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It Did Balance, Didn't it? Ch. 01


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"I'm not worried about the husband as much as I am my wife. " said Dan Haroldson, V.P. Production. "We've only been married for about 18 months. So, if she gets wind of it, I just know that our marriage is history... Nothing better go wrong here..."

Keith was quick to answer Dan, "Nothing will, Dan. Unless of course Debbie or one of us let it get out. What the hell gentlemen, a little strange pussy once and awhile is good for a guy. Especially when ya know it's clean and good quality."

Mike now had his hands behind his head and feet stretched straight out from his chair. He laughed and stated to himself, "It has already gotten out, you jerks. And, yes my wife is good, better than just good, she's top quality. You fools, I'll make sure each of you has hell to pay for your arrogant, adolescent foolishness" Gaining what he needed to know, he closed down the website. He then took a stroll up to Tom's office, thinking, "So that's why Debbie has been giving me some great oral sex, along with everything else. I guess she doesn't want to do anything them that she doesn't do to me." As he neared Tom's office he thought, "It would appear that my dear wife is trying to develop some sort of sexual credit balance." He stuck his head in the door of Tom's office, "Tom? Employee's lunch room."

"Gotcha. Oh and Mike? Come in early tomorrow, say seven and meet me for breakfast at that coffee shop on the corner. We'll tie up all the lose ends. That keeps the risk down low."

"You got it, boss. Seeya in the morning, seven am."


Two o'clock Saturday morning, when Mike's crew was scheduled to be in Debbie's employer's offices installing the web cams in the lunch room, Mike woke her up by fingering her still wet pussy. He thought it to be only fitting that she get a little more sex from him while the room was being prepared to get her and the four executives on "candid webcam."

A Saturday morning ritual, Debbie began to change the sheets in the master bedroom and her eleven year old daughter Megan, was vacuuming the downstairs. Another Morgan family ritual was the winterizing of the yards on the first Saturday in December, weather permitting. Debbie looked out of the window as she unfolded the bottom sheet. All three of her men were working in the backyard. She stood there for a minute watching them, "God, I love those guys, I sure don't want to hurt them in any way..." She turned back to the bed and her internal debate about the Christmas party resumed. "Maybe I just shouldn't go, it wouldn't bother Mike... But, then I couldn't face them on Monday. Oh, but they want me... All the women in that office and the four top execs want little ol' me.... Mike would kill me if he found out. I should have told him about the picnic and what they did to me. It wasn't my fault, they got me drunk. Mike told me not to go by myself. Oh why wasn't he there? If I had told him, he would be very upset and told me I shouldn't have accepted the second wine cooler. Ohh, what should I do... Does he know? Some times I think he is just like those spooks that have come over here for dinner. All from agencies with three letter names like, CIA, FBI, SEC or IRS. He sure seems to speak their language and some times he seems to think the way they do. He sure can keep a secret, too. If he knows anything, he has mostly likely talked it over with Tom Collins. I'm super had if those two get together on this deal." But, like so many cheaters, it didn't cross her mind how much she had to loose of this little fling, or how much hurt it could cause those she loved the most. "Wasn't it just sex?"

As Debbie was in the shower, Mike paid for the pizza. Supper for the kids. Their parents would eat at the party's buffet. As the kids dug into the pizza, Mike took the opportunity to check out the website and six webcams that had been installed in the employee's lunchroom.. Finding everything in working order, he closed his lap top, put it in the car and went to join his wife in the master bedroom. He would make the final adjustments when he knew they had started doing Debbie.

With only a towel wrapped around her body, Debbie emerged from the bathroom. There she found a nude Mike with fresh underwear in his hand. "Ohh my so sexy wife!" He stepped in front of her and gave a little tug on the towel. It dropped to the floor. "Oh, how nice. How 'bout we get it on. We got the time."

"Mike?!?" pleaded Debbie, as she backed away. "We have a party to go to, an', an' I just got out of the shower..."

Mike moved with her, Then he caught her breasts in the Webb of his hands, "Ah come on sexy. Just a little quickie, then you an' I can get in the shower together."

Debbie relented thinking that if he didn't already know, he might get suspicious and come looking for her. Mike went on to give her something to compare to what she would get later that evening.


Mike and Debbie entered the party and were met by Randall, one of the V.P.s, "Hey Debbie, glad you could make it. And, who do we have here?"

Debbie beamed and proudly introduced her husband, "Mister Alston? This is my husband, Michael. Mike this is one of our vice presidents, Randall Alston."

Randy quickly looked Mike over , thinking, "He sure doesn't look like any factory worker to me and that could be trouble." He then thrust out his right hand. "Pleased to meet you Mike. You can call me Randy. Come on, I was on my way to get a drink. You guys can grab one and then join us at our table."

"Yeah, right." Thought Mike. "On your way to get a drink. I know the script. I listened to the audio from your boss's office. It is your job to meet us and make sure Debbie gets the right glass of wine."

About six feet tall, athletic build, Randy was the typical sales manager type. Relatively good looking and a really good gift of gab. As they walked to toward the bar, Mike noticed three people standing at the end where the available beers were displayed. So, he took the opportunity to walk around the end to the back of the bar to check out the beer and watch the bartender prepare Debbie's drink. Just as planned, the bartender reached for one of two glasses that were separated from the others. A clear liquid, most likely vodka, moved around in the bottom of the glass as the bartender brought it closer and added the wine. He then handed the full glass to Debbie.

By the time the three of them had their drinks and were on their way to the table, Debbie had downed half of her glass of spiked wine. As discussed in Keith's office, it would be a round table big enough to seat the four executives, their wives, Mike and Debbie. Randy sat down by his wife and introduced Mike to everybody at the table. Mike found himself seated next to Sharon Cummings, Keith's wife. Her husband was not seated next to her.

They all chatted and laughed quite a bit. Then what seemed like no time at all, the "non-drinker" Debbie was three quarters of the way through her second glass of spiked wine. And, beginning to feel no pain at all.

When Debbie was almost finished with her second drink, it seemed to be a signal for Keith to show up at their table. Mike had asked Sharon where he had gone. She said, "Oh, he said he had something very important to deal with in his office. I thought surely he could put it off until Monday. But no, he had to get into it right now."

Keith stepped up to the table, but remained standing, "Ah, I'm really sorry you guys, but gentlemen? We need to have a short meeting. We have a problem with a large account. So, I would like to discuss it briefly, so we will know how we are going to handle the problem on Monday. Debbie? They owe us quite a bit of money. I'd like you to join us." The wives moaned and groaned. Keith said as the four rose from the table, "The party's young and it should take less than an hour."

"Less than an hour for all of you to fuck my wife, twice? You guys don't last very long, do you? I just haveta think that she is gonna be a little disappointed." Thought Mike as he watched his well lit wife finish her drink and stroll away with the four men.

About five minutes later, Mike excused himself, saying that Keith reminded him of some he had to check on at work. That he had his lap top in his car. Once in the car, he opened his computer and went to the website. Bracing himself against what he would see, he was still not quite ready for the scene that came up on the first webcam. They had a couch cushion on a table with Mike's wife on her abdomen, legs and arms dangling from either side. Pantie-less, her dress was thrown onto her back. Keith was pounding her pussy with everything he had and David had his cock in Debbie's month. Mike heard Keith roar, "Ah yeah, that's one snug pussy. No doubt about it, Deb. You're one good fuck an' we're gonna get it twice." Unaware that they had planned to take her twice each, Debbie pulled off David's cock and protested. David laughed and said, "Ah come on Deb, once or twice each doesn't make much difference now." With that he shoved his erect cock back in her month and began face fucking her, saying, "We know one thing now Deb, you are one good fuck and a fantastic cock sucker. An' ya don't haveta be that drunk. You've definitely secured your future with this company."

Heart broken, Mike recovered enough to adjust the web cam's zoom. He brought all six in close enough to get every detail. Then watched as David moved to Debbie's pussy and Randy shoved his cock in her month. At this point he realized that he had seen more than he wanted and shut his computer down. On his way back to the party, he thought about his wife. What ever she thought she would get out of this, so far, it didn't seem to be happening for her.

When Mike returned to his seat at the table, only Sharon and Rachel remained. Rachel was a very typical Yiddish mama and it didn't take much time talking to her to realize that she had the wisdom of a Jewish mother. All five of their children out of the house, David and Rachel were "empty nesters." She had a lot of blond hair, large features, big bust, big ass and a hearty laugh. Of the four women, Mike liked Rachel the most. After a minutes of small talk with Mike and Sharon, Rachel ask, "Well Mike, what is it that you do?"

Mike took a long pull on his beer and said, "I'm the assistant vice president of product development at S&M Manufacturing."

Unaware of Mike's employer, Rachel responded, "Oh, that's nice."

Sharon leaned forward and asked, "You are an executive at the Spook Labs??" Using one of the area's nicknames for Mike's employer.

It took all the self control Mike could muster to sit and talk to these two women. What he wanted to do was go in there and kick the asses of four jerks. Then give his wife's bare butt a good thrashing. But, he knew that would only get him in jail for assault, and spouse abuse. Debra would still get a spanking for her actions tonight. That was part of the plan cast in concrete. He took another pull on his beer, trying desperately to set aside, if only temporarily, what he knew was going on in the lunch room. He knew of men that fantasized about watching their wives get it on with other men. He just wasn't like that. It hurt, and hurt a lot. He also knew men that would simply find a lawyer on Monday and have her served divorce papers on Tuesday. That was not him either, but he would make sure that all five had hell to pay for what they were doing.

Mike clicked back to the conversation at hand, "My immediate boss is retiring, effectively January First. I am at the top of the list to replace him. This time next month, I could be a full vice president."

Sharon was well aware of what it meant to be a vice president at the Spook Labs. Both women looked at him with a bit of surprise. Sharon commented, ""Debbie indicated on her employment app, that she had no college. We just assumed that you didn't either."

Chuckling, Mike finished his beer. "I met Debbie when she was a senior in high school and I was a senior in college. I majored in Business Admin and minored in Computer Science. I recently received my M.B.A."

Sharon said, shaking her head, "That fits right in with what I am told about the Spook Labs."

Rachel stood up and said, "Mike? Sharon? It looks like you both need fresh drinks. I do too. So, I'll go get them." That left Mike and Sharon the only two people at the table.

Sharon was not what could be called, pretty. However, she had an attractive, practical look about her. Doling out smiles and laughter only when she felt it necessary. Well styled light brown hair, cut just above the shoulders, her clothes and demeanor made it clear that she was well born. Mike had ascertained one fact very early in their conversations.; Sharon was the leader of the executive wives. With her "cut and dried" attitude, Mike realized that he should get her help to make his plan work effectively. He went on to probe Sharon and get a fairly good grasp of what she was all about.

Rachel returned with their drinks and a friend. She sat down at the table and continued the conversation with her friend.

After taking a drink of his fresh beer, Mike turned to Sharon and asked, "Are you sure they are in a business meeting?"

Sharon took a sip of her drink and replied, "It's been about forty five minutes. But, I can only go by what Keith told us..."

"What if I told you that they are not having a business meeting?"

Sharon sat her drink back down and asked, "Michael? What do you mean by that?"

"Can you get me online around here?" asked Mike with a sly smile.

Sharon looked at him for a few moments. She had known Debbie for quite awhile, but just met Mike. She made a quick decision to trust him, saying, "Sure, grab your beer and follow me." She picked up her drink and turned to one of the doors that led into the offices. She used her own code to open one of the computers and bring it up online. She stood up, turned to Mike and said, "There you go..."

Mike brought up the website and proper page just as Randy was finishing his seconds and Dan was pulling his cock out of Debbie's month. Sharon went into a state of shook. Speechless, her eyes were fixed on the monitor as Dan rammed his cock into Debbie's dripping wet pussy and began to pound away. Moving slowly from cam to cam Mike said, "We've got six webcams in there." Sharon's posture became more rigid as Mike exposed her to the different angles of Dan hard fucking Debbie. The other three men, now fully clothed, coerced Dan on and to finish so they all could get back to the party. Mike looked up at Sharon and asked, "Would you like me to take it back to the beginning so you can watch Keith do her?"

The question brought Sharon out of her state of shook, "Ah what? Ah, no, not right now. Those bastards. She doesn't deserve anything like that. She's a key employee, one of our most trusted. My dad hired Debbie and really likes her. He fire them all if he ever caught wind of this. Damn that son of a bitch, Keith. I don't know what he said to get her to do this, David probably helped. But, oh Mike, I know Debbie... Don't be to hard on her... I'm sure they conned her into this, some how. I know it must be just breaking your heart, it's breaking mine... Ah, but, I just know that it's those four assholes who put her up to doing this. Gawd, I'm so very sorry, Mike..."

Mike closed down the computer. Standing up, he said, "Sharon? I have a plan..."

"Oh, I'm sure you do, Michael. Or, you would have been in there breaking it up a long time ago and hurting some people. Or better, not even allowing her to get near this place, tonight."

They stepped out into the hall leading back to the party. Mike said, "OK Sharon, this has been the first phase of my plan. The second phase goes like this. I would like you to get the other three wives together. I want to show all five how much it hurts. I want to have sex with as many of the four of you that will let me..." He paused to wait for a response from her.

Sharon's head snapped around to look at Mike. Then after a few moments, she gazed down the hall she finished her drink and turned back toward him. "Yeah, I'm up for that.. Show that dumbass bastard just how much it hurts, Annd, get some revenge. When do you wanta get together?"

"Tomorrow. Do the guys still play golf on Sundays?"

"Yeah, tomorrow is their last time until late April early May. It is suppose to be sixty degrees and clear tomorrow. Say ten thirty to eleven, my house?" Sharon stepped back into the office to grab a pen and note pad. After writing her address and gate code on the pad and handing the slip of paper to him, she said, "I'll have a brunch ready. Ah, Mike? I can tell you right now that Janet will go right to divorce. She won't be interested in revenge or anything like that."

Mike tore of the top piece of paper on the pad and handed the pad back to Sharon, "Yeah, I think you are right about her."

Then Sharon said thoughtfully, "Rachel will go along with your plan. I would be surprised if she didn't. We do a lot of couples things with them since we are both empty nesters. So, she and I have had a lot of time to talk and gotten to know each other very well. Now Gina? I can't really say. They have two small children. Good chance she will go along with you to teach him a lesson. We'll see..."

"OK, ten thirty to eleven. I'll put it on a DVD and condense it down to about a half hour. Anyway, we had better get back before our loving spouses show up."

Mike had just returned after getting a fresh drink for Sharon and himself when the five returned to the party. Mike and Sharon watched Debbie as she crossed the room. Sharon commented, "She can hardy walk."

"Mike responded with "She moves like she's drunk, totally fucked, or both."

Sharon laughed heartily and Mike joined her. Then she said, "We shouldn't laugh. But, with what we know, I can't help it. Especially the way you put it."

When Debbie arrived at the table, Sharon was still laughing. Debbie said, "Hi honey. We weren't gone that long, were we? What's so funny?" Sounding like a little girl that thought she was getting away with something.

Sharon composed herself, "Oh Debbie, your husband just told me a funny story about one of his spook customers."

Debbie took a seat and with a little slur to her voice, said, "Oh OK, he has a lot of those."

Mike stood up. "Come on Deb. The band has been here for about a half hour and their really warmed up. Let's dance."

Sharon covered her month to suppress a giggle as Debbie moaned, "Not right now, Honey, please?"

"Ah come on, Debbie." Mike pushed, knowing that all she wanted to do right then was to sit down for awhile and have another drink. Her husband was not about to let her do that. "Come on Deb. We both have been sitting around for more than an hour. This will loosen us up some. A couple of dances and I'll get you another drink. Then you can mingle."

About ten thirty, Debbie had wound down and began to doze off. So, Mike gathered up her purse and coat. He then said their "good nights" and took his very drunk, totally fucked wife home. Once he brought her into their bedroom, he undressed her. When he had her down to just panties, she giggled and said, again in a little girls tone, "Mikey? I gotta go pee..." The guilty look in her eyes, her tone of voice and the four bottles of beer he had that evening served to soften his heart. He gave her a little kiss and said, "Yeah, I'll bet you do. With what all you've had tonight, I'll just bet you do!" He took her by the hand and led her into the bathroom thinking, "Yeah, I'll bet you need a toilet, most likely already been there done that a few times. Four glasses of wine, two shots of vodka and fucked eight times, yeah, I can believe it. Maybe you should douche too." While Debbie was on the toilet, first on her knees in front of it dumping everything she had eaten, then sitting on it, Mike started the shower. He sat her douche bag on a shelf by the shower faucets. Now that she had her clothes off, she began to smell poignantly like a whore house.


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