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It's The Way You Look At Me Ch. 05


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"Ok," he said concerned. "What's changed?"

"I can't leave until after seven on Friday. They want to hang the banner in the gym and they want the team to be there."

"You'd have to drive all night to get there by morning," he said.

"I know."

"That means I have to set up your hunting spot."

"If you could," I begged a little.

"I can do that," he smiled.

"Thanks dad."

"Well," he grunted and yawned. "I'm hitting the hay."

"Me too."

"Good night then."

"Good night dad."


"Do you have everything?" I asked.

"I think so," Jamie replied. "I've never been to the woods so I'm not sure what I need."

I looked over her stuff. She had everything she needed to hunt with. Camo, her gun, and her hunting permit. I glance around again before I noticed something was missing.

"What are you going to sleep on?"

"I could just snuggle with you," she smiled.

"I have a one man sleeping bag," I laughed. "You could try and squeeze in there with me."

"I should be fine," she smiled. "It's a one man sleeping bag. It doesn't say anything about one man and one woman."

I chuckled. "I have an extra one. You can use that."

"Thank you but I have one in my closet. Let me run and get it."

She quickly headed into the house before returning with her pink sleeping bag all rolled up and still in the original packaging.

"Let's go get this thing over with so we can hit the road."

"Sounds good," she said.

We climbed into the truck and headed to the school.

"What's the weather going to be like?"

"Dad says it's cold up there," I replied. "He said a front pushed through this morning and the wind is blowing in some cold ass air."

"I hope I'm warm enough," she said.

"I'll hold you," I smiled.

"We know where that leads," she giggled.

"You always end up warm though don't you?"

"Amongst other things," she giggled again.

I pulled into the school. We both headed inside the gym and waited for the time. She wasn't cheering tonight so she could leave right away. We found Jordan and the guys and took a seat to wait it out.

After they cleared off the floor from their warm up we took the floor and waited. The principle spoke about how proud he was of the school and of the team. Shane and I were given the ends of the rope so we could pull the tarp off the banner. We both pulled and sent it falling to the floor. The state title banner hung above as we looked at it. He read the names of the players on the team before they applauded us.

I shot the shit for a minute before heading off to get on the road. We drove along for a while before we stopped to get a drink and more fuel. Then we got back on the road again.

I kept looking over at Jamie as she sat there and sang along to the radio. She looked perfect sitting there as she smiled back at me. The burning questioned came to my mind again as I watched the road then looked back at her.

"Hey Jamie," I sighed.

"Hum?" she looked at me.

"Where are we going?"

"To the hunting camp I thought."

"You know what I mean."

She sighed. "I don't know."

"I'd like to figure it out," I said.

She looked at me before thinking again. I reached over and turned the radio down some as I waited for her to come up with something.

"Where do you want it to go?" she finally spoke.

"I'd like this to go further than July when I leave for school."

"I'd like that too."

"So, how are we going to do that then?"

"I haven't thought that far," she sighed.

"I was hoping you had something more than that."

"Do you want something long term with me?" she questioned.

"That's why I'm bringing this up."

"Then we will stay together."

"But I will be off at college and you will be here," I said. "How will that work?"

"I can come visit you as often as I can. I'm going to be in college too, just around here. I will find the time to come see you if that's what you want."

"I would," I replied.

"So we can do that and see how it goes. If it works out then we can go from there."

"And if it goes well," I started before I paused. "How are we going to tell everyone that we are together?"

"Beats the hell out of me," she shrugged.

"That's what I was afraid of," I sighed.

"We don't have to solve the world's problems in one night," she offered.

"It would be nice to get a few ideas out there though."

"Why don't we just see where we end up by this time next year? If we are still together then, we can try to figure something else out from there."

"What do you mean if?" I questioned lightly. "I can't see us not being together."

"You never know," she said. "You being the big time college stud. You might find somebody better."

"Ha," I laughed. "I'm not interested in anyone but you and that's the way I intend to keep it for the time being. I'm assuming you feel the same way."

"I do," she smiled.

"So?" I questioned, emphasizing the current conversation and wanting to find some kind of resolve.

"So we date for a while and see if it's really what we want then. If it is, we can figure out a way to tell everyone. I don't know how they will take it. We don't have to worry about it right now. We are just starting out."

"And what if?" I paused. "If we don't work out? I don't want to lose you as my best friend."

"How about we both make a deal right now," she said. "If we happen to grow apart from each other we still have to be friends. No matter what the circumstance is, we have to be there for each other."

"I can do that," I smiled.

"That's one problem solved," she smiled back.

"So how are we going to solve the next one?"

"We put it on the back burner for now," she offered. "I just said we can't solve all the world's problems in one night."

"We could always run away and not tell them anything," I joked.

"We might have to anyway," she giggled. "They will probably disown us."

"My dad will," I sighed. "That I know for a fact."

"And you're willing to be disowned for me?"

"I won't be the only one," I laughed lightly.

"Let's just see where this thing goes," she said. "The deal is there so we can see where we end up."

"Ok," I smiled.

I reached out and took her hand in mine. She squeezed my hand tightly and began singing again. It was quiet in the truck except for her singing and the hum of the tires on the road. As the night wore on she rested her head in my lap and tried to sleep. I stayed focused until we reached the camp at four in the morning.

I pulled the truck down the dirt path before stopping next to my dad's truck. I killed the lights and let the engine idle for a minute as I looked at Jamie sleeping peacefully in my lap. She had a soft smile on her face even while she slept. I curled one loose strand of hair away from her cheek that had escaped her loose bun. She softly stirred as I tucked it behind her ear.

"Are we here?" she asked.

"Just pulled in."

She sat up and looked ahead taking in the camp for the first time. The porch light was on so it gave her some idea of what she was getting into.

"Should we go inside?"

"No," I said. "They will be sleeping. Let's just try to get comfortable in here and rest until somebody wakes us up. It won't be but another hour or so before they get ready to head out."

"Ok," she yawned and stretched.

"Let me lay against the door and you can lean against me between my legs," I ordered.

"Ok," she yawned again.

I turned my body as she moved around until I was stretched down the bench seat. She rested her back against my chest and tried to get comfortable. I wrapped my arms around her body and held her. She sighed contently as she rested her head against me. I fell asleep quickly as the long drive had worn me out.

Five thirty came quickly as my dad tapped on the window and broke me out of my shallow sleep. We both untangled so I could open the door.

"You two could have come inside," he laughed.

"I didn't want to wake you guys."

"It beats sleeping out here in the cold."

"He kept me warm Uncle Dan," Jamie giggled.

"It's just after five thirty," he laughed. "You should come inside and get a cup of coffee and something to eat."

"Sounds good," I sighed.

We both climbed from the truck and headed into the cabin to get some coffee and a quick bite. I was still worn out but the excitement of the coming hunt made me feel awake. The coffee helped as I sipped on it.

"Alright," dad said. "I'm heading out to my stand."

"Where did you put me?" I asked.

"I got you in a blind on granddad plain," he said. "Half way down on the east side of the tree line so you won't be shooting into the sun."

"A blind," I sighed. "I like to be in a stand."

"How are you and Jamie both going to fit in a stand together?" he smiled.

"I guess," I sighed again.

"You brought her," he smiled. "You get to teach her."

"Thanks dad," I said sarcastically.

"No problem," he smiled. "See you back here by ten if you don't get anything before then."


"You two be careful," grandpa warned.

"Yes sir," I said.

"Good luck," Uncle Buck offered as he picked his gun up.

They went out the door leaving Jamie and I to get ready. We went back to the truck and grabbed our hunting gear. We quickly went back inside to escape the cold.

"What do I need?" Jamie questioned.

"Strip down and get your camo on," I ordered. I was already half naked as she watched me.

"Sounds like you want to get busy instead of going to hunt," she giggled.

"We could," I smiled. "But I'd rather get a buck to shut my dad up first."

"Fine," she sassed. "I see where I'm at on your list of priorities."

I watched her strip down to her bra and panties before looking over her stuff. I couldn't help but take in her sexy body before I slipped my under thermal on before my pants. Then I pulled my jacket on and zipped it shut. She followed my lead and quickly got dressed.

Once we were dressed we went out the door. I stopped her on the porch steps to spray a scent lock on her clothes and boots. I did myself before grabbing my rifle. She took hers and followed me off the porch towards our destination.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"This way," I pointed. "It's about a half mile walk down a winding path."

"Ok," she said. "I hope you know where you're going."

"I do," I offered. "Just follow behind me."

We walked along quickly as I led us towards the old plowed field. It wasn't the best spot but it was open and had a food plot. With the cold front that had just gone through and a light frost on the ground it might have done the food in but I could only hope it hadn't.

"How can you see?" Jamie whispered.

"I just can," I said. "I'm going mostly on feel at this point."

"I hope we don't get lost."

"I've been here a hundred times when I was younger. I won't get us lost."

"What's out here besides deer?"

"Bear, bobcat, coons, coyotes, anything really," I sighed. "You are in the woods after all."

"Bear?" she questioned.

"Yeah, I've seen a few before. I'd be more worried about the coyotes then the bears."

I glanced back at her as I stepped over a log in the path.

"You better not leave me out here," she huffed.

"I wouldn't do that to you," I said.

"How much further?"

"Just around the turn up ahead," I sighed. "Now quiet down so we don't spook anything."

"Fine," she hissed.

I reached the flap to the blind and opened it. I let her slip inside and before I followed her in. She looked at the small inside before wondering what to do next.

"Take a seat," I whispered. "Chamber a round in your rifle and make sure the safety is on. Lean it against the rest. I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?"

"To squirt some piss on the ground."

"What?" she questioned.

"Deer piss," I laughed lightly. "If a big buck is in the area he will come in to investigate the smell."

"Ok," she said in disbelief.

"Stay put."

She worked her rifle as I went out and found a place to dump some of the deer piss we had saved from last year in the freezer. After that I returned to the blind.

"What if I have to pee?" she questioned.

"There's a bucket in the corner," I offered. "Pee and put the lid back on."

She gave me another look of disbelief before she realized I wasn't bluffing.

"I can hold it," she sighed.

"Better pee now," I said. "Once the sun comes up we can't be moving around in here. We need to be quiet."

"Fine," she huffed. "Don't watch."

"I've seen you naked Jamie," I laughed lightly. "It wouldn't be anything I haven't seen before."

"Peeing is a private matter," she hissed.

"I won't look."

I glanced back as she unbuttoned her pants and slipped them down her legs.

"Stop watching me Owen," she giggled.

"Just checking you out a little. I'm not going to watch you pee."

"Turn around," she sassed.

I turned just as she squatted over the bucket. I could hear it softly hitting the bucket as she relieved herself. She rested on the bucket as I glanced back at her. I couldn't see much in the darkness of the blind anyway. Just the outline of her body over the white bucket between her legs.

"What do I use to wipe with?"

"Hold on," I said thinking quickly.

I shuffled through my pockets until I found a hand towel I used when I field dressed a deer.

"Is this clean?" she questioned.

"It should be," I chuckled.

"Fucker," she giggled.

She finished her business before getting dressed and taking her seat next to me.

"Feel better?" I asked.

"Yeah," she sighed.

"Good," I sighed.

"What if I have to do number two?" she asked sarcastically.

"You hold it," I laughed lightly.

"I was just kidding," she giggled lightly.

I smiled over at her as she picked her rifle up and looked it over.

"What do we do now?"

"We wait and hope we see something."

"Ok," she sighed.

We sat there for a long time in silence until the sun just started to peek over the horizon and cast long shadows over the field. I started glassing the field once I could see.

"I'm cold," she whispered.

"It is rather cold out here isn't it?" I whispered back.

"I should have put on another layer," she sighed.

"The sun will help. Just give it a minute."

I continued to glass the field until the sun grew a little higher in the sky. I spotted some movement way out on the other side of the field. I could just make out that it was a doe. It was too far out at the moment and there was too much in the way for a clean shot. I just watched it and waited for something better.

We sat there for another hour barely speaking as we waited. Jamie was being patient but I could tell she was growing less patient as the time passed. I hoped we would see something soon.

"This is kind of boring," she whispered.

"I like sitting out here," I offered. "It's peaceful and a great way to clear your mind."

"If you say so," she sighed.

"You wanted to come along," I pointed out. "I told you it wasn't anything special."

"I thought there would be a little more excitement."

"The deer don't always cooperate."

"I suppose they don't. I can't see a deer waking up in the morning and saying, I think I want to go out and get shot while I'm looking for some ass."

I couldn't help but laugh a little at her as she smiled back at me.

"No, I suppose they don't. But getting some ass is probably on their priority list along with getting breakfast. That's where we come in."

"Poor Bambi," she giggled. "All he wants to do is get some pussy and you're going to ruin his day."

"If I can't get any then why should he?" I smiled.

"Who says you can't get any?" she smiled.

"I can't. At least not here."

"Why not?" she asked coyly.

"Because I'm here to hunt."

"There's nothing out here," she teased. "Nothing but the two of us."

"Um hmm," I offered.

I picked the specs up again and started to glass the field. I felt her shift in her chair and lean against me. Her hand touched my chest and trailed down it towards my lap. I ignored her for the moment as she teased me. Then her lips softly kissed my neck as she leaned into me more. The warm and wet kiss sent a chill down my spine as she kissed me again.

"What are you doing?" I questioned lightly.

"Just passing the time," she whispered next to my ear.

"Is that what you're calling it now?" I teased.

"Umm hmmm," she growled.

I sighed as her lips kept kissing my neck. Her hand was in my lap and searching for my rapidly inflating member. She found it pressed up against my leg. Her thumb scratched it as she whispered in my ear.

"Can't we take a ten minute break?"

Her hot breath on my ear sent another chill down my spine. I turned to her now as she smiled right in my face. This teasing look of lust covered her face as she waited for my answer.

"What did you have in mind?"

"Same thing that the deer has in mind."

"You want some pussy?" I teased.

She giggled. Her hands were on the buttons on my pants as she smiled back at me. One by one they opened as she looked at me still. Her lips were so flush with excitement as she pulled my pants open and reached into the hole in my boxers. I couldn't help but want her now. Her cold hand covered my cock as she found me. I jumped a little as she gripped me.

"Sorry," she giggled. "I know my hands are cold."

I found her mouth in a soft kiss as I dropped the specs and pulled her body to mine. She yielded quickly and turned. She was in my lap as I continued to taste her kiss. I knocked my hat off my head as her hand worked to free me from my boxers.

She giggled as it fell to the ground. She followed and tossed hers on the floor. Her hair was stilled tied up in the loose bun as I cupped her neck and pulled her harder into my kiss. My cock was free and out as she stroked me quickly. I moaned into her kiss as my hands searched for her chest. I slipped one under her jacket and felt the warmth of her skin as I reached her tit. She gasped at the sudden intrusion of the cold before breaking the kiss.

She stood and turned around. I could see her working the buttons on her pants as she glanced back at me. They opened and slipped to mid-thigh as she glanced back over her shoulder at me. I gripped my cock and pointed it to her cunny as she bent down at the waist. Her perfect ass peeked out from under her jacket as she found me.

The cold was replaced by the heat and wetness of her cunny as her lips settled over my shaft. She was already soaked and leaking her desire as I opened her up and started to slip inside of her. Slowly she let me stretch her as she took me inside of her. She panted quietly as she sat on my lap and let me fill her fully.

"Hmm," she growled. "Isn't this better than sitting here?"

"I can agree with that," I sighed.

She pulled away and let me slip up her tunnel until just my tip remained inside of her. White cream already coated my cock as she started to fall on me again. Her little cunny was swollen with desire as my cock split her open again. Her heat and wetness made me moan as she rested with me deep inside of her again.

My hands gripped her bare hips as she started a slow rise and fall. She jumped at the coldness of my hands on her skin. I giggled lightly as she moaned and squeezed her cunny tighter around my cock. I let my hands slide up her skin taking in her warmth all the way up to her tits. Her nipples pressed hard into her bra as my thumbs brushed them. She panted hard as I teased them. Her rise and fall slowed down as she moaned lightly.

"My legs are tired," she giggled.

"Get up," I ordered.

She quickly withdrew from me leaving my cock coated in her wetness. The cold air stung my cock as I lifted myself out of the chair and set the specs on the ground. She stood there with her pants around her knees now. Her little cunny just peeked out from under her jacket as she waited for me to give orders.

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