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Inopportune Moment

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Such a clever plan.
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This story has the idea of cuckold in it, so if that outrages you, go ahead and be outraged.

Just trying for a different point of view here, having fun writing.


The door opened suddenly and this guy stood there. One glance and the man came right to a stop.

Big guy, crew cut, square jaw, he looked like he had stepped right out of a Shell Scott novel.

From the expression on his face, the sight greeting him did not please him. That is what I thought, anyway.


At that very moment I was on my back on the massage table, Kelly had one hand wrapped around my less than spectacular erection, the other resting on my pubic hair cradling my balls.

It probably didn't help the scenario any that both of her tits were out, nice and shiny with the oil I had been rubbing on them.

At least he didn't catch me with my hand up her skirt, where it had been just seconds before.

Kelly froze. Jack froze. I froze too.

Several long very pregnant seconds passed. Hell, I am no coward, not really but when a man is stark naked and suddenly confronted like that?

I might have jumped up, maybe tried to get the big massage table between me and this guy, but Kelly still had her hand wrapped around my dick.

"Jack? Oh, God. JACK!!" Kelly finally cried out as she let go of me but it was to the closing door.

Fucked up my climax, that did.


I am sure that part of the problem is that it was a Wednesday, normally I was there on Tuesday. Things had gone all to hell at work that day, I got tied up, so I called Kelly on her cell phone to cancel.

"I have an opening tomorrow at 4, Barry? Will that work?" She asked. It did.

Yes, part of the problem.

I had earlier noticed the desk in the corner of her spare room, papers everywhere, and Kelly mentioned in passing once that her husband shared the room, selling online. I had no idea at all what the guy sold, but there were those priority mailing boxes stacked up against one wall, and lots of them.

I also had seen her old man Jack several times, but always just coming and going. His wife Kelly worked out of that same spare room, doing massages, so he made himself scarce when she had a client.


Like many guys, I like getting my stuff rubbed and most gals doing massages in today's world just won't. Ethics, laws, blue nosed politicians to my way of thinking but that is the way it is.

Hell, a lot of them won't even rub my chest or my belly, afraid of getting the client turned on I guess? That is stupid, what's the point of getting rubbed by some good looking female if we DON'T get turned on?

My way of thinking, of course. But then, from the government point of view, I suppose I am a pervert. Just think, trying to get the dick and balls rubbed for...MONEY? How TERRIBLE!

(Buy them a nice coat instead, then it's fine..)



Being a single guy and thus always looking, I have a neat trick, and it works very well. After a session, if I like the massuese, I leave a $20 bill on the table. Ask for nothing at all. In short order, they feel a need to pay you back. Next thing I notice is the sessions get a bit longer, the behind gets rubbed in more depth?


One thing I happen to know about women is they like sex too, and they are just as curious as men are.

If you ever want to find out about females, go to a male strip show. find someplace to hide and watch. Women are just as naughty as men are, often more so.

So, after about the 3rd session, I noticed Kelly was wearing a pullover top instead of her nurse's smock. She also bumped my balls a couple of times. I let out a happy groan and that was it.

It ended up costing me $100, hell, I would have paid her the $100 right off the bat but that probably would not have worked.

It's a trick, I know, basically I just let them seduce themselves. Laugh all you like, that outside facade of being completely sexless is a well trained act.

Good girls just don't Mommy teaches them that from the time they are little. But the truth is, they want to.

So, get her someplace where she feels safe and is sure no one will ever find out and watch what happens.

Of course my rather obvious full blown erection I got every time had her thinking. No way to miss that at all. I knew she would sometimes be thinking about that when she was fixing her husband's dinner, or washing his dirty socks, his crap stained underwear. Plus the nice tip each time?

Women daydream, they are romantic creatures. Understanding them is the key. Get them nice and comfortable, safe, and thinking they owe you something?

Now just how does a woman pay a nice man back, when he is lying there on her table with an obvious boner?

So, there came a point where Kelly was letting her hands wander more and more, then instinct set in and her hand slid down and nudged my erection.

She froze for a moment.

That exact instant I was waiting for.

"You are so wonderful!" I told her, and that was it. Off to the races, her hands all over everything. She actually climaxed, honest to God, from me ejaculating in her hand.

The next week she had on a tank top, no bra, she wanted her titties rubbed of course.

I did too, of course. If a woman has her hand on your cock, usually this means her titties are available to play with in return.

Kelly drew the line at letting my fingers into her panties but she did let me rub her outside of them. That part was easy to figure out, her normal slacks she wore under a smock became a soft skirt and top.

This went on for perhaps 3-4 weeks, every Tuesday afternoon, until that day.

Kelly always hung an "in session" sign, that afternoon she forgot it, maybe because I was hugging her the moment I arrived.

We were getting more and more friendly, I was thinking we were not too far from me getting her right up on the table with me.

Not nice, what with her being married and all, but what the hell? Nice guys get to go home alone most of the time, and Kelly really was a foxy little thing.

So, it was just a series of events, those lined up to Jack coming home not expecting Kelly to be "working" and he opened the door to what was also his office.


The change in Kelly was complete and almost instant, she wanted me out of there so she could go find her husband and do whatever it is that wives do when they are caught cold.

Me? I wanted to beat feet myself, dealing with pissed off husbands is not something I relish. But hell, I never make anybody do anything, I just allow things to happen, not my fault if they do.

I made it to my car without seeing anyone at all and headed on home. My next appointment was the following Tuesday at 4 PM, I was thinking that was probably out the window, considering.

Crew cut guy Jack did not appear to be pleased at the scene he had opened the door to. Like I said, I am no coward but I also could see no real point in getting any hide scraped off.

Which meant I had to find myself another massage lady, not an easy thing to do. Then go through the whole routine again, with the odds of success even if I did find one I liked at probably 50-50.

Damn pain in the ass, let me tell you.

I spent the weekend scanning the yellow pages, looking at all of the little free advertisers I gathered up at the local convenience stores.

Things were not looking good. The only other one I knew that would even do a happy ending without driving all the way to the big city was an old lady over on the other side of town and she grabbed it, jerked it and wanted you out the door.

Of course, none of YOU guys would EVER go to someone like that, of course you wouldn't.

Uh huh.


A couple of weeks went by, no success. I did try one lady, it was so obvious I was not going to get anywhere with her no matter what, that I didn't even leave the tip.

Then one day I was headed for my car out in the parking lot.

"Hey, bud?" I heard a male voice behind me.

I glanced back, yep. Crew cut guy.

Oh, shit! I guess I looked all tensed up, he spotted that and told me to relax, he just wanted to talk.

So warily, I stopped and listened.

He told me that he and his wife Kelly had a long serious talk, he had no clue that she did things like that with her clients.

Then he asked me how far things had gone, since Kelly had insisted that all it was, was a hand job.

I told him that was all it was, and that I didn't want to cause any problems between them or anything like that. I didn't bring up the fact that her tits were out and I was playing with them and he didn't either although he sure as hell knew that.

He actually turned out to be kind of a mellow acting dude, considering that he looked a bit physical. What is the proper word? Meek, maybe?

Was I misreading his reaction to catching us? I wasn't positive.

"OK. I just wanted to know for sure, is all." He said.

"It's the truth." I told him.

Our conversation ended when I explained that all it was, was a business relationship, nothing more.

He held out his hand, honest to God. I shook it and went on home.

Think about that one a minute. The guy catches his wife jacking me off, her tits out in view and he shakes my hand?

At least I didn't need to look over my shoulder any more, so that much was settled.


Unless he had plans for me and was trying to get me off gaurd? That thought did cross my mind.

OK, so I was still a bit paranoid.

But I went back to trying to find me a new gal.


So imagine my surprise when I got a call at work one Tuesday morning perhaps two weeks later, and it was Kelly on the line?

"I was just checking to see if you would like to come over tonight?" Her soft voice asked.

"I...Well...Sure, I guess. What about...?"

"Jack? We had a long talk. He wasn't real happy at first but I explained, and that you were the only one. That seemed to calm him down. He finally told me as long as I was careful then some things were OK."

"Really?" I asked. That was a surprise. I had been thinking along the lines of hoping I could outrun that Jack guy if I ever saw him again. He had acted like he wasn't overly pissed off at me but still?

Big dude, one never knows.

"Really!" Kelly giggled.

"Ok. But I don't want any trouble." I told her.

"There won't be. Jack knows he has to leave, and I will remember to lock the door."

"OK. See you at four." I told her.


I admit I did look around carefully when I arrived, there was no sign of anyone.

Kelly answered at my knock, she had on a pair of shorts and a halter type top. She did look really nice.

In the room, I was stretched out on the table, big soft towel over my ass like always. Kelly came in and shut the door. Usually it's a just a few seconds and she starts at my shoulders, but this time I heard some rustling.

Then she hopped up on the table, straddling me?

I managed to turn enough to catch a glimpse, and I saw nothing but skin. Then bare breasts were rubbing up and down my back.

When she got high enough that I could manage to reach her behind, I felt for her. There was no doubt, it was bare skin everywhere.

"Are you naked?" I asked.

"Uh huh!" She giggled.


Now that was one fine time, when a very attractive female is massaging you with her breasts, her pussy, her thighs, everything, all over?

Yeah. Fine time.

When she had me roll over onto my back, she slid her hips up to where I could reach her with my tongue. I had felt her vagina through her underwear but this was the first time I got to see it bare. The soft downy brownish hairs didn't hide much.

Some women are just a sweet curve, some have bits protruding, then there are those like Kelly with fat rubbery lips that swell up and become beautiful when they are excited. I had my tongue right in there for quite a long time.

When the time came for us to join, she did all of the work, and her own orgasm began almost instantly. She had both hands flat on my chest, her knees outward as she pressed herself up and down, her bare breasts making a delightful bounce.

At one point I was on top, then later from behind, we even ended up over on a nearby couch which was fake leather, Kelly let out a squeak from it being cold but then we were right back to it.

It was very close to 6:30 before we were finally satiated, and it was probably the very best act of sex in my life.

Some women do know how to fuck, and then there are those like Kelly, who REALLY know how to fuck!

I did realize that 2 1/2 hours was not an ordinary massage session time though.

"We are running pretty late, what about...Jack?" I asked her as we dressed.

"I told him, so he knows. It's OK. He seemed the idea?" Kelly answered.

I thought about that for a moment, then shrugged.

I reached for my money clip, looked at Kelly.

"Should I...uhh..I mean...?"

"Don't you dare!" Her expression changed for a moment.

"I guess I don't get it." I told her.

"Be here at 4 next Tuesday, OK?" She hugged me and then kissed me.

So? That is the way it is, I have to say I can't offer any protests. Pretty good deal here.

And Jack? Kelly's husband? I guess I have heard of guys like him, and I also am not sure what their relationship is like after I head home.

And I also don't want to know.

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jimjam69jimjam69almost 4 years ago

I think he has a standing appointment every Thursday. If he doesn't want it, I'll take it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I liked it, actually. Hey, everyone is on board with it, so why not?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

How do you spell SHIT story.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 9 years ago
Enjoyed it

i agree with a previous comment; I don't know how I feel about this one. Very interesting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Pretty odd story. No, I don't read introductions.

If its not important enough to include in the story, then its not important. Apologies and explanations are for your mother, your wife, or your girl friend. Your story is either good or bad, regardless of the caveats, conditions, justifications, etc.

Your story is too simple and pathetic to be interesting. Plot: masseuse decides to fuck a customer after gradual sexual lead up, with husbands permission. No drama, no emotion, no story. What is husbands thinking? What is wife's thinking? Why are they married, and why is she seeking sex outside her marriage? Why is she not worried about STD, or pregnancy. Why isn't he worried about STD, or a paternity suit? Or being ambushed into a fake rape claim? Just a short vignette about two people who decide to fuck, with her husbands OK, we are told. Who really knows? More importantly, based on how the story is structured and told, who really cares?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Just for good measure he would of been dragged out of my house a beaten man and my wife would of followed with her stuff in tow. Divorce a definite no need to be married to a cheating pig. No btb but she needs to go , no reason for anyone to stay married to a person you can't trust.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
a waste of time

But you warned us so I've only myself to blame.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Enjoyed it.

Maybe not one of your best, but a good short erotic read anyway. To be erotic, a story doesn't have to be overly vulgar.

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