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Jessica's Bus Stop Adventure

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Jessica is waiting for the bus while she gets sharked.
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Jessica was sitting on the bus stop bench waiting for the bus to take her back home. The college's requirement that first year students weren't allowed to have a car meant using the bus system to get around.

It was lunch time Saturday and she had just spent the morning in the college library studying for her upcoming exam.

Being as it was the weekend she had chosen a comfortable outfit to wear to the library. A pair of faded jeans below and her favorite elastic tube top above.

She was texting her best friend and not paying attention to her surroundings when she felt something touch her. A pair of hands grabbed the sides of her tube top and jerked down. Since nobody wore a brasserie under a tube top this left her breasts bouncing in air.

Taken completely by surprised it took several moments before she could react. Her first reaction was to try to see who had done it to her, but looking around the only thing she could see was a guy running away from her in jeans and a black hoodie. His hands were out of sight so she wasn't able to see anything that might help her identify him.

Turning back around she noticed everyone else at the bus stop was now staring at her. To be more accurate, they were staring at her chest.

Glancing down she suddenly realized that she was sitting there completely bare‑breasted. It was the first time since she was a little girl at the beach that she was topless in front of strangers.

Grabbing her top she jerked it up. Unfortunately since she was in a hurry she had gripped too much of the material and when she snatched it up all she accomplished was to pull the top from below her breasts to above them. She wasn't any better off now than before.

On the other hand her audience was loving it. Between her body's motion and the top pulling her titties up before dropping them out the bottom her boobs were bouncing like a couple of playful puppies.

Recognizing that she had goofed she decided to pull the bottom of the top down to conceal the twins, but trying to locate the bottom edge among the tangle of material just prolonged her exposure.

Finally she pulled the whole top back down below her boobs to start again.

Once again all the people watching her got to enjoy a new round of boobie bouncing as they popped up after she dragged the top down. At last she was able to found the top edge and pull the top back into place.

There was a collective sigh of disappointment when she was once more covered.

"Gee, sorry to spoil your fun," Jessica declared sarcastically.

Her remark caused everyone to laugh. Eventually she found herself joining in the mirth.

Her humor ended when she happened to look down and see her cell phone laying on the ground. Snatching it up she has horrified to see the screen was shattered. Frantically pushing buttons got her no response.

"Problem?" one of the girls nearby asked.

"Yeah," Jessica replied, "when that asshole attacked me I dropped my phone and now is completely dead."

"Can I see it?" the girl asked.

Jessica handed it over. The girl examined it and concluded Jessica was right.

"My Dad has a cell phone repair business. If you want to come with me we can see if he can fix it," the girl said.

With nothing to lose Jessica agreed to accompany her to her Dad's shop. She got on the bus with the other girl. As they rode along she introduced herself.

"My name's Jessica."

"Hi Jessica. My name's Rene. I would ask you how you're doing, but I think I have a pretty good idea how your day's been going," she commented with a giggle.

"The morning was pretty typical, but the last half hour has been definitely different," Jessica replied with a grin.

They engaged in small talk until Rene said her stop was coming up.

The two girls got off the bus and headed down the sidewalk. A few minutes later they arrived at a store offering cell phones and cell phone repair.

Rene lead the way inside. When the door chime went off a middle-aged man appeared from the back of the store.

"Hey babe doll, what's happening?" he asked.

"Hi Dad. This is Jessica. Some creep sharked her this morning at the bus stop and broke her phone. She's hoping you can fix it," Rene replied.

"What's 'sharked'?" he asked.

"Some guy came up behind her and pulled her top down in front of a whole group of people."

His attention immediately went to the bulges in Jessica's top.

"Yes Dad. The creep caused her to flash those titties you're trying to picture in your mind," Rene interrupted his thoughts.

"Sorry Jessica. I don't mean to add to the stress you're already under. I hope you can forgive me," Rene's dad said.

"After what I went through out on the street I just I can handle having a gentleman ogle me. Once," Jessica shrugged.

"Thank you," he replied then with a grin added, "I'll try to keep my eyes to myself from now on."

He held out his hand and Jessica handed him her phone.

"Let me take this in back. I'll be back in a minute."

Jessica looked around the shop as she waited. A few minutes later he returned.

"I'm sorry to have to say that your phone is kaput, Jessica. I think I can get the data off and install it on another phone if you have one," he informed her.

"I don't have another phone and with my budget I can't afford another one," she sighed.

"Don't you have one you could transfer the data onto Dad?" Rene asked.

"Several, but you know how expensive they are, honey," he replied.

"Hmm, give us a minute Dad," Rene said.

She walked over to Jessica and lead her to the far wall. "I'm going to suggest something that you might find really disgusting, especially after this morning. But please hear me out Jessica before you answer."

Jessica looked out Rene with a puzzled expression. "Okay, I'll wait till you get finished," she promised.

"My mom died last year. Dad has been in kind of a funk ever since. I have tried everything I can think of to get him out of it, but nothing has worked." She paused. "I think if you could somehow stage a repeat of the bus stop thing it might just be the shock he needs," she concluded.

Jessica was stunned. It took her a bit before she could reply. "You're asking me to flash my boobs for your father?"

"Well, you'd probably have to do more than just flash them. You'd probably have to leave them hanging out while he works on your phone, but yeah, that's essentially what I'm thinking."

"Are you fucking nuts! I'm not going to do a striptease for your Dad," barely keeping her voice out of Rene's father's hearing.

"Your boobs have already been seen this morning. This way just one more person gets to see them and in exchange you get a phone, which you know you need. Every one our age has to have a phone. We can't live without one."

'Shit,' Jessica thought. Rene did have a point. The phone numbers for all her friends were on her phone as well as pictures and class notes that she needed.

"Shit, shit, shit," she muttered. "I can't go over there as ask your Dad to trade a phone for me doing a striptease. I'd feel like such a slut. And if he said no I'd just die."

"You stay here and I'll ask him," Rene said.

"You're going to go up to your Dad and tell him that some girl he just met is willing to flash her titties in exchange for a cell phone? Don't you think he might freak out?"

"It wouldn't be the first time I've shocked the shit out of him," Rene joked.

Turning back to where her father was standing Rene left Jessica standing by herself.

Jessica couldn't hear what was being said, but from the startled look on the man's face and the quick glance he directly at her chest she knew Rene had made the offer.

After several excited exchanges Rene turned to Jessica and motioned with her hand for Jessica to pull her top down.

'Wholly shit,' Jessica thought. 'I can't believe I'm about to actually expose my boobs right here in a working store for a man I just met and his daughter.'

Rene motioned again.

Jessica reach up and with a last sigh pulled her top down.

Once again as soon as the material cleared her boobs they joyously bounced around.

Rene's dad's eyes got bigger and bigger as he stared at the unexpected treat. Rene stood there grinning at his reaction.

After a couple of seconds Jessica pulled her top back up.

Rene and her father went back to talking excitedly.

Finally Rene signaled Jessica to join them.

"Dad has agreed to make a trade. He will provide you with a used phone just like yours and he will transfer all your stuff to from your old phone. However in exchange you will have to get totally naked and stay that way till he's done. Just to make sure everyone holds up their end of the bargain I'll stay here till he's done. Do you agree Jessica?"

"I thought I was just going to be topless," Jessica countered.

In the meantime Rene's Dad was shocked. He had offered to provide a phone and transfer the data just for having seen Jessica's boobs. Now his daughter was bargaining with this stranger to display her whole body naked to him and to stay that way. Fucking awesome.

"Dad's already seen your knockers so you're going to have to sweeten the deal," Rene explained.

Jessica refrained from pointing out that Rene had been the one to supply her father with a look at Jessica's breasts.

"I think for totally nudity I deserve a new phone," Jessica offered not believing she was actually saying it.

"How about this," Rene parried. "This store doesn't get a lot of walk in business. Mostly it's online. The store closes in about an hour. You remove your clothes and stay that way till Dad's done, but if anyone does come in you wait on them naked. In exchange you get a new phone and your information transferred off your old phone."

"If someone does come in you expect me to pretend I work here and wait on them completely naked?" Jessica uttered in disbelief.

"That's the deal, but it's more about the possibility because I really doubt if anyone will come in."

Risk total nudity in front of more people and get a new phone or settle for an used phone and just be seen by Rene and her father. Shit.

"You give me your word that there's almost no chance of someone coming in while I'm naked?" Jessica asked Rene.

"I swear," Rene replied.

"Do you agree with what your daughter has sworn?" Jessica asked Rene's dad.

"I would truthfully say the odds are about 20 to 1 that no one will come in today," he promised.

Jessica looked at a clock on the wall. It indicated that the time was 1:35. She had noticed the sign on the front door that said the store closed at 2.

That meant that she would risk additional exposure for about 20 to 25 minutes if she agreed to the deal.

"Done," she stated. Reaching down to grip the sides of her tube top she pulled it up and over her head. For the umpteen times her breasts were once again free to play.

She leaned back against the work bench where Rene's dad worked on cell phones and lifted her left leg. She pulled of her sneaker and set it on the bench. She repeated with her right leg. Then she unfastened the snap at the top of her jeans and pulled the zipper down. Taking hold of the sides she pushed her jeans down to her ankles and pulled them off her legs.

She still couldn't believe she was actually going though with this crazy deal. Straightening up she glanced at the others and saw they were standing there almost as surprised as she was.

One last pause, then she slipped her fingers inside the waist band of her panties and pushed them down her legs. A few seconds later and she was utterly naked.

Rene and her father stared at the beautiful sight before them. After a few minutes Jessica said, "About the phone guys."

"You keep looking Dad while I go get a new one from the supply room," Rene suggested.

From the intensity of his eyes as the wandered all over her body Jessica guessed he would be able to draw a pretty accurate image from memory till the day he died.

Fortunately Rene was back shortly and at her prompting her dad began preparing the new phone. Once he got into the procedure he split his concentration between was he was doing and the naked girl standing next to him.

As he worked Jessica found herself drawn to his side to watch the operation.

Rene took advantage of their distraction to surreptitiously slip out her phone and start videoing the goings on.

After a while there was a sudden interruption. The chimes indicating the front door had been opened went off. It would have been hard to pick which one of the three was the most shocked.

The realization that she had promised to go out front stark naked if someone came in hit Jessica like a slap in the face.

She was frozen in place until Rene took her arm and pulled her towards the door separating the parts of the store. Jessica summoned up all her courage and started to step out. Rene grabbed her as the last moment and pulled her back.

Thank God she didn't have to go through with it. Her relief was short-lived as Rene reached over the door and took down a Lone Ranger type Halloween mask.

With a smile she handed it to Jessica and motioned for her to put in on. With the mask in place Rene put her hand against Jessica's back and gently pushed her through the doorway.

After being told that there wasn't hardly any chance of anyone entering the store Jessica was shocked when she entered the room to find not one person, but instead four couples standing there.

Once again it would have been a tough call to pick out who was the most surprised.

Jessica was the first to recover. "May I help you?" she asked.

It took a bit before any of the others were able to reply.

One of the women finally said, "Actually we came in for directions, but why are you naked?"

Thinking quickly Jessica answered, "I lost a bet. This is the penalty."

"Do you often work here naked?" one of the other females asked.

"First time and hopefully the last," Jessica truthfully answered.

"If you were here naked every day I'd never shop anywhere else," one of the guys muttered.

A quick punch in the arm from the woman next to him indicated she wasn't amused. Afterwards the woman asked, "Can you tell us if there's a good restaurant around here."

At that point Rene stepped out. To the guys disappointment Rene was fully dressed. "There's a good steak house just down the road. Take a left when you leave the store and go straight for two blocks. The restaurant is on the other side of the road. Not surprisingly it's called The Steak House."

"Is there a seafood place nearby?" another guy asked.

"Oh, shut the hell up, honey. You know you don't like seafood. You just want to keep staring at her tits and twat." Turning to face Jessica she continued, "of course I don't really blame him. You do have nice tits and a pretty pussy."

The others laughed at her remarks.

"How about turning around so we can see your ass?" the woman added.

'This has to be a dream,' Jessica thought. 'What the hell, why not give them the whole package.'

Jessica raised her arms up over her head and lifted herself up on her toes. Then she did a slow pirouette. Everyone had amply opportunity to check out the naked body before them.

When she finished they all applauded.

Rene stepped forward and stated that it was time for the shop to close and they had work to do in back.

The others reluctantly left and Rene locked the door behind them.

"Sorry about that," she told Jessica.

"Why? I promised I would do it and you did give me a mask so I couldn't be identified," Jessica said.

"Oh I'm not sorry that a bunch of people saw you naked. I'm sorry that I didn't watched the clock. It's 2:14. I should have locked the door fifteen minutes ago."

"Shit," Jessica uttered. Suddenly it seemed funny to her.

Laughing Rene and Jessica went into the back of the store.

However they weren't so quick that a couple of kids walking by happened to spot Jessica's naked ass just before it went out of sight.

"Did you just see what I think I just saw?" the first one asked.

"If you mean a beautiful naked ass in this, then yes I saw it," his friend replied.

"Man, I am going to remember that till the day I die."

"Me too," his friend solemnly agreed.

Once back in the rear of the shop the girls watched Rene's father finish up switching Jessica's files to her new phone.

When he finished he handed it to her. "This one is a little newer than your other phone so it has a couple of extra features. Why don't you call Rene and I'll show you one of them."

Jessica realized she didn't have Rene's number and asked for it. Rene provided the number and Jessica dialed it.

"Hello," Rene answered.

"Hi. It's Jessica."

"Hey girlfriend. How's your day been going?

"It's been interesting," Jessica replied. "Some creep at the bus stop jerked down my top and I flashed my tits for about a dozen people. Then I discovered my phone had gotten broken. Fortunately one of the people I flashed has a father who sells cell phones. We went to his shop and I made a deal to get another phone. In exchange for stripping naked and letting him ogle all my goodies he traded me a new phone and loaded all the information from my old one. While he was doing that I ended up showing my naked body to eight more strangers. At least I had a mask on during that episode so they have no idea who I am. Let's see, what else? Oh yeah I standing in the back of the cell phone store still in my birthday suit in front of you and your Dad. I think that about covers it."

"You can add one more thing to your list, Jessica," Rene commented.

"What's that?"

"I would guess this is the first time you've made a phone call to someone with your webcam on so your naked body has been seen by the person you called."

At Jessica's surprised look Rene turned her phone around and Jessica saw her naked image displayed.

"Is this going to happen every time I call someone," Jessica asked.

"Every time you're naked and leave the webcam on it will," Rene answered.

"How do I turn off the webcam?" Jessica asked.

Rene showed her how to do it. "Just remember if you turn the phone off when you turn it back on it reenables the webcam."

"There's a couple of other things, but they're no big thing," Rene said. "Dad's probably about ready to head home or he will be if you ever decide to cover up," she added with a laugh.

"I can take a hint, honey. I'm going, just lock up when you two leave," her Dad quipped.

The two girls watched as he gathered up the stuff he was taking home and let himself out the alley door.

"I guess I better get dressed," Jessica said.

"Not if you don't want to," Rene responded.

"What do you mean?" Jessica replied with a puzzle expression.

"Well you've been more or less naked for the last couple of hours. I was just thinking you might want to continue the adventure."

"I'm almost afraid to ask, but what do you have in mind?"

"While you and Dad were finishing up the phone I happened to glance out front I there's a couple of kids out there staring through the glass. My guess is they caught a glimpse of you earlier and are hoping for another look."

"Are you suggesting I go out front and flash them too?" Jessica asked.

"Naw. We should make it seem like an accident."


"Okay, you," Rene conceded with a giggle. "I was thinking you could step pass the doorway and give them a quick peek. Or you could step back and stand there like you're doing something. All they would be able to see is your body from the side. It would kind of be a super tease since they would know there's a naked woman, but they really wouldn't be able to see much. The cool thing is that they will carry the memory of what you do for the rest of their lives. That story will make them the cool kids in their school."

"You really think they will remember this for the rest of their lives?" Jessica asked.

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