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Jim Cox's Summer of Sex Ch. 02


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When Ellen began to cry with relief and apprehension, he reached into a nearby box and said softly, "Here's some Kleenex."

He sighed again and told her the whole story from start to finish; Ellen's face went white as the story unfolded. Finally, he said, "I would like to ask you for your help."

"Of course, anything I can do."

He was quiet a moment, "The children don't know anything so far as I know. So, would you go by the Church and tell them there was an accident and even though everybody is OK, they'll be staying with the Randall children for a while."

"Her parents are driving down from Chicago right now; they'll be here in a couple of hours. They're coming here first and then out to the house to get it ready for all the kids for the next few days."

"I guess I should tell you that Sophie has a concussion and a good deal of head and facial bruising, otherwise she seems OK. Given the nature of her assault I have strongly recommended to her doctors that both she and your sister-in-law see a counselor. There's a really good women therapist based here at hospital ... and if you would, do all you can to encourage both of them to see her," he leaned back in his chair exhausted.

There was a knock at the door and they saw Bill Cox and Sophie's husband Randy standing there. "We literally got here together, the nurse said we had to see you first before we could go see our wives," Bill said in a rush.

The Sheriff looked at Ellen and nodded as she got up to leave, "You can go Miz Cox, I need to talk to these fellows now, thank you."

As Bill stepped in he gave Ellen a bear hug and she said, "It's gonna' be OK, you talk to the Sheriff. I'm going to take Jimmy home," she looked at both men and continued, "You both should stay with your wives tonight. The kids are fine, but you should stay with the girls." They both shook their heads in agreement.

Standing outside the consultation room Ellen saw her son across the room shaking hands with a grey haired man, 'Doctor Blake I guess.' He turned seeing her and waved, she smiled and waited.

They drove quietly to the Church on 18th street and Jimmy sat in the car while Ellen went to talk to the children. Twenty minutes later she came out. Jimmy looked at his mother, "Are they OK mom?"

"Yes, they're fine. I told them that there'd been an accident, everybody was fine. The biggest concern was whether they could stay the night. I said yes and got lots of hugs. God Bless'um"

The 30 minute drive home was done in complete in silence, pulling into the drive Jimmy leaned back, "Mom I'm really, really tired." She said nothing, simply got out of the car and unlocked the front door. He followed her slowly, walking much like an elderly man. They went across the small living room into the open kitchen.

"Son, take off your clothes," she dropped her purse on the table and held out her hands. One after another he laid the shirt and shorts in her hands and stood there naked. She gasped seeing multiple bruises on his chest and arms and specks of dried blood. She dropped the clothes on a chair and pulled him into a hug.

After a minute she said, "Go scrub yourself; scrub from top to bottom, do a good job, go now."

She watched him walk to the hall and then heard the shower start. Gathering up the clothes she carried them into the bathroom and dropped them into the bin. She stopped and watched him scrub through the plastic shower curtain. He scrubbed carefully from top to bottom and then seemed to melt onto the tub floor.

She watched him draw his legs up into his arms and begin to sob, deep sad sobs. The mother in her could no longer watch. She pushed the curtain back and stepped behind him. She slid down and wrapped him up in her arms as though to protect him from the world and its pain.

They sat together like that until the shower began to run cold. Carefully leaning over him she shut off the water and stepped out onto the rug. She saw herself in the mirror, 'I look like a wet dog,' she thought and immediately took off her sodden dress and underwear. Taking a large towel from the cabinet she dried herself and then turned to Jimmy, "Son, can you stand for mommy?"

He opened his eyes for the first time and was shocked to see his mother standing there naked with a towel in her hands. He thought to himself, 'Can this day be any more insane?' and wearily got to his feet stepping out on the shower rug.

Ellen turned him so his back was to her as she began drying him from top to bottom. Running the towel down his legs she admired his muscular bottom and hard legs; and then she turned him around, drying every part. She waited until last to dry his nice cock, pushing his legs apart to dry his balls lifting them to dry between his legs. At last she sat him on the toilet seat and began brushing his hair.

Sitting there he opened his eyes and looked straight into Ellen's belly button and then down to her bushy brown thatch. As if on autopilot he reached out and gently pushed her fur away so that he could clearly see her long full lips. He felt his cock thicken and grow, quickly reaching full size, his cockhead swollen a reddish purple. Then he heard her giggle a sweet little girl giggle.

Ellen felt him brush her pussy hair aside and stopped combing his hair. She stood still as he gently traced her full labia with a finger, and then she stepped back. His cock stood tall and hard shaking slightly as it throbbed; she giggled flattered and a little embarrassed.

In a soft warm voice she reached down and patted his hard cock, "Well there's my little man," and gave his cock a few gentle strokes.

"Alright son, let's get you settled, you must be bone tired."

Jimmy stood and walked out of the bathroom to the stairs, "Not tonight son, come with me." Ellen steered him into her bedroom and pulled back the sheets laying him down on his father's side of the bed. As he lay back exhausted she leaned down and kissed him first right on his cockslit and then on the forehead, "Both you boys go to sleep, I need to talk to your father. Goodnight my son."

In the kitchen she stood naked running her hands over her body feeling her firm full breasts and down her tummy where she lightly ran her fingers through her bush giving her slit extra attention. 'My God Ellen, you've not been naked in this kitchen in years. What's gotten in to you ... and you kissed Jimmy's cock right on top ... and you liked it. Lordy, Lordy, Ellen you're in trouble!'

She stood a minute more, then stretched her arms way up high waggling her tits back and forth, 'Good God woman, calm yourself.' With a sigh she sat down and called Dan on his new cell phone. She told him everything she knew, answered his many questions and assured him they were fine, no need to leave the new job, she'd let him know if there was a problem. They talked for a while and as their talk wound down she asked, "Are you still going to be able to come home Wednesday for Jimmy's Graduation?"

Dan laughed, "Woman, you just try and stop me; I am so proud of him. Already cleared it with my boss, coming down Wednesday afternoon and going back Thursday morning; I love you babe!"

She hung up the phone and went into the bedroom. Jimmy was sound asleep; he'd turned on his side so she crawled in behind him and pulled him into her arms snuggling close. They slept. Hours later Jimmy awoke with a powerful need to pee. He eased out of her arms and went across the hall; standing there he pissed a huge stream and thought about his mother putting him to bed and how she kissed his cockhead and lingered.

In his absence, Ellen rolled to her other side so that now her bottom faced him as approached the bed. Carefully pulling down the sheet he looked at his mother's body in the starlight. Ellen was a trim woman with unusually large breasts when unbound. He'd never thought much about his mother in a sexual way, but these last couple of days had forever changed things.

For a woman barely 5'5" she had long shapely legs and a lovely round bottom. All together it was easy to see why his father loved being between her thighs emptying himself inside her. Looking at her he felt his cock grow hard and tall. His hand naturally found its way; after a minute he crawled in behind her and snuggled up slipping his swollen meat against her butt crack. He gently lifted one warm cheek nestling his cock in her sweet valley feeling his cockhead nuzzle the back of her hot pussy.

Laying there he found himself moving his hips forward and back enjoying the friction of her cheeks and the occasional nudge of her lips on the end of his dick. Suddenly, she slid her hand over his body and grasped his bottom while at the same time lifting her leg tilting her bottom allowing his cockhead to slide into her hot wet hole. In this way they made love for a long, long time until she pushed him back and rolled to face him.

"You just let your momma make her baby feel good, my sweet, sweet boy."

She tossed the sheet off the bed and moved on top of him pushing her pelvis against his hard shaft. She rubbed herself against him allowing him to reach up and fondle her swinging breasts; his thumbs tweaked and rubbed her hard nipples. Finally she lifted her hips and slid his shaft all the way into her scorching tunnel.

She was silent as she lifted and dropped herself on his cock, over and over; until at last she whispered in his ear, "Baby, do you want to cum in mommy's pussy?"

Jimmy let out a long breath and said, "Oh God Yes!"

Her smoldering eyes drooped half shut as she said, "Then roll me over and fuck me like you mean it, make your mommy cum!"

In seconds she was on her back, her hands locked in the headboard, her legs wide spread as he pounded into her again and again. She cried out, grunting and moaning happily. At last he grabbed her ass with both hands burying his face in the soft flesh where her neck and shoulder met. He pushed his cock all the way in gushing stream after stream of white hot cum against her cervix. As he did she began to shake and scream rocking her pubis against his until they collapsed together in a heap.

They lay that way for a time until Jimmy eased to her side and they fell into a deep sleep. The sun was high and bright when she woke him with gentle kisses and shaking his shoulders. He blinked himself awake realizing where he was and remembering what happened in the early morning hours.

She looked at him with bright shiny eyes, "Baby, mommy has to pee; you wanta' come pee with me?"

He grinned up at her, "Why yes I do!" and laughed as he chased his naked mother to the bathroom. She ran directly to the tub and stepped in turning on the shower.

"Don't stand there big boy, get in," she reached out and took his hand pulling him in with her. He stood there looking confused as the water slowly warmed; she looked at him and shook her head as she spread her legs letting go a bold stream of golden water that rushed from between her legs.

"Go on and pee dummy," she said with a broad grin; and he did, a strong hot stream that spattered on her belly and ran down soaking her thick bush. He expected her to fuss, but no, she laughed and pushed her belly out welcoming his piss.

He grinned like the little boy he'd once been, "Oh so you want it that way, huh!"

He quickly pointed his piss up on to her breasts managing to hit both big pink nipples as he arched the stream. She smiled brightly and laughed again before she took him in her arms and slipped her tongue into his mouth kissing him fiercely and then she stepped back.

"God that was fun; thank you baby!" she said. "I'd love to tongue wrestle with you all day but we'd better get clean and dressed for the day. There'll be lots to do."


Bill Fisher looked out his office window at the bright blue summer sky ... "Sheriff, there's a detective on the phone from Chicago," said his deputy from the doorway. "He wants to talk to you."

Bill thought to himself, 'here we go ...'

"Sheriff Fisher, can I help you?"

"Sheriff this is Detective Murdock, Chicago PD. Thought I ought to let you know them boys that caused you all that trouble yesterday, them's some bad boys, real trouble. Anyway, I did the death notice to the mother; and you won't believe this shit. When I told her she just said, 'Thank God!' and looked ... well, kinda' happy."

"Well I'll be," said the Sheriff.

"Yep, I guess they musta' given her a ton a shit. Damn sad," Murphy said. "Be sure and thank that that fella that put' em down; he did everybody a service." His voice had the world weary sound of a man who'd worked in the gutter for many years.

"Thanks for calling Detective, I appreciate it ..."

"Say Sheriff, what's going on with that Darryl boy? How's he doin'?"

"It looks like he's nearly done for too. The doctors say his neck is broken, he might be paralyzed from the shoulders down ..."

"Sheriff, none of my business, but I'd tell them doctors not to try too hard; after all he really is a piece of shit!"

Bill Fisher snorted and laughed bitterly, "Detective from your mouth to God's ears. If only I could ... anyway, thanks again," and they both hung-up.

He looked up and the deputy was in the doorway again, "Sheriff, there's a reporter here from Chicago. She wants to talk to you about the trouble at the Cox place." He just waved at the deputy and stood as a tall, slender young woman stepped in to his office.

"Good morning Sheriff, Samantha Cosgrove, Chicago Star," she held her hand out. The last thing Bill Fisher wanted for his county and the Cox family was a reporter; but he stood and shook her hand.

"Sheriff, I'd like to talk to the young man who saved the day. I'd appreciate it if you'd introduce me ..."

He held up his hand to stop the flood of words, "Miz Cosgrove, I believe they'd like to be left alone. He's an outstanding young man but this has got to be overwhelming. You'd do us all a favor if you'd get back in your car and go home."

Samantha Cosgrove flushed pink with frustration, "Sheriff, this story is going to be told, whether you want it told or not. Why not get on the right side of the story?"

The Sheriff never sat down, he just stood there quietly with his hands on his hips and then said, "Tell you what I'll do; I'll talk to the family. If they want to talk to you I'll let you know."

She straightened her back and tried to look fierce, "I'm gonna' talk to them Sheriff with your help or not!"

In his most serious Sheriff voice, Bill Fisher said, "Miz Cosgrove, if I find out you've gone behind my back and bothered those folks, I will put your skinny ass in my jail. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?"

She glared at the Sheriff unsuccessfully, and then took out a business card, "I'll be in town until I get to talk to them, here's my cell phone. Call me after you speak to them!" and stomped out the door, if one can actually stomp in four inch heels.

The Sheriff rubbed his face tiredly, looked at the clock seeing it was 9:10 am. "... and the day started out so well ..." he said quietly to no one at all.


At exactly 9:20 am Bill Cox got a call on his cell phone, "Mr. Cox, this is Izzy, Cosmo's cousin. I'm in the 1st floor stairwell." His voice was very soft.

Bill moved away from Jeanie's bedside, "I'll be right there." He quickly left her room and carefully went down the stairwell seeing the small dark man dressed in hospital scrubs standing below. He looked up at Bill and said, "Mr. Cox?"

Bill nodded, "Yes Sir, that's me."

"OK then, Cosmo sez this man hurt your family and he sent me to be sure he don't ever do that again. You understand?"

Bill looked around seeing no one, "Yes I do."

"OK, Cosmo says this is a personal favor cause you done so many nice things for him over the years. And, because this is family, an nobody gonna' fuck with family. You understand?"

Bill simply nodded.

"OK, so you be sure people see you with your family 'cause in about 15 minutes this guy gonna' be meeting the devil personal. You understand?"

"How can I pay you Izzy?"

The little man stepped up to Bill and patted his chest with the flat of his hand, "No Mr. Cox, you no pay. This is family, you are family to Cosmo, this is a gift ... a kind of a thank you, OK?"

He place his hand on Bill's shoulder, "Now you go back with family, I take care of everything," and then he patted Bill's shoulder reassuringly.

Bill Cox went quietly up the stairs and carefully stepped out onto the 3rd floor being sure no one saw him. He walked to a nearby water fountain and drank deeply, his mouth was very dry. He stood there a moment and went to the Nurses Station. "Excuse me, could you tell me when my wife will be getting her next medication?"

The clerk checked her computer, "In about 30 minutes Mr. Cox, don't you worry." She smiled reassuringly and watched as he walked across the hall to Jeanie's room.

On the 4th floor Medical Unit a small dark orderly in hospital scrubs pushed a housekeeping cart into the room where Darryl Kurtz lay prostrate in his hospital bed hooked up to a host of monitors and a tall IV pole.

The little man pushed the door closed and moved quickly to the IV line taking a large veterinary syringe from his side pocket. The barrel of the syringe was 4 times larger than a standard medical syringe. The little man pulled the plunger back and pushed a full tube of air into the IV line and did it three more times.

Darryl's eyes flickered open and the little man smiled, "Takes a lot more than a bubble you piece of shit. But this is more than enough." His voice was low and deadly serious. He reached over and switched off the cardiac monitor and watched as Darryl's mouth gaped like a fish out of water and then he convulsed twice before slumping back lifelessly.

Izzy smiled with satisfaction and said softly to the room, "Never, never fuck with family!"

Minutes later the housekeeping cart was returned to its closet and Izzy drove away in a dirty, mud covered little sedan. At the edge of town seeing no one around, he pulled into a self car wash stall, dropped a handful of quarters in the machine and carefully washed the little car clean.

Then he opened the trunk, took out a small towel and wiped the car dry. Laid a pair of common mechanic's coveralls on the roof and stripped. Dressed in the clean coveralls he bundled up his hospital clothes and shoe covers dropping them in an empty 55 gallon trash container.

From the trunk he took out a quart tin of kerosene carefully soaking the clothing and other debris, dropped in the empty tin and lit everything on fire. Izzy watched it burn for several minutes and then got in the shiny little blue sedan and drove quietly north toward Chicago, not to be seen again.


Ellen turned over vanilla pancakes and set three slices of bacon on Jimmy's plate. He came into the kitchen dressed in gym shorts and an old yellow t-shirt. 'He looks so handsome' Ellen thought as she smiled at her son; he smiled back and sat.

She sat the plate of bacon and steaming pancakes in front of him and stopped. She looked in his eyes and he was far, far away. Trouble streamed through his eyes, "Honey, are you OK?" she asked.

He shook his head, "Yes ma'am, I just keep seeing that guy on the floor and the blood everywhere. I wonder what else I could have done ..."

She took his face in her hands, "Baby, now you listen to me. You did everything right; you did nothing wrong. You protected your family. Those were very bad men ... understand?"

He signed deeply and shook his head from side to side, "I do, really I do; but still ..."

She leaned down capturing his head between her breasts. He felt her softness through the summer house dress and turned in the chair so that he could place his hands behind her bare knees. Then he ran his hands up the back of her legs feeling her naked bottom under the dress.

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