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It Wasn't Her Fault

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I was the father, I was the adult . . . how did this happen?
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex.


I was the man, the adult, her protector, so how did this happen? The terrifying part of this whole situation is the thought that I wanted it to happen, had maybe always wanted it to happen.


I'm going to Hell, I know I am, and I don't need you telling me so.

I was a career Marine, the loving husband of my wife Sophia and loving father to my daughter Courtney. Regretfully I was away a great deal of the time not always there to give Sophia the kind of time, attention, and support that she needed and deserved. After fifteen years of marriage, Sophia left me for her lover, abandoning not only me but our daughter. I was crushed. I had loved her deeply and had always felt confident that she knew this even though I didn't always show her or tell her so. The sex had always been good between us, hot, adventurous, and exciting. Unfortunately, it soon got to the point that when we weren't in bed fucking each other or me plowing her from behind in semi-public places (we had developed a kink for exhibitionism), we found ourselves constantly arguing and baiting each other over the silliest of things. It was all too obvious to me that Sophia, the love of my life was falling out of love with me.

When Sophia and I finally divorced, because I still had a couple of years remaining on my active duty with the Marines I sent Courtney to leave with her grandparent's, my parents. I spent the balance of my tour in the Middle East with minimal contact or communication with Courtney. When I retired from the service, I moved home to the house that I had shared with Sophia and began the task of rebuilding my relationship with Courtney.

Throughout her childhood, though Courtney had for the most part been a quiet, obedient and submissive child, her curiosity and desire to please would sometimes get the better of her. As Courtney grew older, I can remember my wife would occasionally mention our daughter's unsettling eagerness to please people . . . particularly men. Because of this concern, Sophia had been overly attentive and watchful of Courtney's behavior with her male friends and even male relatives. I thought she was exaggerating the problem and chose to minimize her worries. Perhaps being a man, I appreciated Courtney's physical beauty and could see men being attracted to what I thought of as her unintentional sexuality. Hell, I have to admit that even me, her father sometimes felt what I assumed was an innocent sexual attraction to her.


After the divorce, I had sent Courtney to stay with my parents, and I think things had been difficult for Courtney and her grandparents. I remembered how, on more than one occasion, just like Sophia had, her Grandmother had begun to talk about how sexually precocious Courtney could seem. She was a beautiful girl, friendly, happy and as I mentioned before, eager to please. After Courtney celebrated her eighteenth birthday, she began to act out with male relatives sexually. Because I wasn't there to see it for myself, I thought Mom was misconstruing what she saw or just exaggerating. My Mom said it was obvious Cortney missed me terribly and that it was as if she would do anything a man asked her to do, and that may be in some confused way imagining herself pleasing me, being with me.

Mom felt Courtney saw me in other men, and men being men, naturally took advantage of that. My Mom didn't want to bother me with things I couldn't control while I was stationed halfway across the world, but she was increasingly concerned and unfortunately didn't know what to do to correct the situation. One incident so upset her that she had texted me a message and a picture that was taken soon after Courtney's eighteenth birthday. A few relatives were over for a belated birthday BBQ for Courtney, and Mom had walked in on Courtney and her older cousin Frank. They were in Courtney's room; Frank was sitting on the bed, his eyes closed and Courtney was on her knees between his legs sucking him off. I guess Mom's intrusion was so sudden Frank didn't even realize she was there, besides he was well beyond the point of stopping and couldn't have stopped even if he had wanted to. When Mom came through the door, he had already started ejaculating into Courtney's mouth, and because she couldn't swallow it fast enough, it had begun dribbling out of the corners of her mouth. When Frank had finished, he looked up and saw Mom in the open doorway.

"She wanted to, she wanted to," Frank kept repeating as he jumped up, adjusted his pants and pushed his way out of the room.

Because of Courtney's innocence and undeniable need to please men, Mom, being the protective person that she was, was scared for Courtney but didn't know what to do to help her. In a text to me, Mom explained, "I was furious with Frank, who was older than Courtney to say nothing of him being old enough to know what he was doing was wrong."

Mom said she sat Courtney down and tried to explain to her for the umpteenth time that she needed to be careful of men and that she shouldn't let them take advantage of her. Mom thought Courtney understood what she had been trying to explain to her until several weeks later, Mom had gone into the garage and was puzzled when she thought she heard voices. Walking around to the far side of the garage, she came upon Courtney's Uncle Randy, Frank's father eating her pussy in the back of the family SUV.

"Oh, yes . . . yes, Uncle Randy, that feels so good," Courtney said in a low, throaty voice. "I love you so much, Uncle Randy, don't stop."

Mom said she was dumbfounded and so shocked she couldn't speak, and quietly backed out of the garage. She tried talking to Cortney again, but it was useless, it turned into a huge argument that culminated in Courtney threating to leave. At the time, Mom didn't want Courtney to go for fear of what she might do if left on her own and to her own devices. So knowing I would be home in a few months, she decided to bide her time and keep her mouth shut.


Sophia and I had always been loving, very attentive parents. We never missed Courtney's school activities, competitions; birthdays are any other events that were important to her. After her mother and I divorced, I was only able to come home once on furlough. Courtney and I considered that brief visit our exclusive time together. Thinking back now, I recall times during that visit when Courtney was probably overly affectionate toward me, but I thought little about it then, after all, she was my daughter, and we were supposed to be affectionate with each other. I loved my daughter and with difficulty, made myself put any unsettling, inappropriate thoughts out of my mind.

Weeks later, after we had become intimate, sometimes, I thought that maybe I welcomed or worse yet encouraged these early displays because she reminded me so much of her mother, Sophia. Back then, when I looked at her, I thought of her mother, and I would feel that familiar tightening around my heart and pulsing in my groin that I use to experience with Sophia. I still missed my ex-wife despite the fact she had abandoned us to run off with someone I had always thought of as a good friend.

When I got home following the end of my final tour, I saw my daughter Courtney for the first time in several years. I was pleased, surprised, and embarrassingly aroused at the sight of her. She had grown into a real beauty, the spitting image of her mother. Barely 5'4", maybe 110 pounds, slim waist, full womanly hips, and while they were not big, she had nice breasts that were well proportioned for her petite body. Just looking at her, with her full, luscious red lips, large, bright green eyes and thick, shiny auburn hair that hung below her shoulders, I saw my ex-wife Sophia the way she had looked when we first met, and my cock began to harden and jerk at the thought of her.

I'll always remember that day, the way Courtney came into my arms and hugged me, rubbing her young, vibrant body against mine. The feel of her hips pressing against me made my knees weak. I broke our embrace and looked at her when I felt my cock jerk in my pants, knowing that she might also have felt it.

I was confused. My cock was rock hard. 'What the hell was going on?' I wondered.

"Daddy? What's wrong? Why did you push me away?" She asked, the hurt obvious in her voice.

"I was just surprised, that's all. The last time I saw you, you were a little girl, and now you're a beautiful young woman. A beautiful young woman who looks just like her mother."

Her resemblance to Sophia was eerily uncanny. It was as if I was holding, looking at Sophia.

"Oh Daddy, I'm glad I remind you of her if it makes you happy," she said as she pressed herself close to me again and kissed me full on the mouth.

My arms tightened around her, and I returned her kiss. As my tongue slipped between her parted lips and explored her warm, sweet mouth, I pulled her to me not realizing (or caring?) that I was subtly grinding my cock against my little girl's soft, willing mons.

I could feel Courtney's small hand brush over my erection. Exhaling, I again reluctantly backed away from her.

"It's ok Daddy . . . it feels good," she said in a whispery voice against my ear as she fumbled to unzip my pants. Overwhelmed by the delicious pressure building in my balls, for a moment, it seemed I couldn't help myself when I began swaying my hips against her hand.

It wasn't her fault. I don't blame her, and I don't want anyone else to blame her.

Yes, I was Courtney's father, but when I looked at her, I saw my ex-wife Sophia and my dick throbbed and ached to be inside her. I took a deep breath and sighed when the sick thought occurred to me that perhaps I had always had these desires and in my hurt and disappointment over the end of my marriage I had begun to blur the two women into one.

I was the pervert . . . not Courtney.

"No baby, this is wrong. We can't let this happen," I said and left the room.

I could hear her calling after me, "Daddy, Daddy," but I didn't stop walking away. I knew what she wanted, and I knew it would be wrong. I also knew it would feel so fucking good to have my cock slide inside her welcoming, so willing smooth, tender young pussy.

'Oh my God, what was I saying . . . this was my daughter!'


Over the next couple of weeks, Courtney had moved all of her things into her old room in our old house. Though things were a little tense, we seemed back on course to building a new life together.

I had always had an interest in contracting and building; coupled with the skills and knowledge I had picked up while in the military, I jumped at the chance to purchase a small construction company soon after we moved back to my hometown. I made Courtney my office manager, and so we were together all day as well as in the evening when we went home. Eventually, Courtney met a young man that she seemed to like and with whom she spent a lot of time and was, I am sure having sex with. I was happy for her and also relieved since I thought it tempered her romantic, possibly incestuous focus on me.

We had been in the old house perhaps four months and had been busy getting it back into order. Our days quickly fell into a comfortable routine.

Now that we were together a majority of the time, she seemed to be better able and willing to filter her overly demonstrative sexual behavior. I took this as a good sign and felt comfortable with what I saw as our developing father/daughter relationship, this despite my occasionally waking during the night after having experienced a particularly vivid wet dream (yes, at my age) in which she was the focus. During this time, when we were getting to know each other again, I often thought of the letters my Mom had sent to me concerning Courtney's sexual behavior with male relatives. I had never witnessed any inappropriate behavior and assumed that because I was back in her life, there was no longer a need for her sexually acting out as she had been subject to do before.

God, how wrong I was.

One night we had worked late and after leaving the office, got into my car and started on the thirty-minute drive home. Sitting behind the wheel, driving and chatting absently about things we needed to get done at work the following day, I felt Courtney's hand hesitantly reach across and fondle my penis. I gasped and turned to look at her, but said nothing as my cock quickly hardened in her hand. I know what I did was inexcusable and perverted, but I pulled the car onto a side road and let Courtney unzip my pants and free my dick. I took her head and held it as she lovingly sucked my cock, and even though I think I tried to resist, my body betrayed me and Courtney made me, forced me to spray my cumload down her beautiful throat.

We didn't speak about what had happened, but we both knew a line had been crossed.

A couple of weeks went by, and I don't know how it happened, but one night there I was; naked, between my daughter's slim inviting legs, cumming hard and desperately.


Please believe me; I didn't want it to happen . . . my god, Courtney was my daughter!

It had been a busy week at work, and I had taken Courtney to dinner. Though she was technically still underage (drinking age in our state is twenty-one), I nonetheless ordered drinks for us both before and after our dinner. By the time we got home, I was exhausted and had a light buzz going on. I said good night to Courtney, took a quick shower, and fell naked onto my bed. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

Not wanting to interrupt the dream I was so much enjoying, I could almost feel my ball sac hardening and tightening against my body. I slowly, reluctantly squinted through half-opened eyes, and that's when I saw her, bending over me, her full red mouth encircling my cockhead. I lay there hypnotized, as I watched her let her mouth work its way slowly down my cockshaft.

It had been a while since I had been with a woman and Courtney's mouth felt good, so good. I had to struggle not to cum into her mouth.

"Oh my God Courtney, what are you doing? S-s-s-stop, baby . . . " I stuttered.

I wanted to stop her; I swear I did.

"It's ok Daddy; it's ok. Let me, ok?" She said coaxingly before directing her attention back to my swollen cock.

I felt my balls roiling and the hot, urgency of cum beginning to rise up my cock. It felt good, so fucking good; I wanted to cum. I looked at Courtney in amazement; this was my little girl sucking my cock, seemingly intent on making me shame myself and defile her.

I hated myself, but all I could think about was emptying my balls, sending my cumload into her mouth and down her throat. I gave up . . . when I began to cum, her eyes opened wide as she experienced my first forceful ejaculation into her mouth. I grabbed her behind her neck and held her mouth on my cock as I kept cumming and cumming, feeding my baby everything I had.

"Swallow it all, swallow all of Daddy's cum," I told her, and my baby tried to do as I asked. I filled her with so much pent-up cum that it trickled out of her mouth. When I released the pressure at the back of her neck, Courtney looked up at me with adoring green eyes. She leaned forward and licked her lips, tasting the sticky saltiness of the cum that slowly oozed from the tip of my cock, and then snuggling on top of me she mumbled, "Daddy," and drifted off to sleep.

I must have also dozed; when I awoke Courtney lay beside me on her back, her pale, well-shaped legs spread slightly apart. My eyes traveled over her body, and I could see that her clit was distended and swollen, with her pink, puffy lips flowering delicately around her pussy. Laying there next to my daughter, I turned toward her when she whimpered in her sleep and subconsciously opened her legs wider, inadvertently allowing me to slip my hand between her thighs and tease her pussy.

In my lust for her, I chose to ignore yet another chance to stop what I was doing. Instead, I moved up her body and taking my cock in hand, placed the mushroom shaped head at her pussy hole, and started to push. She began to stir; holding her down with my hands on her hips, I began pressing my cock into her.

"Oh Daddy," she cried out, and her eyes flew open.

I stopped and stared at her, momentarily unsure.

"Oh Daddy, you're hurting me," she said in a shaky voice.

I said nothing, suddenly silenced by the revelation that Courtney might still be a virgin; the idea frankly had not occurred to me before. Knowing her history, I had just assumed she'd had sex before.

"Are you a virgin, baby?" I asked

"Yes . . . no . . . I don't think so," she answered.

"What do you mean, you don't think so. Have you had sex before? I mean, has a man been inside you before?" I asked, feeling inexplicably frustrated and maybe even a little angry with her.

She didn't want to say and turned her face away from mine. After a little reassurance that I loved her, Courtney took a deep breath and said, "Of course I've been with a man before Daddy . . . it was Uncle Randy."

Uncle Randy was my wife's older brother. From what I could piece together when I had rebuffed Cortney that night, she had turned to her Uncle Randy, and in the course of "comforting" her he had set out to take her virginity. Despite their having engaged in oral sex several times, Courtney had not had intercourse with him or anyone else. Apparently Courtney in spite of her anger toward me that night had been nervous, anxious, and unable to relax making penetration difficult. Randy, whose cock was quite thick, was not able to enter her small, tight virgin's pussy without hurting her in his excitement. With each effort to penetrate her, she would cry out, and beg him to stop. To his credit he did not want to force her, and not being a patient man, Randy quickly decided to bust her cherry was taking more time and effort than he wanted to invest, at least at that time.

Though frustrated, her Uncle Randy, made her suck him off and then he took her home with hymen and virginity intact.


I started to push forward again slowly.

"Oh . . . Ohhh," Courtney groaned, louder than I'm sure she intended.

I stopped moving. I pressed into her gently, not wanting to hurt her more than I needed to. She was just so fucking small and tight . . . and I was so excited it was hard to control that primal urge to penetrate her.

Damn it, but I couldn't stop, not now. Hell, what man wouldn't want to fuck this beautiful, tight pussy?

I reached down and felt her clit poking out of its hood and sensed her body tremble when my hand brushed over it. Rubbing her clit with my cockhead, I covered it with pre-cum that was now beaded at the tip of my cock.

After a while, I could tell her body was slowly relaxing under me. She was so wet; I glided inside her.

"That's it . . . its ok baby, just a little bit further," I reassured her.

Once the tip was inside her, I went deeper and shuddered at the warmth and tightness of her pussy.

I was already rock hard. I spread Courtney's legs wider and pushed my hot cockhead into her. I pushed my cock up her glorious pussy, going deeper and deeper with each thrust. I took her virginity in several hard, stabbing motions as I forced my cock up her no longer innocent opening. Inch by inch, I claimed what I had created.

When my cock was snug inside her, I stopped moving, giving her body time to become accustomed to the feel and fullness of me. "Are you ok baby?" I asked when her tears and moans tapered off.

"Yes, Daddy."

I started slowly stroking in and out, until I felt her pussy muscles wanting but also resisting the feel of my hard, demanding cock inside her. With each stroke, her pussy tightened and released around me, but I wasn't ready to cum yet.


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