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Jock Pussy Roommate Ch. 02

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Hung jock has another drunken encounter with his roommate.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 03/17/2024
Created 02/27/2024
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I expected things to maybe get a little awkward, but I was relieved when they didn't. Justin and I didn't talk about what had happened. Meaning, him jerking off my big dick then sucking up my jizz like he had found a puddle in the Sahara Desert. Dude was hungry for it.

The memory of it still made my dick jump. When I was around him, sometimes my mind would wander. His hands around my shaft. His lips and tongue on my skin. I wonder what else Justin could do with his mouth?

I couldn't help but pop boners around him sometimes. I was curious how he would react. We would be playing CoD, and I would see him make his concentration face, and the memories would flood back, making me tent painfully in my jeans. I always spread my legs a little more, nice big man spread, to draw his attention to my crotch. Maybe he'd jerk me off again. It'd be a privilege to work my dick over. I had ladies lining up for it. Though, I was going through a bit of a self-imposed dry spell for some reason.

Justin either didn't notice, in which case he was oblivious, or he ignored it, in which case he was a fucking asshole. Stroke my fucking cock, Just. Your hands felt amazing. And I wanna know how it feels for you to lick the cum off my shaft.

Suck my fucking dick, bro.

Why wasn't he sucking my dick? I was going crazy. The last straw was when I got home early from practice one day and as soon as I stepped in the door I heard loud slurping sounds coming from the couch. There was a tall guy, maybe another basketball player, sitting on the couch, his back to the door.

There were distinct sounds of gagging, choking, swallowing. Sucking.

"HOLY FUCK, can't believe you can swallow my whole cock!" The dude moaned.

Oh fuck. Justin was blowing that guy. My dick instantly chubbed up. Shit he sounded like he sucked cock like a whore on a street corner.

I didn't want to interrupt, because I'm pretty sure if I did Justin would never speak to me again. Or touch my cock again. But I wanted to go up to that basketball player and wring his fucking neck out. And I was pissed at Justin too.

He spends weeks ignoring my dick, meanwhile he's probably servicing tons of guys like the previously mentioned street corner hooker.

Fuck him.

I turned around and slammed the door on my way out. I heard muffled "WHAT THE FUCK?" through the door but made my way out of the building. I needed to get out of there. So Justin could finish his blowjob and drink up that guy's cum.

I found myself at a bar. I was so angry. I didn't really understand why. Justin and I had been friends for years without him touching my dick, and now I was resentful he wasn't. It made me think that maybe Just was right to resist it. I felt a pit in my stomach. Could my drunken come-ons have caused irreparable damage to our friendship?

"Hey Monty." A petite Asian girl sat next to me at the bar while I nursed my... fourth drink? Maybe my fifth. I wasn't keeping count.

I turned my head. Oh, it was Grace. She was one of the chicks I'd fuck regularly. The novelty of fucking new girls was fun, but nothing beats having a regular screw who knew exactly what you liked. Grace was definitely one of my favorites. She sucked cock like a pro. And even though her boobs were small, her ass was pretty fat.

Not as fat as Justin's though.

Argggh! FUCK HIM!

"Hey, girl." I put on the charm. "How's it going?" I said, putting my large hand on her knee. She wore one of those ultra tight, crazy short dresses. Grace spread her legs slightly and from that angle I could tell she wasn't wearing underwear.

"Doing good Monty. Thirsty." She said with a heated gaze.

"Oh yeah? Can I get you anything?" I ask as I trail my fingers up her leg. She bit her lip all sexy like as I was inches away from her pussy.

"Hmmm. I'm just ravenous for a White Russian."

I grinned. She meant me. Me, Montgomery Evanovich. Probably forgot to mention that I'm half French Canadian and half Russian.

Grace suddenly turned away and stood up. And I was so close to diddling her under the bar counter. Not the first time I'd have done that either. She turned to me and said "I'm gonna be in the bathroom, in case you need me."

I watched her fat ass bounce as she made her way to the back of the bar. Doesn't bounce as much as Justin's though.


Get out of my fucking head, Justin. You asshole.

I followed Grace. I wasn't going to let Justin ruin this for me. He's a selfish prick and he can blow whoever he wants. And I can get blown by whoever I want.

"Need your mouth on my cock, girl." I said when I sidled up to Grace in the handicap stall. She licked her lips and dropped to her knees. She seems like such a good girl but she's such a freak. I love that, a hidden kinky side. Like Justin.


Fuck off, Justin. Go suck some more basketball player dick, see if I care.

Grace took me in her mouth and started doing this swirly thing with her tongue that I loved. I leaned back against the wall and enjoyed the feeling of a hot mouth on my cock. I was Monty fucking Evanovich, and I was a total stud. Everybody wanted to blow me. Well, everybody except one.

She took a few inches down her throat but hit a wall pretty early on. Most chicks can't deepthroat my cock. It's a fucking shame, because I love it when my entire length is sheathed in a nice tight mouth.

Don't get me wrong, Grace was good. She was one of those chicks who weren't afraid to get ugly when she sucked cock. She was slurping (stop.) up and down while her hand (stop.) was wrapped around the base of my cock. It felt good. I didn't need to get my cock deepthroated to cum.

"Can't believe you can swallow my whole cock!"

"FUCK!" I pulled Grace off. She looked at me, lipgloss smeared, like I was crazy. Which I was, because of what I was about to say next.

"I'm not feeling it tonight. Maybe next time?"

She gaped at me. Me, Monty Evanovich, was turning down a blowjob. She probably thought I was possessed by some kind of alien.

But the lips I wanted wrapped around my cock weren't hers.

Bewildered, she straightened her dress and reapplied her lip gloss. "Alright, guess I'm gonna have to find Chad."

Chad fucking Wells. His name is fitting. He's the Chad-iest of all the Giga Chads. And not in a good way. He was our quarterback, hot as fuck, and came from money, which made him think he was God's gift to Earth.

Normally the idea of a chick going for Chad instead of me would piss me off. But I just couldn't be bothered.

Bet he'd suck Chad's cock.

SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. Stupid fucking voice in my head.

I was angry. Angry and horny and pent up. Irritated. I sat at the bar and ordered shots. Fuck Justin.

"Justinnnnnnnn!" I moaned into the door. Wait, wasn't I just at the bar? But this looks like my apartment door. I couldn't find my keys. And I couldn't stand. But the door was a nice place to lean.

Until it wasn't. This time the door wooshed open and I fell flat on my face. Justin didn't even bother to break my fall. He still helped me back up, though.

"Jesus, Monty, again? What is going on with you?" I was happy to hear the concern and irritation in his voice. Meant that he cared. Didn't care enough to suck me, though.

"It's yer fuckin fault, Jussst," I slurred.

"You're wasted. This is worse than last time." Man, why was the room like a carnival ride?

Justin put his arm around me again and hobbled me along to my room. I reached down and grabbed one of his cheeks, maybe a little too hard. Fuck it was so firm but my fingers just sunk into it. And it was huge. In fact, his ass was kinda too big for his frame. Funny.

Justin let out a little grunt of irritation, but I wasn't letting go. I was gonna octopus this thing. Or something else that doesn't let go. I don't know man, I'm drunk.

"Keep your fucking hands to yourself, Montgomery."

Woah, Justin only called me by my full name when he was really pissed off. He'd only done it a couple of times. Once was when I borrowed his car without asking and got into a teeny tiny fender bender. Pretty sure we almost came to blows then.

"Fuuuuck you, you fucking cocksucker!" I grumbled. "Dun tell me I can' touch yer fuckin ass..."

Justin was stone faced. Silent. Seething.

"Bet you let all the guys grab 'em right? Right?"


"I heard you, you fuckin cocksucker. Yeah, I mean it. Heard you slurpin on dick like a whore. Deepthroatin it too."

Justin violently pushed me off and I landed on my bed. I had enough coordination to right myself up.

"You like suckin' big dick, don't you. Don't you, huh? Sucking all that big dick down deep."

I couldn't stop, but I also knew I was on the road to making Justin hate my guts.

"If you like suckin big dick so much, why aren't you suckin this one, huh? Answer me, fucking cocksucker!" I gestured to my crotch and fumbled with my zipper, finally breaking free and letting my hard cock stand high.

"Big fuckin dick, I know you wanna suck it. Fucking suck it, cocksucker!" I grabbed my cock, hard as steel, and waved it around a little.

Justin's nostrils flared. But he couldn't take his eyes off it. His mouth said he was pissed, his nostrils said he was angry, but his eyes.

His eyes said he was hungry.

"You want me to suck your dick? Fine, I'll do it. You fucking asshole." Just's words and intonation were angry, but he still knelt onto my bed and got between my legs.

I was still fisting my cock, and when Justin's face was inches away, I tapped my cockhead against his face. Little specks of precum dotted his face. Until it made contact with his lips.


Justin's lips felt just as good as when he licked my cum, but this time his lips were on my cock.

"Close your eyes."

Not wanting to anger him further or for him to stop, I did as he asked.

Justin's plush, plump lips on my engorged cockhead were everything. He was kissing it, peppering it with little smacks, then he stuck his tongue out and started to swirl it around the head. He kissed my piss slit and flicked his tongue, getting my salty pre in his mouth.

My hips bucked, sending a few inches into his mouth. He pressed a hand against my hip and tried to push me down. But I was stronger. He pulled his mouth off my cock, but my hands grew up and gripped the sides of his head.

I opened my eyes. Justin was both shocked and pissed - and I knew he was turned on too. He tried to resist, but I wasn't going to let him release my cock from his mouth. At first I was worried I was going too far, but Justin started to moan.

Oh yeah. He liked it rough.

Justin pressed down on me. Asking me to wait. I didn't let go of his head but stopped pulling him. Just looked me dead in the eyes and reached behind himself, coming back with a hand covered in lube. Man, where did he keep it? Back pocket?

He slathered my dick in lube, which probably made it easier to swallow my cock. Justin's smart. Can always count on my best bro to do the thinking for both of us.

Alright, Time Out was over.

Justin grabbed my wrist. He wanted to control the pace at first. Fine, I'd let him, but I was gonna take charge soon.

Without breaking eye contact, Just took a deep breath, and slowly, excruciatingly, descended down my cock. Devouring inch after inch. Almost halfway through it hit a wall. Just choked a little bit. He nursed on half my cock, his tongue doing things that made me howl like a wolf.

I was right. Just gave the best god fucking damn head I've ever had. He was a master cocksucker. When I was calling him one before it wasn't an insult. It was a compliment. Only a true expert of blowjobs can be called a cocksucker.

I pumped my hips, sliding those inches in and out of his wet mouth. I felt his spit and drool drip down my shaft as his lube-covered hand stroked the base of my cock. Justin's eyes grew watering, but he didn't stop. Fuck, such a tight warm mouth.



His moans around a mouthful of cock were so fucking hot. I swore my cock grew even harder. Every time he sucked it up and then fed more into his throat, he went a little bit further. And slowly, slowly, his lips were getting closer to my crotch.

Suck that fuckin dick, Just.

Why wasn't he deepthroating me? I knew he could. He could do it easily. No reason to hold back. Maybe he needed some encouragement.

I grabbed his head and simultaneously thrusting upwards, SLAMMING Justin's face down my cock. He gurgled and choked but I didn't let up. I saw tears drip from the corner of his eyes. I kept going, screwing his throat, not stopping until his lips were mashed against my pubes, until my entire cock was in a tight warm velvety throat.

"FUUUUCK Justin, your throat feels like pussy!" The pleasure of getting my dick sucked was sobering me up a little.

I gave Justin a few moments to adjust to my size, after all I think the tip of my cock was nearly entering his esophagus. He made gagging sounds, but I kept him firmly in place. He was breathing through his nose, so there was no chance of suffocating him. I think.

Once he calmed down, I knew I could let loose. His eyes were slightly panicky as I pushed his head up my shaft then pulled it back down again. Slowly at first. Every time Just took the last few inches of my cock, he swallowed around it, and then the tightness drove me insane. He was going to suck me dry, I just knew. Cum-hungry cocksucker.

"Just, bro, I'm sorry but I gotta get my nut!" I said, looking into Justin's eyes and seeing only confusion.

I gripped Justin's head more firmly and picked up speed. Thrusting up in rhythm every time I pulled him down to my pubes. I was fucking up into into, pulling him back down, stuffing his throat with my cock, then unsheathing it, giving him a moment to breathe, before I filled it again. I was going fast. Maybe too fast. But I was a beast.

Best blowjob I ever had. Partially because I knew Justin loved cock, and I knew he could take it. I didn't have to be gentle. Justin was tough, I could smash his throat with my battering ram cock as much I wanted.




Just gagged every time, but the sensation of his throat tightening and opening was driving me wild. Not only was his throat tight, wet, and warm like a pussy, it also massaged my dick as he worked his throat and tongue around it. I was pumping into him with abandon. For a second I forgot that I was skullfucking my best bro, so caught up in my pleasure I was using him like a fleshlight.

I had no idea how Just didn't pass out. I was screwing him like a dime hooker. I was chasing my nut and crushing his nose into my pubes. I genuinely worried if I was gonna break his nose. I just couldn't stop though. I needed to nut. I needed to nut in his throat and for him to swallow it all down like a pig.

"FUCK!" I roared, thrusting and pulling in unison one last time. My toes curled and I arched my back, my balls tightened. Then my cock unleashed all of my pent up frustrations into my buddy's mouth. Rope of salty cum deposited directly into my buddies mouth. I could feel his throat working, trying its damned hardest to swallow it all down. I didn't wanna drown him in cum, but I had nothing to worry about. Justin was taking it like a champ. Like a fucking slut.

My fucking slut.

My release was never ending. I think I was feeding Justin a whole 3 course meal's worth of cum. Plenty of brotein for my buddy. I let go of his head, expecting him to pull off, but he gripped my hips for leverage and kept his lips against my pubes. He swallowed every last drop.

As he slowly pulled himself off my cock, I noticed there were a few drops of cum that leaked out. Justin noticed too, and immediately slurped every last bit up, dude was fucking ravenous for cum. Ravenous. That's what Grace had said, but compared to Justin's hunger for cock she was barely parched.

Justin took a few big gulps, his chest rising and falling with each of his heavy breaths. He looked slightly dazed, a little fucked out and blissed. I did that. I screwed his throat so hard that it made my buddy look like this.

See? You should have been sucking my cock a long time ago, Justin. Look what you were missing out on.

"Go to sleep." Justin's voice was scratchy and raw. I wanted to tell him... something. Something so he wouldn't freak out and ignore me again. But before I could, the post-nut haze fogged up my brain and I drifted off to sleep.

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memo2dtmemo2dt7 months ago

What a shame really and when I was really starting to like Justin. I'd love to read a story that didn't depict guys as cum hungry beasts that has so little self-respect for themselves where they let people talk and treat them poorly. This was supposed to be his best friend and to treat him like that wouldn't be a place I could get back from.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Massive straight jock hunk is slipping very fast now…poor innocent baby is probably valiantly grappling with new thoughts, urges even..So many of us have experienced these strange urges. And it’s beyond hot to think of what it would be like to just totally surrender to them..

Great story..More please..


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

NEEEEEED the next part of this story 🥵

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I smell LOVE! :-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Loved this! Can’t wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

omg. This is one fucking 🔥 story. Had me hard the entire time. Please continue with chapter 3

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You need to continue with this story, I can't wait to read what happens next

bienclarbienclarabout 1 year ago

I would like more of this.

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