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Jessica's Change Management Ch. 23

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Jessica leaves the office.
31k words

Part 23 of the 28 part series

Updated 03/07/2024
Created 11/23/2013
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--- Saturday ---

What a run of events! This shoulda been a simple workshop for a sales team. However, it had turned into a totally different thingie. Actually, I had never experienced a more strenuous day. Worse than the stress, however, had been running into my fellow college alumni, aka my classmates from hell, 'cause they had found out about my new career and basically turned me into a pornstar. Umph!

I had tried my bestest to keep them in the dark so they wouldn't recognize me. In the end, however, my own mistake had exposed me. Oopsie! Anyway, I really didn't have the time or the mental capacity to process the meaning and the consequences of my blown cover, what with my former classmates and their frat buddies in the know.

Instead, I was mostly occupied with retrieving my gift. Remember? I had lost the slut battle to Shelly in the unfairest way ever. Nonetheless, Ortega had granted me a second chance to earn two pity points by entertaining the two sales champions. That was why I had given a special yoga session for Sharkboy and earned a ring as trophy. Mr. Weasel, the second sales champion, however, had handed his ring to Mr. Alum who had lost it in my ass. So complicated! So tricky!

No matter what, I desperately needed to get the ring outta there 'cause proof. That was why I remained in the back alley for a coupla more minutes, literally treasure hunting. Tihi! Bad thingie, I couldn't simply fish it out with my fingers 'cause bling-bling. What if I lost a ring from my finger in there, right? That was why I ended up kneeling on the ground, pushing and pressing and doing whatsoever to squeeze the ring from my ass chute.


Oh my gawd! Finally! The ring basically plopped from my wrinkled dirtstar with a mixture of a loud pop and noisy fart. Gasp! Farting in public was ultra humiliating, so much so that my heart skipped a beat while I hastily looked up and down the alleyway. Fortunately, nobody was around to hear or watch me do that ultra degrading stuff. Phew!

More fortunately, the adult convention had closed so the security guards had finished work. As they weren't standing at the hotel entrance any longer, I could enter without problems. First step taken! Yay!

As second step, I had to find Ortega and present the two rings to him. After all, the out-please-ment center wasn't over 'cause me and Shelly were tied now. There had to be some kinda decisive endgame or some other thingie to select the winner, which would be me, of course. Duh!

Why? Cause I felt like I was finally ready to compete on the level necessary to succeed. After all, the last hours had literally shown one thingie as clear as day. Consultant-me was a huge hindrance and a total drag and a real pain in the ass. By comparison, Bimbo-me was a total booster and super fun and the life of the party. Putting it like that, the decision sounded really easy. Kinda surprising that it had taken me so long to realize it. Yet, you know what they say about me and a box of rocks, right? Anyway, it seemed like the realization had fully sunk in by now 'cause there were no more sharp protest or snide remarks from Consultant-me, only giggling from Bimbo-me.

Basically, it meant that there wasn't a thingie holding me back anymore. Yay! Literally, it meant that I was free to enjoy any kinda fun without shame. Yay! Yay! Mostly, it meant that I could finally be the bestest, most fun version of myself. Yay! Yay! Yay!

First thingies first, though. I still had to take the second step and find Ortega. That wasn't really so difficult. Actually, I didn't have to think about it twice. Of course, the smug Latino had booked a suite for himself. When I reached the room, I heard some strange noises coming from inside, which kinda surprised me. When I knocked on the door, it took ages for anyone to open, which surprised me that much more. When Ortega finally opened, he stuck his head out for a second only. Before I knew what was going on, he had closed the door again, which surprised me the most.

What the heck was going on here? What the fudge was my boss doing that late?

No matter the time, the smug Latino made me wait! He really made me stand outside his suite without a thingie to do but wait for him. I literally felt like some peasant who needed her king to grand her an audience. Un-fudging-believable!

I was getting more annoyed and more bugged and more irritated by the second here. I was getting more stressed out and worked up and vexed by the moment here. Super edgy! Super testy! Finally, the door opened again. Even though there was nobody greeting me, the door remained open. Super agitated, I rushed inside. And stopped on the spot.

Ortega wasn't alone!

He was with Wilson and Anderson. Remember the two dudes? The fat, middle-aged committee member who had organized the reward workshop and his bald, middle-aged buddy who had fucked me before and after the workshop.

That wasn't all, though. Shelly was there too!

What the fudge was she doing here? Truth be told, it was totally obvious 'cause the three men were bare naked and the blonde bitch was kneeling on the floor only wearing the dudes' cum on her face. No way! No fudging way!

"Sorry, but you're too late to join the party, I'm afraid." Ortega told me from behind. "Indeed, what's your business so late, ditzy doll?"

I was way too blindsided to respond, so my boss had to repeat his question. When I finally managed to shake off my stupor, I presented the two rings I had earned from the sales champions. Even though my mood was kinda dampened from Shelly's unexpected presence, my enthusiasm quickly returned when I presented the bling-bling. That was why I waved my beringed hands in fronta Ortega's face, almost jumping on the spot in excitement.

"Congratulations, I have to say!" The smug Latino gave me an approving nod. "I bet you worked hard to earn those points indeed."

"However, as you see, your fellow assistant was busy too." He added. "Shelly earned two more points in the meantime. Frankly, these two managers count double as they are more important than the sales champions, I'm afraid."

Please what?!? Say again?!? I totally must have misheard. Shelly had scored another two points 'cause private hotel party? You gotta be kidding me! Shelly's points were more valuable 'cause managers? You gotta be shitting me!

This couldn't be happening! This had to be some kinda bad dream! Any moment, I was about to wake up with a smile on my face, 'cause I had won the out-please-ment center and saved my job. I was just about to ask Ortega to pinch me to wake me up but he beat me to it.

"Hence, the final results are available, I can announce." He remarked. "We have a winner indeed! Congratulations, Shelly, to this comprehensive and decisive victory, I have to say!"

Holy fudge! It was true. All my efforts had been in vain! All the action at the sexpo had been futile. All the exposure to my former classmates had been for naught. Totally cruel! Totally unfair!

Bad thingie, Ortega hadn't told me about Shelly's opportunity to score more points. Worse thingie, he hadn't clarified the different values for managers and salesmen. Worst thingie, I had fucked Anderson before and after the workshop without receiving points for it. What a raw deal!

I was so ready to throw a hissy fit and a temper tantrum. I was so ready to have a blaze of anger and burst of fury. The super blatant injustice was burning on my skin. The super brutal inequality was making my blood boil.

"Aw ditzy doll, look at the bright side, I suggest." My boss beat me to it once more. "You earned more rings than you can count. All things considered, you're a winner, too."

Um... was he being sarcastic or ironic? I couldn't tell. Actually, I couldn't really discern it anyway 'cause bimbo brain. Duh! No matter what, it made me pause. In a way, it sounded kinda logical 'cause I really liked my new bling-bling. Besides, you should literally never ever look a gift horse in the mouth, right?

By default, I caught myself staring at my beringed hands all giddy and giggling all joyfully. That was all Ortega needed as feedback 'cause he took it as my admission of defeat. At least, the issue was closed and concluded for him with that. I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I guess I had just lost my job and become a free agent. Holy moly!

As a result, I didn't seem to be Ortega's bother anymore 'cause he turned around and focused on Shelly. Apparently, he was about to treat her to his glorious, mouth-watering cock whereas I didn't seem to exist anymore as far as the smug Latino was concerned. Now, that I wasn't a consultant or employee or ass-istant or whatever anymore, I was literally like chopped liver. Oh jeez!

"I guess we won't be seeing you next year, honey." Anderson told me while stepping up to me as my former boss had literally left me out in the cold.

"You were quite the fuckable piece of cougar meat, but in the end, interchangeable like any other bimbo." He added while putting his hand on my shoulder in some kinda fatherly gesture.

"Don't you worry, honey! There's always a job vacancy at the local strip club for a cheap bimbo chick. After all, you already got the low-class hooker chic down pat." He reminded me of my strip session with him.


Before I had a chance to respond to that super demeaning suggestion, I heard the door slamming shut behind me. OMG! While the bald dude had been lecturing me in the most condescending way ever, he had walked me outta the door. Now, I was standing on the hotel floor all by myself. What a metaphor for my current situation! Duh!

What was I supposed to do now? I had worked super hard and single-mindedly on my career. Not ever had I thought about any other occupation or career path or whatsoever. That left me totally outta options. Truth be told, I didn't really think that hard about it, 'cause I was more occupied by my appearance instead of boring work stuff. After all, I was standing on the hotel floor in a shredded schoolgirl uniform. So inept! So ditzy!

After this hard and long day, I so needed and wanted and deserved to glam myself up. So the priorities were clear. First get all pretty and then worry about the rest. Most of all, though, I had to get some sleep 'cause you couldn't be pretty when you're tired and bleary-eyed, right? Good thingie about the whole situation? I remained undisturbed and alone in my hotel room 'cause Shelly never came back. So I really got a good night's sleep. Ya-nay!

--- Sunday ---

It was only at breakfast that I met my boss, I mean former boss, again. Of course, his secretary, I mean elite ass-istant, was at his side. Duh! Anyhow, that was where Ortega informed me that I was supposed to collect my pink slip and stuff first thingie on Monday morning. Oh no!

I so didn't want to go back to the office. At least, not to inform the entire staff that I was leaving the company, or more like that I had gotten fired. Whatever! Ortega didn't really spend much time elaborating on my final day at the office. Instead, he disregarded me for the rest of breakfast, as in totally ignoring my presence and only chatting with Shelly. That was why we left the hotel separately without exchanging another word.

For the train ride, Ortega had booked first class for himself. Of course! This time, though, he had bought an additional first-class ticket for Shelly. Now, that the smug Latino only had one elite ass-istant left, she was obviously treated as a priority. That left me as the odd one out, relegated to the cattle class. Gulp!

Unfortunately, there was no Matty or Fatty riding along with me this time, so the journey was kinda uneventful. Of course, I earned a buncha condescending and derogatory looks from other women, but I was totally used to it by now. Actually, it felt more like a confirmation of my hard work to look and act as bimboy as possible. Yay!

Arriving at our hometown, I kinda knew my marching orders. That was why I didn't even wait for Ortega and Shelly. Instead, I took a cap straight home, 'cause I was totally beat. Despite my exhaustion, however, I couldn't sleep. My mind was way to psyched. I was super wired from all the sudden changes and consequences and challenges ahead of me. Way too much had happened during the sexpo.

A conclusion from the weekend that preyed on my mind was the realization that my priorities had totally changed. I had found a new calling. My career and my work goals and lifelong learning didn't motivate me anymore. My looks and men's attention and lifelong beautification pushed me now.

It didn't give me any peace, so much so that I eventually got up and went on the internet. It didn't take long until I found a website that was a real eye-opener. It was called 'Bimbo Nation' with message boards and blogs and discussions and all. Reading the posts of other girls, I mean bimbos, made me feel like they were speaking my own thoughts and feelings. Finally, somebody who spoke my language! Yay! I couldn't stop reading, and soon I found myself in discussions with other bimbos. Yay! Yay!

One thingie became increasingly clear to me. These last coupla weeks hadn't been changing me. Totally the opposite! It had been all about revealing who I really was and who I had always been. Actually, my true self had finally come out to play. It had taken D-Rod and Ortega and all those rude alpha males to shatter the social conventions that had constricted me for so long. I had always followed the rules and norms I had been taught from the cradle. I had never really been free and happy. I had never really rebelled as a teenager. Now, I felt like the veil had been lifted, and I was freer and happier than ever.

The endless hunt for education and diplomas, the rat race for a career and professional success, it had roped me in and monopolized me for way too long. Now, that women were given the chance to progress at work and become leaders and executives, it had felt like a social obligation to have the best career ever. However, it had all been on the surface only, literally like all tinsel and glitter. In the end, I had been a total workaholic missing out on my real life. I had been a small cog in the machine, stressing myself for somebody else's benefit and hurting my relationships and friendships.

Holy fudge! Now, that my career was gone, it was the perfect opportunity to follow my true self. It was now or never! After all, kinda unconsciously, I had already gone half the way. It was my job to finish what others had started. Besides, being a bimbo was the perfect way of liberation. Nobody really expected any kinda special or outstanding thingie from a bimbo so you could basically do whatever you wanted 'cause free rein. Yay! Yay! Yay!

You wanna look pretty, what with stylish fashion and lotsa makeup and accessories? Get cracking 'cause everybody thinks you're a vain, vapid bimbo anyway. You wanna attract attention and dress slutty, as in crop tops and too-tight skirts? Go for it 'cause everybody thinks you're a skanky, trashy bimbo anyhow. You wanna be cheerful and show it with bright and pink colors? You wanna be bold, as in animal-print outfits? Fire away 'cause everybody thinks you're a tacky, silly bimbo anyways. No more worrying or bothering or fretting about what other people might think. So free! So relieved!

Interesting thingie about me venturing into 'Bimbo Nation'? I found out that there were chicks out there who were that much further along in their beautification. There were hyper feminine and super sexual pink plastic dolls that took my breath away. More than that, they were that much freer and happier than me. To be honest, they made me totally envious. Super jelly! Super grabby! It really spurred me on to continue with my transformation. Totally encouraging! Totally emboldening!

Best thingie about my chats with the other bimbo chicks? When I told them about my progress to date, they were super complimenting and supportive. So awesome! So amazing! It resulted in me being confident enough to upload some before and after pictures of me. Oh wow! The responds were even more approving and commendatory. In fact, the community started helping with new ideas to advance my bimbo progress. Totally awesome! Totally amazing!

All this confirmation and recognition and endorsement was mega helpful 'cause sleep was finally overwhelming me, now that my mind had been soothed. That was why I fell into a deep and blissful sleep. As a matter of fact, that was more than necessary 'cause there was a long day ahead of me. After all, a girl needs her beauty sleep, right?

--- Monday ---

On Monday morning, I almost overslept, which wasn't the best thingie 'cause I still needed to get dressed. After becoming a member of 'Bimbo Nation', however, dressing all business-like was outta question 'cause it woulda felt like a betrayal of all my comrades-in-plastic out there. As an official bimbo, I didn't have to waste any kinda energy on worrying about what my former colleagues thought. I was at liberty to dress as stylish and saucy as I liked. Such freedom! Such a carte blanche!

To cut a long story short, I so wasn't ready to get dressed in a boring pantsuit. Especially not after I had seen all those hussied-up bimbos and gussied-up plastic dolls on the website. I totally needed to add some sexy highlights. Otherwise, I woulda been totally dissatisfied and pouty all day long. And nobody likes a petulant bimbo, right?

That was why I tried this outfit and that outfit, but none really appealed to me. I was getting super desperate here 'cause time. In my hustle and bustle, I eventually decided to make a bold choice. I didn't have any kinda thingie to lose anyway, did I? In fact, my new love for celebrity gossip really helped me out here. Why? Cause I had bought a glamour cocktail dress a coupla weeks back after I had seen pictures of some celebrity wearing it at a red carpet event in one of my glamour magazine.

What it looked like? Totally like glitz and glam and flashlights. Tihi! It was a sleeveless, burgundy dress that ended halfway above my knees. Most striking was the plunging v-neck that dipped down all the way to my midriff. Most importantly, the material was velvet, which gave it a totally shiny look. Oh wow!

No underwear for Miss Bimbo today 'cause a bra woulda shown through the plunging neckline and a thong woulda stood out against the super tight dress. As burgundy was a power color, like very rich and strong, I needed to pair it with some bright accents to lighten it up. Good thingie, I already sported my golden Leopard nails with the gold piercings and chains as highlights. To be on the safe side, I also kept the golden rings as more bright accentuation. Oh wow, wow!

After all, I had worked way too hard to earn them, right? Remember them? First, there were the two golden chains connecting the golden Leopard-print nail tips of my pinkies with my ring fingers. Then there was a golden double-knuckle ring on my right middle finger and a broad golden ring on my right thumb. Stuck on the first knuckle of my left index finger was a broad golden lip-shaped ring and on my left thump was a gold ring with a curved band reading 'cunt'. Oh, and I had pushed the cheap gold ring from the gumball machine over my right index finger. So complete! So shiny!

Following advice from 'Bimbo Nation', I added more accessories 'cause bimbo looks are all about accessorizing. That was why I went with big golden hoop earrings, clunky bracelets, and a heart charm bracelet. I was so totally dressed for success, or more like dressed to get undressed, which would have been my kinda success, I mean a bimbo success, right?

Anyway, checking my appearance in the mirror, it looked really glammy and glitzy. Yay! As the dress had been designed for red carpet events, however, it looked mostly chic and sophisticated but not really bimboy or saucy. Nay! That was why I put on a beige blazer and beige heels. That worked wonders! Why? Cause the light color added another accent. Cause the blazer covered the exposed inner halves of my tea-shaped fleshglobes while giving my body an hourglass shape. Cause the heels lifted my booty and made my legs look slimmer. Cause they both sported brown faux furs.


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