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It Runs in the Family Ch. 04

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Mother and daughter have some fun together.
11.3k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/09/2017
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Author's note: This is a transitional chapter dealing with some necessary plot elements to get to the rest of the tale, so the hot sex doesn't begin until two thirds of the way in. This is also a lesbian only scene.


It Runs in the Family

Chapter 4- Saturday Morning

Kim woke before dawn. She was something of an early riser anyway, but this morning in particular she was anxious to get started. The whole family had not been together since last Christmas, when Marc was home from school. She had been quite busy with work this summer and so this was the first full weekend that all four of them would be together again. She was curious to see how her brother was doing- and how he was looking for that matter. She had noticed at Christmas that we had beginning to fill out a bit. He was still rather thin, but she wondered if he would ever grow into that massive cock he had been given.

She knew it was a wicked thought to have, but she could not help herself. She had seen the outline of it in water soaked swim trunks enough to know it was quite a specimen. And more than once, she could tell he had been staring at her body when they sometimes sunned by the pool together. A couple of times it seemed even longer and harder, and she could not help but wonder if he shared the attraction. But she passed it off as meaningless fantasy. She was sure plenty of siblings had such thoughts- especially young good looking ones not too far spaced in age.

But it was not Marc she had fantasized about. Though she was not particularly attracted to older men, in the past few years she had begun to notice how much better her father looked than most men his age. She remembered last summer when they had all been together much like they would be this summer. She had been sunning near the pool alone, when her father came out to join her. He jumped into the pool and swam a couple of laps, then emerged not far from her. As he did, she watched the water rolling off his still firm abs and down his trunks, which were clinging to his trunks, outlining a big and very thick rod between his legs. She was wearing shades, and though she knew he might be looking at him in particular, she knew he could not tell what she was staring at in particular. In all the years before, for some reason, she had never really noticed how big her father's cock really was. Her boyfriend certainly had a larger than average dick, but it was nowhere near as impressive as this. Quickly her mind began to wander, and found itself with tongue extended, licking the head of this "thing" which in her fantasy had somehow become separated from the reality that it belonged to her father. But she pushed those thoughts away. It was bad enough fantasizing about your brother. She realized much more thinking like this was have her on a shrink's couch.

By dawn she was in the shower, starting it on the cool side to awaken her senses. Her nipples, almost as large as her mother's, instantly rose to attention under the influence of the cool water. She washed her hair, then turned up the water a bit and bathed the rest of her. As the water warmed, the little nub above her vagina began to harden as well. Though not near the size of her mother's monster clit, Kim had a noticeable knob, much larger than average. She ran her hands over it a few times, feeling the first sensation assault her body, but she quickly restrained herself. She had other things in mind at the moment. Perhaps sometime this weekend, with fresh pictures of Marc by the pool in her mind, she could indulge her fantasy more fully in the privacy of her old room.

By seven she was on the road, heading for Colorado Springs. From her apartment on the west side of Denver, up in the foothills of the Rockies, it would take perhaps an hour and a half to get there if she was lucky enough to avoid traffic jams the whole way, which on Saturday morning was at least more likely.

The day started sunny and cool, and she knew it would soon warm quickly- good weather for the pool. She really didn't miss living at home, but she certainly missed the pool- and the whirlpool, and probably most of all the privacy. At her apartment complex, they had a decent enough pool. But more often that not it was full of noisy kids, or equally annoying older men- mostly the lonely recently divorced type, approaching her, hoping beyond hope that she would somehow find them attractive to her. Luckily she had a boyfriend and could quickly defuse all but the most persistent ones with that one little sentence. But at home, she could sunbathe nearly naked around her permissive family, and completely so, when no one was around.

Unfortunately for Kim, her boyfriend had been out of town for over a week and she was getting rather horny. And Kim's girlfriend Chelsea, who was wilder than she, had been out of town as well. The two had met when Kim first moved into the apartments and become quick friends. Soon they had become close friends. Then one night after a few too many drinks the two of the had gone home, and in ways that still confused Kim, had wound up in each other's arms French kissing. This had led to fondling, and before the night was through, Chelsea was between her legs giving her an orgasm like she had never experienced before. Chelsea was an admitted bisexual and Kim was beginning to thinks she probably was herself, though at the moment, she simply described it as "experimentation." As of yet this had not led to a threesome, though she was pretty sure Ethan would have no problem sharing her with another woman. She was just not so sure she was ready to share Ethan.

Now another naughty thought crept into her head. She wondered if her mother had ever experimented with a woman? Kim considered her mother to be the sexiest woman she had ever seen. Unlike her brother and father, whom she had never seen naked, she had seen her mother naked many times. Sheila was not known for modesty anyway, and when the boys were gone, she often bounced around the house wearing nothing more than sandals. Everything about her mother seemed bigger than life; Her massive beautiful breasts with their big round nipples and sumptuous areolas. Her slim waist, rounding into an ample round ass. Reasonably long legs for a woman of medium stature. And last, but certainly not least, that amazing slit between her legs. There was the lovely slit of her pussy with it's lovely folds of flesh, perfectly made for gripping a hard cock, with that amazing hood hiding a clit that was larger than Kim's even at rest. Now that Kim had had her first taste of pussy, she wondered what it would be like to run her tongue over her mother's massive clit. How big would it get then?

As she drove on down the unusually quiet freeway Kim began to imagine scenarios that might lead to actual sexual activity with her family. Perhaps she and Sheila all alone while the boys ran around. The would be out by the tub and begin talking and one thing would lead to another until? Or maybe Les and Sheila would go to a movie or something leaving her alone with Marc? What would he do if she sort of "accidentally" walked in on him in the bathroom when both of them were naked?"

But sex would have to wait, she told herself. She suppressed all these thoughts, turned on the radio and drove on. She loved her family and would look forward to the conversation and relaxation. She would have to content herself with that- and maybe, just a little late night masturbation fantasy or two.

It was just after 8:30 when she pulled up the driveway of the house she had known since they moved there when she was ten, until the day she left for college. She had good memories of the place. Her dad had purchased it just after he had been made senior partner at his law firm. All the years and all the time had finally paid off, and he wanted to reward himself and his family with a nice place to live. So she and Marc had been raised as the privileged view in the nicest part of Colorado Springs. But they had never spoiled either of the children and both had good heads on their shoulders. Kim was already a junior executive at a tech firm and Marc was studying towards his engineering degree at Colorado St.

She shut off her car engine, and for a moment just sat, looking at the place, pulling in memories. It was still early, and still quiet. She wondered if anyone was even up. Marc was usually an early riser, but both their parents were something of night owls. There had always been some playful conversation about how that seemed backwards. But then again, there were a lot of things about the Miller family that were a bit odd. And Kim was about to find out one very big one. She got out of the car and headed for the front door.

The door was locked. She suspected that meant they were still sleeping, so she slipped in as quietly as she could. Her first thought was to sneak up on Marc in his room and scare the hell out of him. She headed down the hall, but when she got there, she found the door open, the bed made and no one in sight. She frowned. No surprising him. Marc often went for runs in the early morning, so she suspected he had gotten up and headed out for a good three mile run.

Her parents, on the other hand were notoriously late sleepers- especially on the weekend. Once she and Marc were old enough to fix their own breakfasts, they often didn't see Les or Sheila until almost ten. As she got older, Kim began to suspect they were probably doing more than sleeping up there. At first she guessed they would probably wait until after they knew the kids were in bed asleep before hitting the bed for a little recreation. But as she grew older, she began to suspect that maybe they were doing it in the morning? While she and her brother were munching on cereal were they munching on each other? Suddenly excited at the possibility, she decided to softly creep up the stairs and she what she could discover. If the door were closed and there were sounds of sex coming from inside, that would pretty much settle it. If they knew Marc was gone and they suspected she would not be there for at least another hour or so, she guessed that might be just the sort of time they would go for a quickie.

As she neared the top of the stairs all was quiet. There were no sounds at all coming from her parent's bedroom. However, the door was not completely closed either. She imagined they were still asleep, but the thought of peeking in on them was just too much to pass up. She knew they often slept in the altogether, especially on warm days in the summer. Maybe the covers would even be back and she could get a good look at her handsome father and that thick rod he kept in his pants. She was now right in front of her parent's bedroom. She could not distinctly hear any noise, though she thought she could sense the sound of soft breathing, the sound of someone asleep. The door was open a good three inches, so she peered into the room as best she could. In the mirror, across from the bed, she could see a lump of humanity clumped in the middle of the big bed, but she could not really make out who was what- except that there was lingerie involved. Kim smiled. So they were up to something- or at least they had been.

She knew it was a bit risky and a bit brazen, but she decided to open the door a bit more so she could stick her head in and get a better view. She pushed gently on the door, hoping that it didn't squeak. Luckily for her, it didn't make a sound. She eased her head into the opening, and peered first at the mirror. What she saw there confused her- there seemed to be too many arms and limbs for just two people. She turned and looked directly at the bed.

There was her mother, completely naked, her legs spread, her pussy lips protruding towards the mirror. To each side of her lay a man, each wearing lace panty hose. The older one was on his back, his thick cock resting on the side of his thigh. The other was on his side with his arm resting on Sheila's chest, just below her breasts. She could not see his cock, but he certainly had a lovely ass!

Kim quickly slipped her head out of the door and stood back. Her heart was racing, and she tried with effort to calm herself. As soon as she felt she was able, she began a retreat down the stairs as quickly as she could without making much noise. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she stopped took a couple of deep breaths and headed back towards the front door. She stepped outside and went straight to her car and sat back down behind the wheel. At the moment, she was not sure what to do. She took her key and put it in the ignition and started her car, hoping this did not wake them. She backed out quickly and headed away, not going anywhere in particular.

Rolling down the window, feeling the cool morning breeze blowing across her face, caressing her long brown hair, she began to calm down. Perhaps a morning drive was just what she needed. Soon she was beginning to think somewhat coherently again. But the vision kept intruding its way into her consciousness. And every time that vision came into her head it made her very, very, horny. Now, it was just a matter of figuring out what to do about it. Fantasies were one thing- but this was altogether something else. It was pretty obvious the three had engaged in more than just some dress up and a sleepover. Kim had never really thought about cross-dressing before. But now she found herself intrigued more than repulsed. And given what she now knew and what she reasonably suspected, there was one thing she was certain about. She wasn't sure exactly how or with whom, but she was definitely going to get fucked this weekend.

Les was the first to wake. Like most males his age, it was the urge to pee that did it. As he stirred to life, he looked across the bed at his wife's lovely tits, no more than a foot or so from his face. The next thing he noticed was the smooth young hand, resting just beneath them. He smiled. So it hadn't been a dream after all. Sitting up slowly, he softly slipped off the bed and headed for the bathroom. As he stood before the toilet and released a hot golden stream from his cock, his mind began to wander back to the amazing amount of things that had happened last night. Things would never be the same around the Miller household. That was for sure. And though he had concerns, for the moment at least, he felt that was for the better. He had never been a fan of pent up urges. They had a nasty way of coming out somehow, and some way. Sometimes that was not always in a healthy way. But what had happened last night was never forced, never uncomfortable-at least for him. The other two would have to decide for themselves where this was leading. But for one night it had been beyond his wildest imagination. And he had a pretty wild imagination.

Les turned on the shower and pulled off his stockings. When he had the water adjusted just how he liked it, he stepped in and let the warm cascade tumble down his body. Thoughts, sights, sounds, from not so many hours ago flooded into his mind. In no time at all, he found his dick hardening. He was amazed at how horny he still was. Normally twice in one night would have been enough to keep him satisfied for at least a couple of days. But he was pretty sure he could get it hard and shoot even more cum at that very moment. He tried to relax and settle down a bit. Taking the shampoo, he began to concentrate on getting clean for the day. About the time that he had gotten well lathered, he heard the shower door click and saw Sheila stepping in next to him, a broad smile on her face. It seemed pretty obvious she was pleased with the proceedings as well.

"Well, well," she said. "Looks like that cock of yours is still a bit aroused."

Les looked down. Since he had been bathing he really hadn't thought about it much, be he realized he was still half hard. He smiled. "Seems to have a mind of its own,"

Sheila cuddled up to her husband, pressing her big breasts against his chest, her hand reaching down and gently tugging on his rod. She was tempted to do more with it, but resisted. "I sent Marc downstairs to get cleaned up, and we better do the same. Kim will be home soon."

Marc had completely blanked out about that. He chuckled. "Good thing she didn't catch us curled up in a ball on the bed like that," he commented.

Sheila nodded, "I guess so." She let go of her husband's dick and reached for the shampoo bottle. "On the other hand . . ." she began, then just left it there.

Les watched her carefully. "What do you mean by that?"

Sheila continued to smile. "Let's just say that Mom and daughter have always had been very open with each other and believe you me, she's no demure damsel. She's every bit as horny as her mother." Sheila moved Les over a bit so she could rinse out her hair. "Maybe she would like to join in on the fun?" She winked at him. "You've already had a threesome with your son."

Les was a bit taken aback. He certainly knew his daughter was very attractive. And to be perfectly honest, more than once while they were lying around the pool, he could not help but look over at her, soaking up the sun in one of her tiny bikinis. She had certainly inherited her mother's big breasts, and they were complimented by a long mane of chocolate colored hair, much the same shade as his own and lovely dark skin that also came from his side of the family. But that was about as far as his thoughts had gone.

"Well," he finally said. "It is true that just a few hours ago you had your son's cock in your pussy and ass. So I guess turnabout is fair play."

Sheila let out a soft little chuckle. "There could be all sorts of possibilities."

Now Les' head was really swimming. His wife had playfully mentioned having a threesome with another man or woman a few times, but he had never thought that to be a realistic possibility. Now they had done a threesome with another man, and it was their son no less. With as much resolve as he could come up with, he pushed it back. "Still, that's not the thing that you just bring up. She might not be okay with this at all."

Sheila winked at him again. "You leave that up to me to find out," she said.

The two finished their showers and headed back to the bedroom to get dressed. Sheila had been thinking, and was formulating a little plan. She instructed Les and Marc to get lost for awhile after Kim arrived, giving her three hours or so to be alone with Kim. Sheila would feel her out a bit and determine if she felt it was the right thing to do to bring it up.

Les liked the plan. "Marc and I can head across town to Bailey's Butcher shop and get some nice steaks for tonight. And we can run by that liquor store downtown that has all the craft brews and pick up some beers and vodka coolers for the ladies. And we can grab some lunch as well. That should keep us gone at least that long."

Les had put on some jeans and a simple polo, his usual casual Saturday attire. He went to the closet to get his shoes and when he returned he looked up to see his wife dressed quite a bit more provocatively to say the least. She had squeezed into a little pink top with lace around the edges that came down to just above her belly button. And since she had failed to find a bra to put on underneath her dark areolas were clearly visible, her big nipples pushing against the lace material. She had put on jeans as well. But these were low cut ultra tight jeans that hugged her ass and even outlined the contours of her cunt-the classic camel toe. When she bent over to pick up her towel he noticed the strands of her red thong, sticking up just above the edge of her jeans along the back. To finish this off she had put on a pair of white platform clogs which pushed her ass even further into the air.

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