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It Did Balance, Didn't it? Ch. 01

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They did his wife, so he has a plan to balance things out.
7.6k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 07/03/2010
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Mike Morgan grabbed his topcoat and brief case. He slipped on his coat, realizing that it was still a very chilly Tuesday after Thanksgiving in their little city not far from Fort Dodge, Iowa, "Liz?" he asked as he bent down to pick up his briefcase.

"Yes sir." his secretary replied.

"My wife was in an auto accident on her way home yesterday afternoon."

"Oh? She's not hurt, is she?"

"Nah, just really shook up. Some guy ran a red light and caught her on the passenger side, right at the door. The car didn't fair so well. I think the insurance company will total it. Anyway, I've got to pick her up and take her over to get a rental car."

"OK, Mister Morgan. Tell her I am very sorry to hear about her accident and I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"I'll be sure to tell her, Liz. Thank you and yeah, I'll see you in the morning."

About ten minutes away from his wife's office, Mike gave her a call. She told him that it would be another half hour maybe forty five minutes before she could leave. He decided to waste the time in the little coffee house/bar off the lobby of her building. Parking his car in the building's parking garage, he grabbed a copy of the local newspaper at the newsstand in the lobby. He found a table at the end of the bar and ordered a bottle of Dutch beer.

Reaching around his newspaper for the bottle of beer, Mike noticed that two men had sat down at the bar near his table. He recognized one of them as David Cohen, his wife Debra's immediate supervisor and the company's Chief Financial Officer. Mike had met the guy about five years prior, but thought he should introduce himself. Before he could fold his newspaper and raise from his seat the two men began talking about the coming company Christmas party and a woman they were going to have sex with during the party. The younger man that Mike did not recognize asked, "You sure she will be there and go through with it?"

David replied, "She seemed to like the fucking we gave her at the company's picnic last summer. So yeah, I think she'll be there. But, I'll tell you what I told Keith. If something goes wrong and Debbie leaves the company.., we are in deep shit. I don't know if I can do my job without her. She has hands on control of all the funds that come and go in this company. I'd be heard pressed to get out the statements and governments reports that are due early in the year without her. In fact, I really think we should get one of the other women, or just not do it."

Mike sat back in his seat, unfolded his newspaper, brought it back up, grabbed his beer and sat back to listen to the men talk. Their drinks were served and the younger man picked up his glass. Before he took a drink, he said, "Ah, don't worry about it, David. Keith says he has it all under control. That we'll each get her twice this time and it should be an all round good fuck. But ah, I don't know what it is about Debbie, she not good lookin' or bad lookin'. Doesn't have that great a body. But ah, she just really fits that term going around, MILF, mom I'd like ta fuck. I mean, she just personifies it..."

"Yeah Dan, I know what you mean. But, if I lose her over this, shit, I don't know if I want ta work here anymore."

"Yeah well David, you know you want to fuck her as much as we do. You're the one that set her up at the picnic."

"Yeah and that wasn't easy either. I had to get her almost falling down drunk. Annd, her husband wasn't there. She says he'll most likely be at the Christmas party. But Dan, I gotta tellya this, the next day I had a lot of second thoughts about what I did at that picnic. So, with her husband at the party, well, I just think we are asking for trouble."

Dan took a long draw on his drink, then asked , "What does he do, anyway?"

"I don't know. I think he works at some factory here in town. I don't know what they make."

Mike had heard enough. Dressed in his usual work clothes of a suit and tie, he certainly did not look like a factory worker. He glanced at his watch and realized that it had been thirty five minutes since he had talked to his wife. He finished his beer, folded his newspaper, tucked it under his arm and left the bar. As he expected, his departure went totally unnoticed by the two men, who continued their conversation about the coming company Christmas party. Mike walked toward the elevators, thinking about what he was going to do his newly acquired bit of intelligence.

Debbie Morgan walked out of the elevator and into the arms of her husband, Mike. They kissed, then with one arm around each other, turned toward the doors to the parking garage. She purred, "Thank you honey for bringing me in this morning and picking me up to go and get the rental car."

Mike smiled and drew her a little closer, "That's because I love my wife."

"And, I really truly love my husband."

As they approached his car, Mike asked, "Is your company Christmas party still this Saturday night? Because if it is, I'll definitely be able to go with you." He withdrew his arm from around Debbie to open the door for her. Turning to face her as he unlocked the door, he noticed that she was still smiling, but it was pensive. He knew his wife well enough to know that look. She was the one who usually had it all under control, all together. But, that look told him that as far as this particular party was concerned, she didn't have it at all together and did not know what she was going to do. He did not know if she was aware of exactly what the executives wanted her to do. However, that look told him that she had some idea of their plans.

As she slipped into the passenger seat, she said, "Yes Mike, it's still on. This will be the first company party that you have attended in a long, long time. It'll be fun. I'll get to show off my oh so handsome husband."

"Good recovery, Deb, very good." he thought as he walked around to the driver's side of the car.

Mike waited until Debbie was in her rental car and ready to go home. He gave her a kiss and said, "See ya at home." As he watched her drive off, he thought, "Gawd, I love that woman, great mother, fantastic wife. I am sure not going to give her up. But, if she goes through with this, I gotta have a plan that will one, make her feel the hurt I do right now. Two, it has to have enough discipline that will convince her not to even consider anything like ever this again. Someone else has had their cock in my wife and I don't like it one bit, it hurts. They will suffer, too."

Taking a long way home to think, Mike thought back on how he met his wife. He was a senior in college and was dating Debbie's sister, Lois. When Lois's parents dropped by for a visit she wanted Mike to meet them. The parents had brought their younger daughter, Debra, They had a brother who was attending a college in the northeast.

Lois was a very pretty coed. Standing five foot nine, she had a 36D-24-36 hour glass figure. A vivacious girl, she was a member of the most popular sorority on campus. Mike was the type of college guy that liked big tits, round asses on girls that fucked like a rabbit. Lois was all that and more. Debbie was not at all like that and was never going to be all that. With one exception, since he popped her cherry, the very experienced Mike found her to be fantastic in bed. Sex was as good as it gets and fulfilling for both. Which was a major reason why he could not under stand the "why" of what he heard.

Debbie would never have anything close to the hour glass figure of her sister. She graduated from high school at five foot six, with a thirty four inch chest, bra not needed, thirty five inch waist and thirty eight inch hips and ass. It would not be until her third child that she would even come close to filling a Cee cup bra. But, it was not a great body and pretty face that caused Mike to fall in love with her. Debbie was strong but gentle and smart in a common sense manner. Put a dollar sign in front of a set of numbers and she became a math whiz. Mike had fallen in love with the woman under the mantle of mousy brown hair and behind those sparkling hazel eyes. As a senior in high school, he found her more mature than most of the college girls that he knew. A farm girl look mostly likely because she grew up on one of the largest family farms in Nebraska. Everything he had heard from David and Dan was so out of character for Debbie that Mike had to wonder what brought it all about. Married in the April after Debbie's graduation from high school and Mikes graduation from college, he thought that they still loved one another and had a great sex life. He could not help but ask himself, "Was it something I did, or didn't do?"

Turning onto their street, he thought, "Well, I'll haveta determine that later. Right now, I don't have much time. I need to get a plan into action beginning tomorrow." There was one fact that Mike realized and had been reminded of through out their marriage. For some unexplainable reason, Debbie always had sex appeal. It was not only one or two men and a couple of women that had tried to get into her pants. But, it was always discussed between them when it was discovered. Why not this time? Was it because these guys had actually succeeded? And, that she was ashamed of it? Or, did it excite her?" He pulled into the driveway, clicked the garage door open, parked his car and grabbed his brief case. Then prepared to enter the house as if he knew nothing of what was planned for the coming Saturday night.

With the kids in bed, Debbie came into the family room to find Mike in deep thought, not watching, just looking at the T.V. She turned it off, then in an ever so sexy manner, walked over to him, held out her hand and said, "My period ended day before yesterday and I wanta play." He stood up and she led him down the hall to the double doors of their master bedroom.

Mike lay in bed with his wife cuddled up close as she could to him. As she slept, he stared at the ceiling, in deep thought. It was not unusual for her to want to get it on shortly before and after her period. However, usually they did it once, both getting it off. Then they cleaned up and went to bed, to sleep. Tonight, they had done it three times, with her sucking his cock up and ready all three times. She had never really liked sucking cock until.., suddenly, last summer. Wanting to keep at least three years between their children and not wanting to go on the pill, they had developed a sexual routine after the birth of their third child. With Tim's sixth birthday coming up in February, Mike realized that their routine had become a rut. Would that emerge as a contributing factor, here? He didn't have an answer to that question, right now. But, he would find the answers to all his questions, sooner or later. Early in their marriage, they had discussed having four, maybe five children. Maybe it was time to have another, or two. Actually it was past time. If he put together a plan just right, he could catch her at the top of her menstrual cycle. With twins on both sides of their families, maybe she would get the five children she had often talked about. That train of thought started a plan coming together in his mind. He made a mental note to find out if she had scheduled a D&C (dilation & curettage) for next week. If she had scheduled one, it would tell him that she was mostly going to go through with it. That these jerks didn't care enough about her to wear condoms.

The Morgan family, as usual for a week day morning, scattered. The kids of to their school bus, Mike and Debbie off to work. They lived in an upscale neighborhood, in a very spacious home. It was quite adequate for an assistant vice president of a security and surveillance manufacture to entertain the representatives of the company's client. Such as major corporations, the CIA, FBI and their new umbrella agency, Homeland Security.

On his way to work, Mike mind began to fill in the details of his plan. It would be bold. But, that is what Tom Collins, the company CEO liked about him. Mike was known for his bold plans that achieved maximum results. He also realized that trying to stop his wife would achieve minimum results. His plan was to make her hurt every bit as much as he did. Then he would draw out of her why she even considered doing something like this and make sure she never did it again. Mike knew one thing for sure, divorce was not an option. Debbie was way to good of a wife and mother to let something like this break them up. Besides, he loved her more than life itself.

"Good morning Mister Morgan." Mike's secretary, Elizabeth Bailey greeted him with a beaming smile. In her late fifties, Liz was a rounded woman of about five four or five. Greying hair cut just below her ears, glasses, she dressed very conservatively. Her official title was Secretary to the Assistant Vice President of Product Development. In realty, Mike was the first to admit that she was more than a secretary, more than an assistant. Liz was his right hand lady. He knew very well that he could not do his job without her.

"Good morning, Liz. How are you this morning?"

"I'm good, sir. How are you?"

Mike stepped over to her desk, "I'm good too, Liz. At least I think I am. Ah Liz? Are you aware that I am on the list to replace our esteemed boss after he retires on New years Eve?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well, I want you to know that Mister Collins has moved me up to the top of the list that he is submitting to the board."

"That's great sir, just great. Who's going to replace you?"

"I don't think you need to be concerned with that. When Mister Collins informed me of his decision to move me to the top of the list, I told him I would take the job on one condition."

"What is that, sir?"

"That you come with me, of course. You and I know very well, that I cannot do that job without you. Liz? I can't even do this job without you."

"Oh! Well, thank you sir, that's great. But, what about Vivian, Mister Stevens secretary?"

"She decided that she does not want to break in another new guy. So, she will announce her retirement at the same time as Charlie Stevens. Anyway, you and Bob, Debbie and I should get together for dinner right after the announcement. Which I think is coming in the next couple of days."

"That would be nice, sir. Thank you. I'll call Bob. My dear hubby will be happy for both of us. Retiring, as far as I'm concerned a person retires when they can't get out of bed in the morning."

"Yeah OK. But, before you call Bob, do me a favor. You still have the number for Debbie's OBGYN, don't you?"

"Yes sir, I do. Debbie and I use the same doctor."

"Good, call them and see if my wife has her D&C scheduled for Monday or Tuesday. I plan to take her out to lunch next week and I don't want to conflict with her appointment.

"Oh, OK sir. I'll be in your office as soon as I know something."

"Thanks Liz. Say hi to Bob for me."

In his office, Mike removed his top coat, sat his briefcase down by his desk and threw himself into his desk chair. "Debbie, my sweet Debbie. What am I going to do with you? At thirty five, it's a little early for mid-life flings! But my dear, I will get to the bottom of the whole thing. I will find out what prompted this. If it is something I did or didn't do, I will make necessary changes..." he said to himself as he opened his computer. He brought up his schedule for the day. Noticing that he had the morning open, he went into his word processing program and open a new file called "Naughty Deb."

Mike had begun to create an outline of his plan when Liz came into his office, "Ten o'clock Monday morning, sir."

"Thank you, Liz. That was quick."

"Ah, sir? Debbie and I have been going to the same doctor for more than eight years. She delivered Timmy. Ah, and Diane's been in the front office as long as I've been going there. So, she knows both of us and our connection. Ah, she made the comment that this is the second D&C for Debbie in less than six months. Is she feeling alright?"

Mike leaned back in his chair, "She hasn't said anything to me, and her monthly cycle seems to happen as it should. But, I wasn't aware of that. I'll asked her tonight. Maybe I'll go with her so we can both talk to the doctor."

"Good idea, sir."

Later that morning, Mike called Tom to see if he could get into talk about the problem with Debbie and show Tom a plan to handle it. Tom's reply was, "Sounds like something we should act on right now. Mike, I'll make some time. Come on up."

Mike uncharacteristically pace around the CEO's office. "Tom? I hate the thought of what's going down here. But damn it, I'm not about to give her up over it... She's been to good a wife, helpmate, mother, and most importantly, Tom, I love her. I know she loves me. But, I do want to teach her a lesson, here. So she will never do anything like this again. Maybe I can learn something from it, too."

Tom looked up from the printed information Mike had given him, "Yeah Mike, Maybe we can both learn something from it all. What ever has snagged Debbie could also catch my wife.. So, it looks like the first bit of information we need here is where they plan to do this to her." Reaching for his phone, Tom found Debbie's office address on the floor plan Mike had provided. When he received an answered to his call, he read off the address into the phone. Then Mike heard him say, "Two bugs in the president's office, one in the CFO's, and one at Missus Morgan's desk. Go in like the phone company, checking their hard lines... Today, during lunch!" Tom listened for awhile, then said, ""Fine, get it up here for me to sign and pick up the floor plan. Listen! Nothing said to anyone else about any of this, understand?" Hanging up the phone, Tom turned to Mike, "That's a guy that I can trust to do what I need done with out question. So, that keeps it between you and I. Mark out Debbie's desk and the two offices we're bugging." As Mike did as Tom asked, Tom said, "I'll bring in Carl from Security once it goes down. He'll clean it up and plug any security breech. Once we know where they are going to do it, we will send in a crew, most likely early Saturday morning, to set up webcams. A website will be built once I sign the work order that is on it's way up here right now. The audio bugs will come through there also."

"Thanks Tom, an' yes, just between you and I."

"This is the boldest and I might add the riskiest plan you have ever come up with since I've known you. .. You seem to know your wife, always have... But Mike, be very careful. Plans like this can backfire real quick."

"Thanks Tom, and I fully agree. But, I think it is the only way to handle it and expect maximum results."

Mike's break came the next morning when the system picked up keywords he had given it. Opening the website, he went into the audio bug in the office of the president, Keith Cummings. Keith had just dismissed his secretary after she had given the four executive a report on the company's Christmas party and its various preparations. Mike leaned back in his chair, giving them his full attention when he heard Keith say, "Thank you Hilda, you can go now." A pause, a door closes, then he resumed, "Gentlemen, now let's get to the real fun part of Saturday night. We're gonna fuck her in the employee's lunch room. It's far enough away from the party so that no one should wonder in on us. We'll set it up so she can be sucking on one of us while we fuck her, twice each." Keith addressed his CFO, "David? You sure she'll be there and let us do it to her?"

"She'll be there. But, I sure hope nobody finds out. We sure can't afford to lose Debbie. I hate to think of the possibility of trying to run my part of this company without her. And, even more importantly, Rachel would kill me..."

"Ah, don't worry about it Dave." said Randall Stevens, Vice President of Sales and Marketing. "Nobody will find out. That includes her husband... And yeah, all of our wives would kill us."


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