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It Begins Ch. 06

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What's too far?
4.1k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/03/2022
Created 07/29/2013
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From that time on, things again were different between us. We had gone from siblings to two youths exploring sex to actual lovers. Yes my sister became my lover. But that very afternoon we had to have another talk. Susan still wasn't easy with this situation and her torments kept bringing thoughts of disaster.

"This doesn't mean we can just... do anything we like you know," she said at lunch, again frowning in debate with herself. "You made me a promise earlier. Does that still hold?" she asked.

"Yes Kathy, if it will allow us... if it will allow me the pleasure of finding... love with you... then yes of course," I said, resolved.

"Oh Michael, you just don't know the torment I go through wanting you and yet fearing that desire. I hope you know I do want you... it isn't you that I don't want. I just wonder... what's too far... oh my god, for a brother and sister!" she lamented.

"Well, we know this whole thing is outside the realm of the average couple so I think we both need to look at this with different eyes," I said trying to phrase my thoughts.

I had her interest with that opening. She sat looking at me waiting to hear what I was going to say.

"We both care very much for each other as brother and sister, but I think our new relationship brings us even closer, don't you agree?" I asked giving myself time to think of my wording.

"Sure, sure..." she said tentatively as if trying to think of why she felt the hesitation in saying that.

"We're already lovers, Kathy," I said opening it up. "I think we've both decided that what we have done and are doing is acceptable to us, and the rest of the world should stay out of it, right?" I probed.

"I suppose so," she said in thought.

"Well that's the first step. You need to be convinced that you want this. I know I am. I'd feel like I lost part of me if we had to stop now," I explained. Then went on: "But if you really want it that way, I wouldn't want you hurt. I'd rather give it up than lose your respect for me, Kathy."

"It's just that everything we've been brought up believing is being turned upside down. How do you handle that so easily?" she asked trying to quell the turmoil within.

"Easily??" I began. "Oh it hasn't been easy, sis. I've fought with myself not only feeling guilty about just that, but also dragging you into my new feelings. The way I look at it now is, how can any love between two people that is so strong be considered bad by any standard?"

"You know, you're right! For a younger brother, you have a lot of incite," she said smiling then leaning in, kissing my cheek. "No one has the right to tell us we can't love each other any way we want."

She smiled, somehow relieved, as if a weight had lifted. "Feel like some more fishing little brother?" she asked.

"If you're going, I'm going," I said in almost a smitten schoolboy tone.

We gathered our equipment and headed to the old gravel pits once again. We gathered just enough bait once there to bait our poles and then set them up deadline on forked branches in the ground in our favorite spot, then went and sat under the tree nearby to watch and wait. This time however we seemed to sit closer, almost snuggled in.

She was wearing her short shorts and a cotton top that showed her plain white bra underneath. On her feet she wore brown leather sandals with no socks. As always, I had on my jeans and T-shirt. It was hot and the humidity made it feel all the hotter, even in the shade of the tree. My inclination was to put my arm around her but I knew it would be uncomfortable for us both.

There was a patch of wooded area well off to one side of the pit. Not a big woods, but more of a section between the gravel pit and a farmer's land beyond. "Ever been back there?" I asked her.

"Where? Over there?" She didn't even refer to it as a woods like my buddies and I had since we were kids.

"Yes, Gary and I used to play back there years ago I remember. All I can remember is that the shade made it feel cooler," I laughed.

"Lets go check it out then," she said getting up.

We put rocks on the handles of our rods to keep that 'big one' from pulling them in and then headed off to the trees. It was a stand of old timber left there apparently when the original farm owner cleared the land. Tall oaks, sycamores and maples stretched up forming a tight canopy over the area. The density of the leaves shading the floor of the area plus the leaves packing over everything pretty much prevented underbrush from thriving within.

Entering was like going back in time for me. We built camps back there, dug holes for hideouts, had nights where we camped there and just generally made it our spot. To me the atmosphere was one of fun and adventure even today.

Walking along we found one of our 'camps'. It consisted of old plywood we had gotten from some nearby construction site that had been nailed up in three sides and a flat roof - the roof of which had since rotted and pretty much collapsed into the interior.

I got Kathy to help lift the roof up and out of the interior which still stood pretty much in tact. I walked in. It was of course only 4 feet high, the width of the plywood. I squatted down and told Kathy to come in. I informed her of the privilege: she was the first girl ever to enter the premises!

I had he sit down also and I said, "Now imagine we're sitting in here this way with that roof over us. This was our hide out."

"Just you and Gary?" she said giving me a weird look.

"Yes, just Gary and I. Some people didn't go into places like this with 'evil' thoughts in their heads," I said grinning, and she blushed.

I leaned over from my squatting position and kissed her lightly but romantically and said, "Now you're the first girl ever to be kissed in here."

She replied, "Well you sure haven't learned much from all your kissing practice," and she leaned over pulling my arms around her and placing her mouth on mine. In this position she was fairly laying across my lap.

Our mouths opened and all of nature disappeared. I was holding my sister, my lover in my arms. I pulled her shirttail out with my free hand and she made no attempt to stop me. I slid my warm sweaty hand in under the top and against her tummy. She made a long slow quiet moan into my mouth that sounded almost like a monotone hum.

As my hand slid up cupping her bra clad breast, she suddenly broke off the kiss and sat up. In my head I thought, "Oh no, more regrets" but she didn't even turn to me. She pulled off her top and leaned over waiting for me to undo her bra. I fumbled even having a clear view and both hands to work it, but got it undone and she hung both the top and bra up on a splinter of the side then laid back against me once more.

Then, reaching up with her arms, signaled me to come down to her and kiss her. I did with an arm behind her and my free hand placed directly over her bare breast. We resumed our kissing where we had left off, or maybe even a notch higher. My tongue kept time with the movements of my hand while her tongue darted in, out and around mine.

I leaned in to suck her salty nipple as I had the last time and she just laid her head back sighing. My free hand slid over he stomach a bit to more or less ask her permission for more. I did that for several minutes occasionally dipping a finger down slightly inside her tight shorts until she reached her hands down and opened her own button and unzipped her zipper. With that I moaned into her mouth and she pulled me tight to her.

I now easily slipped my hand into her panties and down between her steamy wet legs. I pushed the front of the elastic down as far as it would go and my hand was free to massage her lips and all. They were puffy and sensitive and split open with the slightest pressure of my middle finger. I knew I hadn't gotten her this way that fast, so I knew she had been planning something for a while now. That alone set me on fire.

I began to try to get her shorts down and off her, but she stopped me saying she didn't want to sit bare on the dirt here. I told her she could sit on my lap, which brought a look of suspicion. I think she figured I meant with us both naked of course. Reading her mind I said, "I'll leave my jeans on," snickering.

With that she raised up and with one of her hands and one of mine we pulled both her panties and shorts down and off as she arched up. Then scooting back a bit, sat her naked ass on my leg, with her legs extended out spread open in a most inviting way.

I placed my hand between her legs again and she leaned in and kissed me some more. Then pulling back just enough to disconnect our lips she said, "You will keep your promise, right?"

"Yes Kathy, if I must," I said resigned.

"You must Michael. I'm relying on you, please," she said with genuine anguish on her face now.

Without further answer, I began running my finger along her dripping wet slit. Her eyes simply closed and she laid back partially against my arm and partially against the wall of the camp.

I loved the sloshing sound my finger made slurping her wetness up from below to just under her clit. Then circling it and smearing it there, I began to bring her up to her first orgasm of this session. Her legs parted wide and her hips rolled in tune with my ministrations. No kissing, just stroking and rubbing her clit. I got the pleasure of looking down on her and watching what my touch was doing to her. I've always loved seeing someone have an orgasm, but this... this was my sister... in my own arms... getting off by my fingers!

She bit her lower lip and began making little whimpering noises while she jerked and humped involuntarily as my fingers drove her love button wild. She put her own hand over mine and slowly her legs clamped closed on our hands, pressing my finger tightly against her clit but making it nearly impossible to move it much at all.

Then she leaned in to me, and with her head on my shoulder, she began gently but firmly gnawing on my T-shirt. Her legs had loosened and she took her hand away and put it around my neck but had left my hand right there. Her body was on fire. Between the heat and humidity of the day and and tight enclosure of the camp, even the shroud of trees couldn't cool this place down.

My finger pressed between her lips and down deep into her and her hips ground hard on my hand. Her teeth bit lightly the skin of my shoulder, yet hard enough that it hurt some.

I plunged a second finger in her and maybe even a third. It's hard to remember. She squealed softly in a little girl way. She began kissing up my neck, nibbling my ear and probing it with my tongue until I was so distracted that I couldn't regulate the fingers in her. But her hips used them the way she wanted.

With one hand she found my groin and felt my cock now painfully straining my jeans. I felt her undo my belt and the button on my jeans then unzip my zipper as she squirmed to hump my fingers. It was all as if I were dreaming this. I was back in time in my 'hideout' and masturbating as I had so many times, dreaming of such encounters. Yet never such a wild one as Kathy playing with my cock while I finger fucked her!

The dream proceeded and even as hot as the surroundings were, I felt what seemed cool air on my burning cock. But then just as quickly I felt Kathy's hot hand wrap around it burning the skin once more. I waited for her to stroke me, as I began helping her hump my fingers.

But instead she was backing off of my fingers. Backing up further onto my laps away from my grasp. Did she want me to stop? Maybe she'd had enough the first time on her clit.

No, she was now repositioning herself with one leg on either side of my lap facing me. "She wants my cock in her again!" I thought but said nothing, although I think Kathy noticed the expression of fear and debate on my face.

She leaned in to kiss me, put one arm around my neck and knelt up as our lips met again. Her other hand never left my cock, but rather now guided it between her legs.

"I can let her sit on it and then pull out when I feel I am about to cum," I debated in my head. "Who am I kidding!"

With every bit of human willpower I had, I put both hands on her hips and pushed her back. I had promised to stop this and besides, neither of us wanted her to get pregnant, and I had no condoms or rubbers as they were called then.

She looked at me at first shocked and disappointed, but then just leaned in and rested her head on my shoulder with both arms now around my neck. The smell of sex was thick and heavy in the air and I was wondering for an instant why I did that. There was a time when I'd have given the rest of my sex life for that one chance to fuck her.

Finally, she leaned back resting one hand on the ground to lean on and said with a resolved look, "This isn't going to work is it?" as she stroked my cock with her other hand. "I'm working against you. You're going to give in."

Oh the feel of her stroking me after all that had just occurred again and I was so close. No time for a discussion I thought. She could feel my thigh muscles tightening beneath her and she knelt up again.

"Oh my god no, Kathy," I said in my head but no words escaped, thinking she was about to sit on it again. She leaned in kissing me. Suddenly I was shooting cum up on us both. Just one shot on her, but it was on her lower abs and ran down her groin between her legs. All I could think of was that she'd get pregnant that way and I wouldn't even get the pleasure of actually fucking her.

"Feel better Michael?" she asked still panting some herself.

A breathless, "Yeah," was all I could manage.

Sitting back across my legs now still naked and sort of laying in my sweat-soaked arm, she said, "I like this place. I've always had good experiences out here at the lake," she went on now smearing some of my cum off her tummy and groin.

Idly running my index finger around the base of her still extended left nipple, I said, "I've found some memories here myself - today."

We got up and dressed with nothing more than idle chat and walked back to our fishing poles. Again today, she had a small yellow-belly catfish on hers while mine was empty. It had swallowed the hook and she cut her line to release it. The heat seemed unbearable and we decided to head back home.

Neither of us spoke about what happened between us and the ominous words she spoke that afternoon - "This isn't going to work..." - until that evening after dinner. We sat out on the picnic table in the back with some iced tea and talked. We both were working around it; neither wanted to bring it up.

Finally, she said, "You kept your promise today. Thank you again."

I answered a short, "Yes, I promised I would."

She went on looking out the back, "Most guys wouldn't have, you know."

"Most guys don't love you like I love you, and most guys aren't me," I answered proudly.

"There's no one like you," she said taking my hand and looking me in the eye in the darkening shadows of evening.

I began, "I'm glad you feel that way, sis..."

"Call me Susan, please," she interrupted.

"...Susan," I went on, understanding why she said that, "because there's no one who comes even close to you," and she squeezed my hand with a smile.

Next morning, I awoke to Susan standing next to my bed asking if she could get in with me. I had heard a toilet flush in my semi-sleep just before and I thought maybe one of our parents was still here. But it obviously must have been her, because she'd never chance such a thing with anyone home.

"Sure," I gestured holding up the sheet to invite her.

"Thanks Michael," she said as she quickly snuggled in next to me. "I need you to hold me please," she said taking my arm and wrapping it over her so I was spooned into her rear. Then after settling in she whispered, "I'm obsessed with you any more."

"Oh Kathy, you don't know how good that makes me feel," I said squeezing her to me.

"Maybe I do," she giggled pressing her lightly covered rear back against my now raging hardon. "But is it right to be obsessed with anyone?"

"Right, wrong... again, who cares!" I answered, my hand finding her breast through her gown.

She placed a hand over mine and held mine still. "Just hold me here, please," she said once more, cuddling my arm and leaving my hand covering her breast.

My last girlfriend was a lot like my sister, I realized. She would want pure cuddling at times, and at other times maybe some soft romantic kissing. Then too sometimes I could tell she wanted pure sex the same as I did. In any case, I learned quickly to go with her moods or it all ended in disaster. I did my best to always read Kathy.

We laid there for what seemed like an eternity, probably just fifteen or twenty minutes. I thought maybe she had fallen asleep. Finally she said, "I got you something, Michael."

"Oh, what is it?" I answered surprised both that she was awake and that she had gotten me something.

She rolled over on her back, pushing my hand from her breast as she did, and reached into the heart-shaped pocket on her gown where she usually carried a Kleenex. "Now don't get the wrong idea," she said pulling whatever it was from her side. "This isn't for what it looks like," she said handing me a package of three condoms. "It's to keep you from getting it all over yourself, me and the bed or whatever," she added quickly.

I was speechless. My older sister just handed me a pack of condoms while we lay in my bed both still not dressed. I rolled on my back looking at the pack and said, "Shall I try one on?"

"No, don't waste them. There's only three," she said innocently assuming that I might actually try one on and then take it off and throw it away.

"Waste it??" I said spreading the opening on my boxers and boldly letting my throbbing cock pop out. "Lets try it out," I said opening the box.

She looked over at me giggling but not saying a word.

I opened up the box, removed one packet and looking at her for approval, or at least to see that she didn't disapprove, I began to tear it open. I'd only once had one on to use on a woman. I'd only done it that once and it was a fiasco. I came so fast she didn't get any real pleasure and then she panicked when she realized I'd cum inside her.

I pulled it out and it was wet - in some sort of lubricant - and had this small tip on it that resembled a nipple. I hoped that my previous experience had taught me the proper way to put one on. I didn't want my big sister thinking I knew nothing about rubbers. There were no sex ed classes in my day.

"Do you want to put it on me," I asked Kathy.

"No, go ahead. This is fascinating," she answered.

I laid it on the head of my cock and began to roll it down by stroking it as professionally as I could manage.

"You stroke it like that too much, and it'll be all over before you start," Kathy giggled.

Finishing up, I turned my head to her and said as innocently as I could muster, "Start what?"

She made a face more pretending embarrassment than real and said, "I guess I shouldn't have put it that way. But then how did you intend to try this out," she said grasping my cock now.

I just moaned and closed my eyes.

She began stroking it and said, "Well, you did ask if I wanted to help."

A hoarse, "Uh huh," was all I got out.

It felt different with her hand stroking me separated by this tight if sheer latex layer. But it felt great, and it was after all, still Kathy jacking me off.

"How does that feel, Michael?" she prodded.

"Ummmmmmm," came out.

Suddenly I felt that sensation welling up from within and I opened my eyes and tilted my head up to watch as it filled up the tip. She was watching closely as well and then slowed and gradually stopped pumping it, but squeezed it several times to get the last drops out, even though that couldn't be seen. The tip was full and covered the opening.


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