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Jaylene Models For The First Time

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Coed signs up for a modeling job but didn't read the details.
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My Papa was always warning me "Jaylene, pay attention or someday you'll find yourself in a real pickle." For almost 19 years my luck held. It was only last week when I found myself in that pickle. College was costing a bit more than this country girl's family could afford so I was looking for ways to make some money.

A posting on the job board at the school was offering $200 for a female, 18+ to be a model for an art class. It mentioned to arrive wearing a loose fitting top and a bunch of other stuff. I skipped over most of the posting looking down to the instructions on how to apply for the job. As instructed I took the posting and filled in my name and signed it before putting it in the mail. A few days later I was contacted by the instructor with the time and place for the session and confirmed I was to be a life model for her art class. I noticed her accent as being foreign and thought how strange it was she said "life model" instead of "live model." I figured the students had been drawing pictures of fruit and stuff and this was going to be there chance to draw a real live person. She reminded me to wear a loose fitting top.

A few days later I was as happy as a lark almost skipping while making my way to the art building. Once I found the room I saw there were only 8 people in the class. The instructor introduced me to the class, "Please welcome Jaylene, she will be our life model for today." That was strange, she said "life" instead of "live" again. She suggested the students warm up by doing a quick sketch of my face and especially the texture of the hat I was wearing.

She asked me to hold a pose while she mentioned some guidelines I should follow. It was ok if I spoke and move once in a while but I should try to return to the same pose until asked to do another. While the students worked, the instructor asked me a little about myself. Soon she announce to the class, "Please finish up, so Jaylene can take off her top for next pose. What did she say? I must have mis-heard what she said. A moment later she says to me, "Jaylene please remove your top." I won't bore you with the details of the conversation that followed but it ended up that the instructor showed me the application I had signed.

I had indeed agreed to not only model topless but nude too! Worse yet there was a clause that if I backed out not only would I not be paid but I would have to pay the costs finding a replacement.

I started by taking off my hat, placing it on the stool next to me. Next I started gathering up my shirt, feeling very self conscious as I did so.

I was indeed in the pickle my father warned I would find myself in someday. I knew in moments I would be standing here in my bra. I had to turn away from the class as I pulled the shirt over my head.

For a few moments I just stood there holding my shirt in front of me. The instructor suggested I drop the shirt and strike a pose with my bra on for now.

I was somewhat relieved, I told myself the bra was just like wearing a bikini top so was no big deal. I placed my top on the stool and posed for the class. I noticed how the students looked at me but really didn't react other than looking up every once in a while while sketching.

It wasn't as bad as I feared, the students were not staring or making me feel uncomfortable. The teacher wandered around looking at each student's work, commenting on their progress. She told them to finish up which made me think about what was next. Soon she asked me to remove my bra. Even though I was going to be standing in front of everyone wearing far less in the next hour I still found myself turning away to undo my bra.

A wave of trepidation washed over me, I wasn't sure I could do this. I reached for my hat and shielded myself with it. With the hat in front of me I pulled each strap off my shoulder.

I had to make a decision, what should I get rid of first, the hat or the bra. Thinking it was better to keep the bra I kept it. In fact I tried in vain to hide behind the flimsy bit of lace it was.

Knowing I had to continue I held my arm across my chest and dropped the bra on the stool. Suddenly feeling exposed I changed my mind about the hat knocking both my bra and shirt off the stool getting it. Holding the hat in front of my I realized with my bra and shirt on the floor they were out of reach.

"Jaylene, you are going to have to move your hat." the instructor said.

The students looked at me expectantly, not leering, but ready to sketch. Slowly I move the hat aside, keeping it close just in case. I left it just barely covering part of my right breast, telling myself I wasn't topless as long as that much was covered.

The room was silent other than the scratching of pencil on paper. I relaxed a bit as a grew used to the glances from the students. When asked to strike another pose I was comfortable enough to put the hat on my head and be truly topless.

The time passed quickly. The pattern didn't change, the teacher reviewed each students work and commented. It was strange to hear "look closely at her nipple, see the texture and coloring..." as suggestions were offered. Soon I was asked to change the pose.

I had leaned on the stool and raised one foot as asked. Strangely I didn't feel self conscious about my breasts being bare anymore. Only when a student asked if he could move closer to get the detail of my piercings right did I a bit uncomfortable for a moment. The instructor suggested I bend at the waist and rest my arms on the stool.

Posed that way I could feel my breasts shift away from my body, gaining a bit more fullness. The instructor noted to the students how my breasts had changed shape and to concentrate on capturing their shape. I don't know if it was that I got a chill or that knowing all eight students were staring at my breasts but my nipples perked up. It was one thing being topless and another having your body respond as mine was. Feigning discomfort I said I wanted to change poses.

"Yes, go ahead," the instructor agree. "It is time to remove your jeans any." she continued.

Out of the frying pan in to the fire. I told myself all I was doing was showing my legs like I would if I wore shorts. I pushed my jeans down to my knees then needed to hold on to the stool to pull them off without falling.

I stood there in nothing but my white and black polka dot panties before 8 people, no 9 including the teacher. 3 were guys. I noticed one's eyes lingered a bit longer than usual. He was obviously checking out my ass when I caught him with a small smile. At first it made me uncomfortable but then I took it as a compliment that he found me attractive. I chanced smiling back. When it came time to change the pose I turned my backside toward my admirer and pushed my panties down slightly.

Knowing he appreciated seeing me reveal my body somehow had made it easier to reveal more. I am sure everyone there noticed the obvious lack of tanning on my bottom since even my bikini was not that revealing. I was getting impatient for them to finish their sketches, not because I was still self conscious but that I was eager to take off the last bit of my clothing.

When given the chance I let my panties fall to the floor and turned to face the students. I closed my eyes, suddenly too shy to meet their gaze. I stood there, my arms up and hands behind my head as to not block the view of my body. I imagined what my admirer was drawing and how he might be looking at me. I heard each suggesting the instructor made to the students in a strange detached way as if I wasn't there. When I heard the instructor saying to finish up I opened my eyes and waited a moment before changing my pose.

I had gone back to a pose similar to one I did earlier. The teacher suggested the class try to capture details they were unable to see before. I knew where most of them would be looking. My admirer shifted seats. I could see out of the corner of my eye that he would be able to see my backside. I shifted my feet a bit, making my bottom wiggle when I knew he was looking. By his reaction I could tell he saw and enjoyed it. Feeling a bit naughty I changed my pose slightly.

I had turned so I could not see him but instead faced most of the rest of the class. I had placed my feet slightly apart knowing that doing so would reveal my pussy to him. I could hear him frantically sketching. When the instructor went to look at his work she commented that he seemed to be very inspired.

"Jaylene, perhaps you should try a more conventional pose." the instructor said in tone that suggested she knew what I had done. She described the pose she wanted me to try.

It was nice to not be standing for a change. I hadn't realized how tiring it was to stand as still as I had been for the last 45 minutes. Soon the class ended. The instructor gave me a robe and suggested I use the changing area to get dressed. I gathered my clothing and started back to the changing area. I smiled at my admirer and said "be right back" as I passed him. I dressed quickly and returned to find him waiting for me. "Hi, my name is Mike. You are very beautiful, I enjoyed drawing you." he said. Continuing "I'd like you to have this." He handed me one of his sketches. It was of the last pose I did. I could tell he was very talented. "I'd like do more with you... I'm sorry that didn't come out right." he said blushing. "I am studying fashion design and need someone to model my final project."

I told him I was flattered and I would be happy to help him but other than what I did today I didn't have any experience. He wasn't deterred and encouraged me to agree to be his model. I can hardly wait to get started.

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thomas_deanthomas_deanover 2 years ago

The Muse: she stoops to conquer.

this is a genteel story about a first time model with accompanying photographs. There is much to commend itself about the story, the inexperience of a young adult failing to read the fine print committing herself to much more than she anticipated, a newbie who is gently coaxed into the role she obliged herself to play, and a friendship and working partnership with an admirer.

It's a well done story, highly recommended.

Racerman1969gsRacerman1969gsalmost 3 years ago

Writer has a fetish for hairless pussy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

... or perhaps 'WOW' would be more appropriate. Salute!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Which do you gather first, your pictures or your narritive?

zazrix9zazrix9over 5 years ago
I adore

redheads AND freckles slay me. She's too beUatifuckle to read the story

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