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It's How You Wrap It

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Alison gives her Daddy a latex-covered X-Mas present.
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by BrettJ © 2012

Alison Forrest was in a quandary. She had been in that state for some weeks now and answers had not yet been made available to her. Quandary was not Alison's natural state. Her usual state was either jovial or naughty and sometimes, if the wind was blowing in the right direction, both at the same time. Those who were around her at times like that tended to reap the benefits.

She was lunching with her best friend and cousin, Annaliese Sanders. "So sweetie, how are you?" Annaliese asked her.

Alison put down her Cosmopolitan and smiled. "I'm in a quandary, to be honest," she answered Annaliese. Her ever-present smile was ... well, not present.

"How totally unlike you," Annaliese answered, pondering over whether or not she wanted another Margarita. "You're usually jovial or naughty."

"I was just thinking that," Alison said, forcing a tiny smile. "Well, Christmas is fast approaching and I need to think of a special Christmas gift."

"Why? Hey, have you started seeing someone?" Annaliese inquired.

"No, I need to think of something for Daddy," Alison said. "He's been so great about letting me stay at his gorgeous home and paying all of my bills. He didn't have to do that, God knows, my mother sure wouldn't have."

"It wasn't your fault your relationship with Jim ended," Annaliese said, deciding on the drink. "He was a cheating shit and the lease to the apartment was in his name. Where were you supposed to go?"

"That was two years ago and Daddy hasn't ever bothered me about getting a job or chipping in for food or groceries, not one thing," Alison answered. "He's been an absolute prince and you can just imagine what the food's been like," she said with a bit of a smile returning to her face. When Alison was growing up, her father had run a small restaurant specializing in French food. 5 years ago, his second cookbook hit big and he was offered his own cooking show on the Food Network. Now her father was a multi-millionaire with 4 restaurants and a huge home.

"I don't know why you're so worried, Uncle Claude really doesn't need anything," Annaliese said as their server brought her drink. "He even invited me to come and live with the two of you if I decide to return to my painting and sculpting."

"I keep telling you that you should go for it," Alison smiled. "It would be nice to have some company around the pool and to go places with. I don't know why you need to work in the first place; your folks have almost as much money as mine." Alison's father had made his sister his business manager and his brother-in-law was his accountant. He believed first and foremost in taking care of family and the arguments he'd had with his now-ex wife over that had led to a very bitter split.

"I like the costume shop and getting to wear all the fun outfits every day," Annaliese giggled. The staff wore different costumes each day when they worked to show to the customers how they looked. "I can paint just as easily at home. Hey, you remember the outfit I wore for Halloween? I never would have been able to wear that if it weren't for my job."

"I remember that outfit, it was pretty outrageous," Alison smiled. Then, the familiar naughty smile crossed her lovely face. She brushed stray blonde curls out of her face and her gorgeous blue eyes were now dancing with delight. Annaliese knew that look all too well as she had been on the receiving end of that look on several occasions. All of those occasions had come to verysatisfying conclusions.

"What are you thinking?" Annaliese asked of her cousin. She could almost hear the gears grinding as her manipulative little mind began concocting some sort of scheme. If it had been a cartoon, smoke would have been pouring from her Alison's ears.

"Can you get your hands on that outfit again?" Alison asked her.

"Yeah, but it won't fit you, we're built a bit differently," Annaliese told her. While the cousins were almost the same height, Annaliese was reed-slim, like a fashion model. Alison was curvy and busty, like an old-time pinup model.

"If you can find me one like it, that'd be great. Daddy deserves something special and I've just figured out what it is and with your staff discount, it won't cost me a fortune. Which is good, because I spent a fortune on your graduation gift last year and I'm still rebuilding my savings," she laughed. Alison had treated her cousin to two weeks in Paris where they both had relatives they had not previously met.

"I can probably get you an identical outfit for around $200, is that within your budget?" Annaliese asked. Alison nodded and sipped her drink with an enigmatic smile. "Are you going to tell me what it is you have in mind?"

"Yes, because I know that I can trust you and you won't freak out when I tell you," Alison grinned at her cousin. She leaned in close so she could make sure they would not be overheard. "You know that my Daddy likes to do everything around the house by himself and he won't hire staff, right?"

"Yes, where are you going with this?"

"Well, Daddy might be a cooking phenomenon, but he's also a terrible slob. So I thought ..."

Claude Forrest decided he would figure out some nice Christmas surprise for his daughter. It was always so nice to have her to come home to. After his bile-filled split from her self-serving mother, Allie was a breath of fresh air. Maybe a nice trip somewhere or a little shopping spree? It was nice to be able to indulge her; he had always wished they'd had more when she was growing up. Alison was always protesting that he was spoiling her but what good was money if you couldn't make life comfortable for those you loved? It was one of the reasons he made his sister's life easier and why he had offered to let Annaliese move in with them. He knew how close Allie and Annaliese were and it would be fun for the two of them to share a home.

He threw on a robe and as he walked past his daughter's room, he saw that her door was open and her bed was neatly made. That was a surprise as it was only 10 AM and Alison was less a morning person than he. He wondered what she was doing up and thought it might be nice to make breakfast for the two of them. He got half-way down the stairs when he heard the vacuum cleaner running. He and Alison had argued about his hiring a maid, had she gone to an employment agency and done so without telling him?

He was almost at the bottom of the stairs when he spotted her and stopped dead in his tracks. At first, he wasn't sure, but yes – itwas Alison doing the cleaning and it looked like she had tidied up a lot. Things were organized and in their proper place, all the cups and mess he left in the living room were missing. It was the manner of dress his daughter affected that stunned the talented chef. She was wearing a shiny black latex bra, panty and black latex gloves and stockings with high heels. Her hair had been styled and she was wearing the pearl necklace and earrings he had given her the previous Valentine's Day. The bra was cut so that you could see her nipples and the panties left part of her crotch exposed so he could see the blonde fluff of his daughter's pussy. She looked sexy and magnificent, although Claude knew he really shouldn't be thinking of her that way. This gorgeous young creature who was flitting about the house cleaning everywhere was his daughter – butChrist, she sure looked sexy! He knew she was a beautiful and vivacious young woman but he had never thought of her in this way before.

Alison spotted her father before he had a chance to go back upstairs. "Morning Daddy, you're up early," she beamed. "I hope I didn't wake you. Merry Christmas to you," she smiled at him.

"Actually, that isn't for another three days," Claude said as he finished his descent. "Allie honey, what the ...?"

"I wanted to get an early start, this place is a mess," Alison smiled. "Honestly Daddy, you could learn to pick up after yourself."

"I mean, the outfit ...?"

"Oh, THIS?" Alison teased. "I didn't want to dress like some frumpy old maid or do the French Maid thing – too cliché. You're a successful businessman Daddy and you should have a sexy maid to look after every room in your house.Every room, Daddy," Alison smiled as she neared her vibrant, handsome parent.

Claude was sure she was just teasing or trying to test his limits. There was no way the statuesque blonde could mean what she was suggesting. He was sure of that until she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. In the 4-inch heels, she had an inch on him. "I meantexactly what you thought I meant, Daddy," Alison said as if she had been reading his thoughts. "This is my Christmas present to you. I'm your sexy new maid. Do you like the wrapping?" She giggled.

"Are you telling me that you and I can ...?"

"Fuck?" Alison moved the vacuum cleaner to one side and smiled at her bewildered parent. "Yes Daddy, that's exactly what I'm telling you. Starting today, you have a hot, willing piece of ass living under the same roof as you. I will do anything you like sexually. I'll give you a blowjob, sleep with you, you can fuck my hot little cunt or even my ass, if that's what you want. I'm aslut maid just for you Daddy and not just for the holidays – just as long as you want me," Alison grinned.

"Alison baby, you don't have to do this ..."

"Daddy, I want to do this. You've taken care of me for a while, I want to return the favor. Face it Daddy – you're a hot looking, successful man. A lot of women would like to be in my position and have a hot Daddy to fuck. Want to try me out, Daddy? I'm almost done here, we can go upstairs and fuck now, if that's what you want," she told him.

"Let me wake up first," Claude said. "The outfit is very pretty and damn, it looks great on you. Is it latex?"

"Yes Daddy and I have some other outfits to wear for you as well," she told him. "Do you want me to make some coffee for you and bring it to you in bed?

"No, that's okay, I need to shake the cobwebs from my brain," he told his daughter as he headed for the kitchen. He could smell her perfume tantalizing him as he walked past her. Claude knew he wasn't going to put up much of a fight because living under the same roof with someone so gorgeous would be hell if he knew she looked likethat and hadthose types of thoughts.

The coffee started to kick in and he began waking up. Alison finished her vacuuming and he heard it go silent. Then he heard the clicking of her heels coming down the hardwood floors to the kitchen. She entered and smiled at him and winked.

"You're going to accept my gift, aren't you Daddy?" She asked as she sat across from him. As his eyes never left the allure of her latex-clad body, she knew the answer but she wanted to hear him say it.

"Yeah," her father said while shaking his head. "This is the damned craziest scheme I've ever heard of, but as I sit across the table from you while you're wearing that sexy thing, I can't stop feeling – well, the way you want me to feel, I guess. This is a pretty major risk we're taking sweetheart, are you sure about this?"

Alison got up from where she was sitting and sat on her father's lap. Her hand reached down and patted his crotch. She could feel a large bulge already forming there. "Does this answer your question, Daddy? I think if you're this awake, you can take me upstairs and fuck me – don't you?"

"Yes," her father answered, trying to keep his voice from breaking. "You'd better get off my lap honey or I won't be able to walk up the stairs," he chuckled. Alison smiled and did as he asked.

"I'm going ahead of you so that you can look at what now belongs to you, Daddy darling," Alison teased. His eyes never left her curvy, alluring body as she ascended the stairs. He couldn't believe she had done all of this for his benefit, it was mind-blowing. Part of him knew that this was wrong, but that part was being driven away by the forces of desire. Alison was old enough to make her own decisions and with every movement her body made in that shiny black material, he wanted her more and more.

She reached his bedroom and posed herself on the bed. "I'm glad you don't have anything on other than your PJs," she smiled. "It will take less time to undress you. Come here lover – I bet my Daddy has a nice big cock and I'm going to show him just how much his slut maid loves his cock."

He almost felt as if he was watching someone else outside of his body as Claude Forrest moved to the bed. Alison opened the front of his PJ bottoms and his cock flopped out. She looked up at him and smiled. "You do have a nice one, let me show you how much I appreciate it," she said to him as she took it in her full, ruby-painted lips and started sucking.

Claude nearly fell to the floor. It was obvious to him now that his daughter was a highly-sexualized creature, but this was beyond compare. She was sucking him almost as ferociously as the vacuum cleaner had sucked up debris previously. Only she was breathing, warm, alive and vibrant and looked amazing. Her face was aglow with delight as she sucked her Daddy and when he felt his balls churning with cum, he went to pull away. Alison wasn't having it. She nodded at him and let him cum in her mouth and swallowed it down like his finest Béarnaise sauce.

"Don't ever waste a cum load darling, I will always have a place for you to put it," Alison smiled. "What would you like for me to do next? I can bathe you or give you a massage, you just name it."

Her father pulled her close and one hand was on her waist while the other was just below her tits. His face was touching hers as he said to her "None of that right now, thanks. If we're going to fuck, I want to do things to you as well. I assume that you're ready for that, aren't you?"

Alison nodded. She had been ready ever since concocting this crazy scheme. Her sexy father had been the object of her fantasies for some time now. Both of his hands were at her waist now as he kissed the side of her neck and sent shivers up and down her spine.

Claude moved her so that she was now on her back on the bed. He looked at her beautiful face and tried to reconcile this gorgeous, wanton creature with the sweet daughter he had raised. That Alison wasn't present in this room. The Alison in his bed was a take-charge, crazy, wild little bitch who was prepared to do anything to make him happy. He reached up and fondled her tits, loving the weight of them. Her nipples were pink and puffy through the holes in the latex. He pinched both of them and heard a delighted little squeal from the blonde vixen.

Claude moved his face down her body and explored the smooth, supple flesh of his daughter's body. The only sounds he heard from her were delighted little whimpers and he couldn't believe how arousing they were. His mouth wanted to taste her there and when he spread her latex-covered legs apart, her bare pussy was there for him. She rested her legs on his back as he ate her pussy. Alison's assessment had been correct, her father was as masterful with a woman as he was in the kitchen. His mouth knew what she liked and he was ardent and skilled in his quest to make her cum. Alison knew it wouldn't take very long because she had been aroused all day, before he had even risen. Her body arched off the bed as Claude's lips triggered her climax.

"Darling Daddy, oh Daddy, that was ..."

"I know what it was, my naughty little maid," he chuckled. "I'm wide awake now, do you think it's time for you and the old man to fuck?"

Alison nodded enthusiastically. "Yes sir, I do, but you're not old. You're my strong and virile lover and you can do anything you want, anything at all. You're calling the shots sir, how do you want me?" She sat up and started running her hands along his chest before fondling his cock. It was almost stiff again and she thrilled at having it alive and in her latex-covered hands.

"I want to see you bouncing on top of me," Claude smiled as he got on his back in bed. "If you're the servant, shouldn't you do most of the work?" He teased her.

"Yessir, of course sir," Alison giggled as she mounted him. She hadn't been kidding earlier – however he wanted her was now her pleasure. He could fuck her in any hole she had because she had committed herself to being his personal slut. Every time she thought of that, Alison got the naughtiest chills. When his cock made its way past the lips of her pussy, those chills turned into a blazing inferno in a flash. She couldn't believe how good this felt, far better than anyone she had ever been with. Alison began to ride him as his cock moved in and out of her. The latex made all sorts of squeaking noises as she fucked her Daddy and she found them kind of sexy. Her body rocked back and forth on his cock and she saw his eyes close as she screwed him. It would only get better between them. She would make sure of that. She planned to work out and keep fit and limber so that she could do anything, ANY time, to please her father. He was her ideal man and she was so happy he had accepted her gift so readily.

Claude watched in awe as his beautiful young daughter fucked him. He would never, not in a million years, believed her capable of such erotic fervor. She wasn't just going through the motions, she was really fucking him. Her cunt was clutched around his cock and her hands were on his skin, manipulating his flesh. Every so often, she would lean down and kiss him to remind him that she was there, that he was really fucking his pretty baby girl. As if he could ever forget. The memory of their lovemaking would be emblazoned in his mind for all eternity.

"FuckfuckFUCK, oh damn, I'm starting to wonder if this was your Christmas present or mine, Daddy," Alison groaned as his cock continued plunging in and out of her wet pussy. It was true because his cock fit her pussy so magnificently, it was almost as if it was made to fit. She made sure not to neglect any part of her lover, it was her duty to take care of his needs, hers came second. She was the servant and she needed to make him cum without rushing him.

Claude kept himself in good shape and had not been a monk since separating from his wife. He thanked God he had done so, because Allie eclipsed any woman he had ever been with by a very wide margin. The beautiful girl screwing him senseless was so far removed from the daughter he knew that he was having a bit of trouble reconciling the two. Yet it was still Allie's gorgeous face he saw, although slightly changed by lust. Claude felt himself cumming again and without any hesitation, Alison got off his cock and sucked and stroked him until he came in her mouth again. He probably would never get used to seeing that.

"I'll draw you a bath, Daddy," Alison smiled as she entered the bathroom. Looking back, she asked "Would you like for me to join you?"

Until she asked, Claude had not realized she had kept the latex on for the entirety of their fucking. He had yet to see her fully naked and his balls were already tingling at the thought. "Yeah, honey," he grinned. "After that, we should eat a little something. You really take a lot out of a guy." She giggled at that and went to run the bath.

The two of them spent the rest of the day fucking and most of the next. On Christmas Eve, Claude decided to give his "maid" some money for new clothes and smiled as he instructed her to add some "naughty" clothes to her new wardrobe. She smiled and nodded as she accepted the huge wad of cash he offered. He saw her smile again when the doorbell rang. She opened it to a smiling Annaliese, who hugged her cousin and then, her uncle. He was smiling himself when Annaliese opened her long coat to reveal an outfit nearly identical to the one Alison had worn just three days earlier. The girls grabbed each other's hands and started to head up the stairs, smiling back at a still-stunned Claude.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Creepy shit

Another woman with Daddy issues. Nasty and NOT in a good way.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Do. not stop there

very hot story. I sure hope there is more to follow, and more latex outfits.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

The people demand a continuation of this story!!! Deliciously naughty!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
So fucking hot

Oh fucking sucking wonderful, more and more of this please and soon, like yesterday. The three of them fucking and sucking each other into next year. I am going to start acting this out with two of my girl friends. Cunt lapping sex maniac Lanc's UK

daddygoesdeepdaddygoesdeepalmost 12 years ago

Delicious. Keep 'em cumming.

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