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Click hereIn my youth I attended a private boys school in the United Kingdom where I received the best education money could buy. My classmates and I were preparing for our A-Level exams due to be administered at the end of this semester. Receiving an A-Level certificate is highly regarded, but did require an additional year of schooling for young men 18 and 19 years old eager to attend college or join the military.
One day late Spring our instructor of World History announced he would be taking a Sabbatical for the remainder of the semester. The next day a very pretty young teacher with an exotic look took his place.
I remember the dress she wore was white up top with a short black skirt, much shorter than the other female teachers wore. Back in the mid fifties we didn't get to see a women's calf very often, but Miss Vasquez's short dress and sheer black stockings certainly didn't hide them.
As boys of our age are wont to do we often tried to get a glimpse of the opposite sex. A favorite method was to look at the pictures of women from far away places published in National Geographic. This day a few of the lads were passing an issue around the classroom. Miss Vasquez saw the magazine being passed across an aisle and asked the boy receiving it to bring it up to her. She opened the magazine to the page that had been marked.
"Am I to assume you gentlemen have taken an interest in Africa?" she asked.
A boy in the back said "No Miss, just the women." which was greeted with giggles from most of the students.
"I See." Miss Vasquez said looking at the photos in the magazine. "Have you not studied anatomy here at school?"
"Yes, Miss, but we only had the line drawings in the textbook to look at."
Another boy chimed in, "and it was all very clinical and didn't answer our questions about women and the things they wear."
Miss Vasquez thought for a moment before asking what questions we had. One boy bashfully said, he saw things with straps and clips hanging on the laundry line and wanted to know what it was, but none of the women in the magazine wore things like that.
"I think you are asking about what is called a garter." she responded. "What is that?" someone asked.
"A garter holds up a women's stockings." she responded as she sat on the edge of a desk, "like this," she pulled her skirt up slightly to reveal a single black strap clipped to the top of her stockings.
I think the every student's eyes were riveted to Miss Vasquez when she stood up and pulled her skirt up further, revealing her entire leg.
Her stockings ended about the middle of her thigh but she had pulled up the skirt well beyond there.
Her stockings had a fancy pattern along the top edge.
Miss Vasquez turned around and lifted the back of her skirt to show us that there were straps on each stocking.
I am not sure how many of us heard what she said, as we were mesmerized by the sight of the back seam of her stocking following the curves of her legs and disappearing beneath the raised hem of her dress.
Students called out "Where do the top of the straps attach Miss? How many are there?"
She turned slightly toward us and lifted her skirt even further while telling us they attached to a belt at her waist.
The back of her panties had pulled up when she lifted the skirt, we could see the crease under her buttocks.
To answer our next question about how many straps there are, she turned to face us with the front of her skirt lifted to reveal two more straps at the front. Not only could we see the straps but also a tiny bit of her black lace panties.
One boy told Miss Vasquez she was the most beautiful lady he had ever seen. She thanked him for the compliment than asked the class if she had answered all our questions. The boy that asked about the garter spoke up and thanked her for answering his question but he had another. "I saw my sister getting dressed once and she needed help from my Mum to put something on around her upper body. What was that?" Miss Vasquez explained that was a corset and that it wraps around a women's body to support her breasts by being pulled tight with laces in the back. "Miss, if a women is alone how does she get dressed then?" Miss Vasquez smiled and told us some women could lace themselves up but many younger women were starting to wear bras instead.
"Which do you wear Miss?" a boy asked.
"What does a bra look like?" asked another.
"I prefer to wear a bra," say answered while starting to unbutton the top of her dress to answer the other question by showing an example.
Once her dress was open she turned and pulled one side of her dress aside to reveal just a glimpse of her black bra. To this day I think she was intentionally teasing us by posing in such a way to focus our attention on her body.
Next, she pulled the top open with both hands and revealed how the bra cupped her breasts causing a bulge of flesh at the top edge we couldn't take our eyes off of.
I know now that she was getting aroused showing herself as she had. She asked if we would mind if she sat at a desk for a moment, as she was getting quite warm teaching the lesson. She didn't bother to button up, instead she held her blouse open as she intentionally slid down the back of the seat causing her skirt to ride up.
"Are there any other questions about a women's clothing?" she asked.
"No, Miss but in one of the pictures it looked like the woman's nipple is larger than a man's. Is that because she has fed children?" a student asked.
"I would have to see the photograph, where is the magazine?"
A student responded, "It fell off the desk, Miss, it is on the floor."
Instead of bending down to pick it up, Miss Vasquez kneeled down then laid on the floor in a perfect pin up pose. She picked up the magazine and began to page though it again, causing her dress to fall from her shoulder.
Answering the question Miss Vasquez said, "A woman's breast and nipple do change when her body prepares to breast feed her child."
"Miss, can we see what a breast and nipple looks like before a woman has had a child?"
"I suppose since you have already studied anatomy an example would clarify what you have already learned about a woman's body." Miss Vasquez sat up removed her belt and unbuttoned the rest of her dress.
She stood up and let the top of the dress fall completely off her shoulders. Paused as if she was posing for us, her back only covered by the slim straps of her bra.
A moment later she returned to the floor and picked up the magazine to look at the pictures again. "My breasts are much smaller than the woman's in the photograph," she commented while pulling the strap of her bra off her shoulder.
I think Miss Vasquez suddenly became shy or more likely was teasing us. She moved the magazine to hide her breasts while she released her bra. We could see her bra fall from her shoulders as she worked off her breasts. For a moment she held it to her breast with her hand.
Teasing the boys in the class, by creating much anticipation amongst us as we eagerly waited to see her breasts.
Finally she removed the bra, holding it so we could see it dangling provocatively from her finger for several long heart beats. We were all tormented knowing that Miss Vasquez's breasts were naked behind that National Geographic magazine.
As Miss Vasquez stood up she stepped out of her dress while still denying us a look at her naked breasts. Like she did with her bra, she held her dress to with the tip of her finger for a long moment to emphasize the fact she had removed it before allowing it to fall to the floor in a totally silent classroom.
"Gentlemen, it is now time for a review," she said as if the whole session was nothing more than a Geography lesson. Turning around to let us see the back of her legs she continued, "Notice how the stocking are held up by four straps clipped to the top of the stockings. See how the straps are part of a garter belt I am wearing around my waist."
What we were really noticing was that we could see her nice rounded buttocks looked in her black lace panties and how the seams on the stockings and garter straps seemed to make our eyes trace the sensuous curves of her body.
Almost begging one of the boys called out "Please Miss may we see your breasts?" Miss Vasquez slowly shifted the magazine away from her bosom; giving us our first glimpse of her breasts.
Pivoting, to almost face us, allowing the magazine to fall further, letting us see her pert nipples and beautiful breasts Miss Vasquez presented her body as the ultimate visual aid to answer our earlier questions.
All of our eyes were looking at the most beautiful woman any of us had seen. She was our teacher but now we also saw her as a beautiful sensuous women that had allowed us to see her nearly nude.
She took off her glasses and posed like a pin up model for several moments, letting us take in her nearly perfect female form. We were all nearly silent, almost reverent so as to not break the spell or give Miss Vasquez any cause to stop. Finally she broke the silence. "Please look closely at body, especially my nipples." Of course we were all looking at her body very intently but to hear a beautiful woman inviting us to look was highly erotic for both her and us. Following her instructions to look at her nipples, I noticed they were pierced like some of the women I had seen in National Geographic.
"You have two more minutes to observe the details of my body. Look carefully as your homework tonight is to write an essay about what you saw in class today compared to the photographs in National Geographic."
I think Miss Vasquez liked the idea that our group of young men not only had enthusiastically studied her mostly naked body but that night they would all be thinking about her body while completing their assignment.
The next day every turned in their assignment on time, the class eager to please Miss Vasquez in hopes she makes use of her visual aids to answer more of our questions.
Perfect model for the story. Kept me entertained. Can't wait to read more from you
What a great story line. So hot that they got to see their sexy teacher. Your model is beautiful and sexy! Love to see more like this.
Brilliant, at school years ago I had a teacher who would lean over and let you look down her blouse, she was so hot, all the class of boys would fantasize about her, me especially, she would also bend over or sit on her desk and let us see up her skirt flashing her usually black stockings, I must have spent hours wanking and thinking about her, I met her in town a year or so after I left school when home on leave, she was with a girl who was the same age as me from the girls school we all thought was hot, we chatted politely, and parted company, as she walked off she stopped, and lifted her skirt to adjust her suspender clip, smoothed down her skirt and carried on holding hands with the girl, I seem to remember nearly coming as I stood there with my jaw open, wow.