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It's a Journey Not a Destination Ch. 11

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This part of Isabel's journey ends with a bang.
16.4k words

Part 11 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 12/03/2022
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Hey there Reader! Welcome to chapter 11. If this is your first click on this series, it will likely make more sense if you had some background from earlier chapters, but hey... whatever works. However, I must mention that this chapter represents the end of this part of the journey.

When I started the concept of this story, I had two different directions in mind and in the end, I decided to create Isabel's story as a backdrop for something grander. I've edged towards this in the last few chapters, but you will notice a clear change in direction in this story.

I hope you enjoy it. I'll have a little note at the end to let you know where this story goes next. Thank you to all those who have taken the time to read It's a Journey, not a Destination. Special thanks to those who offered encouragement and support.

Please excuse any missed grammar end/or spelling errors. I like to think I'm getting better at self editing... LOL.



"How many more samples do we have to get through?" Dr. Young vented in her exhausted state.

"Not counting this one... too many." Jason pushed back from his microscope. "I feel like we're looking for one needle, in a pile of needles. There must be a more effective approach than blindly trying every type of genetic sequence."

"Hey, if you have a better idea, I'm all ears." His lab partner stood up and stretched her back and neck.

Jason pushed his roller stool away from the lab table and rubbed his own neck. "Have you ever been involved with something like this before Marg? Like what is the end game here? I feel like they're only telling us a fraction of what's going on."

"I've been involved in a few situations involving mutated viruses, you know, looking for the source, while analysing their potentials... do you have any idea how many man-made viruses are out there? You don't even want to know what some were engineered for?"

"You mean like bio war shit?"

"Let's just say your current status and pay grade doesn't allow you to be privy to the details." The middle-aged doctor deflected.

"Well thanks for nothing." Jason joked.

"Yeah... sorry. Not firing on all cylinders here. I shouldn't have even said anything."

Jason perked up in his seat. "What did you just say?"

"I shouldn't have said anything?" Marg offered.

"No, no... not firing on all cylinders! What if we approach this from a different perspective?" He could see Marg's face twist in confusion. "Ok... follow me for a second. We've spent the last week cross referencing and simulating normal, healthy genetic sequences, right?" She nodded as she followed along. "What if the answer is in the imperfections or, or... even natural mutations? The project DNA has several similarities with our sequences but maybe the variations could identify with imperfections or mutations. What if the answer isn't just about sequence compatibility? What if it's about filling in missing links... irregular nucleotides or covalent bonds?"

Dr. Young was feeding of his enthusiasm. "We'd be working with a much smaller database that's for sure. Do you really think there would be an increase of viability?"

Jason stared at his lab partner. "I... I don't really know." He shrugged his shoulders. "But it's not a direction we've thought of and I'm tired of going around in the same circles!"

Dr. Young sat down at her computer and began typing in the new parameters. "I agree... let's think outside the genetic box Jason!"


"Honey? That's the third time in five minutes, that you've looked at your phone, everything alright?" Isabel had forgotten how parents observe you.

"Oh, yeah, sorry mom. I was just waiting to hear back from... uhm... a friend." Isabel could see her mom's eyebrow go up.

"I see. This... friend? Do I know her?" Her mom pressed.

"Probably not Mrs. P. ... she would be a he." Katie offered with her mouth full of lasagna.

"Thank Katie!" Isabel scorned her best friend, who shrugged her shoulders.

"Your new friend is a boy? Well, that sounds interesting."

"Yeah... boy... friend. Boyfriend!" Katie added while chewing.

"KATIE!" Isabel gave her best friend a dirty look.

"Wha??? I kinda already told them you were seeing a guy. What's the big deal?"

Jim Piteranni could see his daughter getting flustered, so he decided to step in. "Easy there, tiger. You have no idea the type of interrogation poor Katie gets from your mom whenever she gets back from visiting you."

"JIM! You're not supposed to say that in front of our daughter!" Now it was Isabel's dad's turn to shrug his shoulders, and after a few seconds, everyone started giggling at the finger pointing going on.

"This family is the best!" Katie held up her wine glass and everyone followed suit.

After a few 'here, here's', everyone went back to their food. Following another forkful Isabel spoke up. "His name is Jason Cooper... he's a super smart senior, who is currently off working with a think tank for Nexus Labs. He's really nice and just before he left, we agreed to give things a try." She looked to her parents. "Happy?" She looked to Katie, who smiled and nodded.

"Oh, she forgot to say super cute too!" Katie added with conviction.

Neither parent responded immediately as they consumed their dinner, but the quiet would not last long. Jim wiped his mouth with his napkin.

"So, Izzy, does Jason know ... about you?"

Her knee jerk reaction was to be upset by that question, but it was the pillar of who she was, and secrets were not the best way to build a foundation... and of course her track record wasn't the greatest either. And if that wasn't enough reason to not overreact... it was her dad, who was ALWAYS her champion.

"Yes father..." She rolled her eyes for emphasis. "I explained everything to him, and he took it surprisingly well, which is why we agreed that we would try and see where things go. Unfortunately, he had to leave the next day and whatever he's working on is under so much security that he has to use their secure phones, so we haven't really been able to talk specifics."

"Nexus Labs huh? Word is they are working with something big. The classified nature of this thing is coming from Homeland Security. He must be a very impressive intellect to be pulled in on something like that, right from college." Isabel could almost sense some pride in his description of Jason.

"All that and he's got a cute butt!" Katie got a round of chuckles from everyone.

"That's sweet honey. We know how tough this stuff is for you to navigate and we're very proud that you feel confident enough to put yourself out there." Margaret was beaming at her daughter.

"Thanks mom... I've had a lot of help. Leticia Gonzales has been incredible, and I've made some great friends." She looked towards Katie. "Even Katie-bear gave him her approval and there's no one else's endorsement I trust more than hers!" She winked at the pixie who blushed.

"Is that right Katie? You feel like this Jason is the right guy for Isabel?" Margaret asked.

"I do Mrs. P. It's hard to explain but from the moment I met him, I could tell he was one of the good guys. He loves her, even if he hasn't said it yet." It was her turn to make Isabel blush. "Besides... I warned him, I told him if he hurt my Izzy, I'd show up his door and bite his dick off."


Isabel's father spit whatever he was chewing back onto his plate and started coughing from the comment. Isabel glared at her best friend, while Margaret tapped his back to ease his coughing.

"What?" Katie gave Isabel a puzzled look.

After dinner the four sat in the living room and did some more catching up. Isabel was delighted to see how invested her dad was in Katie's gym career. She had always been a fixture in her house from the day they met, but Isabel could see the relationship with her folks had graduated to a semi parenting role in Katie's life. There was no mistake... she was family!

"Isabel dear, we feel bad that we're going out tonight, but this event has been postponed so many times and your father and I are obligated to go. Are you ok with that honey?"

"Of course, mom. It's ok if you guys have a life." She smiled. "I'm good with a quiet night in... maybe watch a movie. What do you think Katie?"

"I'm wherever you are!" Katie's response made Margaret smile.

"I'm assuming I'll be making breakfast for four in the morning Katie?" Margaret teased the pixie.

"Please tell me you can make those roll up pancakes!" Katie squirmed in her seat.

"Of course, dear." Margaret beamed at the pixie who pumped the air with her fist.

After watching Just Go with It, for the 20th time, the two girls got ready for bed. Katie wore her sports bra and a thong while Isabel chose an oversized t-shirt, no underwear. They slipped under the covers and faced each other.

"God... this feels so nostalgic, lying here in my old bed staring into the beautiful face of my best friend."

"If this bed could talk huh?" Katie chuckled. She stared into Isabel's eyes and leaned in and kissed the tip of her nose. "I don't know what I'd do without you Izzy. I can't remember a time when you weren't in my life. Thank you for being my friend... thank you saying hi to me on the playground that day. It was the best day of my life." She started to tear up, so Isabel engulfed her in tight body hug.

Kissing the top of her head, Isabel stroked her hair noticing the blonde was coming back. "You got it all wrong Katie-bear. I'd be a shell of the person I am now if not for you. I owe you everything. You once said to me that you believe Jason would be the glue to keep all things in my life together... but you were wrong. It's you! You... are at the center of everything good in my life! I could never, ever live my life without you. I love you sweetie!"

They hugged for a while longer, enjoying the intimacy of their connection. You could almost hear and feel their heartbeats... in sync. Slowly releasing each other, Isabel rolled onto her back and let out a big breath.

"What's going on in the beautiful head Izzy? Are the cats out again?"

Isabel snickered at her subtle dig. "I really wish I could see Jason. He sounds ok, but I'd feel better if I could see his eyes, feel his hugs..."

Katie put her head on the Italian girls chest, just below her breasts. "Suck his cock?" She finished the sentence for her.

"You have a one-track mind, Katie Montgomery. Dirty, dirty, dirty." She teased the pixie.

"You know... I was just a sweet and innocent little girl scout until I met you..." Her hand pulled up the t-shirt and began stroking Isabel's hardening cock. "And this." She squeezed the thick shaft.

"Mmmm." Isabel approved of her fondling.

Isabel's right hand was under her head, while her left, stroked, and played with her best friends hair. They laid in the comfortable silence, Katie leisurely stroking the now rock-hard cock with her left hand... her other hand was busy rubbing herself through her G-string.

"Izzy? Be a pal and pull the sheet down for me."

Isabel removed her hand from behind her head, lifted the sheet and threw it down towards her feet as hard as she could. It flew far enough to expose the girls from the knees up.

While she gently tried to massage the huge balls in her tiny hand, Katie's mouth slipped over the huge crown, and suckled like a baby on a nipple... a huge fucking nipple that is. The act was something they partook in regularly growing up. In fact, it was this position that they first crossed the friendship line, and the intimate act seemed to provide both girls with a sense of relaxation. Isabel gently stroked the girl's head; it was the most natural and comforting thing to do. It wasn't uncommon for them to even talk like this... well Isabel would talk, and Katie would lift off and respond, only when it was necessary.

"Katie-bear, can I ask you a question?" There was no need for Katie to remove her mouth for such an obvious answer. "Are you developing a thing with Vern?" The question was strictly inquisitive in its nature, it held no accusational tones.

After a few more minutes of head sucking, Katie pulled off and looked up to her friends face. "I don't know to be honest. I like her a lot and we're definitely compatible... sexually. It's nice that I can have a heart to heart with another woman who understands you and your special situation." She returned her mouth to her happy place.

"So, you two talk about me behind my back?" Isabel teased.

"Ummffph hummppffh." Katie mumbled, then quickly popped her mouth off without looking up. "Sometimes we do it behind each other's back... if you know what I mean." Her mouth went back to work.

Isabel's giggles turned into a moan as the pixie began working her shaft with her hand in concert with her mouth. The intimate mood was quickly shifting towards the naughtier, as Isabel's hips began to lift towards the smaller girls mouth.

"What's it going to be tonight, Tinker Bell? Electric slide or do you want a long, drawn-out game of where's waldo?" Isabel smiled as she could hear her friend moan around her cock. There was no rush, so she let Katie set the pace.

With an audible pop, Katie released the huge cock head and shimmied onto her knees and straddled the brunette, pinning the massive pole under her bottom. Now it was Isabel's turn to moan as the heat from Katies pussy and the sensual positioning sent excitement through her body. Katie arched her back and stretched her arms out... the whole thing was sexy. She released her bra, tossed it on the floor, and cupped her firm breasts as she stared down into the eyes of her lover.

"Actually... I have a new game I'd like to try... you interested?" She taunted her friend with a raised eyebrow.

"Have I ever said no to you?" Isabel returned her look.

"Good! I think you're really going to love this one Izzy." She winked. "I'm going to call this one... hide the salami."

Isabell giggled at the ridiculous name which drew a frown from Katie. "I'm sorry Katie... go on. How do we play this, hide the salami."

Katies smile returned. "Well, it's simple actually, and I have no doubt that this one will become our favorite instantly."

"Well, that's quite the endorsement, because I have a hard time choosing which one, I love the best now." Isabel rubbed the pixie's toned thighs. "So... how do we play?"

Katie leaned her body towards the nightstand and pulled a bottle of lube from it. She worked her way back into position and smiled. "We rub a great deal of this all over your big cock and then..." She looked like she was unsure." Then you fuck my ass until we both pass out." She bit her lower lip waiting for Isabel's reaction.

Isabel wasn't completely shocked, since the topic had come up quite a bit the last month or so, but now that it was on the table, her stomach was instantly doing flip flops. "Are... are you sure Katie?"

"I've never been surer of anything in my life Izzy. We were kids when we made that pact... I think we both know who we are now, and more importantly who we are to each other. I couldn't love you anymore than I do now, Izzy. It's all I can think about." She finished softly. She watched her best friend ponder the situation.

"Same goes for me Katie-bear. I've never wanted something so bad in my life!" She choked up.

Katie's face glowed with excitement. "Good... what's say we get you all lubed up and stuff my sexy ass!"

Maybe it was the accumulated excitement, the practice sessions with Veronica or the pinnacle of impatience, but Katie was straddled facing Isabel, with the thick monster cock firmly sleeved inside her ass. Her internal organs adapted quickly, to make room for such a large invader, in such a tiny host. That's not to say that the whole process was simple and pain free, which was evidenced by the twisted up face that Katie was currently displaying. Her breathing was ragged, filled with little squeaks and grunts, while she sniffed to keep her nose from running. Isabel soothingly rubbed her hands along the familiar curves, watching her friends face intently with excitement and concern.

"You doing ok, Katie-bear?" Isabel used her voice to sooth the moment.

"Fuck... that's a BIG FUCKING COCK!" She grunted while trying to acclimatize to the girth. "I'm no virgin Izzy, but you are definitely venturing into virgin spaces."

"Want me to back up a little?"

"Not a fucking chance! I waited too long for this and it's not coming out until I'm done with it!" Katie was unwavering.

Isabel smiled to herself and slowly sat up so she could embrace the gorgeous pixie. She slowly scootched the two of them to the end of the bed, so Isabel could put her feet on the ground, all the while Katie's insides got churned gloriously. They settled in, hugging each other. Isabel pulled the sprites head back and kissed her passionately.

"Whoa..." Katie whispered when they pulled back.

"You felt it too?" Isabel asked. The pixie nodded ever so slightly.

The unspoken feeling was a combination of love, lust, and happiness. The perfect friendship just got... well... more perfect!

"My god you feel so good Katie. I've imagined this moment so many times, but nothing even came close to this... being inside you... feeling you wrap yourself around me." Isabel lost her words.

"I must be dead." Katie whispered. "This has got to be heaven."

Isabel stood up and the smaller girl wrapped herself around her best friend like their airport hugs... just much closer. Isabel supported Katie's perfectly sculpted ass and began easing her up and down her terribly hard cock.

"Oh, sweet fucking Jesus! You're so deep Izzy!"

"You, ok?"


Isabel walked to the wall and pushed Katie's back against it, thrusting her cock in deep, shallow movements. Katie was moaning nonstop and clamped her mouth over Isabel's right upper trap and bit down strongly.

"Oh, fuck Katie!" The sensation hurt but it also increased the stimulation of the whole experience and Isabel began thrusting harder, smashing her friend against the wall. It was a good thing her parents weren't home because the loud banging on the wall would have definitely drawn attention.

"Wait... wait Izzy!" Katie gasped.

Isabel froze at the request and searched her friends face, looking to make sure everything was alright. What she saw was her best friend take a few gulps of air, her eyes shot wide open, and she screamed her way through, what Isabel perceived, as a massive orgasm.

"IZZZZZYYYYY! OH! FUUUUUUUCCCKK!" She clamped her asshole as hard as she could around the huge fuck pole, grunting, squeaking, and vibrating all at once, until she went limp.

Isabel could feel her juices running down her legs and smiled at how intense that was. Carefully she pulled back from the wall and carried her back to the bed, where she knelt first, then walked a few steps to the middle, and laid on top of the limp girl.

"You done Katie-bear?"

"Not even fucking close..." The response came in the form of a whisper, but the girls determination was clear.

The Italian girl began moving herself inside the snug, pliable hole, picking up momentum with each pendulum. The pixie kept her four limbs wrapped tight as her ass was pleasured over and over with each deep push.

"I had no idea you'd feel this good!" The pixie uttered.

"Let's take it up a notch then." Isabel smirked. She pulled back and slipped her arms under Katie's legs and lifted them to her shoulders, leaning forward until the bottom girl was almost folded in half, her ass was totally vulnerable.

Katie bit her bottom lip anticipating what was coming next...



Nothing could have prepared her for what Isabel was doing to her tiny bottom. The strapon fun with Veronica was just that... fun. This was intense! Every nerve fiber was electric as Isabel's magnificent cock plundered her deepest depths. The cock she sucked, stroked, and lived for, was re-arranging her organs in the most delightful way. She watched Isabel's face scrunch up in pleasure and concentration. The look in her eyes was so intense, like a lustful rage and that was enough to send her into another orgasm... this one tripped and bounced through multiple crests, all the while Isabel hammered her entire length over and over into her slippery asshole.

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