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Jessica the Newbie Reporter Ch. 01

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The redhead Jess starts a sexy job at WinstonTV.
6.1k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 02/23/2024
Created 06/29/2023
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Jess starts a sexy job at WinstonTV.


Everyone in this story involved in any sexual activities is at least 18 years old. This story isn't real and probably could never be real in 2022, so any correlations with real life are mere coincidences.

This story is set in the same universe as "Naive Teacher in Winston". It's not required to have read any chapters of that story, although it might make this story more fun!

This is a side project, and I will not substitute my main series. I simply had an idea and needed a break from Lana and her complex naivete.

Enjoy the read,

~ Potato Head


May 1991

30 years before the Naive Teacher series


May 3rd, Friday

"Willy! I got it!" the strawberry-blonde woman says, bursting through the front door of the cramped 2-bedroom apartment.

A curly-haired man jumps from the cheap and stained couch, startled.

"You scared the socks out of me, hon!" Willy exclaims. "What did you get?"

She proudly juts her sizable chest, "My chance to be famous!"

Willy can't help but admire his beautiful wife. He opens a wide smile.

"I knew it! Congratulations!" the curly-haired husband says.

"Thanks!" She jumps giddily, and her 36C breasts bounce enticingly. "Let's get celebrate tonight!"

"You deserve it, hon!" Willy encourages her, eyeing her boobies.

"Finally!" she exclaims, throwing her hands up and plopping down on the run-down couch. "Ahhh! I just want to get wasted now!" she shouts, unleashing her energy.

Willy's eyes widen, realizing something. He worriedly whispers, "Shhh! Paul is aslee-"

But it's too late; they are interrupted by crying.

"Oops!" She giggles, putting a hand over her mouth.

Willy's heart flutters, as his wife is the most adorable thing in the world. He smiles at her.

"What's this opportunity, honey?" he asks, standing and suppressing a giggle.

She blushes, "It's a bit weird, but it's a start..." she says shyly as Willy walks toward their child's bedroom.

"Oh?" He turns, curious about what she means.

"Hmm... It's on a tiny local affiliate station called WinstonTV." She shrugs, "Never heard of it."

"Me neither, but I guess it's a chance." Willy smiles, and the strawberry-blonde nods. "I'm still proud of you," he adds before entering the room with the crying child.



Jessica "Jess" Bottoms grew up in a small town in the Midwestern USA. By the last census, her hometown had 7,469 people. Nice.

Jess grew up in a religious and conservative family but was never shy or introverted. Au contraire, Jess was a cheerleader and one of the most popular girls in her school. She was surprisingly bright and had big dreams of becoming a news anchor on national television.

During high school, she started dating the Lacrosse team Captain, Wilson Russet, a handsome and well-built teen that every girl fawn over. Jess was proud to have gotten Wilson's attention and vowed from that moment on to never let him go.

The high-school sweethearts married right after graduation, and Wilson quickly started working at his father's insurance company. Excelling at school, Jess, now Jessica Russet, went to college and at the same time began working a part-time job at a local TV station on the news division.

Being from strict families, the couple waited until marriage to have sexual relations. Their first night was perfect, and they were head over heels for each other. Wilson's penis was initially shocking since it was the first one she ever saw, but Jess also fell in love with it. She affectionately started calling her new husband Willy due to her fascination with his phallus (Willy's Willy, as she liked to say, giggling). Only a handful of years later did she find out how the nickname was fittingly appropriate.

After graduating from college, Jess got a full-time job at the local station. So far, she was only written some news reports and helped produce the field segments. She longed for a chance to appear on air.

Jess got pregnant with Paul, their sweet curly-haired boy, not six months later.

Unfortunately for the couple, Wilson's father sold his insurance company a year after their son was born. Willy's department got stuck in the endless mediocrity of middle America office jobs.


Before Jess' uplifting news, our couple was not doing so hot.

Wilson is 26 years old and still struggling with the average office job that he hates. He is 5'10" ft tall, has brown curly hair, and is handsome and well-built (from his Lacrosse days and daily workouts). The ladies still fawn over him, but he is madly in love with Jess, his rock, whom he affectionately sometimes calls "Bottoms" per her maiden name. Willy is gullible, naive, and a bit on the dumb side, and he trusts his wife completely.

Jess is also 26, 5'4" ft tall, with strawberry-blonde hair, a hot cheerleader body with an ample butt, which many say that's her best asset and delicious 36C firm tits. She also religiously exercises. The pretty redhead is curious, driven, and wants to get ahead in life for her son Paul, who is 2 years old. Like her husband, Jess is sexually inexperienced and has never kissed or been with anyone else.

This is where we return to our protagonists.


Back to Present

After putting their son back to sleep, the young couple sits on their 2-seat kitchen table, eating dinner and discussing Jess' new job.

"So, how did you find out?" Wilson asks, munching on some bread.

"Frank told me!" the reporter-to-be replies. Frank is her current boss. He is a tall and skinny black man in his 50s.

"Woah. Is Monica coming too?" the curly-haired man asks. Monica is Jess' colleague, and they are good friends but also have a soft work rivalry. The raven-haired beauty might appear in future chapters.

"No, just me. Thank the Lord," Jessica says with relief.

"That's good." Her husband tries to encourage her, "It's a great chance for you to shine, honey."

"I'm excited," she admits.

They continue eating for a bit, discussing how massive this opportunity is for their future. How much better things can get.

"I've never heard of this channel," Willy says, serving himself more food.

"It's super tiny. Like the town has 200 people," Jess explains. "So, nobody is going to watch it."

"At least it's an opportunity. Wait... town?" the handsome man asks.

"Yeah, Winstonstead or something like that," the strawberry-blonde shrugs, her sexy breasts jiggling.

"Oh!" Willy exclaims.

"You know it?" she asks curiously.

"I... uh... I heard of it. It's like a hick place not far from here. Thirty minutes," he says as if changing subjects.

"That's good! I will have to go there twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday. But I don't know much beyond that," the hot wife replies.

His eyes widen for a second, and he bites his tongue. "Hmm," he mutters, nodding and shoving more food in his mouth.

Jess looks at him skeptically. She squints, "Willy... I feel like there is something you're not telling me."

"Well... it's nothing," he dismisses, but he seems worried nonetheless.

"What is it?" Jessica insists. She needs to know if something is wrong with her new workplace.

"Don't worry, just a stupid rumor," the curly-haired man says. He laughs forcefully, "From the guys..."

"Please tell me, silly," she says, squeezing his hand softly.

Wilson feels a tingle down his body. The handsome man knows he can't say no to his wife, but she usually is skeptical of these things. "Don't laugh, okay?" He grimaces.

She assures him, "I won't, babe."

"There are rumors that the town is extremely perverted, and they're all part of a devil-worshipping sex cult!" he whispers, almost like he fears them.

Jessica almost chokes on her water. She guffaws, unable to hold back.

Willy frowns. "Bottoms! You said you weren't going to laugh!"

"Ah... Sorry, baby," she says, recovering. "But that's just ridiculous!"

"I don't know..." he mumbles, unsure.

"You really think there is a sex cult so close to us?" Jess throws her hands up, "It's 1991!"

"Shh... Paul..." her husband says, and she nods. "And you never know."

"Of course not, silly." She shakes her head, chuckling, "You're adorable."

Willy shrugs, continuing to eat his food.


As they relax on their old couch, Willy's mind wanders, and he starts thinking about sex. He decides to bite the bullet.

"Bottoms, can we... fool around?" he asks, pumping his eyebrows suggestively.

Jess playfully slaps his arm, "Oh, Willy! You naughty boy."

"Come on, let's celebrate your achievement!" the handsome man insists.

Jessica's heart melts a little, but sex does not interest her, so she tends to avoid it as much as possible. She looks toward her son's bedroom, "Paul can wake up any second..."

Wilson pleads, "But it has been months since we had any relations. Please?"

Jess sights and knows that she can't avoid her husband this time. She loves Willy wholeheartedly, but sex always feels dull and empty. A duty more than anything. She decides to play it up this time.

"Um-hmm..." she purrs, approaching her man and cuddling against his arm. Her 36C tits rub against him, and she notices Willy's little guy awakening.

"So, let's go to the bedroom?" the horny husband proposes, standing up.

"Sure, babe. But I won't take my undies off, and you have to wear a condom," Jess says with a grave tone.

He frowns, "Ugh... do I have to?" he complains.

"I'm not on the pill, and we can't afford another Paul," she says thoughtfully. She approaches him, leans against his chest, and looks at her partner in his brown eyes. "I got you the extra-small ones that fit you better."

Wilson winces at the mention of his size. At least the extra-small ones fit him snugly. "All right," he agrees. Any sex with his smoking-hot wife is better than no sex.

"They're in the drawer." Jessica stands up and walks to the bedroom. She turns and bites her bottom lip seductively, "Show me how it's done, baby...."

"Your wish is my command!" he says, pulling his pajamas down along with his tighty-whities. His 3.5"-inch penis springs up, hard as a rock. His diminutive size looks silly on his well-built and toned frame.

"Eek! Willy!" Jess giggles, running to the bedroom. Her bubble butt jiggles erotically under her pajamas.

The handsome man roars playfully and runs after his curvy wife.


May 7th, Tuesday

Jessica stands by the front door, wearing a long green blouse, a black knee-length skirt, dark pantyhose, and short black heels. Her strawberry-blonde hair is tied in a loose ponytail, and she has minimal makeup. She looks beautiful and professional, although her outfit can't entirely hide her large butt and great tits.

"I'm nervous, Willy," Jess confesses, caressing her son's hair.

Her husband reassures her, "Don't worry, honey. You're going to do great."

"Hopefully. You know what to do?" she asks.

"I'll take Paul to your mom's and pick him up after work. Easy!" he repeats for the seventh time that week.

She sighs, relieved. "Good, good. I should go," the redhead says, looking at the cheap clock on the living room wall.

"Knock 'em dead, Bottoms," Wilson says.

Jess hugs and kisses her husband. "I love you, Willy."

"We love you too!" he replies with a grin as he and Paul wave her goodbye.


At WinstonTV

The newbie reporter enters a medium-sized tastefully-decorated private office. A man stands up and comes to greet her. He is tall, about 6'2'' tall, fit, elegant, and seems to be in his mid-forties.

"Welcome, Jessica. I am Edgar Winston-Phillips, WinstonTV's president," the man says, giving her a firm handshake.

Jess's heart flutters a little. He seems more sophisticated than anyone she has ever met. "Hi, it's nice to meet you," the strawberry-blonde blurts out, obviously nervous.

"Phew.. they did not lie. You are a beauty. And hot. It is great to have you on board," Edgar says with a broad, pearly white smile.

She blushes. "Thank you, Mr. Winston-Phillips."

"Please, call me Edgar," he says assuredly.

"Thank you, Edgar," she repeats, her heart beating fast.

He opens his arms, "Good. Now, give me a hug. It is customary in Winston."

"Oh..." Jessica replies, taken aback. She quickly composes herself; she remembers her goal of being a national news anchor. "Yes, of course!"

The fit redhead hugs the tall man. She can't help but smell his cologne, a masculine and musky scene. For some reason, she feels her pussy twitch.

She notices that his hands seem unnecessarily tight around her. It's making her a bit uncomfortable, but he releases her before she can say anything.

"We will not work together very much, as I am responsible for everything around here, but know that you can come to me with any concern or worries," Edgar smiles gallantly, making Jess swoon.

"That s-sounds good," she croaks, her heart thumping.

He returns to his chair. "I expect great things, young lady," the president adds.

"Of course, sir- Edgar." Jess quickly corrects herself. The sophisticated man nods, pleased.

There is a knock on the door, and an odd man enters. He seems to be in his mid-30s, almost the same height as Jessica, about 5'6", sloppily overweight, and has balding black hair. Maybe he could've been moderately good-looking in another life if he only cared for himself.

"Oh, nifty timing, Jack. Jessica, meet Jack Stone. He will be your producer and boss," Edgar introduces.

"Hello. It's nice to meet you, Jessica," Jack says, opening his arms for a hug. She submissively hugs the fat man. It feels like hugging a large cushion. She quickly breaks the hug. "May I call you Pumpkin?" the producer asks.

Jess stammers awkwardly, "I..."

"What a great nickname!" the president interrupts her. "Jack here is always calling people by monikers."

Jessica glances at her boss's boss and swallows her complaint. This is for her son, she tells herself. "Uhh... yes... you may, Mr. Stone," the strawberry-blonde replies.

Mr. Winston-Phillips looks at his watch. "So, here is where I leave you, Jessica. Jack can show the ropes and explain everything," he says, ending their meeting.

"Thank you so much, Mis-err... Edgar. I won't let you know," Jess promises.

"Fantastic. I have things to attend to now," the network president says, making a 'shoo' gesture.

Jack Stone opens the front door, "Let's go, Pumpkin!"


As she passes, the overweight man smacks Jessica lightly on her skirt-clad bubble butt.

"*Gasp*!" she exclaims, unable to hold back. The newbie looks back, and the sophisticated network president is staring at her. Almost as if judging her next move. She tells herself that his attitude is typical at this kind of job.

Jess nods shyly and continues walking as if nothing happened.

'It's just how things are,' she reasons in her head, thinking of Willy and her son, Paul, back home.


Jack shows her around the office, and they finally reach her cubicle

The fat, balding man shows her to a large U-shaped table with a computer and a TV monitor. "Here you are, your own cubicle," he says, pointing to a partition that says 'Jessica Russet - Temp Reporter - Saturday Team'.

"That's great," she says, admiring her new space. Her tummy bubbles, finally realizing this is a real opportunity.

"And this is Sandy-boy," Jack says, pointing to a young man in the cubicle adjacent to hers.

"Hey, I'm Alexander Riviere, but my friends call me Sander," he says, standing up. He is handsome, 5'10" tall, 18 years old, with coiffed-back sand-colored hair. He is wearing a dress shirt and dress pants and has a smarmy look on his face.

"He's going to be your cameraman. You'll be glued to each other during the shoots," Jack explains.

The newbie reporter smiles, "Oh... Nice to meet you, Sander. I'm Jessica Russet."

"Hello, Ma'am," the boy says politely.

The redhead giggles endearingly. "I'm no Madam. Just barely older than you. Call me Jess."

Sander gives her a thumbs-up. "Got it, Miss Jess."

"Just Jess. And I'm married, so it would've been Mrs.," she points out.

"That's too bad, Just Jess," the cameraman says flirtatiously. The busty mother blushes.

Jack interrupts them. "Enough flirting, you two... we got a job to do!"

Jessica blushes. "We weren't..."

"Please sit down. Let me explain how this will work," the fat producer says, pulling over a chair. "I sit just on the other side," he adds.

Jess nods and sits on her own chair. She feels all fuzzy inside, knowing this is actually happening.

"We have tons of stuff to record tomorrow," Jack says seriously.

"Already!?" the busty woman blurts out, surprised.

Sander nods. "Yup. We're a small crew. Just us three."

"So, no time to waste. We're one woman down. Sandy-boy, pull up the footage. Let me explain about the Saucy Saturdays," the overweight producer says.


Night - Back Home

Jessica explains to her husband how her work duties will function. They will prepare two segments on Tuesdays and then record them on Thursdays. Jack and Sander will edit the shoots on Fridays, and the segments will air on Saturdays.

The first segment is family-friendly and will air two times during the day, once at the Lunch News and another at the 8PM News.

However, the second segment...

"Well," Jess stammers. "It's a local program called Saucy Saturdays and airs at 9pm."

"Huh, what a weird name," Willy says skeptically.

"It's an adult segment," she says nonchalantly.

His eyes widen. "Adult? What does that even mean?"

"Eighteen plus only," she explains vaguely.

Wilson's eyes almost pop out of their sockets. "What? It's like... naughty?" he asks, whispering the last word.

Jess dismisses, "A bit..."

"What the heck, Bottoms!" the curly-haired man exclaims, standing up.

She pulls him back down. "Don't worry, silly, they showed me a few clips. It's all just good fun."

"Why is it adults-only then?" Willy asks suspiciously.

"Well... there might be some nudity," the wife replies casually.

"Nudity!?!?" he shouts, standing up again.

Jess pulls his arm, "Shh... Paul is asleep," she points out. He nods and sits back down. "The nudity is blurred or censored. So it's mostly adult because of the themes," she downplays.

"You're getting naked, hon?" Willy asks, his eyes wide as saucers.

Trying to calm him down, she replies, "Not really... depends on what's going on."

"What do you mean?" her naive husband asks.

"Like... this week, I'll be trying some pajamas for a new collection of the shop in town," Jess explains.

The curly-haired man squints, "Oh, what's the adult part?"

"Maybe I'll have to show up in a tiny outfit or my undies," she replies.

"Ughh," Willy mutters, feeling conflicted about the idea of his darling and beautiful wife showing skin on the TV.

"Don't worry, nobody we know is going to watch it," Jess says, playing it down. "It doesn't air here, so they can't."

"I know..." the gullible husband mumbles.

"I have to do this. It's my dream. Please?" she asks, her dark green eyes sparkling.

"I don't like this, Bottoms," Willy says, unable to deny her.

She insists. "But it's my shot to make it. I'll be on Prime Time!"

"Almost naked..." he mutters, displeased.

Jess holds his hands. "Nobody is going to see it, silly. After this, who knows where I can go! I'll have field reporter experience under my skirt," she says passionately.

"Still... you'll have tons of guys watching you seeing you in your undies or something," Willy says.

"Yeah, but we don't know them, and they don't know us. It's a hick town!" the busty redhead points out.


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