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Janey teaches him who comes first.
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This story is about female domination. If that bothers you please feel free not to read.


I met her at the St Regis. It was a black tie gala for a foundation headed by Brenda, the wife of my law firm's managing partner. I was named partner a few weeks prior and part of the cost of punching the golden ticket was to donate mid five figures for a seat on the foundation's board. No matter, I'd busted my ass for ten years and I felt on top of the world as I took my seat at the dais.

Janey approached me on my second trip to the bar. She introduced herself with a firm handshake and a bone dry Hendrick's martini with three olives.

Janey winked at me as she handed me the drink, "I do my homework."

"I see that."

She was beautiful. Tall and slender -- she looked athletic but not at all out of place in the expensive dress she was wearing. I was on guard though. I did quite well with women but Janey was a NYC ten and I felt skeptical that she was pure in her intentions. I guessed mid to late 20's and having just cracked 40 that meant dateable but nothing serious.

We chatted for 30 minutes or so. She was charming; I felt smitten by her attention and had to be dragged away by Brenda to give my speech. It turned out she was an associate at a small but prestigious boutique law firm that my firm worked with a bit in the M&A space. As a litigator I wasn't terribly familiar with that area but we had several mutual acquaintances. I found out later that a woman who worked at Janey's firm had recommended me to her after we had worked together on a pro bono matter. Janey had arranged for her firm to buy a table in order to introduce herself.

I looked for Janey after the festivities but couldn't find her. Disappointed, I eventually headed home with a distant second choice. Over the next few days I thought of Janey to the point of distraction. I could have tracked down her number but felt that a slow play would be better suited given the age disparity. I remained skeptical she had romantic inclinations towards me but couldn't help but remain hopeful.

Exactly a week after the gala I received a text from Janey telling me to meet her for dinner at D' Amico's at 9:00 that evening. I was flattered with her pursuit and felt butterflies at the thought of meeting her again. At the same time, I was annoyed that she expected me to drop everything and meet her in less than an hour. On top of that, D' Amico's was the toughest table to get in town. I replied a bit condescendingly that it might be tough for me to get a table with such short notice. She replied that she was having a drink at the bar with a friend and her table would be ready soon.

Her reply humbled me and I excused myself from the friends I was sharing a drink with. I hustled to meet Janey. She looked gorgeous again. She greeted me warmly and we were seated as soon as I arrived. Janey spoke to the waiter in fluent Italian and soon the wine and food courses were coming with no input from myself. The waiter made a point of having Janey taste the wine and never said a word to me. Nevertheless, the dinner was amazing and Janey even more charming than before. Whipsmart and funny. Also more forward than I was accustomed to -- she grabbed my knee several times during the dinner and even lightly traced my cock with her foot as the waiter brought the lamb shank. At the end of the meal I tried to grab the check but Janey had taken care of it. A car was waiting for us outside and I tried to remain nonchalant as Janey told me she was coming back to my place for a nightcap.

My doorman winked at me when he saw the beauty on my arm. My conceit and excitement covered up the discomfort with Janey having called all the shots up to now. I assured myself that things would certainly be different in my apartment. I imagined having her in my bed with her ankles up by her ears.

Janey never gave ground. She poured us both a Scotch neat by the time I hung her jacket. We talked for hours and there was never quite the right moment to make a move. I noted it was past 2:00 AM when she excused herself to use the facilities and I was determined to close the deal upon her return.

Janey threw me off balance by walking past me and sitting across from me in a leather accent chair. She stared into my eyes and spread her legs slightly as she beckoned me to her with a finger. I approached without thinking and felt awkward as I stood in front of her. She reclined back in the chair as she told me to get down. I sat on the coffee table behind me. She lifted her hips in that magical way women do when they are taking off their panties and I couldn't help but stare between her legs as she told me to kneel. I hesitated and in a sterner voice Janey said, "kneel baby... I want to see if your pretty mouth can do more than talk."

The same discomfort arose but I brooked no protest as she wrapped her feet behind my head and brought me into the prettiest pink petals I had ever seen. She gasped as my tongue swept lightly over her clit and moaned appreciatively as I continued to lick her gently. She would direct me occasionally but mostly allowed me to learn how to please her by following her breathing and moans as I licked her.

She fed my uneasiness by telling me that I had teased her all night and it was about time I thanked her on my knees for the dinner. She was further emboldened by my erection that she would occasionally trace with her foot. As her excitement grew, her language became bolder. She told me to look up at her and I felt like one of the countless women I had done the same to as they fellated me. Nevertheless, I knew once I finished with her I would soon be fucking her and the world would be turned right side up again. I put two fingers in her and sped up my tongue on her clit. She came hard and squeezed her thighs tightly on my head as she did so. I expected her to loosen her grip on my head and began to undo my belt as I planned to fuck her right there on that chair.

Janey had other plans though. She kept her legs wrapped around my head and told me to put my tongue in her and to keep looking up at her. I decided to tolerate a bit more in order to get in her pants. I hated her telling me how much she loved knowing that I swallowed and teased me about drinking her cum. It felt emasculating. As though our roles were reversed. My neck began to ache and I tapped her legs to indicate I was done. She smirked slightly and kept me in place for just long enough more to make a point.

She stood up suddenly and was out my door before I could stand properly on my aching knees. I felt humiliated at how Janey had treated me but found myself constantly checking my phone to see if she texted. With no word from her, I slept fitfully and woke up exhausted. I was completely unproductive at work given my constant replaying of the night before. To my chagrin I had to masturbate three times during the day in order to be able to think at all. Every time I brought myself to I couldn't help but think of myself on my knees following her directions.

I waited for her to reach out to me. After the way Janey treated me I knew I would look pathetic to be the first to reach out. After 24 hours I couldn't wait further and shot her a brief text. I broke down and texted again the next day after not hearing back from her. I felt ridiculous. A few days later she texted me a picture of her beautiful pussy with the message, "beg for it." I felt completely flummoxed and my desire to see her again outweighed my common sense and I replied as she asked. I sent about 5 texts in quick succession begging to fuck and lick her pussy but she didn't reply until the next morning with a, "wrong number... lol."

I felt rage and humiliation and swore I wouldn't respond to her again. However, the next night Janey texted me. She apologized for her prior text explaining I was in her contacts immediately above the intended recipient. I appreciated her words but felt jealous that she appeared to be involved with someone else. As we texted back and forth my anger melted and I told myself I was being quite over-sensitive given that we'd been on a single date.

Janey told me to meet her. She was at a club with friends. I was more excited than I cared to admit to see her, nevertheless I was about to decline to maintain my dignity when she sent me a picture of her wearing a skirt so short that I immediately reversed my decision and said I'd meet her.

I gave the bouncer a couple of Franklins to avoid the velvet rope and a hostess brought me to Janey and her friends in the VIP. I was too old for this scene but had a great time regardless. Janey looked amazing and she showered me with attention. After a few drinks and a couple of shots I was feeling no pain. In spite of the loud music we were able to have a conversation. She plainly told me that she liked me a lot but often found men my age to be less fun -- too inhibited and set in their ways. Janey would occasionally lean in and whisper how sexy my mouth was and how she couldn't wait to use it again. I told her how badly I wanted to fuck her. She smiled. Her words were ambiguous, "then do as you're told."

With those words still hanging in the air, she grabbed my hand and led me up to the back of the club. There was a deserted booth and she pulled me in giggling.

"I've always wanted to do this. Are you game?"

I was sure she wanted to fuck and hurriedly began to undo my belt.

"No baby, not yet... lick my ass."


"Oh God, you're not really going to be boring?"

She shifted her weight in a way that made me feel as though she might leave. I felt on the defensive. I grabbed her arm, pulled her in and said, "No... I mean yes... I will..." I felt like an awkward teen as she smirked at me and pressed her advantage.

"You will? You will what?"

"I'll lick you." I knew what she wanted and didn't want to give it to her but knew it was only a matter of time.

"You'll lick me where?"

"Your ass."

She smiled to savor her victory and took off her panties. She grabbed my hair and brought my head down. Simultaneously, she raised her feet to rest on the bench she was sitting on and scooted forward allowing me ample access to her derriere once I was on my knees. I thought back to Chloe, a former lover and the only woman I had ever rimmed before. She had insisted I service her in that manner frequently. I'd never debased myself similarly with anyone else. With Chloe it excited me to do so and I found myself similarly beholden to Janey. It dawned on me that they both shared a boldness I found erotic.

Janey brought me in quickly and I found myself licking her rosebud vigorously. On her direction, I began to insert my tongue in her. It took a great deal of coaxing with my tongue but eventually I was past her sphincter. She gasped as I got deeper and deeper into her asshole. I put a finger on her clit. She came quickly and started laughing from pleasure. I sat next to her and went in to kiss her. She turned away from me and grabbed her panties.

She said, "sorry, I don't have any tic tacs so this will have to do'', as she put her panties in my mouth. She giggled as I acquiesced once again. We went back to meet her friends while I was still gagged surreptitiously. After a short time Janey let me know I should go as she wanted to spend more time with her friends. She gave me a peck on the cheek while telling me to keep her panties in my mouth until I arrived home and that we'd meet again tomorrow. I did as she said, feeling that somehow she would know if I ungagged myself early.

I awoke much later than usual with an erection that wouldn't quit. I couldn't stop thinking of Janey and found myself constantly checking my phone hoping for word from her. I managed to kill time nursing a hangover and watching football. Janey called at 5:30 telling me she really wanted to see me but had a friend in from out of town that she was getting a late dinner with deep in Brooklyn. I offered to grab a drink with her beforehand. She was happy with my offer and gave me the name of a bar to meet her at. I looked up the bar and discovered it was far away. I rushed to get ready. As I was one foot out the door, Janey texted me to wear her panties and not to be late.

I was flummoxed. I texted back, "seriously?" She didn't reply. I found myself changing my undergarments in my foyer as every bit of my common sense screamed at me to stop going down this path.

I arrived on time. It was a dive bar and far too early for a crowd. I waited 20 minutes before Janey arrived. She hugged me warmly and kissed me deeply. I felt electricity at her touch.

"Show me."

I tried to be subtle as I undid my belt and opened my pants enough for her to see the lace. She smiled again and started kissing me passionately while tracing my cock through my pants.

"You're so hot, I love that you're actually fun!" Her compliment made me feel both flattered and discomforted.

We had a couple of drinks and were having a good time when Janey brought out a small box. It was wrapped immaculately with a ribbon and bow. I could feel her excitement as she put the gift on the bar and pushed it towards me.

"For me?"

"Of course, I do hope you'll love it!"

"What's the occasion?"

"Just open it baby." I felt a bit of anxiety in her voice. She was a little nervous -- I'd never felt anything but supreme confidence from her. My curiosity was piqued.

I opened the package and pulled out a metal device. I was no puritan but I'd never seen anything like it. I looked at Janey quizzically.

"It's a little cage."

"Huh?" I muttered.

"It's a little cage for your little cock."

Her words angered me and I retorted, "I'm not little!!" I felt as sophomoric as it sounded.

Janey laughed and leaned in warmly. She put her hand on my crotch and my anger melted.

"I know baby. I'm just teasing."

I enjoyed her touch as I looked at the device.

"Try it on baby, I want to see you in it."

There were still only a few people in the bar and I followed Janey into the women's bathroom. It was small and dirty but I'd seen worse in these types of bars. She pulled me into one of the two stalls and quickly opened my jeans and pulled them down. I thought briefly she was going to fellate me but she rose instead and told me to lift my shirt. Her laughter was a rude reminder that I was still wearing her panties. She wanted them back and I shamefully took off my shoes and jeans in order to return the panties.

Once I did, she grabbed my hard cock. It felt amazing but all she said was "we'll never get it on like this."

I went back out to the bar after getting dressed again and asked for a glass of ice on Janey's instructions. Just as I was about to go back into the bathroom I heard her voice beckoning me to the back of the bar. She had moved and was now seated at a small table. She patted the seat next to her.

"It was gross in there."

"This isn't that much better."

"Oh hush," she teased. "I don't know this part of town and it's close to where I'm meeting Alejandro." I felt jealous from hearing another man's name but she pushed on.

"Let me see that big big huge ginormous cock of yours."

Janey laughed as I marvelled at how effortlessly she made me feel below her in a way that excited me. I could tell I was leaking precum and worried I might have marked my jeans.

"Now baby."

I looked around and seeing no one watching I opened my pants once again. Janey reached in and grabbed my scrotum firmly. My erection spasmed and I heard myself gasp. I nearly jumped out of my chair as she put the cold glass on my cock and then shook a few cubes into my lap. She put the glass down and grabbed the cubes and rubbed my cock again. My cock fought valiantly but succumbed to the cold and tried to warm up inside of me.

"Shrinkage!!!" she laughed. "It's not very big now, is it?"

I laughed. She could be really funny.

She grabbed the cage and put it on easily.

"Keep it on tonight. You can take it on and off to learn how to do it but otherwise I want it on."

The cage was comfortable and I agreed.

"Now hurry up and make me cum with that pretty little mouth of yours."

I was unsure. I looked around sheepishly. No-one else was in the back where we were. Janey grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled me down. I dropped to my knees and Janey spread her legs. Her beautiful pussy was uncovered and I felt a sharp pain in my groin as my revived cock strained against the cage. I pressed ahead and felt somehow at home as I used my tongue and fingers to get her off. After her orgasm I stood up to the applause of a cocktail waitress who watched the finale.

As she clapped, she asked Janey, "where can I get one of those?"

I blushed and Janey laughed and retorted, "maybe I'll lend him out."

Janey dropped some cash on the table, grabbed my arm and we ran out of the bar laughing. Once we were a block away, Janey turned into me and kissed me deeply.

"That was fun... and hot! You make me feel good."

I admitted that I liked making her feel good as we started walking again. I started to ask her what was going on with us but hesitated to avoid ruining the moment and lost the opportunity altogether when Janey exclaimed, "Oh, there's the restaurant. It was even closer than I thought! I escorted her to the door and Janey started kissing me passionately again.

"He's watching. Let's make him jealous."

I grabbed her tight and we started kissing again. I winced as my cock continued to ache in its cage.

"You'll keep it on." she directed.

"Leave your key with your doorman. I might come over depending on how things go tonight. Wish me luck!"

I said, "good luck" with uncertainty. It felt like I might have just wished her good luck on a date with another man and as we parted I developed the uncomfortable realization that I may have just fluffed Janey. My cock spasmed again. I wasn't sure I could keep the cage on for more than a few minutes let alone the rest of the night.

I left instructions with the doorman to give her my spare key and waited impatiently to hear from Janey. I couldn't help but imagine her fucking him while I waited in pain. Each ache in my groin a brutal reminder that I was enthralled by the way she was treating me... the way she was using me. I took the cage on and off to learn how to do so but kept it on otherwise. I even used ice to help get it on due to my ever present erection. I thought about masturbating but feared that might upset Janey. That caused me to acknowledge to myself that for some reason I needed to please Janey -- that it excited me to do so. Part of me still felt ridiculous that I was so desperate to crave satisfying another, especially as my own desires for release had been unfulfilled.

I wrestled with these thoughts all night and woke up on the couch fully dressed with my morning erection straining to seek freedom. I checked my phone. Janey had left a message at 5:00 AM that she wouldn't be coming over but wanted to see me that night. She directed that I cook dinner for us at her place. I wasn't much of a cook and spent the day finding recipes, watching cooking videos, and shopping, The chores kept me from obsessing as to what kept her up so late.

Janey had a beautiful loft in Soho, She was vibrant and we had a great time as I made tuna tacos with pico de gallo. Simple but tasty. After dinner, I opened a second bottle of wine and Janey told me to join her when I finished cleaning up.

Part of me was annoyed she didn't clean after I cooked or even offer to help but at the same time it felt right. After washing up, I joined Janey in the living room. We chatted a bit longer and then Janey kissed me. As her passion grew my pain increased and eventually I broke down and asked if I could take the cage off so we could go to bed together. My desire for bread and butter intercourse was implicit in my request.

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