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Young lawyer's job depends on pretty blonde wife.
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John was so deep in thought that he almost ran a traffic light on the way to work. Today he was to have a six-month evaluation meeting with his boss. Although he didn't think he had anything to worry about it still bothered him that he could go one of two ways after today. If his boss liked his work then he would be fixed for years to come. If he didn't he would be out on the street looking for a job. It was enough to cause him to lose sleep.

John was right out of law school and recently married to Gail, his high school sweetheart. He was also buried in student loans he had to borrow to finish law school even though Gail had worked to help him through school. He wasn't the brightest in his class but he did make decent grades. The job offers weren't just pouring in and he was lucky to finally get a call from a law firm in Alabama.

He and Gail were invited down for an interview. He thought it was strange that they insisted that Gail come with him on the interview. He sure wasn't going to complain, he needed the job badly.

He had looked them up on the Internet and found that it was a black owned firm but most of the lawyers were white. It wasn't the type firm he had hoped to hook up with but it was his best shot at landing a job.

The owner of the firm interviewed him personally. Martin, he asked to be called by his first name, was very friendly and made both John and Gail feel very welcome.

He was in his forties but didn't look nearly that old. His head was slick as an onion and his skin was coal black. It was easy to tell that he worked out regularly at the gym on the upper floor. His eyes were as black as the rest of him and they seem to look right through you. He made Gail nervous when they first met. He pulled the tiny blond to him and hugged her like long lost friends.

John felt uneasy when he hugged Gail but it quickly passed when he turned to him with a big smile and firm handshake.

Martin pulled out John's application and a folder he had on him. He had done his homework. He knew as much about John as there was to know.

"Lets see? Just graduated, middle of the class, Married to childhood sweetheart, and deep in debt. Does that sound about right?"

John could only nod. He could feel his last chance going down the drain. He quickly perked up when Martin continued to speak.

"I believe in giving a young lawyer a chance to prove what he can do. I have six lawyers working for the firm now. I have added one each year for the last six years. I have hired others but they didn't turn out. I believe in the firm being like a family. We are all in this together. You don't make it, it cost all of us."

"We work together and we party together. We also share the financial rewards together. Over there on the wall is a company picture of the others and their wives."

Gail and John moved over to see the picture he was speaking of. Five of the six lawyers were white the other was a black man. Beside each man was his wife. The five white men's wives were all small beautiful blonds, a slightly older group than Gail but just as beautiful. The black wife was a light skinned beauty that caught John's eye at once. The final couple in the picture was Martin and another beautiful black lady.

Martin spoke up. "You can see that we are one big happy family." He was looking at Gail when he said, "You could be another beautiful addition to the group."

In spite of their misgivings they left that afternoon with John a new job. He had a six figure salary, double what he had even hope for to start. Some partners in other firms didn't make this kind of salary.

All doubts aside by the time they reached home they were more than happy to have the job. John was even happier than Gail to have the opportunity. Her misgiving came when one of the lawyers took John to show him around the offices and introduced him to the others.

When he left the room Martin motioned for her to join him. He stood before the picture on the wall. Gail moved up beside him. As if he had known her for years instead of just a couple of hours he laid his arm across her shoulders. The weight of his arm pulled her closer to him until she was against his side. His hand was caressing her bare arm.

He spoke, "You see the wives in these pictures? They all have two things in common. One, they are all beautiful. Two, they will do anything to help their husbands succeed at his job. In return they drive the newest cars, live in the nicest houses, and have plenty of money to throw around. I should have said three things. Three, they love the life they live. I hope I can count on you being just as helpful as they are."

Gail could feel the heat from his body where she was touching him. His hand had not stopped moving over her bare arm and it cause her to have a funny feeling deep in the pit of her stomach.

She had been a virgin when they married as well as John. Sex was now very good for both of them. It hadn't started out that way but the year they had been married practice had really improved their sex life. She couldn't help but feel that Martin wasn't telling her the complete story. His very masculinity was having an effect on her that had never happened to her before. It didn't help any that when John and her left his office He shook John's hands and gave her another huge hug that lasted slightly longer than she thought appropriate.

John hated to go into Martin's office. The meeting was scheduled just before quitting time so he had all day to worry about it. He set at his desk and thought about the last six months. He couldn't think of anything that he had done that might cause him to lose his job.

He had grown accustom to the nice salary. The loans were up to date and if he was hired permanently he could have them paid off in a year. Then he and Gail would be on easy street.

He and Gail like being around the others. There was a party at one or the others homes nearly every weekend. Nothing was ever said to them but he and Gail felt like the party really started when they called it a night. All the men were more than a little touchy with the other wives. He didn't see any of the other husbands or the wives either object. He would have liked to ask one of the other lawyers what was going on but he didn't feel that close to any of them yet.

At 3:00 he knocked on Martin's door. All the others had gone home. Martin called out for him to come on in. "Shut the door behind you." He motioned John to a chair in front of his desk.

"John, your six months are up. It is time to make a decision that will fix you for life or put you out looking for work. Your work here has been quite satisfactory so I guess it is your decision to stay or go."

John couldn't believe it had been this easy. "Of course I want to stay!"

Martin spoke up again. "Don't be to hasty. If you stay there will be a lot of changes."

John looked strange, "What kind of changes?"

"John, there is no need to beat around the bush. If you want to stay employed here I want to sleep with Gail."


"You heard me, I want to fuck your wife."

John was out of his seat at once. "You have to be out of your mind!" He headed for the door.

Martin's voice stopped him. "John! If you go out that door you can keep on going. Why don't you come back and have a seat and think about this a moment?"

"I don't have to think about it. No way would Gail ever do this even if I would let her."

"John, look at that picture on the wall of the firm. Every body in that picture fucks around. Do you see any of them that doesn't look pleased with the life they are living?"

John looked again at the pictured he had seen before. "All of them?"

"Every single one of them; wives and husbands, even Nina," Martin's wife.

John fell back in the chair. "Have you been planning this all the time?"

"From the first interview. It has been hard to wait. Your wife is such a sexy woman. I can't wait to get between her legs."

"That will never happen. I am the only man she has ever been with. She would never do it with you."

"Why? Because I am black?"

John didn't want to answer him but that was the main reason. Back home She had never been involved with blacks at all. She had told John how nervous she felt when Martin would touch her.

"Don't you worry about that? I have a way with little blonds."

"I could never ask Gail to do this. What would she think of me if I went home and told her she had to fuck all the men in the office?"

"I understand the problem you have. You are not the first one that couldn't face his wife and ask her to fuck the boss."

"I don't know. I need time to think about this and talk to Gail."

"What are you going to talk to her about? You don't have the nerve to mention it to her. No, you have to make that decision right now. When you go out that door you will either have a job or start looking."

"What if I agree but Gail won't go through with it?"

"You just leave that up to me. All you have to do is stay out of my way. If she never gives in then you still have the job."

John was so sure that Gail wouldn't give in that it was easier for him to agree to give Martin the opportunity with Gail. "I need this job. Gail and I need this job. You will come up empty."

"That is a chance I feel is worth taking. Welcome to the firm full time. Oh, don't forget, there are seven other wives that would like to help you get over Gail."

John stood to go. "I'll see you in the morning. When are you going to talk to Gail?"

"I'm not going to talk to her at all. I am going to fuck her. You are not to go home tonight. I will go tell Gail that you had to go out of town over night and didn't have time to call her."

"Where am I to spend the night?"

"Nina is expecting you. She wants you as much as I want Gail. Just go on over to my house for the night. I can guaranty you that you want be sleeping alone."

They left the office together. John turned towards Martins house and Martin headed to Gail's. John watched the rear of Martin's car until it was out of sight. He was tempted to turn around and go home to Gail and start packing. He thought about the beautiful black woman that waited on the other side of town. It couldn't be all bad if he got to fuck her. He gave the car gas and tried not to think about Martin and Gail. He hoped she would say no.

Gail wouldn't be the first white wife Martin had to convince to have sex with him. He like fucking the young blond wives of his workers. He was big in a lot of places that really counted. Once he had them in bed it was easy to convince them to joint the rest of the group. Of course that would be after he had all he wanted from them before letting the other men have her. With Gail he thought it was going to take a long time before he grew tired of her. He liked them young and inonse

The doorbell rang as Gail was getting the dinner out of the oven. She had cooked a special dinner for John. She just knew that he was going to keep his job. It was time for John to be home and she wondered who could be at the door.

She looked sharp as she went to answer the door. A new dress that hugged her sexy figure only came about four inches above the knees with a slit in the side that reached almost to her thigh. The top was low cut and she couldn't wear a bra with it. She knew she looked good and wanted to please John. Just a little leaning either way and he would get a look at a lot of tit.

Gail opened the door to see Martin standing on the porch. "Martin! What a surprise. John hasn't got home yet; he should be here in a moment. Want you come on in and wait for him?"

Martin walked through the door and shut it behind him. He looked at Gail and the new dress. He could feel his cock getting hard just thinking of stripping the dress from her. "Wow, you sure look good in that dress. John is a lucky man."

Gail blushed. She would never have worn the dress if she had thought anyone else might come by. All she could say was thank you. Still she liked the look in his eyes that said she really did look sharp in the dress. Like all women she felt flattered by his attention. The feeling came deep in her stomach each time she was around this black man.

"Come on back into the kitchen while I get dinner on the table. John should be here by then."

He followed her into the kitchen. He watched each move of her sexy ass as she moved in front of him. He was going to enjoy fucking this sexy white wife. "That is why I came by. I had to send John out of town at the last minute. I told him I would stop by and let you know. The client was in a hurry and he didn't have time to call."

Gail couldn't hide her disappointment. Then it occurred to her that if he was sent out of town then he must have got the job. "He got the job then?"

"Yes, at least it is up to you."

"Why me? I sure wanted him to get the job."

"I explained to John that some major changes would have to be made if he wanted to stay. He wasn't very agreeable at first but he finally decided to let you make the decision."

"What changes?"

"I explained to you at the interview that we are a close group. I am sure you might have seen a few things that let you think some might be closer than normal. If you and John stay you will be expected to joint that group."

Gail had seen several of the women kissing and flirting with other men and wondered what might be going on. She and John had even talked about it before. Now she was expected to make the decision without even talking to him.

She could feel her face turning red. "In other words, we join the group are we hit the road?"

"That is way it is."

"The hell with you and your group. I am not going to fuck all the others just so John can keep his job! What was he thinking about?"

"I think he was thinking about all the other wives he could have, just like I was thinking about having you."

Gail had thought about the other lawyers but she hadn't thought about Martin. She had never had more than a hug from a black man and now he was telling her he wanted to fuck her. A mental picture of her covered by his huge black body flashed through her mind. He would smother her small body with is huge one. John was but 5' 10" and only weighted 170. Martin must be over 250 pounds and she only came up to under his arm with her five-foot body.

Martin could see the thoughts racing through her head. He knew that it was him she was now thinking about. "You know, you just might like it." He moved towards her.

Gail saw the moved and backed away from him. The cabinet stopped her from moving farther away. He could see the fear in her eyes as he moved closer.

"Don't be afraid of me. I am not going to hurt you." He brought his hand up and let the back of his hand touch her cheek. "See, the black didn't come off on you."

The look in his eyes told her that she was at his mercy. "Please Martin, don't hurt me."

"Honey, that is the farthest thing from my mind. I want to make you feel good. Better than you have ever felt before." All the time he was talking he was moving closer until his body was pressed against hers. She didn't have anywhere to run. He could feel her shaking against him. He liked the idea of the total control he had over her.

He reached down and lifted her face. With his finger tilting her face upwards he leaned forward and kissed her. She tried to turn away but his hand kept her mouth turned to his. He let is tongue touch across her close mouth and felt her tremble again. He wasn't sure if it was still fear or desire she was starting to feel.

Gail felt his lips covering hers. Her first kiss by a black man and it wasn't as bad as she had thought. His lips were big and soft as he again touched them to hers. It actually felt good to her. Then his tongue pushed against her closed mouth with enough force to make her open her mouth to him.

His tongue was big and thick as he worked her mouth over with it. She felt like it was half way down her throat before he pushed it against her tongue and she found her tongue pushing back. A moan started deep in her throat that she could not help or stop.

Martin heard her and knew that she wasn't going to be the one to say no. As he continued to kiss her he took his hand away from her chin but she didn't try to pull away. Her eyes were closed as his hands dropped to her waist and pulled her tiny body even closer to his. His hard cock was pressing against her stomach.

Gail felt his cock move against her body. How big was he? She didn't have much time to think. His kiss went on and on with her answering him tongue for tongue. She wasn't sure when her arms went up to pull his mouth closer to her.

Martin's hands pulled the straps from her shoulders and the dress dropped down where he could pull it down to her waist. The pretty blond wife was naked to the waist. Her tits were firm and full as his hands went all over them. He had her nipples hard from the stroking and pulling he did on the nipples.

His hips were working back and forth against her stomach. He could tell that she was his to do what ever he wanted. He broke the kiss. Reaching down he picked her up and headed out of the kitchen with her in his arms. "Where is your bedroom?"

Gail knew she had loss the battle and didn't know why she didn't resist more. She pointed to the back of the house to the guest room.

"I don't want the guest room. Where is your bedroom? I want to fuck you in your bed. When you get up tomorrow I want you to know that you have just been fucked in your own bed and that you are not being forced." She pointed to another door and he moved through and lay her down in the middle of the bed.

As she moved back on the bed he finished the job he started in the kitchen when her dress and panties landed in a pile on the bedroom floor. She was completely naked on the bed before him. The feeling in her stomach had grown to feel more like a knot as she watched the huge black man standing above her. She wanted to run but knew she didn't have anywhere to go.

If she ran then John was out of a job and they would be out on the street with nowhere to go. She couldn't see John agreeing to this if there was any other choice. She wished that they could have at least talked it over.

Her other thought was what it would be like to be with this huge black man. She just knew that he would hurt her. John was her one and only and now she was about to be taken by another man and her husband knew about it. That thought was the final straw that lead to her not making a move to leave the bed. That and her eyes had not left Martin as he was undressing.

He was naked except for his boxer shorts when she looked up to see his eyes on her. She blushed when she realized that she had been staring at him. She turned her head from him and shut her eyes.

"Don't look away. I like what I see and there is no reason you should not like what you are about to have." She turned back just as he pushed his boxers down and his huge black cock spring up.

Gail gasped as he came into complete view. He was bigger than any man she had ever seen even in the few porn movies she and her girlfriend use to watch during sleep over. Fear came into her eyes at the same time the feeling in her stomach moved to her cunt. She could feel her pussy getting wet just looking at such a huge cock. She had thought John was big and he was about the same length as Martin but Martin must have been at least twice as large in girth.

"You don't really expect to put that thing in me?"

"Not only am I going to put this in you but you are going to love it before the night is over." He moved up on the bed and she slid away from him. He reached for her tan legs and pulled her tiny body back to him as if she had no resistance at all.

He was on his knees on the bed as he pulled her back to him. Once he was between her legs he let her legs go. Her pussy was open to his eyes and he looked down at the beautiful blond prize he had waited six months to claim. He could see the moisture already gathering on her cunt lips and the dew it made on her fine blond hair.

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