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Jim Cox's Summer of Sex Ch. 02


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"Mom! I do believe you're naked under there ..." there was the sound of a little boy in his voice.

She stepped closer and kissed him on the top of his head as he ran his fingers up and down her butt crack gently fingering her tight asshole. She spread her legs so that he could easily find her hairy sex ...

Suddenly, there was a loud knocking at the front door.

Ellen started and glared in the direction of the door, "What now?" she said with irritation. She stepped back and leaned in to softly kiss him on the lips, "Eat your breakfast, I'll get it."

Opening the door there stood Sheriff Fisher, "Morning Bill, what can I do for you?"

He frowned and said, "Miz Cox ..."

"Bill, we've known each other for over 20 years I think you can call me Ellen. Come in, there's fresh coffee and pancakes if you're hungry." She stepped back ushering him into the small living room and lead him to the kitchen table pulling out a chair, "Sit!"

He sat, "Folks, there's a reporter in town looking to interview you about yesterday. I told her to stay away but she might turn up anyway."

Jimmy swallowed a mouthful of pancake and said, "What does she want?"

Bill looked at him, "I expect she wants to make you out to be a big hero and make a front page newspaper story about you."

Jimmy's eyes grew big, "Oh Fuck No!"

"Jimmy, words ..."

"Sorry mom, it's just ..."

Ellen put coffee in front of the Sheriff and sat down taking Jimmy's hand in hers, "I expect she's going to write a story no matter what we say. It's up to you son, but I think you should see her and get it over with."

Jimmy looked at the floor and shook his head slowly, "But all I did was try to help Aunt Jean and Sophie. That's all ..."

They sat quietly drinking coffee as Jimmy slowly finished his breakfast, finally he said, "Sheriff could you be here when she's here ... I mean to maybe ... maybe give me some help?"

"Jim, I know this is overwhelming and if you want me here, I'm here," he said gravely.

"OK then, how do we do this?"

The Sheriff used the kitchen phone to telephone Samantha's cell and gave her directions to the Cox home. Minutes later she was at the front door with a man, "He's my photographer," she explained.

Jimmy looked at the Sheriff, "Do we have to take pictures?"

The Sheriff looked at her, "Miz Cosgrove if your man takes his picture I will shove that camera up his ass and you with it, you understand me?"

She turned to her photographer and said apologetically, "No pictures Bobby; wait outside for me."

Just then the Sheriff's pager went off, looking at the number he looked around and Ellen pointed him back to the wall phone in the kitchen. He quickly dialed the number, "Yeah? Unhuh, OK, unhuh, I understand, be there in a little bit, I'm busy right now ... Yeah, no rush."

She sat at the kitchen table and took out a small voice recorder. The Sheriff reached over and picked it up, turning it off, "Take notes." There was no nonsense in his voice.

Samantha rolled her eyes and took out a large yellow pad and began asking questions. To his credit, Jimmy quietly told his story from start to finish without embellishment. She interrupted a few times and made additional notes. From start to finish it was over in 20 minutes.

When they were done she stood and looked him over, 'really nice looking, I wouldn't mind taking him home with me for a night or two; oh well, maybe another time ...' then she shook his hand and said, "Whether you want to admit it or not, you are a hero!"

"Please ma'am, please don't say that." She only nodded her head in reply and left. The next morning his story was all over the early edition of the Chicago Star with his high school yearbook picture.

After she'd gone, the Sheriff told them, "That other fellow died a little bit ago, a heart attack or something. So it's over, no trial, nothing. The inquest will just be a matter of paperwork. Once the story dies down you'll be back to normal." But in his heart Bill Fisher knew that for Jimmy and his family it would never be truly over.


After everyone left, Ellen looked at her son carefully. Even though he'd eaten a good breakfast and seemed to deal with the reporter pretty well, he was looking very sad again. "Son, what's going on in your head ... go on, you can tell me." Her voice was soft and encouraging.

"Hell mom, I just keep seeing that guy laying all bloody ... and his eyes ... his eyes were so empty."

She took his hands in hers, "Son, I expect his soul has been gone for a long time, he was just empty." They were quiet for a few minutes and then she smiled, "Did you see Bill Fisher checking out my tits?"

"Jeez mom, really?" He lifted his head and looked directly at the front of her house dress as it struggled to hold her full breasts back, and at how her nipples stood out so clearly. He grinned at her, "So you were showing off, huh?"

She laughed a full throated deep laugh, "Today, they were just for you kiddo! The Sheriff just got lucky!!"

Jimmy reached out grasping the front of each breast through her dress, "He damn sure did mom!"

She lightly slapped his hands away and then caught one pulling him up from the table, "Come on Mister, I've got just the tonic for ya!"

In the bedroom she pulled her dress off over her head and stood there naked and proud. Her deep red nipples stood out like gum drops, then she spread her legs enough so that she could reach down and fluff her hairy thatch exposing her full lips.

"Are you just going to stand there?" she asked.

His t-shirt and gym shorts went flying across the room; he stood there his thick cock dancing to the beat of his heart. "Mom, you are just beautiful. I know I never said it before, you were just my mom; but now, wow, I can see why dad likes to get you in bed as often as he does."

She folded her arms up under her breasts, her nipples looked like cannons facing front, "And just how would you know that," she asked with a slight smile.

"Jeez mom, I'm 19; I've been paying attention to you two for a long time. Don't you remember the other night I looked in and watched you and dad?"

"Yes, I remember. I believe what we were doing was beautiful; I didn't see any reason for you not to watch and share in our happiness." Her voice was warm and tender.

He smiled lovingly, "Yes ma'am, it was beautiful." He reached out and pulled her into his arms kissing her heatedly. She pushed him back on the bed and pushed his legs apart crawling between them until his large balls and throbbing cock were inches from her face. She nuzzled his ball sack with her nose and lightly licked the bottom of his sack.

"You have your fathers' cock and balls. So nice and thick; a straight shaft with a lovely mushroom head ..." and then she shifted forward bending his shaft back slightly as she engulfed the entire cock. He felt his cockhead slip into her throat when she began swallowing.

The sensation of her warm, wet mouth and the effect of her throat pulsing as she swallowed caused him to grab her head and begin pumping streams of boiling cum into her mouth and down her throat. It seemed to happen almost immediately. His head slammed back on the bed as he gasped out his pleasure and shivered from head to toe.

She let him pull back a little leaving his cockhead in her mouth as she continued to gently suck. Finally she crawled up beside him nestling her shoulder in his armpit. He held her close. She said, "You are your father made over. You look like him; well, at least you cock looks like his, and you taste like him. You are my sweet boy, I love you so ..."

They lay quietly together for a good while until he said, "Mom, I love you so much; and I'm so happy that we can be together like this, but ..."

"You want to know why, huh? I guess this sort of thing has never bothered me. I've always loved sex, it started early for me. Your Uncle Tim and I had sex every time we could when we were teenagers, but then he went in the Army and got himself killed all the way across the world and I was alone."

She took a deep breath, "It was a couple of months after Tim died that I met your dad. He was bailing hay on our neighbors' farm. I was out in the grape arbor and they were working right along our fence line ... your dad was the only one who didn't whistle or holler; he just smiled and waved. Oh Lord he was so beautiful, all muscles and sweat."

She was quiet for a while and then, "You know, after they quit work that day he hosed himself off and walked down the lane and knocked on our front door. Your Granddad opened the door and there he stood still wet from the hose. He looked dad right in the eye and asked if he could meet the pretty girl who lived here."

She laughed a big laugh, "Dad just slammed the door. Didn't say a word; mother was standing behind him, so after Dad sat back down, she opened the door and your dad was still standing there. She told him we'd be in town at the old Grayson Market Saturday afternoon and to go on home."

She rolled on her side facing Jimmy and kissed him on the nipple, "So that's how it started and there hasn't been a day since I haven't loved your dad. Not one day. Your dad is the love of my life; but you ... you are my baby and you needed comfort. Being a man, I figured a pat on the head wasn't going to work, so I made love to you. Because I love you and I want you to be well."

She started sucking his nipple again and then, "You are my sweet lover and I treasure our time this way. But, I don't think your dad would completely understand; so, we'd best keep this between us. Fair enough?"

He twisted his head down and kissed her fully on the mouth, "Yes ma'am. This is just between us," and then he grinned, "Can we keep doing it?"

She laughed as she reached down and gave his balls a good squeeze, "You better get between your momma's legs and give her some good lovin'"

He was laughing as he rolled to his knees and pulled her legs apart pushing them up high before leaning in to begin sucking and licking her hot, wet pussy. He kept doing that and much more for the next two hours.


Bill Cox was sitting beside his wife's bedside when Randy Reynolds came into her room. He looked up, "Hey Randy, how's Sophie doing?"

Randy's thick shoulders lifted and fell as he sighed and smiled slightly, "Good news; the doc's say she's going to be fine. They're moving her from ICU up here right now. They run me off while they're moving her, she'll be just down the hall."

Bill stood up and pulled him into a hug, "Man, that's great! I'm so glad to hear it. They told me I can take Jeanie home pretty soon. Well, not home just yet. I'm gonna' get a room at the Inn on the Freeway for us."

Randy took him by the shoulders, "Bullshit! You're staying at our place. Sophie's folks brought their travel trailer down, so they're fine and we've got 4 bedrooms in the house, plenty of room. Don't give me any shit now ..."

"OK, OK ... your place it is; besides Jeanie will probably want to be near Sophie anyway."

"Bill, Bill ..." Jeanie's voice floated up from her bed.

"Yes dear," Bill said.

"Could Sophie be in the room with me, there's two beds ..." her voice was soft, the effect of heavy sedation and tranquilizers.

"I'll see dear, you rest now," Bill said. He motioned to Randy to follow him into the hall. At the Nursing Station he asked, "Would it be alright to put Mrs. Randall in with my wife?"

After a quick call to the doctor it was approved and Sophie was wheeled into Jeanie's room. Once the she was settled Randy said, "Look honey, Jeanie's right over there."

Sophie's face was badly bruised and swollen but she managed to lift herself up so that she could see the sleeping Jeanie, "Oh good, thank you ..." and she lay back and drifted off.

The two men stepped back into the hall and Randy asked, "What are you going to do about the house. I heard it was a mess back in the bedroom."

Bill looked pensive, "I haven't seen it; I don't think I want to see it. I don't think you should either," and they stood silently for a while.

Bill looked at Randy, "Hang on, I have an idea." He'd just reached for his cell phone when Ellen and Jimmy came walking down the hallway. Randy literally ran over and threw his arms around Jimmy who flushed with embarrassment.

"Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy I can never thank you enough!" he said as he crushed him a powerful embrace. "You are my hero man ... really ..." he leaned back unable to say more, there were tears in his eyes.

"Honestly Sir, I was just lucky. I just tried to help, that's all." Jimmy Cox suddenly wanted to be anywhere but there with everyone staring at him. Just then his mother took his arm and said, "Come on son, let's go see your Aunt," and quickly led him away.

In the room they saw both women were sleeping and Jim turned to his mother and whispered, "Gosh Mom, I wish they wouldn't do that; it's so embarrassing."

Ellen pulled his face down and softly kissed him on the cheek, "One of the problems with doing the right thing is that sometimes people want to thank you. All you need to say is thank you; just that. OK son?"

He signed wearily, "Yes ma'am. You're right, thanks." And then he felt a hand on his shoulder, looking around he saw his Uncle Bill.

"Jim, take a walk with me please; Ellen would you excuse us?" She nodded and they stepped around Randy who was standing next to Ellen. "We'll be right back," Bill said.

They went silently down the elevator, out the front doors and across the street to the small park. Bill motioned to an empty bench under a red Japanese maple tree. Once settled, Bill turned to Jimmy, "I can see that you're uncomfortable being thanked. I was your age once a very long time ago and I do understand. Even so, you need to know this ... there's not one in a hundred who would have jumped into that situation and done what you did. Not one!"

They sat quietly for a few minutes and then he said, "I've loved you all your life, you've always been a good boy; but now you're a man. You only did what a real man would do, and that's damn rare in this world."

Jimmy stayed silent and after a few minutes he said quietly, "Uncle Bill, I didn't know what else to do. I was so scared, but I just had to help."

Bill stood, "Get up here."

When Jimmy stood Bill pulled him into a fierce hug, "Thank you for saving my wife; thank you for saving Sophie. If there is ever, I mean ever anything I can do ... anything, you just tell me and I will make it happen. You hear me boy?"

He pounded Jimmy on the back and finally let him go. They stood there awkwardly for a while and then sat back down on the bench. "Nice day," said Bill.

Jimmy said quietly, "Yes Sir, nice day."

"So ah, who are you taking to the after graduation party Wednesday evening?"

Jimmy studied his hands for a moment, "Oh I don't know, don't think I'll go. I wouldn't go to graduation, but Dad's coming down and Mom expects it ..."

Bill looked off in the sky and then, "Didn't you take that little redheaded girl ... I know Jeanie told me ... what's her name?"

"To the prom you mean?"

Bill nodded and Jimmy said, "Mary Kate Murphy."

"Yeah, that's right. Girl's good nice tits, you and her get it on?"

"Jeez Uncle Bill ... no, not yet anyway. Why?"

"I bet she'll want to be seen with you, you should go. It will be the only after party you'll ever have, don't pass it up. Life is way too short."

He stood, "Come on, I need to talk to your mom."

Returning to the Medical Floor they saw Ellen in the hall talking with Randy. Seeing them approach they waited expectantly, "Is everything alright Bill?" asked Ellen.

He smiled, "Couldn't be better. I want to ask you a real favor; it's a big one ..."

"Whatever you need," she said.

"I've only read the Sheriff's report but I don't think I should see the bedroom and I don't think Randy should either. So, could I ask you and Jim to put together a crew and get everything fixed up so I can take the family home?" he seemed uncertain and hesitant.

Ellen pursed her lips and stood silent for several minutes before saying, "Of course, Jimmy and I will take care of everything; but ..."

Bill's face wrinkled, "But what Ellen?"

"I want both of you to come to the house with us right now. You need to see that room to really appreciate what happened to those girls. If you'll do that, I'll make sure everything else gets done!" She spoke quietly but firmly.

Randy put his hand on Bill's shoulder, "I'm with you Ellen, the girls will be out for the next hour or so. Come on Bill, let's go."

In the parking lot Ellen suggested they take separate cars so the men could return while she and Jimmy got things started. The drive to the house was uneventful. Once there, they saw the yard full of yellow tape and bits of debris left over from the State Police Forensic Team.

Bill looked around, "What a fucking mess ..."

Ellen touched his arm, "Don't think about it, we'll take care of it."

In the kitchen she sent the men back to the bedroom with Jimmy while she telephoned the Sheriff's Office to be sure she could begin the clean-up. Deputy Martz assured her that they had everything they needed and it was OK to start.

In the bedroom the men saw the shattered table and the large pool of dried blood along with the torn duct tape and the remnants of rope still lying at the foot of the bed. Randy stood very still before saying, "Damn Bill, look at the blood spray up on the wall; oh my God ..."

Bill Cox looked around the room carefully taking in everything then turned taking Jimmy's face in his hands and kissed him on the forehead. There were tears in his eyes as he left the room. Randy Randall turned and said quietly, "Jim, thank you for killing those cocksuckers. I just wish to God I could have been here to help you." His face was pale as he left the room; Jimmy stood there feeling sick to his stomach, then walked out.

Entering the kitchen Jimmy saw his Uncle Bill hug his mom and then the men left. Ellen looked at her son, "You alright son?"

"No, but I think I'll get there. What do we do first?"


I remember that day very well, my mother was a wonder. I'd always known she helped my dad by doing the accounting for his business. She tracked everything and did the taxes but I never appreciated the extent of her involvement. Growing up, it was just the way it was.

Watching Uncle Bill and Randy leave the shattered house, I asked her, "What do we do first?"

That was the easy part. She immediately put me to work pulling out all the furniture, draperies and tearing up the carpet, "Every shred, I want that room empty."

While I was working my young ass off taking the bed apart, dragging the pieces outside and stacking them in the driveway; she was on the phone organizing things. It took me 3 hours of hard work before I finally got the carpet rolled up and ready to be dragged out to the driveway. That's when she finally came in and looked around.

By then I'd pulled all the window coverings down and opened up the windows. The temperature had moved up to the mid 80's, pretty warm for northern Illinois and I'd begun to sweat, a lot. Earlier I'd stripped down to my white briefs and flip-flops, all the rest was on the couch in the living room.

She was carrying one of those Big Chief yellow paper pads, probably from Uncle Bill's office, and a ball point pen. Seeing me bent over using a screwdriver to pry up wooden carpet tack strips she laughed, "Well don't you look comfy ..."

I turned to her, "Be careful Old Lady, I might just come over there and rub up all over your fine self. All this sweat, grime, carpet dust and everything else would be like a little kiss from your son, would you like some??" She could hear the fun in my voice, so she just grinned at me.

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