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'Irish Twins' Home Alone Sequel


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He reflected on their lunch conversation about boinking others. He had said it wasn't like they were boyfriend and girlfriend or something more. When he told her she could fuck David if she wanted to, Sissy gave him tacit permission also, saying as much, "Andy, you could, too. If you want to boink someone else -- I wouldn't mind, either."

Andy had always taken things in a literal way; he mistook Sissy's nuanced use of 'could' for 'can.' It wasn't her permission given to do others -- it was permission to opt out of sex with others that she was offering instead. Poor Andy, he took it literally the same as he always had. How was he to know? He was just a man, not a woman with cunning wiles.

He reached for the telephone and called Sirena's number. As it rang, he thought, 'How would I know there wasn't someone else out there who is my true love if I didn't try it -- Sissy, I know you'll understand; you always do.'

"Heylo." Sirena's sultry California-speak answered.

"It's Andy. The guy at the end, where all the wires come together," he replied.

"So, I happen to be free now, Andy. Want to come out and get some?"

"Be right there!" he responded.

Scribbling a note for his Dad, he taped it to the monitor and scurried down the dark corridor toward the back of the building, looking for a Mercedes Benz converted luxury van. It wasn't like there would be a parking lot full of them. How hard could it be to find a Furry in a Mercedes?


Andy Gets A Furry's Fur Burger

Hank was in a hurry and rushed into the edit suite expecting to find Andy slicing and dicing the last of the lesbian scenes, including the anxious last scripted one, with the horrific noir-twisted ending.

"Hey Andy, are you about ..."

Hank didn't finish asking. Andy was gone. He picked up the yellow sheet of paper taped to the monitor and read it.

"Dad, the first rush edits are done and queued up for your preview. Be back in an hour. Going out to get a ... fur burger."

Hank dropped into the chair, rereading the last line. Andy never said things like that. It sounded like he had grown up, grown a pair, and had moved on from his sibcest experience. He breathed a sigh of relief, as he folded the note and stuffed it into his pocket to show Doris when they were home alone. Perhaps this would get placed in his mother's scrapbook, along with his other memorable firsts.


'The Albino Does Dottie'

'I'm bushed,' Hank thought as he drove down mostly empty streets, late in the afternoon. 'We all look worn down, too. It's too quiet on the ride home. Wonder what's rolling around in everybody's head?'

Hank's thoughts ran toward preparing a video conference with the Californians as he rolled out the first edit rush version of the movie, tentatively entitled, 'The Albino Does Dottie,' of course, it wouldn't be called that when it went to market. Hank wasn't getting paid to market titles or hawk his wares to the public -- that would kill his job as a teacher if his name were attached to it. Still, it would be nice if it appeared in the final credits. This was just a summer job -- money for the "U" tuition for Sissy and Andy. In two weeks, this would all wind down as the other smaller movies were 'in the can' as they say in the industry out in California.

Doris had watched the rushes from beginning to end, as Hank gave the cast and crew members a private showing. She was pleased with how the script met that noir grisly-twisted ending. She hoped Hollywood porn viewers saw the stark differences between lousy acting, the realistic emoting that went into this script, and the heartfelt drama poured into it by two just-eighteen-year-old former-high-school students. Even if they hated one another before it wrapped, Heidi and David slowly got over that bad karma. A truce would be borne by summer's end as Heidi was set to go to the "U," and David would fly out to Berkeley. He was a prime pick for the College of Engineering, riding a full four-year scholarship.

As she rode homeward bound, Doris' thoughts turned to the soon-to-be empty house when the kids headed for the university in two weeks. She thought about how she and Hank would soon be home alone. A light crease in her cheek hinted at a smile growing there. She knew Hank would be experimenting with scripts of 'free use' moms running naked around the house after the kids were gone. That would, maybe, cut down on the cable bills, as Hank smirked one evening as they went to bed. Still, there was that Sibcest earlier tempest in the wings. Doris glanced down at the note Hank slipped her, unfolded it, and a dimple formed, as a little smile crossed her face momentarily. Perhaps they had dodged a bullet. '... a fur burger.' Well, Andy was finally growing up, moving on to other women, and trading interests beyond his infatuation with Sissy.

Doris' thoughts turned to Heidi, the football slut and couldn't help but chuckle at the smile on Heidi's face as the last scene ended. She thought she had it made in Hollywood and only had to wait for a call from a producer. That would come two weeks later when she received a casting couch call in 'Californica.' Albert wrangled that for her -- though it did cost her a couple of trips out to the Mercedes extended van for some practice sessions.

Hank looked in the rearview mirror at the Irish twins. One in each corner, staring out the windows. They were deep in thought, it seemed. 'Who knows what's going on upstairs in their minds,' Hank thought. In two weeks, they would be in a foreign world of academia. Sissy would swim with the tide. He was sure of her abilities; she took after her mother in that respect. Andy, though, Hank had some reservations about his swimming abilities. He'd have to keep a keen eye on his studies from afar, to make sure he kept tracking in the right direction.


Family Noir

Dinner was a quickie for four -- fresh garden salads loaded with vegetables courtesy of the next-door neighbor's garden. A garden so abundant this year, that he practically begged Hank to avail himself of the produce. It felt like a family field trip, as Hank managed to wrangle the Irish twins into accompanying him to pick the ingredients for the salad feast, while Doris sliced and diced ham and pan-fried some fresh bacon to garnish the dishes. When the cukes were peeled, the lettuce and tomatoes washed, and the carrots, bell peppers, and green peppers were added, it became a meal fit for a king. It felt good to have all hands on deck in something natural and something having a hum, an electrical cord, or a battery in it.

Andy ate quietly, though. He seemed antsy, Hank thought. Probably thinking about the note he left about 'going out to get some.' Andy's past, Hank knew it was best to just let it percolate to the top, and eventually, Andy would pour it out like a nice steaming cup of coffee. Both Hank and Doris would wait him out, as he brewed over his internal musings, while picking over the last dregs of his salad.

"I ... have an announcement," Andy blurted out, finally, unable to contain his news any longer. Everybody, sitting at the high table could have guessed something was inside and waiting to burst out.

"And?" Sissy poked, in her usually glib manner.

"I'm going to California with Albert and Sirena."

It wasn't expected to be that kind of announcement! Stunned, his family's silence was followed by a flurry of questions.


"Who's Sirena?"

"What about going to the 'U'?"

"Are you crazy?"

"Did you fall and hit your head?"


"Over my dead body, mister!"

When the noise died down, Andy spoke quietly, adamantly. "I am going, hopefully not over a dead body," he declared; "not crazy; Sirena is a Furry who travels with Albert, as a free-use companion."

"Dad, do you know who Albert is?" asked Andy, as though his father didn't have a clue.

Hank quickly said, "A damn good electrical engineer and someone who seems to have you wrapped around a bent axle. What's gotten into you?" Hank was pissed.

Andy reached into his pocket and slid Albert's business card across the table. The one with Sirena's personal info on the back. In a lull during 'fur burger' eating, he and Sirena discussed her history with Albert. She revealed much that Albert had left unsaid in his work as an 'electrical engineer' working around the sets.

Albert Peabody PhD, CMS

Studio Executive, CFO

'Charitable Services for Homeless Animals, LLC'

Hollywood, California

Hank read the card several times. Each time, it still read the same. His mind just wasn't grasping what he saw. "A doctorate in cinema? An Executive and CFO?" he re-read it aloud, finally for the others to hear.

"Yeah, Dad," Andy explained, "You've been working for Doc Albert while he watched over the production 'acting' as an electrical engineer." Andy's hands went up into the air forming air quotes as he emphasized 'acting.'

"He's the guy responsible for the whole process: recruiting, filming, editing, and marketing. He is giving me an internship at the studio, while I attend classes in cinematography in Hollywood. How cool is that? I'll have a degree and on-site training in a full-production studio."

Doris and Hank were speechless--Sissy--not so much.

"And you 'get some' from the 'free-use' traveling Furry friend, too?' she blustered, rising to her feet.

When Andy didn't deny it, Sissy stormed away from the table and ran upstairs. Immediately, Doris was behind her, but not quick enough to reach out. Hearing the sobs from behind the closed door, Doris tried to open it; Sissy refused her urgent plea to let her mother inside. While her daughter lay on her bed fraught with tears, a mother stood outside awash with emotions and a river of her own tears. Doris instantly knew that what she and Hank thought had been nipped in the bud, had just gone underground for the past six weeks.

How do you mend a broken sibling's heart? A heart that shouldn't be pining for the one who had torn it asunder? Nothing in their family upbringing or educational backgrounds provided Hank and Doris with an answer nor even yielded a clue. All the Irish twins' parents could do was maintain their familial love, equally between their children. Perhaps, they thought, it was a matter of waiting for time to heal old wounds -- someday, they expected, Sissy's heart would be healed. Clearly, though, Andy had moved on and settled into a world of enticing glitter and free-use eros in California. As for Sissy -- well, she continued to bear the scars as she went off to the 'U' and buried herself in studies while avoiding any thawing of her, now, frozen heart.

What had started off, three summers ago, with an Irish twin sister's observation of her parents' sex scene in the kitchen -- had spiraled into an out-of-control sibcest event. Sissy had harbored a secret, a love for her nine-month-older brother, and freely gave him all of herself -- body and heart. Andy felt it also -- though, it turned out not to be the same kind of love. His was the sexual-infatuation kind of easy availability. It was eros love; he found it pleasurable. His shared experiences with his sister had freed his shyness. Finding free-use girls fueled his desires for more of it, and like a fledgling cock red robin, Andy flew the nest, leaving his 'Irish twin' sister home alone.

Over the course of his years in Hollywood, his studies in cinematography progressed. Hollywood Albert, his mentor, kept him on track; like a surrogate father. And under the watchful eye of his new Furry free-use friend, Sirena, he kept faithful to Albert's premise of getting all the pleasures free-use women provided him, before he got too old.

It would be the third spring when Andreanna's parents noted the frozen heart began to thaw.

An exuberant, and not-so-shy-anymore, David had returned to visit her each spring break. It may have been a coincidence that red robins started singing the day he walked up and knocked on Sissy's front door the spring break before graduation. But whatever was in the air that day began to thaw her frozen heart, before the oak tree-sized albino returned to California.

Up in her bedroom, while mom and dad were away, Andreanna and David reenacted their own movie scenes ending with drenched sheets and creamy streaks running down her thighs. The dreams of David crawling up a ladder and into her window those few nights she spent with Andy, had sent tiny tremors up her spine three years ago. Today, David's enormous body lay upon her, some of the weight lifted up on his elbows as his seven-inch, thick girth slid deep inside her slit. Her knees raised to accommodate him, spreading herself wide in a welcoming pose. Sissy's body was prepared for him as her lust boiled up within her sex. It didn't take long for the fervent slapping sounds of cock meeting cunt to fill the room as the grunts and language of ardent lovers burst forth. The sounds of their heated lust tweeted out through the windows to the robins and seemed to melt the last vestiges of snow. In return, the robins' love songs seeped into Andreanna's warming heart and mended it.

With a gentle kiss and ardent embrace, David left Andreanna beaming on the front steps with a promise and a ring. On bended knee, David declared, "Come graduation day this year, wherever I land, I'd like to have you by my side."

Standing on the front porch as he drove away, Andreanna ran her fingers over the new feeling of David's engagement ring, her ring, watched it sparkle, and thought about how she would break the news to her family. Mom and Dad would be ecstatic, she knew. Telling Andy, now, that perhaps that might be a bit different response. She'd not kept her promise to share herself with Andy and David. Andy took that off the high table when he ran off to California and didn't take her along. Perhaps being exclusive with David, wouldn't matter to Andy any longer. He hadn't been home to 'get some' since he left her home alone. Her phone call would be the first words she had spoken in three years to him. She didn't even know what that conversation would begin as she listened to the robins sing this spring. Still, there was a smile on her face and a warmth in her heart as the birds bobbed and flitted about, as she stood home alone.


Request for Rating and Comments

Please, vote on how the story resonated with you and leave me a comment if you have time. I use comments to edit my writing and for future improvements.

Thanks, once more, to Kenji Sato for his diligent editing.

Donald Mallord

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tinfoilhattinfoilhatabout 1 year ago

So disappointing, Author needs another 10 chapters to fix this debacle.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Sadly, I agree with a number of these comments… I expected Andy to grow up, realize his foolishness, and figure it out. Frankly, there’s no way he’d be stupid enough to not call her. People mature… they don’t go backwards. This is not up to your standards

ScottishTexanScottishTexanover 1 year ago

Horrible ending! 😢 I'll repeat what an anonymous user said a few days ago. I thought was the point of the story to begin with was that the Irish Twins were in love with each other, but you totally destroyed it?

Also, your editor does a horrible job. Take for instance:

"It was one of Hank's chauvinistic anarchisms ..."

Did you possibly mean "anachronism"? Anarchy is chaos, which didn't make sense for the way that you used it.

Honestly, while I thoroughly enjoyed the first chapter, this one totally sucked big fat donkey dick. I was bored out of my skull by the time that the parents began debating on how they could manage to separate Andy and Sissy. I stopped reading at that point and skipped to the last page. I read the final page in disbelief. I was hoping for the siblings to stay together no matter what obstacles were put in their way. But you turned Andy into a heartless jerk who only cares about getting laid and his sister basically forgets about him and gets engaged to another man.

I'm glad that I didn’t waste my valuable time reading the other nine pages in between. I hate this story now. 😒


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Get an Editor!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

In the end the two Irish Twins meant NOTHING to each other, Which I thought was the point of the story to begin with.Horrible ending. They should have ended up together Should have never made a sequel.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hate it!

LitCritLitCritover 1 year ago

Good story, well paced, medium decent character development. I felt a bit rushed at the end, sort of, "I don't know where else to go, let's just wrap this up." Andy's decision to drop his plans and follow Albert and his furry to California had no foundation laid and left his relationship with Sissy unresolved. Unfeeling and out of character as established for Andy. A solid 4 stars.

Lifestyle66Lifestyle66over 1 year ago

Great story with very descriptive scenes.

On a down note, your use of "Irish twins" is overdone. I know for an incest story you want to highlight that. But you could have changed it up a few times with "younger sister" or just "brother" and "sister". And hopping into the minds of characters in the sex scene scripts was a little confusing.

But I give it a 5.

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