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It's The Way You Look At Me Ch. 05


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I unzipped my jacket and tossed it on the metal chair. I pointed and swirled my finger to tell her where I wanted her. She willingly placed her knees on the chair and gripped the backrest. She arched her back and stuck her ass out as I got behind her. I took in her pink little cunny as it glistened wet in the morning light.

"You going to fuck it or stare at it all day?" she sassed.

"I can't help but want to look at it. It's beautiful."

"Sure it is," she sassed again.

"It's the nicest one I've ever seen before."

"You're not so bad yourself," she giggled.

"Am I?" I questioned.

"Um hmm," she growled.

My cock pressed between her legs now and tried to find her opening. I was low so I pulled back and poked her again. I hit the pucker of her butthole as she giggled. I left myself there and pressed against her with a little more force.

"Owen," she giggled. "You're too big for that hole. I'd need some lube before you went in there."

I pulled back and pressed against her cunny lips. They started to part as I opened her up and started to slip into her.

"So, you've done anal before?" I questioned.

I slipped deeper into her cunny until my hips bumped her ass.

"I have," she moaned. "Not with something of your size though."

"With who?"

"A girl can't tell all her secrets," she sassed.

I started to pull from her. I watched my cock as it traveled from her depths. She again coated me with a white cream as I made it out until the head was just inside of her. I started to change course and press back into her. Her lips flared wider as I slipped into her so easily.

"But if you must know," she gasped as I bumped her end with my tip. "It wasn't with a person."

"Hum?" I questioned as I pulled back.

"I used my pink little dildo a couple of times on myself," she panted. "I've always wondered what it would feel like."

"Did you now?" I moaned.

"Umm hmm," she growled. "I fucked myself so many times with my dildo my pussy was aching but I still wanted to get off. I tried it and it felt pretty damn good."

"Fuck Jamie," I gasped.

"Oh gawd," she gasped as I picked up my pace and pressed into her harder. "You like it when I talk dirty?"

"Fuck," I gasped again. It was all I could manage at this point.

"It felt so dirty to have something stuffed up in my ass. I came so fucking hard. So hard that I soaked the sheets. Hmm fuck. I haven't cum that hard until that night we fucked in the hotel room."

I was slapping into her hips. Being quiet was just an afterthought now. Her dirty talk was making my cock swell more with desire as I gripped her hips and pulled myself to her with each crash of our bodies.

"Fuck," she cooed. "I can't wait until we get home. I want to feel you stuffed up inside my ass. I want to feel you stretching me with that fat cock of yours."

I stared down at her asshole as I hammered into her cunny. She was dripping wet now as I pressed deep into her at a rapid pace. Her lips were nothing but a blur as I fucked her and listened to her talk dirty to me.

"I want to feel your cum dripping out of me after we finish," she moaned.

I pressed my thumb against her asshole as she moaned hard. I pushed it gently inside and listened to her moan and press back against me.

"Fuck," she panted. "Right there. Fuck, that feels amazing."

"I'm going to cum Jamie," I warned.

"Fuck me," she cried. "Fill me full."

I was about to release as I felt her cunny start to clamp down and quiver around my cock. Her cunny squeezed me so hard it forced me out. A stream of cream came rushing out of her as she gasped and gripped the chair hard. I quickly found her cumming hole again and pressed myself back inside. She gasped hard and pressed back into me as I started firing off inside of her. I soaked her walls with my cum until I was spent. I leaned down and rested against her back as we both breathed hard and tried to recover.

"Wow," she panted. "That's the hardest I've ever cum."

"I'm soaked," I laughed.

"You aren't disgusted by me are you?" she asked sheepishly.

"Fuck no," I laughed. "That was fucking hot."

She just giggled and turned her hips with me still buried inside of her. I could feel us leaking from her edges as she rocked her hips. I was so turned on by her I was still rock hard and wanting to fuck her again. I started slipping in and out of her again as she moaned and looked back at me.

"Don't you have a deer to shoot?" she sassed.

"I think we've pretty much ruined all chances of that," I laughed.

"Probably," she giggled. "But I need to recover after that one. My legs are like jelly right now."

"But you feel so good," I begged.

"We have an evening hunt don't we?" she teased.

"Yeah," I smiled.

"Save it until then," she giggled.

She squeezed her cunny hard on my cock as I still pressed into her. I finally relented and pulled from her as her hand covered her cunny. Her pink little lips remained slightly parted and leaked me out as she caught what she could. I grabbed the rag and gave it to her. She pressed it between her legs before turning over and resting on the other chair. I grabbed my jacket and covered myself again.

I took a seat next to her and breathed heavily still as I rested. She sat there contently and let me drain from her. I breathed hard and watched my breath frost in the air before I looked over at her and smiled when she did the same thing.

I looked out over the field and saw more does in the middle. I remembered what we were here for and quickly buttoned my pants. I grabbed the specs and scanned as she finally tossed the rag to the corner and buttoned her pants.

"Whoa," I rasped. "Right there. Fuck, that's a big one."

"What?" she questioned.

"A big fucking buck," I said with excitement.

She looked out and saw the ten point way out there in the field.

"Get your rifle," I hissed.

She quickly grabbed it and set it in the tripod.

"Just relax and take some breaths to calm yourself down," I whispered.

"Ok," she breathed softly. "What do you want me to do?"

"Just relax and wait on him. It's a good one fifty out so let's see if we can get him to come in closer."

I grabbed the call and gave it a hard burp. The buck lifted his head and looked our way.

"He's coming closer," Jamie whispered.

"That's the idea," I whispered back. "Do you know where to shoot?"

"The vitals," she hissed.

"Ok," I said. "Just making sure."

Slowly, the buck worked his way closer to us. He was very cautious as he made his way closer. He would stop and look around. When his eyes were looking away I called again. He quickly turned back and studied the area we were in. He knew something was up but he still came closer.

"When?" Jamie whispered.

"Just wait," I hissed. "He has to turn broad side so you can hit him cleanly. I don't want him wounded."

"Ok," she squeaked with excitement.

He got to seventy five yards before he stopped. He was still head on to us so I made Jamie wait. Suddenly there was a distant shot. It echoed through the trees and made Jamie jump. I held steady as the buck turned.

"Ok Jamie," I whispered. "Now would be as good a time as any."

"Ok," she whispered back.

"Safety off," I ordered. "Hold it steady and pull the trigger nice and slow."

I heard the safety click. I waited for what seemed like forever until the gun barked loudly. I looked over as Jamie settled the recoil and looked back through the scope again.

"What do we do now?" she asked.

"Did you hit him?"

"I think."

"Chamber another round and make it safe again. We will wait for a minute then head out so see what you got."

She chambered another round as I glassed the field. The other deer had scattered along with her buck. Only time would tell if she hit him or not. The field was empty as I glassed the area where it had fled to. We waited a minute before I turned to her.

"You ready?"


"Get your hat and the orange vest so we don't get shot."

"Ok," she smiled. "I hope I got him."

"We are about to find out."

An hour and a half later we made it back to the camp.

"Holy shit Owen," my dad cried. "You got a monster."

"This would be Jamie's handy work," I smiled.

"Damn girl," my dad croaked. "Not bad for your first time."

"I had a good teacher," she smiled.

"I guess so," he laughed.

"Where is my dad?" she asked.

"He's still out there tracking," my dad smiled.

"Where is grandpa?" I asked.

"Uncle Buck is tracking grandpa's deer. They will be along in a while I'm sure."

"Grandpa got one?" Jamie asked.

"Didn't you hear the shot?"

"Right before she got this one," I smiled. "It worked out perfectly. He turned and she shot."

"Let's get it cleaned so we can take it to the processer."

We started working until grandpa and Uncle Buck came back. He had a nice six point. They were all proud of Jamie's deer. Once we got them dressed we headed into town to have the processer do the rest. We headed back to the woods to eat lunch and rest until the evening.

I went to a different spot this time. I didn't take Jamie this time. I was on my own as I found a trail next to a watering hole and rested near a fallen tree. I stayed until it wasn't light enough to see anymore before I pulled out and returned.

"You got skunked," my dad laughed.

"Shit with the two already down every buck knows we are here. I may as well not head back out anymore."

"You got shown up by a girl," Uncle Buck teased.

"Daddy," Jamie sighed. "He did help me out so it wasn't like he didn't get anything."

"Still," my dad joked. "He didn't punch his card."

"Neither did you old man," I teased.

"Not yet," he laughed. "Wait until tomorrow."

"Don't forget," grandpa offered. "Y'all didn't get anything either. All y'all just got shown up by a girl."

They laughed as grandpa smiled proudly at Jamie. I couldn't help but smile at her too. Dad struck a match and tossed it into the pile of wood he had set out. The gas quickly flashed and got the wood burning. We sat around and relaxed by the fire roasting dinner and talking about the old times. This is what I loved about being here. The being away from everything and enjoying the family.

Jamie and I sat on either side of grandpa and listened to him tell stories of years past. We just nodded and laughed as he told so many stories of his life. We didn't know how much time we had with him anymore so we soaked it up as much as we could. With me heading off to college I wouldn't be able to see him as much as I would like too anymore.

I leaned back behind grandpa and picked up the Mason jar. I twisted the lid off and glanced at my dad before taking a sip. I let the smooth but potent liquid slip down my throat before breathing hard. Dad still watched me but had a smile on his face. He knew I drank but he was lenient on me when it came to this, especially when we were here. I had been drinking here since I was sixteen so it wasn't unusual. Jamie holding her hand out for the jar wasn't. She hadn't told anyone that she drank with us even though I'm sure they suspected it since she hung out with me all the time. I handed her the jar and glanced at my dad again.

"Be careful with that," my dad warned. "That's fireball. It's not the wimpy beer you guys are used to drinking."

"Who says I drink beer?" Jamie giggled.

"Terry tells me all about you kids," he laughed.

"What?" Jamie giggled again.

"Oh yeah," he laughed. "As long as its beer and not anything else I don't really care."

"Sometimes it's not," I said truthfully.

"Pot?" my dad questioned.

"No sir," I said. "Just something a little more than beer. Never drugs. You know that."

"Well," he sighed. "The drinking I can deal with but I would beat your ass if it was drugs."

"Yes sir. Just some alcohol after the games. Nothing more than that."

"Y'all just be careful with that stuff," grandpa warned.

"Yes sir," Jamie and I both spoke.

She took the jar and put it to her nose. "Wow, that smells strong."

"Take a sip and find out," I teased.

She took a sip and breathed hard as it burned her throat. "Fuc... fudge, that's strong."

"I told you," my dad roared.

"Watch the language there little miss," Uncle Buck barked.

"Sorry daddy," she smiled. She took another sip before passing off to my dad. If only he knew what a dirty little mouth she really had.

He took a big swing before sending it to Uncle Buck. He gladly took a long sip before handing it back to me. I took another before giving it to grandpa. He only chuckled before passing it off again.

"I'm getten to old fur that stuff," he sighed. "I cain't feel my feet when I drink it and I don't walk so good then."

We chuckled as he watched Jamie take a small sip and pass it along. It stopped at my dad as grandpa started telling a story of how his dad used to make moonshine and sell it. He was just a kid then but he helped out since it was a big money maker back then.

"Why don't you make it anymore grandpa?" Jamie asked.

"I did up until ten years ago," he smiled. "I'm too old for it now."

"How much did you make selling it?" I asked.

He chuckled. "It seems like a small amount now. Maybe three to five hundred dollars a load depending on how much we made."

"That's more than I make in a week," Jamie offered.

"But you ain't doing it illegally though," he chuckled again. "Once prohibition ended we got into other business ventures but we still did moonshine on the side. It was the way things were back then."

"I remember back when we was doing moonshine," he started. Jamie grabbed the jar off the ground and took another small sip as grandpa told us another story. We all sat there and listen to his past with interest as he went on and on. The jar made a few more rounds before it stopped at dad again.

I could feel myself nodding off as he went onto another story. I loved listening to him talk but I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore.

"I got to get some rest or I'm going to fall asleep right here," I yawned.

"Better get your rest son," dad smiled. "You wouldn't want to fall asleep in the stand and miss your buck."

"I know," I nodded.

"I best turn in too," grandpa sighed.

I helped him out of his chair. He stood and stretched his tired body and cracked a few times before he followed me into the cabin. I found my air mattress in the corner and stripped down to my boxers before I quickly climbed under the sleeping bag. Grandpa took the one bed we had in the place and curled up.


"Owen," Jamie whispered.

"What?" I quipped.

"Shhh," she hissed.

"What?" I whispered.

"Scoot over."

"Go get your own bed," I grunted.

"Mine has a hole in it. It went flat."

"Sucks for you," I chuckled.

"Come on Owen," she begged.

"Fine," I relented.

I flipped over and unzipped my bag. I flattened it out and waited for her as the cool night air covered my body.

"Hurry up," I hissed.

"Sorry," she giggled.

She quickly threw her pink sleeping bag over me and climbed in next to me. I leaned against the wall as she pressed her back into me and tried to get comfortable.

"Why are you hard?" she whispered.

"Don't ask me," I whispered back.

"Bad penis," she breathed and batted it.

"Stop it."

"Sorry," she softly giggled. "I forgot it has a mind of its own."

"Yeah, yeah," I sighed. "Go to sleep will you."

"Keep me warm and I will."

I sighed. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her tighter to me. She molded her body to mine as I held her. Her hair rested against my face and filled my nose with a soft flowery smell. It did nothing for my erection as I tried to rest my eyes and find sleep again. I was just about there when she rolled over to face me.

I pretended to sleep as faced me. I could feel her eyes searching my face. I kept a blank look on my face as her hand softly touched my chest. She rested it there then moved her hand over my nipple. Her nail scratched it lightly making my cock swell even more. My breathing changed just a little as I shifted a little.

She knew I was awake but didn't say anything. She kept teasing my nipple for a while before moving her hand slowly lower on my chest. She crossed my stomach tickling me a little and making me move again. She sighed as her hand rested flat on my stomach just above the hem of my boxers. She left it there for a minute. Her warm skin against mine felt perfect as she drummed her fingers lightly.

She made her move and slipped under the elastic of my boxers. Her hands touched the trimmed hairs above my cock before she found it. She traced the base of it before cupping my ball with the gentlest touch. My breathing grew a little deeper as she rolled them around before turning and letting her fingers trace my shaft from the base all the way to the tip.

Her thumb smeared my desire around my tip before she gripped the head and held it. Her thumb scratched the underside as she teased me silently. Her thumb worked my wetness around my head again as she breathed a little deeper.

"Owen," she whispered. "I know you're awake."

"So," I sighed. "What's it to you?"

"I'm wet," she breathed.

"We aren't having sex in here."

"I didn't say I wanted sex," she giggled softly. "I just wanted to play a little."

"So play," I whispered.

"What about me?" she whimpered in her little girl voice.

My hand instinctively went to her tummy and touched her navel. She sighed deeply as I felt her little shorts on my fingertips. I pressed under them as she turned onto her back. My fingers traced the smooth skin of her pelvis until I reached the top of her slit. I rested my fingers there until I turned on my back. She growled now as I moved my hand down her slit.

Her legs were parted, one of them rested over mine, as I felt the skin of her lips. They were smooth and damp as my fingers parted them. I splashed into her wetness as her hand began a slow rise and fall on my cock. She moaned so softly as I pressed into her folds and into her center. She was soaking wet as I dug my finger deep into her and twisted my hand around to tease her.

Her hand moved faster on my cock as I pressed in and out of her. I could feel the liquid heat she leaked as my finger slipped so easily inside of her. I pulled back and found her clit as I rolled onto my side and used my other hand. I slipped it under her little shorts, over her ass, and around to her cunny. She gasped as I pressed into her cunny and teased her clit with the other hand.

Silent little whimpers left her mouth as I stimulated her. Her hand went faster on my cock as I looked at her. Her eyes were closed and her mouth hung open as she barely breathed. I leaned closer to her face as her eyes opened and searched for mine. She turned her head and found my mouth. We open mouth kissed without tongue as she whimpered.

It was a slow and sensual kiss as I worked her cunny with one hand and her clit with the other. Her hand was still tugging my cock but with less speed as I brought pleasure to her. I wanted to be inside of her now but I didn't want to risk it. This was bad enough as it was.

Her legs closed on my hand suddenly and forced me to stop. She covered her mouth with her free hand and panted into it as my middle finger still rubber her clit. I felt her humping my hand as she came in relative silence. Just one little gasp escaped her lips as she slowly brought herself under control and breathed hard.

She growled softly and opened her legs to let my fingers move inside of her again. I pressed deep into her cunny and twisted them up to find her spot. She was so wet now I pressed another finger into her. She let out another low gasp as I teased her. Her hand quickly started moving on me again as I left her clit alone and focused on her cunny.

I could feel her pressing against my fingers as I drove them deep into her then twisted them around. Her cunny started quivering hard and she gasped. My hand left her clit and covered her mouth as her hand went faster on my cock. She panted hard into my hand as she bucked into my fingers.

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