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Jim Cox's Summer of Sex Ch. 05


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"Oh hell yes," she laughed lifting her butt as I slide the pillow under.

The more I eat pussy the more I like the taste and smell. There's something about the rich earthy flavor and the musty aroma; damn I love pussy. I started kissing her thighs, running my tongue around the lips. She lifted her bottom silently encouraging me to get to the target; instead I carefully rolled up her clitoral hood and softly blew on the little fellow. In response, he grew and grew, doubling in size and she moaned, "Shit Jimmy ... damn, lick me please baby."

So I did, sinking my tongue as deeply as possible sucking up early fluids and then licked from taint to ain't. "Damn, damn Jimmy ... I love you baby."

I made sure to keep it up through the first and second orgasmic seizure. I kept my place, slipping my arms up and around her bottom as she drummed her little heels into my back and tried to smother me; it was great. Finally she grabbed my head and pulled me up into a deep kiss, "Please fuck me baby ..." and I did, for the next hour, finally bathing her sweet hole in hot cum.

We lay together drifting in and out of dreams for the next couple of hours. From time to time we'd idly touch, fondle and stroke one another. It was a lovely way to spend the afternoon. She raised her head and looked at the bedside clock, "Baby, we need to clean up. I can't go home smelling like sex; not that I don't like it."

We decided to bathe together; there was lots of soap, rubbing and kissing. I felt her tense up, "What's up baby?" I asked.

She looked around, "Sorry Jimmy, I gotta' pee," and started to get out.

"Hold it right there," I said.

She looked at me strangely, "You gotta' pee, go on and pee."

"In front of you"?" she asked.

I laughed, "Baby, the only things you haven't don't in front of me is pee and poop. Far as I'm concerned, you need to do either one, go right ahead."

She crinkled up her eyes, "OK then, but I am not gonna' take a poop with you around." With that she spread her legs slightly and let go a might yellow stream. Her eyes were tightly closed so I leaned in and sucked a bright red nipple in my mouth giving it a soft chew.

Suddenly she slapped the side of my head, "Shit, shit ... stop it ... I gotta' pee."

My ornery self popped up, I leaned back a little and pissed on her belly with my own yellow stream. She squealed, slipped and together we slid to the tub floor still peeing. I'd grabbed her as we slid so we were in a wet cuddle as the shower sprinkled down.

She looked at me sorta' pissed (yeah, I got the pun) and then laughed, "OK asshole, that was unexpected. Maybe we can try it again when I get back from school." What a sweet girl. We dried, dressed and I delivered her at her door 20 minutes before 6:00 as promised.

Knowing I wouldn't see her until August and then only for a couple of weeks before she went back to Notre Dame made me a little teary eyed. I was not alone; she turned pulling me into a breath defying hug and shoved her tongue down my throat. It was a pretty damn good see you later kiss. She left the truck reluctantly giving me a little wave before going inside.

Feeling a little melancholy I drove slowly uptown and parked in the shade of Mitchell White's bank. Got out, dropped the tailgate and hopped up. Traffic was pretty busy for our little town; it was pleasant just sitting there in the shade watching the world go by.

I probably sat there for 15 or 20 minutes when I heard a familiar voice, "Hey sailor, got room for one more?" It was Mrs. Annabelle Kolinsky, tall, slender, shining white hair and a bright smile.

I remember breaking into a big smile, "Hey Mrs. Kolinsky. I believe there might be room for two."

She eased up on the tailgate next to me, "Just in case you don't remember Mr. Cox, please call me Annie."

I said, "Yes Ma'am, I stand corrected. What brings a nice girl like you to a place like this?"

"I've spent the entire day with my great grandbaby and his family; now it's time for a change. Are you hungry?"

"As a matter of fact I am, what do you have in mind?"

She sat quietly for a moment, "Anywhere we could get a good hamburger this evening?"

"Not here, but over to Planters Corners there's Buzzy's Burgers. Great hamburgers, fries and shakes; how's that sound?"

She patted me on the arm, "You drive and I'll buy."

It was a pleasant drive with the windows down. On the way we rode together quietly. She looked at the scenery; farms, fields and woods. I was a little titillated because she laid her hand on my thigh the whole way.

I was able to park directly in front, the crowd was pretty light as we studied the menu board. She turned to me, "Order me a double cheeseburger, fries and a chocolate shake. I'm off to the restroom; it's a woman thing." She tucked a $ 20 bill in my hand and left. I went for the double mushroom swiss with fries and a vanilla shake. Everything arrived promptly and had no sooner been off loaded when she took a seat next to me.

"Everything smells so good. I have most of my meals at my grandson's. He's afraid I'm going to die, so everything is much too healthy." When she finished she took a huge bite of her burger and chewed happily.

There was little said as we ate, it was mostly munching, moaning and grinning. Everything was delicious. I polished off the last bite, wiped my hands and mouth and sat back stuffed. Annie was a few bites behind me and I took the time to simply enjoy looking at her.

She watched me out of the corner of her eye. When she finished there was not a crumb to be found and her shake glass was empty as well. I was amazed how she managed to eat all that food. She was a good 40% smaller than me and I was truly over full.

She had this shit eating grin on her face and her eyes sparkled when she said, "What are you thinking sailor?"

"Annie, the truth is that I have no idea where you put all that food? I'm stumped," I said.

"I'm trying to impress you with my appetites. I could be hoping you could be enticed to visit my room a little later," she said and at the same time she slipped her hand into my lap giving the lump in my crotch a soft squeeze which caused further swelling.

She started laughing, "So there is life down under ..."

I interrupted her, "Stop it you hussy," I whispered. "I spent the entire afternoon with my frisky redheaded friend and even though I'm young, I need my rest."

"Rain check then," she said.

"Miss Annie, you can count on it. What are you doing Sunday?"

She gave me that incredible smile, "Come over Saturday night and we can have breakfast in bed."

"What time would be most convenient?"

She leaned in and kissed my cheek, "Anytime you get there."

On the way back she held my hand and we chatted about nothing at all. It was a delightful evening. I dropped her at the Inn on the Freeway, when I got home I stripped and fell in bed dead asleep.


The sun in my face woke me. Lying there I realized I didn't even bother to wash my face or brush my teeth before going to bed. I wondered if my lifestyle was beginning to catch up with me, seemed like all I'd been doing for the last few weeks was working and fucking. Now I know that sounds silly, but the last month has been a whirlwind.

I lay there on my back enjoying the warmth of the sun and slowly stroked my stiff dick. The feel of skin slipping over my cock's hard meat was really nice as I though about my sex life. Just a few weeks ago it began with Aunt Jean showing me her sweet tits. Lovely big white tits with rosey nipples, I was so excited I blew my load in my pants. We had sex on her bed that afternoon, she took my virginity with a smile; I was smiling too.

After the tragedy, my wonderful mother made love to me to sooth my pain and angst. we made love many times afterwards just for the pure joy of it. Then there was Mary Kate, Leslie White and even Mavis Purdy; now Annabelle Kolinsky wanted me. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined I would have all these women, never ever.

Just then with images of all those women in my mind's eye I felt that deep tightness and the burn. Strangely enough the image that I found myself concentrating on as I stroked faster and faster was Mavis Purdy's big ass bent forward with her asshole pulsing as I pounded in and out of her pussy. And there it was, big fat jets of cum exploding into the air. They splattered on my belly and chest hot and thick; oh man it felt so good.

I lay there enjoying the sweet afterglow until my cock fell limp and the cum grew cold on my skin. I slipped out of bed carefully to avoid getting cum on the sheets and cupped my hands to catch any drips. After a long hot shower, shave and brush I wandered into the kitchen and rummaged around for breakfast. I'd retrieved the paper from the stoop, poured a cup of coffee and sat down at the table when I noticed the red light on our answering machine.

There were three messages; the first was from Mitch White, he called to say that he and Leslie would be in Chicago until Tuesday and not to rush, take it easy, they'd see me then. The second was from Mary Kate, she said she loved me, she'd miss me and she'd call me every day. The third was from Bobby Marks, he said, "Hey Jimmy, a bunch of the guys are having a party out at the lake this afternoon. Come on an join us, we're gonna' have beer, burgers and dogs; it'll be fun. Come on, I'll see you there."

Bobby Marks, Dickie French and I have been friends all through school. He and Dickie were thick as thieves and full of fun so I figured what the hell, no need to go out the White place, Mary Kate and her dad were gone, why not. The rest of the morning I just laid around, watched a little TV and generally fucked off.

Around 2:00 I grabbed a towel, an old pair of cutoff jeans, lotion, tucked $ 20 bucks in my pocket and headed out to the lake. Crane Lake is a pretty place; the lake is kidney shaped covering almost a square mile. It's fed by deep natural springs so it's pretty clear all the time and cold. The lake gets lots of traffic in the summer so I expected a good crowd and I was not disappointed. There must have been nearly a hundred cars in the field that serves as a parking lot. I stood behind the door and traded my pants for cutoffs tucking my cock down the left side before zipping up. You might remember I don't like to wear underwear except in winter. Rolled up the pants and tucked them under the seat then locked the truck and headed for the west picnic area

They were all gathered by the small sandy beach that ran along the west side of the spot. I counted a couple dozen boys and equal number of girls. Dickie and Bobby spotted me and I'd no more than got my stuff dropped when a beer appeared.

"Hey man, we're glad to see you. There is pussy everywhere, we're gonna' start a fire in a bit. Go say hi to the girls; that is if you're allowed to talk to other girls," Dickie said.

I must have looked puzzled, Bobby popped me on the shoulder, "You know, Mary Kate an all," he said nodding his head sagely.

"Oh no, no, no, we're just friends is all, "I said.

They both grinned like idiots, "Uh huh, sure ..."

"Really ya' morons; we're just friends," I said.

Bobby started laughing and said, "I don't know man, but any guy who gift wraps his dick for a girl; sure seems like more than friends to me."

"That fuckin' Missy Smith," I said a little too loud.

"Yeah man, everybody knows. Actually it's kinda' cool; all the girls think so anyway," he said. Dickie just stood there grinning like an idiot.

Bobby put his hand on my shoulder, "Jimmy, man don't be embarrassed; you're the coolest guy in town right now. Man, I bet you could screw every girl here and they'd thank you. Dickie and me would have to offer 'em real money and then they still probably say no."

Dickie said, "Fuck this, let's hit the lake, come on guys."

The water felt great and we had a great time playing water volleyball. It was just a few guys at first but in the end it was boys against girls. The highlight of the game was when Angie Brown climbed on top of Kasey Lynn's shoulders and fell off somehow losing her bikini bottoms. Angie is a big girl and really should not be wearing a bikini.

When she came up Dickie had her bottoms and was racing to the shore. To her credit, other than cussing a blue streak and talking about Dickie's mother, she took it in stride. We all hooted and hollered when she walked on shore with her pussy on display. She has big proud pussy lips with just a sprinkling of hair. I think she was pretty turned on by it due to the size of those lips. Dickie gave her back the bikini bottoms without a struggle and later they were pretty close, laughing and talking.

It was a fun afternoon, there were burgers, hot dogs, beer, soda pop and a couple of the girls brought potato salad; really nice. We built up the fire pit as it got dark and I watched Dickie and Angie head into the woods with a big towel, he was grinning like a possum. Missy Smith had avoided me pretty much all day until now.

"Jimmy, can I talk to you?" she asked.

"What do you want," I asked in a mostly pissy tone.

She sat down next to me, pulled her legs up and folded her arms around them. It looked like she was trying to protect herself from the world and me. After a moment she looked at me and said, "I'm really sorry Jimmy; I truly am. It just sort of slipped out, honest ..." She spoke so softly it was almost a whisper.

I really wanted to give her what for but somehow I just felt sorry for her and the situation. For my part it was embarrassing at first but then everybody kinda' looked at me with envy or respect or something like that. To be honest, it puffed up my ego. Now you know I don't have the biggest dick in town, but somehow it felt like it. I was kind of proud about the whole thing; I figured I must be some sort of exhibitionist or something like that.

Whenever Mom gets back from Chicago I'll have to tell her the whole story so she'll be prepared for the talk. I expect she'll be OK with it, probably even laugh about it. I guessed I should let Missy off easy and not be a jackass about it.

"OK, I accept your apology. How did it happen, you telling everybody about it?"

She took a deep breath, turned toward me and scooted closer. She wasn't touching me but she was only a heartbeat away. Finally she said, "Grace Turner, Helen Carter and I were uptown just talking and such when Grace asked me if I'd heard that Mary Kate and you were going at it."

"Going at it?" I asked with a grin.

"Well you know, fucking; anyway, I said yes I'd heard that. Then Helen said she wondered if you had a big dick and wanted to know how it would feel to have such a giant cock stuffed up inside. So, before I knew it I heard me say that you have a real nice cock but it wasn't giant."

She stopped for a minute then, "Anyway the shit hit the fan then. The two of them wanted to know how I knew and was I doing it with you and on and on. So I got flustered and said no, I was not doing it with you but I'd seen your cock with a bow tied on it ... and then one thing lead to another. There I was with both feet in my mouth. Fuck, fuck, fuck ..."

"So I have a nice cock, huh?"

She blushed. I could see the red on her face in the firelight. In that light she looked lovely. Missy is a nice looking girl, not beautiful or even very pretty; but nice. She has pretty brown hair, brown eyes, a clear complexion, and a real pretty smile. She's medium tall, maybe 5'6" and 120 pounds or so. Missy is slender; when we were kids she was just a bean pole. Now she has gentle curves and tits, not big but a nice handful. I just sat there a looked at her, every part I could see.

"Why are you looking at me like that Jimmy?" she asked.

"I'm picturing you naked," I said softly.

She seemed to blush even more and then she smiled a little smile, "You don't have to picture it in your mind. I'd show you if you wanted." She whispered in my ear and then was very quiet.

I waited a moment and then, "Tonight?"

She laid her head on my shoulder and whispered, "Yes."

"Would you like me to take you home first?"

"You don't have too; my Mom is over at my aunt's place in Planters Corners. She's sick and Mom went over to look after her until Monday when she has to go back to work. She won't be home until Monday evening."

We gathered up our things and walked back to the truck holding hands. I didn't miss the looks on the faces of several of the girls. I swear I think I could have dropped my pants and had a couple sucking my dick right then and there. It's amazing what a good rumor can do for your appeal.

It was a quiet ride home. When we got inside I stripped dropping my damp cutoffs at my feet as I knelt down to pick them up she said, "Gosh Jimmy, you're not bashful at all."

She was standing slightly behind me so I turned to her and shook my hips so that my turgid cock slapped noisily against my thighs."Bet you can't do that," I said laughing.

She blushed and said, "Oh God, what have I gotten myself into ..."

I interrupted her, "Nothing at all. You are completely safe; I can take you home anytime you want. You don't need to worry."

She dropped her head and stood there for a moment before saying, "No, you don't understand. I feel like a monkey at the zoo, I just want to drop to my knees and play with your dick." If possible, she blushed even more.

I moved right next to her and took her hand placing it on my cock. I wasn't hard but I was growing fatter, "Feel away; it's OK. You don't have to do anything you don't want to."

She grinned with embarrassment as she wrapped her hand around my shaft. "Jeeze Jimmy, it's getting harder and it's so hot. Is it always like that?"

"When somebody's holding it, yes it is ..." I spread my legs and hunched forward just a little so that my balls were free; I took her other hand and placed it on my balls.

She grinned and began to softly feel my sack and balls, "they're squishy Jimmy," and she giggled. She was like a little girl at Christmas. Suddenly she dropped to her knees placing her face at cock level. Bending back my shaft against my belly she peered closely at the equipment.

"This is so cool; holy shit, I love this."

Suddenly her head popped back and she said, "Your thing is leaking!"

"It's just precum. Always happens like that. Just means it's getting ready. Nothing to worry about," I said. She slipped a finger over my swollen cockhead and rubbed the clear drizzle.

"See, perfectly normal; taste it."

"NO! Jimmy that's nasty, I couldn't do that," she sounded shocked but I sensed she wanted to be convinced. I moved forward quickly dabbing my drippy cockhead on her nose. She squealed and fell back on her butt wiping her nose with the back of her hand.

"You did that on purpose, you shit!" She was laughing.

"You want to know something?"

She sat there with a grin on her face, "What?"

"Every girl I've ever been with has sucked my cock until I squirted in her mouth, every one."

"Jim Cox, you are full of shit," but there was doubt in her voice.

"Nope, I would not lie to you. Something else, I've eaten every pussy too. I just love it, it tastes so goooood," I drew out good and gave her a big toothy grin.

She tugged at her swim suit; it looked clammy and still damp.

"Why don't you take it off and I'll hang it outside on the line with my shorts."

She looked doubtful so I added, "You said I could see you naked. But you don't have to; it'll be OK whatever you decide."

She slowly got to her feet, stood quietly for a good while, I said nothing deciding silence was the best choice and then she looked seriously at me.

"Jim, can you give me your word that you will never, never, never tell anyone ever about this; no one ever?" She was really serious, frankly I was surprised.

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