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Jess was a Bitch Ch. 13

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Final days in Mexico.
9k words

Part 13 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/09/2017
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Time is rapidly running out.

Thanks to LarryInSeattle for editing.



Jess returns to wakefulness in fits and starts. She lies staring at the ceiling for long moments before understanding that she's awake. It's another few minutes before she recalls she's lying in a hotel bed in Mexico and that Jon is with her. Except, when she feels for him, he isn't. The realization fills her with a sense of aloneness that's so intense it frightens her. She rolls over and hugs his pillow to her face. She can smell him on the pillow. She remembers falling asleep with his cock inside her. She touches herself; she's no wetter than usual. She rolls out of bed, pees, rinses her mouth with the complimentary bottle of hotel mouthwash, pulls on her bikini, and heads outside. She scans the beach but sees no one; it's still early. She looks out over the water. Someone is swimming but she can't tell if it's Jon. She hurries to the water, wades in and dives beneath a wave. The water, still chilled from the night, sings over her body. She surfaces, grinning, her melancholy washed away, and blows a kiss to the sun and the sky and the birds, the world in general. She swims toward the other swimmer. It's Jon. They manage to embrace and tread water at the same time.

"I missed you. Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You looked so beautiful sleeping, too beautiful to wake."

"Mmm, you're sweet. You felt so good last night, just being inside me, not doing anything except filling my open places."

"Weird, I feel that way, even though I don't have a hole for you to fill."

Jess reaches behind him and grabs his butt. "Oh, yeah?" She laughs at the look on his face. "Are you blushing baby brother? Why? Because the idea embarrasses you or are you embarrassed because you really want me to do that?" He's quiet. She tilts her head. "Jon, I was jerking your chain but is that something you want to try sometime? It's okay, either way. Please, I wish you'd trust me."

"I do, Jess. I trust you completely. I'm not sure that's all."

She kisses him. "Okay. I'll try to quit second-guessing everything and trust you to tell me, in plain words, not in hints, what you want. Deal?"

He nods.

"I wish I could hold my breath long enough to suck your dick underwater."

Jon chuckles. "That'd be pretty salty don't you think?"

"Your painting of Caitlin and Travis is fucking unreal. It's sexy and powerful and emotional. Looking at it, I want to be them. I want to cry. I want to jerk my panties down and rub myself. It's overwhelming."

Jon's smile is more amazing to her than his painting. "I'm glad you like it. I like it a lot, too."

"You should let Travis pay you when we get back."

He nods. "I know. I know it sounds fucked up but I've never imagined selling my stuff, not that I thought I wouldn't want to, but that anyone would want to buy it."

"I think you could've sold even your old stuff, maybe not enough to live off of but I'm sure you could have sold pieces at small stores, art fairs, that sort of thing. But the stuff you've been doing now is way beyond that. I don't mean to sound like a bitch but I was shocked; I feel like a total cunt, but I never knew you had that kind of talent."

"Don't call yourself that!"

"Huh?" Jess is baffled by his anger. "What? Oh, you mean cunt?"

"Yes. I don't like it when you call yourself a bitch but don't call yourself a cunt. I love you. I can't love a cunt, or a bitch, it's as much an insult to me as it is to yourself."

"Oh, Jon you're such a sweet person, but trust me, I can be both of those things. I can't imagine ever being a bitch to you again but that doesn't mean I can't be those things to others."

"I don't care what you say, and it bothers me a lot that you think that about yourself. I don't see either of those things in you, not even a little bit."

"Uh-huh? Wait until you see me catch someone fucking with you, you might revise your opinion."

"Never, my love."

"That's a song isn't it?"

Jon shrugs. "I leave tomorrow."

"Sssh, I don't want to think about that." She looks around. No one is on the beach or in the water. "Make love to me, in the waves, like you did before."

The water is too deep. They move closer to the shore and he does as she asks. He swears that when they cum they're the tiniest step away from just totally blissing out and merging with the waves, where they'd float, entangled with each other and the water, floating together until the sun grows large enough to boil away the ocean. Even that wouldn't be the end, their atoms would dance together across the universe. He sees his next painting. He'll need more room, more space, more canvas, to have any hope of capturing the infinities he sees in his mind.

Jess is lying back in the water, letting the water lull her worries. Jon's cock grows soft and slipsfrom her.

Which is how Caitlin finds them.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought, I didn't know, I'll..." she stammers as she gets close enough to see Jon's cock floating between Jess' legs.

Jess loosens her legs from Jon's waist and stands, adjusting her suit. "We weren't, well we were but we aren't, we're done." She laughs. "For now."

"Still, I'm sorry. I'll see you guys later."

"Have breakfast with us?" Jon asks. Caitlin is surprised.

"Well, I did want to talk to you. You, mostly," she nods at Jon. "But both of you."

"About selling my paintings?"

Caitlin looks even more startled. She's used to Jon being lost in one of his paintings. She'd forgotten he was every bit as sharp as Jess. "Yeah, actually, that's part of it."

"Okay." He turns back to Jess and before she can respond, he grabs her around the waist and hoists her above his head. He lowers her, kisses the front of her bathing suit and then falls back into the surf, bringing Jess with him.

"You're crazy," Jess giggles and sputters when they surface.

"Yeah, he is, crazy in love with you," Caitlin tells her. Her face grows serious and she touches Jess' arm. "That's pretty fucking rare and pretty fucking amazing." Before Jess can answer, Caitlin lets out a shriek. Jon hoists her into the air but this time he's behind her. He plants a kiss on her bikini-clad butt and then falls back into the water with her still hoisted above his head.

"You were getting too serious," he tells her when they surface. "Jess will decide what's best for her." He offers Caitlin a smile. "Though I appreciate the help. If we can be as happy together as you and Travis, that would be amazing."

Caitlin gapes at Jon, feeling her eyes brim. She smacks him on the arm. "Now you're being too serious and I can't lift you over my head and dunk you."

"If you could would you kiss my butt too?"

"Hell yeah, in a minute." Caitlin smiles. "But Travis isn't here so that would be breaking the rules."

"For such a, I don't know, out there chick, you put a lot of store in rules," Jon observes.

Caitlin shrugs. "Breakfast at your place, ours, poolside?"

"Poolside," Jon answers.

"Deal. I left my cover up on one of the chairs." With that Caitlin turns and wades out of the water. They both stare at her butt.

"Did you like going down on her?" Jon asks softly.

"Did you?" Jess harrumphs, smacking him on the back of the arm. "Did you like fucking her? That's something I can't do."

"I did. I know you can't. It makes me feel bad for you. I, technically, can be fucked, but you and Caitlin, can't fuck someone, well I guess with your fingers but that's not the same. It bothers me for some reason. Does it bother you?"

"Not really, not that I've thought about it very much." She pulls his head down for another kiss. "Come on I'm hungry and the sooner we have breakfast the sooner we can get back to the room, close the door and the drapes, and I can have my way with you."


"So, what do ya think about what Caitlin had to say?"

Jon is absent-mindedly fondling Jess' breast as she leans back against him. They've been lolling about in the tub long enough for the water to have grown cool.

"It's an interesting idea. What did you think? It's your work she's talking about."

"It's not that I don't trust her; I do. But it seems complicated. This gallery owner friend of hers will exhibit some of my works in Chicago. At the same time, she'll become a partner with him and they'll open a small gallery here, in Mexico. I was surprised the gallery commission is 50% but why would she lie about that being pretty standard? It's easy enough to check."

"I was surprised too, but the more I think about it the more it makes sense," Jess answers. "The gallery has to pay rent and who knows how long they'll need to house a particular piece? They deal with the promotion and any events. So, a 50% commission doesn't seem so crazy when I think about it. If you can keep your hands off me for a few minutes, I'll do a little internet research. Of course, you could do that on your own. It's your work, without you they'd have nothing and 50% of nothing is nothing."

She feels Jon shaking his head behind her. "No, I'd hate that part of it. If I decide to sell my stuff, I'd rather have someone I trust take care of that. Unless you want to do it?"

"It's an interesting idea but I don't have enough background. I'd need to know as much about art as about business. It's not something I think I can do, not now anyway, maybe later. Are you not sure you want to let go of your work? Is that why you're not sure about selling it?"

"No, I'm afraid I'll get excited about the idea of being able to make a living as an artist and then nothing sells and I'm spraying down cars before they go through the car wash."

"Even if you can't make a living off your art, which I think you can, you're not going to end up washing cars. Don't be so dramatic. There are dozens of things you could do - graphic arts to architecture."


Jess turns and kneels between his legs. "No, no maybe. I don't love maybe's, dork." As seems to often happen during their long slow kisses, her hand finds its way to his cock. "Mmm, God you feel good," she mutters into his mouth. "Let's get out. The water's cold."

"Can we do it and keep kissing?" Jon mutters back, his lips still pressed to the side of her mouth.

It turns out they can.

They help each other towel off and wander back to the bed. Sunlight blazes around the pulled drapes. "Look at the patio door, Jon. Doesn't it look like we could just open it and walk out into Heaven or something?"

"Naw," he wraps his arms around her from behind and pulls her close. "Heaven is on this side of the door."

"Mmm," Jess murmurs, wiggling closer to his body. "Two weeks ago, if anyone used a line like that on me I'd have rolled my eyes and snorted, now it just sounds lovely. What have you done to me?"

"Nothing you haven't done to me."

They end up sitting against the back of the bed, Jess half sitting, half lying atop his chest. "Did it bug you that Caitlin went ahead and arranged for shipping tubes and shipping for your paintings?"

Jon considers for a moment before answering. "No, I guess not. I was surprised but I was also happy I didn't need to deal with it. She's fucking something, though, when she gets going. Look at how she handles mom."

"I have. Don't get me wrong, I think Caitlin is completely baller but I can imagine at times she can come on a little too strong without meaning to. What was it Travis called her? A force of nature?"

"That's where Travis comes in. I like him. He's totally chill. Not that I want to suck his dick, but he's cool. I think he keeps her calmed down a bit. Can you imagine her in college? I totally dig her and everything but I bet if I had a class with her she'd be one of those high intensity, gotta-ace-every-fucking-test pain in the asses."

Jess giggles against his chest. "I can totally see that. I'm glad we met her here and not in class." She twists to look at her brother, distracted by the way her nipple gets hard when it grazes his skin. "Do you think you can work with her? Would you feel overwhelmed?"

Jon wants to say, "not if you're there" but doesn't. He shrugs. "Naw, I grew up with you and mom, I can handle pushy chicks." Jess smacks him on the chest, a smack that turns into a caress. "You know we talk about her being kinda pushy but did she ever give off a vibe of having so much fucking money? I mean not only does her old man own this place. She owns that restaurant we went to and a couple of shops in town. I think she might own the place we went into, you know the one with souvenirs and some art?" Jess nods. "I think that's where she was talking about opening a gallery with her buddy."

"You know that's another issue, her buddy. You should meet him before committing to anything."

"No, duh, Jess. Fuck, I'm dumb but I'm not a simpleton. Although, if Jess likes him, and more important Travis doesn't mind him, I'm guessing he's okay."

"What's with all the Travis stuff? When did his opinion become so important?"

"I told you, I always thought he was chill. I just didn't want to eat his jizz. He's smart, he's not in your face, and dad says he spends his time helping immigrants in court. What's not to like?"

"Not much," Jess concedes then giggles. "Have you noticed mom making goo-goo eyes at him? It's too fucking cute."

"Uh-huh, but have you noticed Caitlin making goo-goo eyes at her?"

Jess nods, then sits up staring at Jon. "Oh my God, you don't think mom and dad and Caitlin and Travis are gonna fuck, do you?"

"Uh, yeah, Jess, I think that's highly probable." Jon shakes his head. "I thought you were the smart one." He smiles at her, a smile as much sad as happy. "I wish you could come home with me tomorrow. If you weren't staying with them they'd be fucking their brains out before we could get back to Texas."

"Oh my God, I bet you're right. Maybe I should come with you? Dad can afford it."

Jon shakes his head. "No, I want you to have those few days to make up your mind without me looking over your shoulder." He reaches for her. "Or playing with your boob." He cups her breast in his hand.

"Mmm, lay down, on your tummy little brother. Scoot down first, maybe lie kitty-cornered across the bed, so we have plenty of room."

"For what?"

She leans forward and kisses him lightly, cupping his cheek. "Lie down and you'll find out, babe."

He does as she asks without speaking.

Jess kneels by his right side, moving his arm out enough that she can kneel between it and his body but not so far as to make it uncomfortable. She presses the side of her leg against his hip and side, loving how warm he feels against her. She leans forward and moves his hair away from his neck and shoulders. She inches forward and begins to run her fingers through his still damp hair before turning her attention to massaging his scalp. If her breasts graze his back as she does, neither of them mind.

Her hands move to his neck and then the top of his right shoulder. She takes her time, first stroking, then kneading and rubbing, working her way down his arm to his hand. She spends a great deal of time on his hand and fingers, fascinated by how such skinny things, bone, a few tendons and skin, can produce the images she's seen on his canvases, or the feeling they produce inside her when they touch her. She hopes her touch makes him feel the same.

His left shoulder and arm require more leaning, and more contact between her breasts and the skin of his back. She smiles at the sight of goose bumps racing across his skin, carrying the excitement of her touch to the rest of his body. Though he paints with his right hand, his left is every bit as capable of pleasing her as his right. She spends long minutes pulling at his fingers, massaging his palm.

She straddles his butt, pressing her wetness against him. She leans forward and rests her hands on the mattress. She sways back and forth, letting just the tips of her hair brush over his back; more goose bumps. She straightens and if that causes her pussy to press against his butt, neither of them mind. Her fingertips skate across his skin in abstract patterns she feels she has no control over. When her hands tell her it's time to work the muscles of his back, she doesn't argue.

She scoots lower on his body, straddling his right leg. If that means his leg parts her sex slightly, neither of them mind.

She teases his butt with her hair, then her fingers before massaging the muscles. She decides she loves the feel of the large, firm muscles of his ass. She shifts, kneeling beside his right leg, focusing her attention on his left thigh. Always the same sequence, hair, caress, massage. If her fingers probe deep enough to brush against his sack, neither of them mind.

His legs and feet succumb to her attentions.

"Roll over." Her voice is husky, almost hoarse. He does as she asks, eyes closed. His cock is rigid. Violating her own plan, she leans over and quickly takes it in her mouth. One quick bob of her head and she's done, for now. She moves up the bed and lets her hair caress his face.

Face. Chest. Arms. Thighs. Legs. The only departure from the sequence she'd performed on his back, is that she ignores, other than the earlier quick suck, his cock and balls.

When she finishes with his left foot. He opens his eyes and reaches for her. She takes one hand and kisses the fingertips with a shake of her head and a smile.

"I'm not done. Back on your tummy."

He doesn't question. He loves her. He trusts her. He rolls onto his stomach.

Jess follows his body from head to toe, this time not with her hair and hands but with her lips, her tongue and nips from her teeth. Other than a quick peck on each cheek of his ass, she ignores it this time. When she finishes kissing each toe, she moves his legs apart and kneels between them.

She puts her hands under the top of his thighs and urges him up. He pulls his knees up and lifts his butt. She reaches between his legs and squeezes his cock. She's looking at his ass and back and doesn't notice the long, glistening strand of precum her hand has forced from his body. This is for the best; it's doubtful she could have resisted putting his cock in her mouth had she seen his dew. She begins to kiss his cheeks, starting at his thigh and working her way to the crack. When she reaches it, she stops and moves to the other side. Her hand doesn't stroke him, she simply holds him with her hand.

When her lips find their way back to the top of his crack, she releases his cock. Both hands rest on his ass. She places her nose at the top of his crack and extends her tongue. She pushes it between the globes of his ass. She doesn't feel the rough skin of his pucker but she does a long, slow, and very wet, lick of his upper crack. For the first time since starting, she hears a soft moan and smiles. Her hands pull at him and she scoots back a little. Jon, needing no urging from her hands, raises his ass a little as well.

There's not a shred of hesitancy as she lowers her head and presses her lips to the most private part of his body. She feels him twitch beneath her lips. She kisses around the rough skin. She discovers she wishes there was hair there. In the small part of her brain not immersed in what she's feeling she makes a note to ask Jon not to shave his crack or his armpits. On the heels of that thought, is another, is there a part of my body he'd rather I not shave?

She touches the tip of her tongue to his center and is rewarded with another twitch. She licks around his pucker, pushing but not penetrating to any great extent. She pulls away and kisses his cheek. "Should I do more? Put my finger in?"

"Oh, God, not today, Jess. Fuck, you're making me crazy already."

She nips at his ass cheek and he flinches. "Okay, on your back then."

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