. I very quickly found myself turned on remembering everything he did to me.

My parents were in the other room so I couldn't use my vibrator, instead I put my hand in my pyjama shorts and started to rub my clit.

As soon as I imagined Jack choking me as he fucked me I started to let out heavy breaths. I had to bite my tongue to stop from moaning too loud.

I imagined Jack pulling my hair back and fucking me from behind, grabbing my arse and spanking me.

It only took me a few minutes until I made myself cum fantasising about him.

After that, I managed to fall asleep easy.


The rest of the week Jack and I were texting all the time. We had agreed to meet up Saturday night and I was so excited to see him! Not just because he has woken up some sexual side of me, but because I really enjoyed spending time with him.

We were going to one of his mates house parties. I wore thigh high black tights, a short black skirt and a tucked in baggy t-shirt. It didn't show of my boobs as much as I normally do but it made my legs and arse look great.

He came to pick me up and I hopped into his car and kissed his cheek.

"You look amazing!" I told me, which I liked because I spent about two hours getting ready.

"Thank you, you too." I said back to him. He was in black, ripped jeans and a well fit t-shirt.

We got to the party and I was really happy when he held my hand to walk in. I was introduced to a few of his mates, they all seemed really nice. Proper lads, lads but they were funny. A lot of them were pretty cute to be fair, a very good looking group of mates.

There were not many women at the party which I thought was weird. Also I noticed there seemed to be a group of men talking to each girl.

Jack wasn't drinking because he was driving, so I decided to have a sober night as well.

We started off just sitting and chatting, I spoke to a lot of his mates and they all made me feel so welcome and like I was part of their friendship group. After a short while of having Jack's hand resting on my thigh I started to think about that night with him and I found myself getting turned on.

Wanting to show myself as confident I got up and sat on his lap, wrapped my arms around him and leaned in for a kiss.

I opened my mouth and pushed my tongue into his as he grabbed my thigh and arse. I didn't really care that people could see up doing this, I was just lost in the moment of making out with him.

This went on for a while, I was getting really turned on and part of me was thinking of taking him to the bathroom to fuck, but I wasn't that sort of girl.

We got up and went into the middle of the massive living room where everyone was dancing. I don't know what had gotten into me but I was properly grinding myself onto Jack. I could feel his hard cock pressing against me and I loved that I was turning him on so much.

I turned around and started to make out with him again, pushing myself into him to feel his cock on my stomach.

The party was busy so I thought we could've gotten lost in the crowd as we made out.

After that I was a horny mess, every now and again I would reach down and grab his cock, feeling him rock hard in his jeans and he would just smile back at me.

We carried on dancing there for a while, that was when I started to feel other people start to grab my arse and feel me up.

I didn't mind, if anything it actually turned me on knowing these men wanted me. I looked up at Jack and he just smiled back at me, clearly not bothered that his mates are feeling me up. So, I let it happen.

We kept dancing and I kept feeling different pairs of hands grabbing my arse.

I turned back to Jack and leaned in to make out with him, feeling like a completely horny mess. Then I felt a pair of hands go up my skirt and grab onto my bare arse cheeks.

I let out a moan into Jack's mouth, knowing full well it wasn't his hands because he had one hand on my face and another on my tit.

The stranger who was grabbing my arse suddenly moved, then I felt his body pressing up behind me. I was suddenly sandwiched between Jack and someone I couldn't see. Although, I could feel both of their hard cocks pressing at my front and back.

Ooohhh god, Lola what are you doing?! I thought as I allowed both these men grind themselves on me.

I stopped kissing Jack and jet let out a moan when I felt someone grabbing my tits. I was too horny and letting this get out of hand, but I couldn't stop it.

"Oooohhh!" I moaned loudly when I felt a hand move up my skirt, pull my thong to one side and a finger was pushed deep into my wet pussy.

I don't know what turned me on more, that I was getting fingered so publicly, or that I didn't know who was fingering me.

I rested my head onto Jack's chest and just allowed this finger to pump in and out of me. At the same time someone untucked my t-shirt from my skirt and their hands went up to grab my tits from over my bra.

"Fuck!" I panted into Jack's chest when a second finger went inside of me.

I felt myself being slightly bent over, my arse was sticking out a little and whoever's fingers it was, was properly pumping in and out of me now.

I opened my eyes to see the room full of guys, a few were watching and a few were just going about their business. It seemed all of the women had disappeared.

"Take my cock out." I heard Jack whisper to me.

I looked up at him, my mouth letting out quiet moans, I just stared into his beautiful blue eyes and he gave me a dominant nod.

I was so horny I didn't care. I didn't care that I was acting like such a slut, that I was doing something I never imagined. I reached my hand into his jeans and grabbed hold of his rock hard cock. He was already leaking precum cum as I stroked my hand up and down his shaft.

Then, suddenly, the fingers left my pussy and my skirt was pulled up over my waist and my black thong was pulled down to my ankles. I didn't even think when I stepped out of them, even though I knew I was now completely exposed in this room full of men.

Whoever was stood behind me kicked my ankles lightly and I spread them a little wider. I just closed my eyes and focused on wanking Jack's cock.

Then I felt his fingers go back into my needy pussy.

"Fuck!" I moaned out again as he was quickly finger fucking me.

"Do you like that?" Jack asked me and I looked up at him as I moaned.

I couldn't speak, I felt embarrassed by how much pleasure I was getting from this so I just nodded at him.

"Good girl." He whispered and leant down and shoved his tongue in my mouth.

"Mmmm!" I moaned as I made out with him.


Someone slapped my firm, curvy arse. I didn't even know if it was the man fingering me because his fingers never left my pussy.

Someone was grabbing my arse cheeks and pulling them apart, exposing my holes even more.

I watched as Jack undid his jeans and pulled them down, letting out his big cock that I never let go off. That was until he grabbed my head and pushed me down.

I was now properly bent over, holding onto Jack's hips for support as I was getting fingered from behind. My face was just inches away from Jack's big, hard cock and I could see him precum pouring out.

"Suck it." He ordered.

Oh fuck, should I? I thought.

My mouth watered from just looking at it and my pussy was starting to clench around the fingers inside of me.

FUCK IT! I thought.

In front of a room full of men, I opened my mouth and wrapped my lips around Jack's big, thick cock.

"Mmmm." I moaned as I quickly started to bob up and down his cock. Giving him a sloppy blowjob.

It was weird, it was like I wanted to prove to everyone watching that I could give a good blowjob.

It was hard at this angle to give him a proper blowjob, as I just held his hips and bobbed my head forward and backwards. However, the fingering made me moan more and more around his cock and made his body vibrate.

"You sure have brought us a hot one this time Jack." I heard one guy say, I tried to look up but I couldn't see much from this angle. Instead I just kept swirling my tongue around Jack's cock and taking him down my throat.

"Did you get to try that arse out?" Another voice asked.

"Not yet." Jack replied and my eyes shot wide with fear of what was going to happen this night.

"Mate," Another man shouted, "I've been staring at that arse for months on her social media, I need to have a go in that arsehole."

I started to panic a little, realising that these men all thought that I was not only going to let them all fuck me, but that they can do anal with me. Something I had no interest in.

I pulled back to speak but Jack gripped onto my hair and held me down.

"Glllggg.." I groaned around his cock when he thrusted into me and make me chock with his dick.

Then, the fingers in my pussy left and without any warning a finger was pushed knuckle deep in my definitely untouched arsehole!

"GGLLLLLGGGG!!" I moaned in surprise to my arsehole being filled, I felt like it was being stretched around this finger.

"Oh yeah, her arsehole is so tight." One man, presumably the one fingering my arsehole, said.

"From the photo's she takes I assumed she was just a massive whore." One man said.

"You would think that, but she told me she's only fucked one guy, once before." I heard Jack tell them. I felt a little betrayed hearing him tell them that, but at the same time I felt my pussy gush, realising that I was in for one hell of a night.

As my arsehole was getting fingered, more fingers were pushed into my wet pussy and I let out a loud moan around Jack's cock.

I was being held up as he fucked my throat deeper and deeper, I started to feel his balls hitting my chin and I knew I was deep throating his cock.

Spit started to fall down my chin as he fucked me, I felt like my throat was wrapping around his thick shaft. Whilst at the same time both of my holes were getting finger fucked faster and faster. To be honest the finger in my arsehole seemed to enhance the pleasure I was getting.

I started to moan uncontrollably around Jack's cock as I was fingered harder and harder.

"Get that top off, I need to see those tits." One man shouted.

Jack then let go of my hair and pulled his cock from my mouth, a pile of spit fell down my chin and onto the floor. He just put a finger on my chin and made me look up at him.

"You know that we're all about to fuck you right?" He said to me with a huge grin.

Oh god, is this really happening? I thought, This isn't me, is it? But I'm so horny!

I looked at him with my mouth wide open and covered in spit.

"Y-yes." I stuttered back to him and sealed my fate, I was about to get gang banged and I just willingly agreed.

"Good girl." He said to me.

Then he grabbed my shirt and roughly pulled it over my head, my bra was quickly undone and fell to the ground and suddenly I was completely naked in this room filled with men. I felt a little self conscious, however I could see a few of them pretty much drooling over me and that just turned me on more.

"Fucking great tits!" One man said and I felt someone roughly grab onto them and twist my nipples.

"Fuuuckk!" I moaned out form the pure pleasure I was receiving by being treated like this.

"Right," One man behind me said, "I need to try out this slut's cunt."

"Fair enough." I heard Jack say, then he grabbed my head again and shoved his cock back into my mouth.

I felt the fingers leave my arsehole and my pussy, there was some movement and suddenly I felt a very big, very hard cock thrust deep inside of me.

"MMMMMMMM!!" I moaned around Jack's cock as I suddenly found myself having two cocks in me.

Never in a million years did I think I would ever do something like this, but I would be lying if I said I didn't love it!

My legs were spread wide as I was held bent over, the man behind me wasted no time with fucking me as hard as possible. Each thrust pushed me forward and forced me to take Jack's cock deeper down my throat.

I could hear some of the guys chanting and laughing, I heard them calling me names like "Slut" or "whore". But right now, I was a slut, and I was going to enjoy it!

The big cock in my pussy kept hammering into me, I could feel his balls slap against my skin with every thrust and I felt me clenching around his dick.

"Mmmm! Mmmm! MMMMM!" I moaned over and over around Jack's cock as I was taking it from both ends.

The man behind me gripped onto my hips hard and fucked me harder.

"Fuuuuckk!!" I heard him grunt and I felt the first shot of cum for the night directly in my pussy.

It was overwhelming, I was on the verge of cumming but he pulled his cock out just before I managed to finished. I could just feel his cum leaking out of me and when he let me go I accidentally fell to the ground.

When I got back up to my knees I got my first view of all the men in the room. I couldn't even count how many were in there, at least 20. All of them eying me up like a piece of meat and I knew by the end of the night I will have gotten fucked by any of them. Strange thing though, I wasn't scared.

"Who's next?" I said looking up at them from the ground and they burst out into laughter.

"Fucking hell Jack," One guy said and tapped his back, "This has got to be the best and hottest slut you've ever brought us!"

At first this hurt me, knowing he had done this before, however it made me just want to prove myself even more. Be the biggest slut they've ever had!

Before I knew it, I felt a hand harshly push on my back and I landed on my hands with my arse in the air.

"Come here you fucking slut." A man said behind me.

I barely had enough time to turn around and see a good looking man behind me before I felt another cock go deep into my cum filled pussy.

"Fuuuucckk!" I moaned and arched my back as he went balls deep inside of me.

He was grabbing my curvy arse as he fucked me and I was letting out uncontrollable moans of pure pleasure.

"Fuck yeess!!" I screamed out when he grabbed my long blonde hair and yanked my head back.

"Someone shove a cock in this whore's mouth!" Someone said.

Then a big, hard cock appeared in front of my face. I didn't care that I was being a slut, I happily opened my mouth and wrapped my lips around his cock.

I bobbed up and down on his dick like the slag I was being as the man behind me fucked me hard.

"Bounce back on me slut!" The man said behind me and slapped my arse hard.

I started to push back on his cock, fucking myself in this room full of men. When I bounced forward I took the cock in my mouth further down my throat and made myself gag over and over.

I could feel my spit dripping down my chin and I thought that my make up must look like such a mess.

"Gllg...glllgg....glllgg...!" I gagged over and over as I fucked myself on both of these cocks.


The man behind me kept slapping my arse, making them burn and sting but it just enhanced my pure pleasure.

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