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Jessica's Change Management Ch. 21

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Jessica gives the sales reps a workout.
19.4k words

Part 21 of the 28 part series

Updated 03/07/2024
Created 11/23/2013
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--- Friday -- Afternoon ---

It was the midway point of the out-please-ment center and I had earned 2 points. That result wouldn't have sounded so bad if Miss Trophy hadn't earned 4 points in the same stretch. While I felt like pouting and sulking at her comfortable lead, I was also furious at myself for missing easy points. While I felt giddy about the double-knuckle ring on my middle finger and broad thumb ring that Ortega had gifted me for my hard-earned points, I was embarrassed by the fact that I had to entertain the two sales champions for pity points.

My boss didn't care about my conflicting feelings. Actually, he didn't seem interested in wasting any more time on his bimbo ass-istants in general. With the workshop over, he seemed more interested in networking and chatting with the company men.

"I gave each sales champion a ring, I have to say." Ortega informed me. "Only if they feel satisfied with your service, they're advised to give it to you."

"You have time until we leave to properly entertain the champions, I'm afraid." He told me. "You wear their rings then, you earn the points indeed."

With that, he was gone and I only had Shelly at my side who couldn't stop bragging about her victory and laughing in my face. Gawd! How much I despised this bitch! She even managed to diminish my anticipation of getting more flashy rings.

"Looks like someone's gotten sent to detention!" She taunted me, obviously confident in her success.

Jeez! The more she taunted me, the more I turned into Consultant-me who wanted to reprimand my subordinate. I so couldn't stay close to Blondie without getting into a bitchfight with her. That was why I quickly walked away and started my search for the sales champions. Small problem? They weren't that easy to find. I was running around the hotel in my quest to find them, first methodically like a rational business woman but increasingly panicky like a headless chick...en. Eventually, I bumped into Mr. Meticulous who informed me that Sharkboy and Mr. Weasel had gone to the wellness center.

Okay! Now, I knew where to find them. That was a start. Still, Consultant-me had regained its influence on me, so I wasn't comfortable hitting them up and entertaining them without pretense. I mean, that would kill every last ounce of credibility left, right? On the other hand, my professional attitude had done me no good so far whereas my bimbo act had just earned me a point. The pros and cons were swirling in my head. Umph!

No matter what, I felt like I needed some apparent reason to approach the dudes. For that reason, I made it up to my room to think about creative ideas. Being there didn't really help 'cause time continued ticking away and I felt the pressure rising. To distract myself, I started digging through my suitcase. Maybe, this would help and give me an idea.

Actually, it did when I found the leggings that I had worn to the train station. I could work with that. After all, the sales champions were in the wellness area right now. Putting the leggings on, I got more and more convinced that it could work. Why? Cause I had a crop top that perfectly fit the pants. Remember that pink zebra print outfit I had seen a couple days ago in the mall? Yeah, I hadn't been able to pass on it. However, so much had happened since then that I was still carrying the top in my handbag.

In combination, the leggings and crop top looked like a gym outfit... sorta. Enough to pass as a yoga instructor anyway. Truth be told, it looked more like stripper wear straight from a men's wet dream 'cause the black wetlook leggings were skintight and the crop top sported pink and black zebra print. To be honest, I had never intended to wear these clothes to the gym, but it was all I had to work with at the moment.

Of course, I kept on wearing the big golden triangle hoops and the two golden cuff bracelets. They didn't fit any kind of fitness training 'cause they were more like a hindrance than help, but they fit my character, right? Needless to say, I kept the rings on my fingers, too 'cause gifts.

The only problem left? I didn't have any sports shoes to go along with the gym outfit. Instead, I only had those 5" stiletto heels in glossy golden lacquer and the sky-high black overknee boots from the rooftop party. Both were way too impractical.

However, I was sharing a room with Shelly, wasn't I? In my desperation, I started rummaging through her suitcase. There, I found her dark pink wedge sandals with peep toe. With their 3" heel, they were still high but more practical than my shoes. Besides, the pink color perfectly matched my crop top.

Freshly dressed, I hurried out of my room and down into the basement where the wellness area was located. I wasn't hurrying, 'cause I was giddy about meeting the sales champions. No way! It was the fear of missing out on them that made me rush. On my way, I was turning my options over in my mind. It was mandatory for me to give the dudes a great show. However, the type of entertainment wasn't so clear-cut.

The wellness area basically consisted of three rooms. There was a locker room with changing cubicles and a fitness room with a bunch of gym equipment such as treadmills and stuff like that. Finally, there was a heated swimming pool with a sauna cabin. That was where I found Sharkboy and Mr. Weasel. Girls about to kill two birds with one stone. Yay!

No matter what, they weren't alone. There were two more dudes from the workshop who had been part of Shelly's group and endlessly debated every topic. The black-haired dude had been more argumentative whereas the Asian man had suggested new ideas. So for me, they were Mr. Anti and Mr. Pioneer.

Anyway, seeing those four sweaty dudes in the sauna, naked except for their white towels covering their laps, wasn't exactly a sight to be seen. I mean, the Asian dude seemed close to retirement age and was really small whereas the middle-aged Antihead was tall and slim. The 50ish Weasel was a real fatso. Only Sharkboy was young and handsome.

I so didn't want to step into the sauna cabin. Under normal circumstances, I already disliked the heat and sweat. Here and now, I disliked the company even more. However, Sharkboy had already noticed me so there was no walking away. That was why I stood outside the cabin and waved at the dudes through the glass door. I waved a bit, I waved some more, I waved excessively. They didn't move or come out, which made me feel really stupid.

Hello?!? There was a hot bimbo in pink and black yoga clothes vying for your attention! It totally annoyed me, 'cause it was proof that I had to act more bimboy to get their attention. A fact that Consultant-me totally disliked. Despite the recent success of my bimbo act, it took me a huge effort to overcome my aversion and step into the sauna.

"Hi guys! Great to see I'm not the only one using the fitness offers." I greeted them.

"Do we look like we're doing fitness in here??" Mr. Weasel instantly stymied me.

Oh wow! I had expected a more positive reception, what with me in that slutty yoga outfit. The dismissive response, however, proved the opposite. Apparently, looking hot and slutty wasn't enough to get these guys going. The bimbo act obviously was a big part of my appeal, no matter how much I disliked behaving that stupidly on purpose.

"Oh boys! I was just 'bout to do my yoga routine... you know... in the fitness room... like... for real." I purred compelling myself to inject some fillers.

It so didn't come naturally. It so felt forced and strained. It so sounded silly and ridiculous. Most of all, though, it didn't have the intended effect 'cause the dudes barely moved. Oh gosh! If I wanted to succeed. I had to crank up the bimbo act to attract their attention. Oh damn! I was out of sorts here 'cause my options were limited in the sauna. In desperation, I grabbed the sauna scoop.

"Oh lookit!" I forced myself to act all innocent while twirling the scoop in my hand. "You got sum refreshment here... like totes. So unfair! But so awesome!"

"You... like totally... don't mind if I... you know... get sum refreshment, too?" I asked all naïve.

Not waiting for a response, I scooped up water from the wooden bucket and splashed it over my pink top. You should have seen the dudes' looks. They really thought I didn't know what the water was actually meant for. Seriously? You should have seen my top, though. With the zebra style it had looked skanky before. Turning see-through made it look off-the-charts slutty. Obviously!

"What an awesome refresher... fer shure!" I wasn't done yet. "Boys, you're... like mostly... so clever to keep that cooling drink in here... like totes."

Oh boy! With Consultant-me in the driver's seat, I was kinda overshooting the mark here, appearing as dumb as a box of rocks. Oh wait! I was really sounding as if you needed to spackle my mouth shut before the rest of my intelligence escaped. That had been so easy back on the train. Now, however, it was really hard to come up with all these stupid filler words.

No matter what, I still had to keep going 'cause the sales champions weren't really responding. They had obviously gotten used to my bimbo babble and didn't await anything less. Such low aspiration! Stepping up a notch, I scooped up more water and turned around. After bending forward and sticking out my butt, I splashed it over my booty. Oh wow! I was making my wetlook leggings look wet. Kinda redundant? Maybe! Totally shiny? Definitely! Actually, the black material became super gleamy, so much so that you could almost see your reflection. It certainly did the trick, 'cause finally all eyes were on me, or more like on my ass. That was all that mattered anyway.

"Okie, boys! Gotta... like... get back to my gymnasstics... like literally. Cause it's time ... you know... for my bums 'n tums ass-ercise." I quickly excused myself before the sales reps tired of looking at my booty.

"For sure... you look like you'd enjoy a fuckness twerkout... like totally." I directly addressed Sharkboy to lure him out of the sauna.

Oh jeez! Every blunder hurt like a slap to the face. Every filler made Consultant-me groan in desperation. Anyhow, it should do the trick! Strutting out of the sauna cabin, I still shook my head at the ridiculous bloopers I had integrated. Could you say asinine?

More importantly, though, I made sure to shake my booty, so much so that my shiny wetlook leggings made a lasting impression. Walking into the fitness room, I started doing some unmotivated squats on a fitness mat. I mean, I hadn't really planned this out. I was more like going along for the ride and seeing where it took me.

Anyhow, I didn't have to wait long for Sharkboy to follow me. Yay! The other three sales reps followed him inside, too. Nay! I had only set out to entice the sales champions and not planned on some kinda group show. That was why I stopped in my tracks. At Consultant-me's behest, I approached the cunning youngster and urged him to follow me to a private place.

"Oh Assy, all of us wanna learn some totally awesome ass-ercises from you, for sure." Sharkboy quickly prompted me instead.

Oh damn! I had barely started and it was already going off course. Even though I was driven by my professional attitude, I wasn't getting it right. Consultant-me still wasn't doing me any good. Shoot! Way worse, the cunning dude continued mocking me with his imitation, which silenced any protest for the moment. Besides, it so wouldn't have been the bimboy thing to do, right?

Anyhow, the three sweaty dudes had already plunged down on the comfy seats that were placed on the sidelines. They so weren't planning on doing any exercises. On the contrary, they were helping themselves to some drinks as they had graduated to whiskey by now.

"See Assy, for that name alone, you, like prolly, need lotsa bums 'n tums workouts, right?" The cunning youngster continued his prodding. "Teach us your bestest moves then."

Oh jeez! He wasn't letting me out of this predicament, was he? I guess my assessment had been right. He really was like a shark who had gotten his teeth into his prey. There was no way out for me, so I had to give the dudes a show, no matter what. It was clear that they wanted a special show. Apparently, they were used to a special treatment during the annual rewards workshops, which set the bar really high. Fortunately, I had attended lots of yoga classes to know a thing or two about it.

Nevermind my knowledge, the thought of doing yoga in wedge heels was bad. Performing in such a cheap tacky outfit with skintight leggings and drenched crop top was worse. Exercising in front of a male audience was the worsest.

Sharkboy' imitations didn't help either. The way he mocked my silly bimbo act made Consultant-me feel like banging my head off a table in frustration and caused me to hesitate. At the same time, though, it fueled Bimbo-me, making me happy to oblige. Oh Lordy! On the one hand, I felt like I deserved his imitation, what with me trying so hard to sound so stupid. On the other hand, his imitation wasn't the sincerest form of flattery. Not even literally! Duh! I was really of two minds here!

"Hello boys! Welcome to our yoga class!" I finally welcomed the dudes after some hesitation.

Oh shoot! The sales reps obviously weren't interested in yoga 'cause they barely paid me any attention, chatting among each other instead. Apparently, some stupid sports results were more important. Damnit! I really had to turn up the bimbo heat here.

"Hiya everybody! Today, I'm your ho-ga instruct-whore, I mean yoga instructor. Duh!" I tried some trusted bloopers.

Oh wow! Embarrassing, or more like helpful?! Why? Cause the blunder attracted the dudes' attention. Acting extra stupid really seemed to help my cause. It was only short-lived, though, 'cause they still continued chatting about their stupid game.

"Like my ho-ga teacher always said... you know... the attitude of gratitude... that's like... the highest reward. So I gotta say... like totally... I'm really glad you joined me." I shouted with fake enthusiasm.

I had to force myself to use my high-pitched voice, 'cause I needed to sound like an overly excited ho-ga instruct-whore. More than that, though, I needed to remind myself to use some stupid fillers. That was why I randomly pinched my nipples with my super long porn claws and added a filler word whenever the sharp pinch shot through my body. Oh damn! I so wasn't in the zone yet, which was bad, 'cause the dudes were still more interested in raising their glasses and toasting to each other.

Holy shoot! I badly needed to get into my bimbo mood to nail this. I should have asked some dude to slap my ass or do some other dirty stuff to get me in the flow. Oh jeez! What a sexist thought! Instead, I settled on bending over to present my full cleavage in a lewd way.

"So awesome!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands, when I saw the sales reps leaning back in their seats in the most relaxed way ever. "Let's get started then!"

I felt so ridiculous playing the over-excited instructor in my tacky outfit. I felt like I was making a real fool out of me. But that was what the dudes wanted to see, right? That was what was needed to score the points, wasn't it?

"Alright! First off, we need some stretching... you know... to release the tension!" I announced. "I try... like all the time... to stretch... like so much... to accommodate your needs."

Nice blooper there, girl! Harsh pinching there, too! Oh shoot! I still needed to tweak my nipples to add those fillers. Shake my head... At least, the pinching didn't remain unnoticed and my expansive golden Leopard-print manicure and flashy rings were on display. Ya-nay!

Whatever! Time to start the yoga session. For that, I pulled my arms back as far as I could until my elbows almost touched together. This way, my chest got pushed out and my tits jutted out. Holding the position for some moments, my juicy juggs firmly bulged out atop the neckline. All attention on me and my titties! Finally!

"Yay! Loosen it out!" I told the audience as I got out of the pose.

Spreading my arms sideways, I shook them, making my funbags bounce and jiggle behind their confines. Then I pulled my arms back, getting into the stretching position again. A bunch of times, I repeated the stretching and loosening, letting my big boobies fill out the pink zebra fabric.

After the fifth time, though, the dudes' attention was waning. Antihead and Mr. Weasel had finished their whiskeys and were about to leave, getting up from their seats. Damnit! The sales champ couldn't leave, not with his ring at least. I had to show more to keep the dudes interested. I had to take the next step, whatever that was supposed to mean.

"A big yay for the stretching! Now, let's get warmed up, for real!" I exclaimed while starting to jog on the spot.

I have to say I was really unfamiliar with jogging in 3" wedge heels, so much so that I swayed and almost tumbled. It must have looked pathetic! Another embarrassment Consultant-me was quick to add to my growing list. Still, it prompted the dudes to stay, so I continued jogging on the spot until I got the knack of it.

The sales reps didn't really pay any attention to my steps anyway 'cause they only had eyes for my juicy juggs bouncing epically. All the same, their interest started waning anew when my boobies didn't manage to jump into freedom. Mr. Weasel and Antihead obviously had some sorta attention deficit syndrome or something 'cause they quickly got bored, so much so that they eventually got up and made their way to the door.

Oh no! Oh no, no, no! I couldn't lose my audience! I was too proud for that. Neither my professional nor my bimbo ego could handle that kinda setback. More importantly, though, I had to stop the sales champ from leaving! It caused me to get all frantic. Suddenly, the next step seemed so easy and so necessary.

"Phew, boys! What a start... like totes!" I exclaimed when I hastily stopped jogging.

With panic rising inside of me, I desperately tried to ramp up my bimbo act by theatrically fanning myself with both hands, flashing my bracelets in the process.

"Now, we wanna get, like totally, relaxed 'n all." I quickly announced. "Like us ho-ga instruct-whores always say, a body free from all constraints, that's like totally yoga."

I knew I had to suit my action to my words, or else I would lose the sales reps for good. Pinching my nipples as reminder wasn't enough for the long haul, even if it still felt embarrassing as hell and made my poor nipples hurt like mad.

"So we gotta, like totally, strip off every little thingy that's, like, constricting us." I gushed with over-the-top fake enthusiasm.

To put the mantra into action, I grabbed the neckline of the zebra print crop top and pulled it down underneath my big, ole funbags. Desperate times call for desperate measures, right? No matter if Consultant-me agreed with it or not. After all, my professional attitude had made me bust out these yoga phrases and gotten me into this quandary in the first place, right?

With my boobies out, my nipples stood proud and erect, literally hard like diamonds. Restarting the jogging, my titties freely bounced up and down my chest. There was the attention! Right where it belonged, focused on my danger signs.

"Punch right! Punch left!" I began instructing when I was running steadily.

Taking turns, I punched the air with my left and right arm, making my bouncing boobies jiggle this way and that way. The dudes' eyes basically followed my funbags' every move. They totally loved the sight. I totally loved their attention.

When I was running out of breath, I got into the warrior pose. It was time for a new exercise before I lost the salesmen's attention again. Putting my right foot forward in a 90 degree angle, I pushed my left leg back to keep it stretched out. Then I raised my arms overhead and arched my back, pushing my big unclad titties out. Once again, I held the position for about 10 seconds and loosened by shaking my arms and exposed rack.

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